League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part L

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part L
By The Sentry on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 12:33 pm:

Eight O' Clock, and alls well.

By Enesku on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 12:37 pm:

Enesku beams back up to the ship. She looks somewhat the same as she did before.

Hi, I'm back. I got the nanoprobes installed.

By Urgent Transmission on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 12:58 pm:

Congratulations, Mr. Furby! I'm proud to announce that you have won in the Universal Lottery a three week trip through the Green Blob nebula. You and your family can visit the sulfur swamps on Vomit III., take a radiation shower on Solarium XIII. and fight the Borg at Wolf 1359. Have fun!

A few seconds later the entire LICC/small is on vacation! Have a few nice adventures!

By Enesku on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 1:03 pm:

And a few nasty ones.

By The Observer on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 1:06 pm:

(Observer walks up to Tacoman)

Captain, my superiors have called me for an urgent assignment, I shouldn't be gone too long. Farewell.

(Observer disappears)

By Announcer on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 2:27 pm:

Dammit! The first time in forever that i get to start a new board, and YOU, Sentry, have to go and ruin it for me!

I'm gonna curl up in my closet and cry myself to sleep now. Jerk.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 3:13 pm:

Ok... are we still in orbit around the planet, or are we on vacation or what?

By Message from Furby to Enesku on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 4:39 pm:

I did hear that!



By Plot Deterioration on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 7:06 pm:

The business on the planet completed, the away team is beamed up, and all present members of the League are on the bridge as they prepare to leave orbit. Just then...

The bridge of the Spidermobile begins shaking violently. Tacoman clutches the arms of his command chair.


With Milkshake's helmet as always making his expressions invisible, Tacoman is startled by the panic he hears in his his first officer's voice.

"Captain, look!"

Milkshake activates the viewscreen. Tacoman stands up and stares in horror. On the screen, the normally placid surface of the planet is beginning to disintegrate, its primary star is growing dark and retracting in on itself, and many of the countless stars making up the everpresent starfield disappearing from view! Tacoman is stunned..



A now-familiar flash of light erupts next to Tacoman's chair. All turn, expecting to see Q, but instead behold the younger, more friendly features of q, the sympathetic Q-in-training. Right now his friendly face is displaying the same panic as on the faces of the bridge crew.

"Captain Tacoman, there is almost no time to explain! What you are seeing is the disintegration of your space/time continuum! Apparently a major paradox is affecting your universe, and we didn't detect it until very recently. You remember infiltrating Professor Negative's asteroid base, do you not?"

Tacoman nods

"And you remember later being on Earth and launching a new mission to destroy Negative, this one being sucessful, correct? How did you escape Negative in the first place?"

Tacoman begins to speak, then stops, baffled. The other bridge members are similarly puzzled.

"Exactly my point! You never did escape, so by all rights you cannot be here now! And so in a matter of minutes, your universe will end, unless you can stop it. Now, the Continuum has found a way to correct this, but it will require your help. Without lengthy preparations, we cannot send you back to correct it as we'd like. You personally cannot go back, because the unstable nature of this paradox will not allow you to exist in two places at once at the same time. So you will need to...borrow the bodies of some of your fellow humans in the past. I believe you are familiar with this process?"

Tacoman groans, remembering, but nods. A hideous screech emanates from the durasteel structure of the Spidermobile, as the ship begins to come apart.

"We must hurry. This will quite possibly be your most difficult mission yet, but you must complete it. You will emerge exactly a year ago, just before your past selves are captured by Negative. Using your new bodies, you must proceed to Negative's base and free your past selves, WITHOUT stopping Negative! That could cause a paradox of equal intensity, as you know that you stopped Negative AFTER the point of temporal deviation."

The ship shakes more violently, and the lights begin to go out.

"No time! I do not know what bodies you will inhabit, but I hope the Continuum located capable ones. I sincerely hope your mission is successful, now go!"

Blue, scintillating light and energy engulfs each member of the League, and they feel their minds being separated from their bodies, and carried away, away....

Milkshake looks around as the blue light recedes from his vision. He is sitting cross-legged on a carpet, dressed in a dirty T-shirt with a picture of...himself on it. As he regards his surroundings, he sees a large group of young people around him, ages varying from around 8 to late teens. Most are not attractive, acne, bad teeth, huge glasses, and unregular features constituting the looks of many. Milkshake realize he must also appear as such to them. They are in what appears to be a common living room on Earth, with a crude, handwritten sign on the wall.

Arcola, Illinois chapter

The objects in Milkshake's small hands turn out to be LICC collectible hero cards. Many of the other children and teens in the room seemed to be either drawing pictures of the heroes of the LICC, playing a game with the cards, or writing fanfiction about the LICC. Milkshake stands up, only to find that he is about 4 feet tall, and rather chubby. With a squeaky voice he says...

Oh no, we're GEEKS.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 7:44 pm:

Tacoman blinks and looks down at the PADD he has in his hands. On its face appears to be a story about a romance between Tacoman and Frangelica, written rather badly. Tacoman runs to the nearest bathroom and looks in the mirror. It reflects a thin 6 foot tall lad with acne and glasses. He is wearing a shirt with a picture of himself on it and the words "Tacoman forever.
Hmm... this may not be good...
Tacoman walks back into the living room
Crew, stand up and identify yourselves. Some name tags would be nice, too.
Commander, what's the date?

By Fanfic Man, Dub Man and their Sidekick Slasher boy on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 7:45 pm:

We can fix this problem. However, some of you getting in same sex relationships.

By Timmy McGurk, otherwise known as Cmr Milkshake on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 7:53 pm:

Milkshake brushes his thin brown hair from his eyes and punches up the house's digital bulletin board.

Well...Captain, I hope...it's Oct. 31...3000. Exactly a year ago. Right about now we're all on Negative's base in the Asteroid Belt, in our disguises, but I don't remember what happened after that explosion in the tunnels, the one with the mining droids. Since we have to save ourselves, I'm guessing we get captured, soon.

I'm sure we've been in worse fixes...I just can't think of one. No powers, no technology...

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 7:59 pm:

Adon was standing at the Tactical controls, when suddenly he found himself staring at the "The Adon Shrine Website." He had on glasses and an "Adon Rules!" tee-shirt.

