League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part LII

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part LII
By The Observer on Saturday, November 24, 2001 - 3:38 pm:

LICC2's last board, to make the way for LICC3??? Hmm!

By Theeee Ghooost ooof TAAAM on Saturday, November 24, 2001 - 3:51 pm:

Shouldn't this be called "LICC2, The Final Chapter?"

By Jacob McGruder/Captain Tacoman on Saturday, November 24, 2001 - 4:25 pm:

Kid's Crew
Colanator, sorry about his taking the combat robot, but everything can be explained.
You see, I may look like Jacob McGruder, but I have the mind of Tacoman.
Jacob then goes on to explain recent events
...and if you don't believe me, have the Doctor do a brainwave scan. I assume we don't have that much time left.

By Jadlad Superguy on Saturday, November 24, 2001 - 4:53 pm:

Spidership II

=/\=Doctor to Jadlad. Report to sickbay please. I have some good news.=/\=

On my way Doc.

Shortly Jadlad is in sickbay.

Holodoc: Remember how Negative was able to turn you back to your normal humanoid form?

Jadlad: How could I forget?

Holodoc: Well, I believe he managed to do it by controlling your brainwave activity.

Jadlad: Mind control?

Holodoc: No. Not exactly. My scans indicate that the device or devices Negative used works on a similar frequency to your own brainwaves. So I managed to come up with this "Frequency blocker". Unfortunately there's only this one prototype. It can be used by anyone. But I have to attach it to their temple so it can attune itself their normal brainwave activity.

Holodoc does a brainwave scan and notes that it's normal, he then starts to attach the frequency blocker to Jadlad's temple but is interrupted by Colanator.

By Kiehart on Saturday, November 24, 2001 - 11:50 pm:

Oops. Should've posted this here.

By Kiehart on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 12:48 am:

And out of nowhere a fist lances out and hits Negative right in the jaw. The outline of aportal beocmes clear to his lackeys, and out steps Jason Kiehart. "Gotta love those Wanderers." Negative rubs his jaw and shouts for his guards to rush this intruder. Kiehart smiles and whips out his gun and sword. "Bring it."

By Bruce Garner/Lt. Commander Rikard on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 1:07 am:

Asteroid Base

Well, while that guy distracts the guards, we can free the rest of the crew. Ansh, Pete, let's go.

The trio heads for the cells. They go eight steps before the small persuader devices planted behind their ears activate. The three heroes fall to their knees.

Oh no, not these again!

Rikard reaches for his device but the pain becomes too intense and he begins to lose conciousness.

Kid's Crew

The A-Wing continues toward the Spidership.
Reg: So you can't even use the Force at all? I thought you said you guys kept some of your powers.
Bruce: Yeah, well apparently I just retained my piloting ability, which isn't exactly a bad thing. Although, I seem to be a little rustier than usual.
Reg: Geez, that stinks.
Bruce: Hmmm.
Reg: Hmm what?
Bruce: Well, it appears that Adon's suit just left the Spidership.
Reg: Which one of you are Adon?
Bruce: Uh, I think it's Adam
Reg: Oh, well that's easy to remember...
Bruce: I don't know if we should rendevous with the Spidership or follow him.
Reg: You're the LICC guy.
Bruce: Yeah, I'm also a 15 year old kid with another innocent 15 year old kid who shouldn't even be here! This entire mission is crazy.
Bruce transfers almost all power to engines and increases speed.

By Adam Morden, Commander Adon on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 9:43 am:

As the Combat Suit nears Negative's base, it jinks erratically around to avoid the defensive fire. Then the suit transforms into robot mode, aims the main rifle, and fires all while still accelerating towards the base.

The beam impacts and begins to melt the outer layers. The last second before impact, the suit swings it's right arm behind its back while still holding the gun. The left arm punches forward so the base of the shield is the first thing to impact the base.

In one punch, the suit forces its way inside the base. The impact sends man and machine flying around like poker chips. The defensive robots fire at the suit, but they lack the firepower to hurt the machine. The suit returns fire with the shoulder guns, removing the defenses. Then the hatch opens and Adam climbs down.

First, find the crew. Then, find Adon.

By Commander Adon on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 9:47 am:

"Do you know where the crew are being held?"

Yes. Level 5, Detention block AA-23, cell 47.

"He has a lot of cells, doesn't he?"

Not really. He just has a strange numbering system.

"Ahh... Well, don't worry. I'll be around to free you as soon as possible."

Please hurry.

Adon came out of his trance and began searching for the weakest point in the barrier.