This should be interesting. At least my counterpart has good tastes. I wonder if we still have access to some of our powers, if not our old weapons.

The teenager's body left the floor for a moment, and then settled back down as the laws of gravity resumed their hold. He then reached for his sword, but found nothing.

I have limited access to my powers because of this underdeveloped body, but I am missing my sword and most of my other toys. I guess I will have to make due. Shall we begin making plans on what we are going to do?

By The Past Commander Adon on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 8:47 pm:

From inside his temporal prison, Adon rested and slowly rebuilt his powers.

Time is truly meaningless here. I could have been trapped in here for minutes or years. To make matters worse, my watch has stopped. Now I'm going to have to reset it when I get out of here.

Adon closed his eyes and continued meditating. Suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and he shivered.

I wonder what that was. Probably nothing.

By Brock McJockBlock on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 10:00 pm:

The diguised Milkshake stands in the asteroid cavern, still rattled from the hazmatite explosion.

Well, we'll go to our ship and get cleaned up, and tomorrow we'll be back to resume work on this cave.

Professor Negative: Yes...

By Jason K. on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 10:20 pm:

Kiehart looks in a mirror and sees he's basically the same, except the red hair looks fake. He looks at a near-by trash can and sees a box of hair dye. "Auburn? I'm Jason kiehart, not Gillian Anderson!" He stops talking when he realizes his voice sounds different. "Is it just me or do I sound like a Fargo reject?"

By K-Nit Weirdo on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 10:38 pm:

How can Kiehart be basically the same when he's a kid from Arcola?

By Jason K. on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 10:51 pm:

Kiehart notices his trenchcoat is actually a neru(sp?) jacket with extra material sowed on to look like a trenchcoat. His sword is now foam, and his gun is now a painted squirt gun. He finds awallet. "Jason Kowalski, 25, from St. paul Minnesota? Kill me now."

By A.T. and T. on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 12:34 am:

Ansh finds herself curled up on an arm chair. On closer inspection she discovers she's a dog.
Oh no! Ansh thinks I suppose I won't be able to talk but maybe I can get their attention in some other way....
She starts tugging at the skirt of a nine year old girl who has red hair in pigtails, glasses and a "Hooray for Frangelica" T-shirt
"Yew! Get this dog of me!"
Ansh wags her tail Maybe I can write...
She grabs a fanfic story the girl had been writing and scrawls on it
Tammy! It's me, Ansh!

By Lt. Jadlad. Sort of. :/ on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 12:39 am:

Jadlad looks at himself in the mirror. He's a slender teenage girl with a small case of acne, antique glasses, a shoulder bag, ripped jeans, boots and a t-shirt that says "ABSURD and INSANE FOREVER! JADLAD NEVER!".

Lieutenant Jadlad. More or less. Reporting for duty Captain.

Jadlad looks through his/her bag.

According to my...her I.D. this girl's name is Shirley Wolfe. She also has a spaceship/shuttle craft learners permit and about 47 credits. And one other thing you should know sir. A few 3-D photos of all of us at a LICC convention. I guess we're a local fan group.

Sigh. Oh boy.

By Enesku on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 12:44 am:


Enesku looks down at her hands, and to her shock, discovers that they are much paler and flabbier than before, as are her arms. She runs to the nearest mirror, and gasps in horror. She is about 4 feet tall, and rather wide. She wears a pale blue dress. Her face is squashy, snub-nosed and freckled, her teeth in various sizes and her hair short and very pale.

I am no longer slender! Agile! Oh, if only I could bring my nanoprobes back with me. I don't like this new appearance in the slightest. How can I rescue the LICC of the past when I'm stumbling around as a short dumpy kid?

By Cutthroat Jimlad on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 12:50 am:

Professor Neagtive's Asteroid Base

Jimlad stands with Brock (Milkshake), Dan Freedman (Quantum Man), and Reggie Jones (Josh Rikard).

Shiver me timbers, Professor Negative. Explain these mechanical terrors ye be a-keepin' in yer mines, or earn a one-way-passage to Davey Jones' locker. to others Right, me hearties?

By Status Report on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 12:59 am:

Meanwhile, the Spidermobile II docks outside Professor Negative's asteroid base. Tacoman and Ansh are still on board, with Colanator running systems, Alivegeham in charge of security, and Descartes the Ship's Parrot flying around the place. Total Audience Mayhem, a strange humanoid who looks like he's made out of spare parts, also hovers around. The interior of the ship is designed to look like an old mining ship, and the outside appearance has been holographically altered to look battered and worn.

By Captain Jackson Dupree on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 7:05 am:

Well Ansh, should we get out and see what's going on?

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 7:12 am:

Ok.. We need a plan.. we need a way to get to the asteroid base... we need a way to stop Negative.
Hmm.. a way to get to the base...
Tacoman looks over at Shirley/Jadlad
Hmm.. I wonder if your host body has a spaceship...
and I also wonder...
Tacoman digs around in the various debris and trash and comes up with...
YES! A Cybertec catalog... Steve, maybe we could order some armor from the catalog... that way, we'll have some protection and weapons...
Also... would this group have contacts with other fan clubs.. perhaps those on other planets in the solar system?

By Garf, alias Moira Garfield on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 7:53 am:

I don't see why not. And we could possibly use the sheer numerical strength of other geeks, especially in our present situtation. Perhaps we could do a "Save Star Trek!" sort of thing, only making it "Save Our Heroes!" instead.

This from a rather incongruous-looking girl with long long ratty black hair and bangs that need a trim, whose all-black outfit and black sixties shades make her look like an Addams family reject.

Um, does anyone remember where I was at this time last year? I, Frangelica, I mean.

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 9:00 am:

That's a good idea, Captain, except we need to be EXTREMELY careful in this situation, these are not our own bodies, and so we cannot allow them to get harmed or destroyed...

I think stealth may the the best option. We need a transport, a means to get to the Asteroid Belt undetected, and a way to get onto our ship. Once we have the Spidermobile, this should be much easier. Remember, there are still many temporal anomalies being thrown out by Negative's machine.

Milkshake fishes in his pocket for something, and retrieves his I.D. card.

Apparently I'm Timothy McGurk, age 9. This is my house, apparently, and I see a medical warning. Supposedly I-


Milkshake crashes flat on his face, his I.D. card slipping from his hand, fluttering across the room and landing in Enesku's wideopen mouth.

...fall down a lot. Do we have everyone, we still haven't heard from other members of the crew. We should wait until the disorientation wears off for everyone.

By Evil K-NIT TV-47 Executive on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 9:30 am:

Hahaha! Just think, at the end of this season, we can cancel LICC, and we won't have to do any dumb reunion movies either! We'll just have Negative kill them all!

By Captain Tacoman, aka Jacob McGruder on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 9:54 am:

Hey look.. a video camera... Which gives me an idea...
We activate it, and then video ourselves on this mission... for one thing, it would show these kids what they missed. For another, it would explain to them why they helped save us...
Tacoman looks in his pocket too
I seem to be Jacob McGruder, age 15, and a member of the Tacoman fan club...
Ok.. somebody get on the computer and contact the LICC clubs outside Earth and tell them about the past LICC's predicment.

By Butrfli, aka Lydia McGurk on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 10:00 am:

Suddenly an adult female sticks her head through a doorway, looks around, and says
Is there anybody named Tacoman in here?
Tacoman's host body looks up
That would be me.
Lady: Thank goodness. It's me, Butrfli. I seem to be in the body of someone named Lydia McGurk, and from I can tell, she's a certified and licensed shuttle pilot...
I have no idea what's going on and where the children went.
Tacoman: Well, as for what's going on, we're here to save ourselves from the clutches of Professor Negative. The Q sent us here because the universe was collapsing on itself. As for the children, maybe q is taking care of them...

By Moira on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 11:20 am:

Assuming that q returns us to more or less the instant in time we left, the kids, should be OK.

Now, before I contact the other clubs, I think we should get a few things straight. For those of us who weren't heavily involved in the last episode, can we have a quick review of where our other selves are right now and what specific peril they're in? We need to know exactly who and what needs to be rescued where.

Also, a few quick points:
1) Since both Lydia and Shirley are pilots, we have the option of mounting two entirely separate initiatives. We may want to take advantage of this.
2) We also have the option of tracking down semi-regular characters who are not currently on the Spidership and asking them to help. If we need a deux ex machina, they could be it.
3) In her intelligent, clever, canine form, Ansh may be our most helpful operative. There are few places she cannot slink into without anyone caring. We should make use of this.
4) We must not underestimate ourselves. Sure we're underpowered geeks, but we're geeks *within* a storyline, and that is very important. Specifically, if one of our number stages this whole mission to impress his dream girl, we are guranteed success.

By Gonif the theif on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 12:22 pm:

Gonif and Jackson Dupree leave the ship

By The Guy Who Calls The Shots on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 12:25 pm:

All people intending to post here should look over the Archives of the end of series 1. Of course, the post in which they are captured isn't there, so you'll have to take it from granted.

By The Guy Who Shoots the Calls on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 12:40 pm:

Plus they haven't been captured YET.

By Jason K. on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 12:54 pm:

Jason looks at his outfit. "This is pathetic, the way this guy goes to ridiculous lengths like me. Me as a role model. This guy's gonna go nowhere in life I can tell." He checks all his pocket and finds a small plastic bag, with some stuff in it. "Please tell me this is perfectly legal Chinese tea mix and not what I think it is."

By Timmy McGurk on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:00 pm:

Your points are well-taken, Frangelica. I try to locate our collegues in this time/frame immediately.

Now, we need structure to pull off this mission. I declare us to be the Provisional League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions until the real League, namely us, is put back into active duty.

I just realized, I still remember the codes for my expense account with the Department of Superheroics. Since I know for a fact that their financial records will be wiped out during the O'kakian Invasion, we now have an unlimited supply of funds.

This will be our Provisional Command Center. I was checking the house's calendar and I've found out that my (or rather Timmy's) parents have taken a shuttle to the Moon to visit relatives and should be gone at least 26 hours. I deactivated the robot babysitter they left behind to watch us. Perhaps we can configure the robot to act as a drone assault vehicle. We need an engineer for that task, since Colanator doesn't seem to be present.

And I'm hungry. Shall I replicate some pizzas or something?

By The Fuzz on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:03 pm:


The noise of sirens outside startle the erstwhile League. The front door slides open, admitting a grim-looking Earth System Police Sargeant.

"Okay you kids, our sensors have detected a quantity of illegal INDIAN tea mix in this house. Who has it?"

By Gleeful K-NIT Weirdo on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:04 pm:


I just saw it!





By Timmy McGurk on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:09 pm:

Milkshake waddles over, grabs the bag out of Jason's pocket, and hands it over. The policeman looks angry.

"We're gonna have to bring you kids in for questioning."

I don't think so, Officer. We are federal agents, working under protocol DOS-65535, code Zero Zero Four Seven Dash Lima India Charlie Charlie. You are intruding on a secret government defense mission. Please leave.

The officer looks suspicious, but understands the authenticity and import of the codes, and so takes his leave.


By Confused K-NIT viewer on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:23 pm:

Why would Indian tea mix be illegal there? It's just tea.

By Jason K. on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:27 pm:

Jason shakes his head. "I get the feeling I'm gonna hate it here." He sticks his hands in his pocket. He feels something. "What the-" he pulls out a folded piece of paper. He tries to unfold but it's awfully sticky. He carefully peels it. "It's a folded up nude picture of Alyssa Milano! This Kowalski kid is a perv!" he hurls the picture towards the trash can but it is deftly swiped out of the air by McGurk. "You nee dto keep it Jason. Stay in character." "I don't wanna!"

By Adam Morden, AKA Commander Adon on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:31 pm:

Adon checks his wallet and looks at the ID inside.

Adam Morden, age 15. I also only have about 20 credits on me.

He take off his backpack and looks inside.

Wow! A lot of pirated software in here. We might be able to find something that can help us. If anything, we might be able to get our new found grubby hands on a shuttlecraft. We're going to probably have to resort to stealing one. Between getting a ride and some weapons, it will cost money.

In the mean time, I'm going to raid the garage for anything useful.

'Adam' puts on his backpack and walks out.

By Honest Fred, AKA Quantum Man on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:36 pm:

A middle aged man, wearing an 'I [HEART] LICC' T-Shirt

Hmmm... who am I?

Looks in his wallet...

I've got a business card that says, "Honest Fred, Used Shuttle Dealer".

By Jason Kowalski on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:50 pm:

Jason grudginly takes the picture back. "Hasn't this girl been long dead by this time period? This just isn't right. I'm REALLY gonna hate this mission."

By Timmy McGurk on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:52 pm:

Well, like I said, I have my expense account with a virtually infinite limit. I don't think we'll bankrupt the government, and this is an emergency.

By Timmy McGurk on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:53 pm:

Kiehart, don't you remember that all late 20th-century celebrities were cloned for that big nostalgia festival a couple years ago?

By Jacob McGruder on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 1:57 pm:

Ok.. So which semi-regular people wern't on the Spidership at the time? I know Scott Free wasn't... Perhaps Subway Man?
Ok.. I'm setting up the video camera...and we're rolling...
To camera
Hi. I may look like Jacob McGurder, but my mind is that of Captain Jackson Dupree Tacoman, leader of the League of Intergalactic Champions. Due to events beyond our control, namely the universe collapsing, the LICC has been charged to rescue itself from the clutches of Professor Negative. The Q, in their strange sense of humor, has placed us in the bodies of a group of young fans.
This video is to chronicle our rescue mission and to give the fans static evidence that the events that will happen next actually did happen.
Ok. Who wants to speak next?

By Timmy McGurk AGAIN on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 2:00 pm:

Milkshake calls after "Adam".

Adon! You're the Tactical Officer, try to rig up that babysitterbot into something we can use. Kiehart, go with him.

Fred, why don't you contact your office and find a shuttle or two that we can modify, we'll need a cloak, shields most likely and I bet at least one weapon system.

By McGurk, still busy on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 2:02 pm:

Cap, I don't think you should show that to anyone from this time period. We just might make a bigger paradox than we have to begin with. You guys go ahead, I've got to go shopping on the house's OmniNet uplink.

By Jason Kowalski on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 2:29 pm:

Kowalski nods. "Got it sir."

By CId on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 3:18 pm:

(Back on Ship)
Get those temporal shields on line!!! I don't really care what it takes!!! I hate $%^$##% temporal paradoxes. No one asked how Cloud escaped the Temple of the Ancients. Temporal Shields are not functioning. Timeline disintegration in 5,4,3 CHARGE THE IMPROVABILITY DRIVE!!! Now anything can happen... Timeline disintegration now.

(Spidership still existing, rest of universe disappears.)

Computer, Calculate the improvability drive to alter our fourth amd fifth dimensional coordinates, that should at leave us a sensor ghost in LICC universe. Use our database search to find a Timeline not affected by the paradox. That's it, take us to Star Trek GT. Would Ensign K.A.T.S., Commander Hartman and Icier meet me on the bridge.

By Enesku on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 3:21 pm:

Hmmm, apparently I'm Kate McRonald, a FOAFOAFOAF of Timmy McGlurk.

By Captain Jackson Dupree on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 4:38 pm:

In Negative's base, Tacoman activates his communicator and sets it to a LICC only frequency.
Dupree to Brock, what's going on down there?

By Moira Garf on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 4:47 pm:

What is this, the Scottish Play? Why does everyone's last name start with the syllable "Mc"?

Okay, I suggest we break this mission up into three teams. We're going to need a base team to man our headquarters here in Timmy's house and effect communications with the other teams. We're going to need a main team to go to the Asteroid belt and rescue the heroes. And it would be nice to have a third team that would go get some heavy-duty help. Timmy, since this is your house, you probably should be in charge of team 1. And I suggest that Adam, Ansh, and the rest of our more powerful members be on the main rescue team.

According to my sources, Scott Free should currently be in Bangkok, Subway Man AND Frangelica should be somewhere in New York... what about Kiehart? Where is he and can we convince him to help? (Especially since he's one we don't have to explain the paradox to as much.)

Is this all OK by you, Cap'n Jacob?

By The Comic Book Store Guy on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 4:50 pm:

Springfield to Arcola. Come in Arcola. As the president of the Springfield chapter, I put all of our resources at your disposal, providing we will be rewarded with autographs when the deed is done.

By Rocket Ranger, still on Spidership III on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 4:51 pm:

Q must have left me here in case there are any tech problems....

=/\=Rocket to Kent and Wayne. Kent, I want you to stay in the SnowCrane and do a systems check. Wayne, hightail it to engineering and see if they need any help. I'll be remaining on the bridge, for now.=/\=

He looks over at Cid, who has just exited the turbolift.

I think we're in one mell of a hess, Cid. Got any suggestions for what we do next? Or do we just sit back and wait?

By Cid on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 5:15 pm:

Well Mr. Rocket Ranger, The Improbability Drive appeared to make our impossible existence possible and it's effects seem to extend to the environs, considering your ship's existence. All we can really do is wait, if Tacoman and the rest can fix the timeline, we should not remember this. I should debrief you on where are we. Timeline 10292347, according to the logs of a ship that crashed on Earth, it is a convergence of two universes, one called "Voyager", the other called "Dragon Ball". Terraintel is still trying to decrypt the records. We should be safe here. Ki blasts have no effect against our shielding.

By Commander Milkshake/Timmy McGurk on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 5:42 pm:

Frangelica, no offense but I think I could be put to much better use on eiter the main assault team or the secondary one. I've already ordered a long-rance subspace transciever and a lot of remote communicators, so communications are no problem. Perhaps a junior member should remain behind at the house.

Plus, it's not my house any more than it belongs to any of us. We're just borrowing all of these kids' assets.

Kiehart should still be at Earth Space Academy in Moscow. He may be Unbreakable, but he's not a Wanderer yet. We really shouldn't conflict with his future.

By Adam Morden on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 6:49 pm:

Hello, what's this?

"Adam" reaches into a dusty corned of the garage and pulls out a steel rod. He swings it around like a sword a few times, and then slides it through a loop on his backpack. A quick twist, and it is relatively secure.

I guess that will have to do. There is more stuff stored up in the rafters. I'll check out up there.

Adam's young body jumps up much higher then it looks like it would be capable of. A number of boards span the rafters, making a makeshift floor.

Hey, Jason. There's a lot of stuff up here that might be useful. Get a ladder and climb up here.

By Bruce Garner on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 8:05 pm:

Rikard opens his eyes. He looks around. He's sitting in a darkened room. In front of him sits a vid screen and one of the early LICC missions released on video is playing. It's then he notices a teenage girl lying against him, her head on his shoulder. He looks over at her. She looks to be about 15 or 16 with some advanced eye glasses and her hair pulled back in a couple of pigtails. And she is definitely not one of the most attractive girls he's ever seen. She is in the middle of talking...

Anyway, Adon and Jadlad are just the coolest and the cutest, you know? And if Milkshake, with all the muscles and power he must have. Oh I just wish-
Josh/Bruce:Uh, do I know you?
A puzzled expression crosses the girl's face.
Girl: Bruce, are you okay?
Bruce: Bruce?
He looks around the dark room. He spots a wallet lying next to him and opens it. The ID reads:
Bruce Garner
Age: 15
Weight: 138 Lbs.
Height: 5 ft. 9 in.

Bruce: Oh yeah, I just space uh where are we, um miss?
Girl: Miss? Since when did you stop calling me by my name?
Bruce: Since I forgot it?
Girl: Forgot it! How could you forget a name like Reggina? Remember, Reggie? Especially after all the time you've known me? And you know where we are! We're at the Fan Club, at Tim's house
Bruce raised his eyebrows. The irony of the situation, and her name, didn't escape him. At least he thought it was irony.
Bruce: So you were saying?
Regina still gave him a weird look.
Reg: I was saying how cute the guys on LICC are.
Bruce: Oh, like Rikard?
Reg: No, does anyone like Rikard?
At that, Bruce gets a little mad, gets up and heads to the door.
Reg: Since when did you start liking him?
Bruce throws the door open and enters another room filled with other kids, not realizing that they are the rest of the LICC.
Um, hi?

By Cid on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 8:16 pm:

The Borg Force in this dimension are a bit strange. First, they pose a lot more. Second, each drone is rather weak, save for the Warrior Drones. Third, they can shapeshift. Fourth, The borg Queen,is rather odd. However, the Borg Queen can be detected with G.A.Y.D.A.R., so keep us on full alert. Let's just say the UT doesn't work too well.

By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 8:26 pm:

Uh, Cid. The reason that the SnowCrane still exists is because its inside the spidership. I guess this means that the ThunderWolf is gone, though; we left it in its usual hiding place....

He pauses and looks at some readouts.

I've got an idea.....=/\=Rocket Ranger to Wayne. Prepare a Mark III Klyborn probe, equip it with a phase-field generator, and let me know when its ready.=/\=

He looks around the bridge.

Cid, who's in command around here, anyway?

By Captain Tacoman/Jacob McGruder on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 8:32 pm:

Sounds good, Moira.
Which team should I be on? Should I help find other heroes, or should I be on the rescue team and rescue the heroes, making my host a hero?
Suddenly, the door opens, and another kid walks in.
Hi. Are you just another kid, or are you one of the translocated heroes?
Now, should I begin ordering stuff from the Cybertec catalog?
And as for the video...well, once we're done with it, we'll just hide it among the other videos and let them find it in due time.

By Cid on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 9:38 pm:

Well, that's a problem. You see my orders come from Terran Command and they are to "KEEP THEM FROM DESTROYING A VERY EXPENSIVE SHIP FOR A THIRD TIME. WE HAVE LIMITED BUDGET." However, I am not a policy maker like the Captian is, I just keep things organized and running while they galavant. And that is exactly what I intend to do. Keep ship up. I suppose the one in Charge is the highest ranking officer, however they are in short supply now. However, We only need a Captian for Command reasons, and the ship's crewmen can hold it toghether till then. We have standing orders.

By Computer on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 9:41 pm:

Colanator would be in charge.

By Jadlad, aka Shirley Wolfe on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 10:40 pm:

Lets see. I was on the Spidership II decrypting the files I had brought back from Negatives base.*
My sister Alison should be wrapping up her stint as a crewmember of the Enigma Project.

Oh Frangelica, Shirley's last name is Wolfe.

Jadlad walks in front of the camera.

Hello Shirley, I'm Jadlad. Judging by your shirt you don't think much of me. I guess the Q thought it'd be real funny if they put me in your body. I hope I can change your mind about me, even if only a little.

Jadlad walks out of the camera's view.

Well, lets see if I have any of my powers.

Pizza Power!

Oooo! That tickled!

Jadlad/Shirley concentrates and a single olive slice, and some bits of ground beef appears in his/her hand.

That's nice. Except I was trying for a whole pizza. :(

Lets see.

Flight? Uhh. Nope.

Dimension hopping? Nope.

Don't even want to try the other two. I might hurt her or worse.

*According to my Jadlad post on LICC XXX (October 13, 2000) before the board crash.

By Jason Kowalski on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 11:06 pm:

Jason finds a calendar nearby. "Oh boy, I know what I, or rather Kiehart is doing right now. He's still Logan newcastle here. He's on Phobos getting, um, how can I say this in a PG, middle of Minnesota way? Um, he's getting 'polished' by a Martian call girl, using money from Mum's trust fund no less." He laughs. "Wow, Mars was fun. Too bad I was only there for a few years."

By Naive LICC fan on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 12:34 am:

Polished?! I was right! I was right! Kiehart wears a toupee!!

By Colanator on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 9:09 am:

I propose that whenever a change of scene is made in a post, the poster should place a tag at the beginning. Since we have three settings, these tags seem appropriate.

Asteroid Belt
Kid's Crew
Spidermobile III


Spidermobile III

The turbolift door hisses open and Colanator enters the bridge.

My morphing powers have been effected by the Infinite Improbability Drive. I am assuming command.

By Matt Pesti on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 10:01 am:

Colanator sir, we have secured our existance. However, we may be in danger, to what extent I'm not sure. We are scaning for Ginyu, Droids, Vulcan-jin, Saiyens and Humans. I recomend our first course of action is to communicate with our men in the past. I belive we might be able to use the quantum leap accelerator to travel back in time, but it would require extensive modification and might not work. Or we could play with the transporter, that seems to work.

By Cid on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 10:21 am:

(Due to a temporal disturbance, we shifted into the Universe where a group of Superheros write a story about a bunch of Fanfic writting nerds.)

By Moira Garf on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 10:23 am:

Err, OK, Shirley. Shall I call you "Wolfe" instead?

If you'd prefer to work on a main team, Timmy, that's perfectly fine... just please leave the base commander the key information in case someone real stops by this house and wonders where you are. We may not finish this mission before your parents come back, and without a credible explanation for where you are, things could get out of hand. Hey... is anyone here a McGurk sibling?

I'd suggest that everyone who still manifests some sort of power go on the main assault team, possibly under Jacob or Timmy. I also suggest we send the other fans out there, especially if we can get up a horde. Now since Frangelica wasn't a part of this mission, I won't be much use there, so I volunteer to go get some high-powered help.

Now then, can we have two volunteers to stay here, man the headquarters, and explain things to any curious passerby. Let's get this mission moving!

By Enesku/Kate McRonald on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 11:17 am:

I'm going on the rescue team. It sounds more exciting.

By Jacob McGruder and Lydia Mcgurk, aka Tacoman and Butrfli on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 11:20 am:

Kids Crew
Shirley/Jadlad, perhaps you should start a bit smaller... say with just a slice of pizza and go from there...
Jason, if you were to explain the situation to Logan, do you think he would be willing to help us? Either money-wise or body-wise?
About the other fans idea.. I was thinking the same thing. The last thing Professor Negative expects is an assault on his base by a bunch of freaks, nerds, and fans.
Now, as for McGurk siblings...
Lydia/Butrfli raises her hand
I think I'm either an older sister or a youngish aunt... But since I've got a shuttle license, you may need my help.

By Tammy/Flora Mcdougal on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 11:29 am:

Kids' crew

Tammy looks in a diary lying nearby

This says I'm Flora Mcdougal and I'm nine years old. Let's see how she spends her time!

She starts flicking through the diary and her excited expression changes to one of disgust

Look at this! 8am Watched some LICC, 12noon read a book! Reading! Yuck! 4pm wrote fan letters to Frangelica! What does this girl do for fun? Wait a minute! I see the word love! Oh, it's only chocolate cake!

She walks over to the camera

Look, Flora, I think ur life must be dead boring! Try and get a role model like Hamburger Pattie or one of those kewl models! Now, where's Scott?

By Honest Fred/Quantum Man on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 11:47 am:

Kids Crew

Actually a bit of a misnomer, "Honest" Fred Dreiberger is actually about 37...

Well, I guess I'd better get back to the used shuttle lot. Here's a card so you can see where to go guys...

By Reed Martin on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 11:49 am:

in a really awful Irish brogueMcOver here, McDear! McIs McThat McYou, my McPrecious?

By Moira Garf on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 11:52 am:

Jacob, I suggest that you and I and one pilot head for New York and start tracking down either Subway Man or Frangelica or both. I nominate Flora and Reed to man base communications-- someone should contact the Springfield branch and organized a fan squad, and everybody else should head for the Asteroid Belt.

By Jason Kowalski on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 1:05 pm:

Jason: Doubt it sir. At this point he's completely unaware of his powers. He doesn't head back to earth for another 9 months, when the limo crash happens. And for all I know, that was the day his power manifested. We could drag him down here and get him killed. Then it would be bye-bye me. But, after I joined yopu, during the O'Kak invasion, I hooked up with some Blakc Ops troops in Iceland. Assuming they don't try to kill me on sight, I might use my knowledge of them and their personal lives to bring them in.

By Cid on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 1:14 pm:

I guess we had better find the Captian. I belive the Pseudoscience Department has a Magic Lab. We might be able to construct a magic ball and find them?

By Jacob McGruder and Lydia McGurk/Tacoman and Butrfli on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 1:55 pm:

Right, Moira. One thing, though.. how are going to explain this to "our" parents?
Now, as for the shuttle pilot...
Lydia stands up
I'm going with you two. Somebody has to shaperone, don't they?
You know.. once we get back to our own bodies, and depending on what happens, we should contact these guys and make a personal appearence...

By Magic 8-Ball in the Pseudoscience Lab on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 2:31 pm:

We might be able to construct a magic ball and find them?

Reply Hazy. Ask again later.

By Flora Mcdougal on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 3:22 pm:

Tee hee, yes it's me, Scott! I hate ur accent but then I do sound like I'm from Yorkshire! Lydia, who r u chaparoning?

By Kiehart on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 4:43 pm:

Jason Kowalski looks at a calendar. "I don't even know why Butrfli and i are here. This is supposed to be before we joine dup with you guys." All of a sudden, Kiehart and Butrfli disappear in a poof of smoke, adn reappear on the bridge of the Spidership. Kiehart sees Ranger standing nearby. He checks his clothes and sees his back to normal, so to speak. "Hey Rocket, what the hell is going on?"

By Lydia McGurk, aka Butrfli on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 7:01 pm:

Butrfli looks over at Kiehart
Well, it looks like we're going to miss out on a heck of an adventure. I, for one, would have enjoyed it.
What if I were to say I wanted to go back?
She disappears in a flash of light. Back in the past, Lydia McGurk is looking at the crowd of kids in a strange way.
What.. what's going on? Wait a minute... you don't sound like Timmy and his friends! I'm calling...
Suddenly, Lydia is haloed by an odd light. When it fades, she looks at the crowd again
Sorry about that.. Kiehart wanted to leave, but I wanted to stay and continue with the adventute. I'm ready to leave when you are.

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 7:48 pm:


Rocket Ranger gets a message from Wayne.

=/\=The Mark III Klyborn probe is ready for launch. However, the phase field generator is a bit...touchy. We had to use a refurbished model.=/\=

RR takes a look at one of the readouts.

=/\=Well, Wayne, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work! We'll have to take our chances.=/\=

He walks over to Colanator.

I had Wayne prepare a Mark III Klyborn probe with a phase field generator in case we dimension-shift. We can launch the probe, then monitor it from another reality and use it to find our way back if necessary. I'll leave it to you to decide when, or if, we should launch the probe.

He turns around.

Cid, I'll monitor the shielding. That should free you up to take care of monitoring the rest of the situation.

By Kiehart on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 9:04 pm:

Kiehart looks around. "I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I might as well make the most of it. Quincy, besides me, who in the command staff is here? No guesses, I want an acucrate number. Send the info to the launch bay, I'm going to check on the fighters." he said all this while loosening his coat and heading for the turbolift.

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 11:54 pm:

=/\=Kiehart, whatever you do, DON'T launch your fighter. Under any circumstances. We're in an alternate dimension, or parallel universe, apparently. The Improbability Drive saved us from being....uncreated, I guess is the term. Colanator is in command of the ship right now. (pauses) Kent should be in one of the launch bays, running checks on the SnowCrane. If you need any help, just ask him. Rocket, out.=/\=

He begins checking the readouts again.

By Kiehart on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 2:17 am:

"Believe me Quince I wasn't planning to launch. I was gonna check on conditions in the bay. I AM Flight Commander remember?"

By Adam Morden/Commander Adon on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 2:53 am:

Kids Crew

Adon returns with a whole pile of stuff from the garage.

Here's what I found that could be useful. Take your pick as to what you want.

By Padawan Observer on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 2:58 am:

Jason, Pestichat!

By Cid on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 5:43 am:

Spidership 3
Aye, Aye. I will be below deck, Figuring out this communication thing. It will take some time. Something we have plenty of...

By Kent on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 6:54 am:

Kent walks over to Kiehart....

You might want to check this PADD.

He hands Kiehart a PADD.

We designed some improvements for the fighters. If you a-okay it, we'll start upgrading asap.

By Jacob McGruder/Captain Tacoman on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 9:16 am:

Kids Crew
Tacoman/Jacob rummages through the boxes and is beginning to like what he's finding
Hmm.. walkie-talkies, cell phones, radio controled and battery powered toys...flashlights... assorted fireworks...
Ok.. It looks like each of us has a phone of our own. We can use them for communications.
The toys and fireworks can be used on Negative's base as distractions. The flashlights are useful for any purpose.

By Enesku/Kate on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 9:20 am:

Enesku/Kate enters from the kitchen, carrying several objects.

I've got some supplies. Chocolate ice-cream, soda, honey and marshmallow snack cakes... here, see for yourself.

By Kiehart on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 10:58 am:

Kiehart looks at the PADD carefully. "Hmm, well, these are interesting, but here, you see this here? We'd have to decrease the cargo area. I know it's only intended for lgiht items like K-Rations, and a few personal effects like extra shirts and a first aid kit, but if we made some of these upgrades, we'd either have to shrink that or lose it all together." he hands the PADD back to Kent. "I'll tell you what. We'll have the squad vote."

The vote: 9 pilots (including Kiehart) vote No, the other 3 vote yes.

*AUTHOR'S NOTE* I used a d12 to determine that number.

By Jadlad, aka Shirley Wolfe on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 2:20 pm:

Kids Crew

No. Please don't call me "Wolfe".

Shirley/Jadlad concentrates and makes a single pizza slice! She/he takes a bite and immediately spits it out.

Gross! That tastes horrible! It tastes as bad or worse than what I used to make when I was 8.

Well, at least I was able to do it.

Jadlad takes one of the cell phones and flashlights and some other supplies.

By Plot Complication on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 3:02 pm:

Kids Crew

The main phone rings. Moira answers it.

Moira: Hello?

Middle-aged female voice on the phone: "Is Shirley there? She needs to come home for dinner!"

By Captain Jackson Dupree, being captured on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 3:03 pm:

Asteroid Base
As Tacoman and Ansh are standing outside the disguised Spidership, they notice a number of guards approaching them, blasters at the ready. Tacoman activates his comm and speaks to Colanator
If anything should happen to us, get the ship out of here!
To guards
Greetings, gentlemen, what can we do for you?
Guard: The Professor would like to speak with you about things.
Dupree: Lead on, Macduff.

By Commander Adon on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 3:33 pm:


Commander Adon stood up. He created a golden energy field around his hand and pressed it up against an invisible nothing. The horizon seemed to flex as he applied pressure.

The barrier is getting stronger. I will need someone on the outside helping me to get out of here.

By Adam Morden/Commander Adon on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 3:39 pm:

The Kids Crew

"The barrier is getting stronger. I will need someone on the outside helping me to get out of here."

Adam stopped going through the box and gazed blankly off into space for a moment. He didn't know where that thought came from, but it was definately in his voice.

Captain Tacoman/Jacob McGruder: "What's wrong, Adon?"

Adam's attention snapped back to the present.

I don't know. I suddenly heard myself thinking, I think. Remember how I was trapped in that bubble outside of time? Well, the barrier is getting stronger. If we don't hurry, I may not escape. Of course, I don't know how I escaped from there the last time, so that is no help.

By Jacob McGruder and Lydia McGurk/Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 4:48 pm:

Moira, Lydia, I think it's time we get out of here.
Lydia: You two are lucky I can drive. It looks like I have my own small shuttle at the spaceport.
Jacob: Ok. Get whatever we might need and let's get going.

By Kiehart on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 4:55 pm:

Kiehart finsihes his diagnostic. Everyhting in the bay appears to be fine, althought the deck crews are obviously a little uncomfortable. "Kiehart to bridge. Quincy, if you have any ideas as to how we can the command staff back I'd be glad to hear them."

By Kent on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 5:46 pm:

Kent looks over the PADD that he handed Kiehart earlier.

Blast it! I gave him the wrong PADD! This was the one for the upgrades to the shuttlecraft I was working on.

He goes over to a worktable and looks at another PADD.

Ah....this is it!

He walks over and hands the PADD to Kiehart.

I gave you the wrong PADD earlier. The only fighter improvements Wayne and I came up with are a new armor reinforcement system that will only take up about 5 cubic feet of space, plus a couple of new weapons systems.

He points to a schematic on the PADD.

A device mounted just under the nose. It takes some of the energy from the fighters' shields and channels it into a pulsed Impact Beam. Sort of a Concussion Blaster combined with a Repellor Beam. The only problem is that it weakens the shields by 50% while its being used.

He hits a button the PADD and brings up another schematic, showing a pair of devices that go on the wings, but are noticably small.

And this.....something I like to call `The Finisher'. When you activate the weapon, the two projectors begin to charge. The longer you let them charge, the more powerful the attack. When you fire the weapon, the two beams combine into one and strike with an incredible amount of energy. At minimum charge the beam can knock a six-inch hole in Tritanium plating. At maximum charge, which takes about 5 minutes to build up, the beam is as powerful as a 10 megaton nuke. But the more powerful the charge, the greater the chance of the weapon's powersource burning out and needing a recharge.

He pauses and smiles.

The weapon works fine. I mounted it on the SnowCrane and ran it through a battery of tests personally.

By Moira Garf on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 7:35 pm:

into the phone...Shirley? I'm afraid you have the wrong number. There's no one here by that name.

Jadlad, heads up! Somebody called for you and it sounded like a Mom. Everybody, we need alibis NOW!

sits down at Jake's computer and sends a message to Springfield...

By Radio K-GYK Springfield on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 7:40 pm:

Are you a rabid L.I.C.C. fan? Would you like a change to win a cameo in one of the oft-sung heroes' adventures, with the charging and the fighting and the whing, whing?

Well, be the seventh in line tommorrow morning here at K-GYK headquarters and you'll be off to save the world?

to someone out of the boothI really don't think this is a--
cut to commercials

By Moira Garf on Saturday, November 03, 2001 - 7:45 pm:

Everybody got that? As far as everyone's parents go, we're going on a road trip to Springfield and we'll be back tomorrow night. People under 18, why don't you call your every few hours to give them "reports" from the road so they don't send out to bring you home.

Jacob, according to my wallet, I'm 18 and in college, so the only one of us with worried adults will be you, and you'll be with your older... older something, Lydia. Lydia, why don't you leave a note for the senior McGurks telling them where our alibi says we've gone.

Timmy as our first officer and Shirley as the eldest, you're in charge 'till we get back. Reed and Flora and Kate, please take over communications. Adam, when the other fan groups check in, can you organize them into some sort of squadron and have them converge on Negative's base?

looks at her watch Jacob and Lydia, if we're going, we ought to go A.S.A.P. Where's Honest Fred and has he got us some little-missed shuttles?

By Enesku/Kate on Sunday, November 04, 2001 - 1:16 am:

Hey, I said I was coming to Negative's base!

By Jacob McGruder and Lydia McGurk, you know who we are on Sunday, November 04, 2001 - 8:45 am:

I seem to have my phone number in my wallet, so let me call home first.
Picking up the phone and dialing the number
Hello, mom?...yes, I'm at Timmy's house....yes, everything's alright...something's come up...there's a LICC convention in Springfield and...(yelling sound from the phone)..no, no.. I'll be alright. The rest of the group will be there, including Lydia McGurk, and you know how responsible she is...I'll be home tomorrow night at the earliest!...Don't worry, I'll keep you updated...I can go? Thanks mom! Bye!
Now, to look for Honest Fred.
Lydia: Hey, in my wallet, I have his business card, with the address of the local dealership!
Jacob: Sounds good. Let's go!
With that, Moira, Jacob, and Lydia pick up another video recorder, pile into Lydia's hover-vehicle, and take off for the dealership

By Adam Morden/Commander Adon on Sunday, November 04, 2001 - 12:29 pm:

I can try and form them into a group of some sort, but remember, they're only kids. Such an forming an effective group out of them is difficult at best.

In any case, I'm sending a message to all the LICC fan groups to meet with us. I'll see who shows and work from there.

Adam sends the message to various groups.

Um.. I just thought of something. What would happen if they knew who we really are? Would that be good or bad?

By Enesku/Kate on Sunday, November 04, 2001 - 12:48 pm:

If they found out I was Enesku, I could become popular even before I joined LICC!

By Kiehart on Sunday, November 04, 2001 - 1:25 pm:

Kiehart looks over tha PADD. "Well, I like the results these weapons have, but the risks are too high. I'm sorry Kent." He looks over the PADD some more. "Wait, where are these Armor modifications you're talking about?" Kent takes the PADD. "Oh, here. You see, the square pattern your fighters' armor has? Well that's fine, but you see if we use this honeycomb pattern shown here, we can artifically increase armor power by 15% without added or upgrading anything. It will take a few days to get it on all 12 Banshee fighters though." Kiehart smiles. "We can't leave the ship right now anyway. Go for it Kent."

By Ensign K.A.T.S. on Sunday, November 04, 2001 - 6:10 pm:

Cid, gentleman. Gaydar detected one lifeform foreign to direct this way. We are in the problem.

By Timmy McGurk on Sunday, November 04, 2001 - 8:20 pm:

Adon...Adam, we have some work to do. I think I know how we can make the babysitter droid into a weapon, and we need to create holograms that are believable enough to fool our parents. I've collected everyone's personal logs, they should be sufficent source material. Let's get to work.

By Adam Morden/Commander Adon on Sunday, November 04, 2001 - 8:37 pm:

Agreed. You work on the droid, and I'll work on the holograms.

Adam takes the the personal logs and goes to the computer to begin working on the holograms.

By Goody, extra stuff! on Sunday, November 04, 2001 - 8:47 pm:

The house's transport chime rings, and a MASSIVE pile of equipment crates and cannisters appears on the transport delivery pad. Timmy rushes over and pulls them off with a zero-grav grapple, but no sooner does he get them clear when a new shipment appears. This happens over and over until the house is jammed with high-tech equipment modules. Timmy quickly loads several of the largest onto a brand new cart and disappears into the garage.

By Timmy McGurk on Monday, November 05, 2001 - 12:45 pm:

Timmy comes out of the garage several hours later, dirty and tired, with a bandage on his right hand, but smiling. Floating on a gravsled behind him is his tools, several unused parts, and also a hulking object covered with a tarp.

It's done, and I think it'll be a hit. Adam, how are the holos coming, and have you heard from the Captain and Frangelica?

By Reed Martin on Monday, November 05, 2001 - 1:34 pm:

Smile for the camera! (Records progress of the somewhat misnamed "Kid's Crew" so far.)

Hey, Milkshake or Adon or somebody, other fan groups are starting to check in. What should I tell them?

By Moira Garf on Monday, November 05, 2001 - 2:02 pm:

Reed's cell phone rings
Frangelica to base, come in base! We're over on the next board, change connections!

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