By Moira Garf on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 12:50 pm:

to the hundred-odd assorted fans Okay, everybody, listen up! We are the reinforcements. Our job is to sit back and watch the action from the safety of Fred's shuttle, then when the going gets rough and everything looks hopeless, appear out of nowhere and charge the nefarious villain.

Loud cheers from fans. Sounds of various Cybertek weapons being banged agains metal siding panels.

Now group apparition is pretty messy, so we're going to have to make do with the transporter beam. When I give the signal, you five guys in the back row will beam down, and we'll continue up the rows in group of five. I will operate the transporter beam and then apparate myself after you. Any questions?

"Yeah, do we have to take tabasco sauce or somefin' before?"
"Does this armor make me look fat?"
"Can you get me a date with Enesku when this is all over?"

Moira rolls her eyes heavenward.

You geeks are pathetic! Who do you think I am?


Who do you think you are?


And what can a legion of single-minded obsessive fans do when they pur their mind to it?

Loud cheers and Xena-esque warcries and the sounds of Cybertek weapons being banged against siding.

By Kids Crew, getting examined on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 1:11 pm:

Jacob, who has been watching this exchange from Sickbay while the Doctor examines him, activates the comm and says
Yes, but if you do decide to charge in and help, just remember that we can't defeat Professor Negative right now. That would cause an even bigger paradox. The only thing we can do right now is temporally stop him and cause him to resurface in six months.
Doctor: After scanning and examining Jacob and his friends, I've discovered something interesting.. There appears to be two brainwave patterns involved for each person. One is, I presume, the mind of the "host", and the other is the mind of a LICC crew member, but from about a year in the future. For instance, this young lady, indicating Shirley is you, Jadlad. This other young lady, indicating Lydia I have no idea.
Lydia: Well, my name is Butrfli, and I came along in the future. Among other things, I am your assistant, Doctor.

By K-NIT TV-47 Public Service Announcement on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 3:41 pm:

We interrupt this program for a public service message.

Cut to a shot of two humorless men.

I'm Dulmer, and this is Lucsly. We're from Temporal Investigations. Should you ever be caught in a temporal paradox, do not do what that young lady just did. Revealing the future is against the Temporal Prime Directive.

Remember, the Temporal Prime Directive, it's not just a good idea, it's the law!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

By Professor Negative on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 9:23 pm:

(Negative stares coldly at Kiehart.)

Command Center, facility lockdown. Activate Chronos Defenses. Level C.

(Instantly, controlled temporal rifts appear in key sections of the Base, blocking access to important areas. Kiehart finds himself unfortunately stuck in one of these, a time-freeze zone. His body still functions, but his cogent thoughts are slowed almost to the point of brain-death.)

That should contain him. Quickly, we need to secure the station. Command Center, increase the number of temporal instabilities around the base by 500%. I have a feeling we'll have visitors soon. Guards, to the Chronos Device. If we can create a rift large enough, we will be unstoppable.

By Kiehart on Monday, November 26, 2001 - 1:27 am:

*shouldn't the rules about killing also apply to freezing?*

Kiehart had pulled the trigger on his gun the moment the freeze began. The bullet inched forward slowly. In less than an hour, it would pierce the field and hit the control freeing Kiehart, while Professor negative was blissfully unaware.

By Adam Morden, Commander Adon on Monday, November 26, 2001 - 8:34 pm:

Adam stops and picks up a few pieces of debris. Then he threw them down the hallway. A number of the pieces froze in mid-air as they hit a temporal pocket.

I thought so. I had better stay out of those. And now, to mark them.

Adam closed his eyes, and sent dust billowing down the corridor. When the dust hit a pocket, it remained frozen. But where the dust was clear, time was normal.

Adon smiled to himself and turned around. A security bot had snuck up behind him.

Oh, shoot.

And the bot did. The line of bullets stopped a few inches from Adam, trapped in a temporal pocket.

Time to get out of here.

With a dust cloud in front of him, Adam ran down the corridor towards the detention block.

By Jacob McGruder on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 7:06 am:

Lydia: Do we have time for a quick tour of the ship? The last time I saw it...
Jacob: Yeah, I know. I think we can arrange it. Colanator...
Comm: Bridge to Sickbay, there seems to be an increase in temporal rifts on Negative's base. Some of them look like they're internal...
Jacob: Doctor, Colanator, can you whip up about a hundred or so devices to allow us to wander about the base and not be affected by the various rifts?

By Plot-ot-ot Twist-ist-ist on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 7:58 am:

(On the Spidermobile III, still out of phase and in the same position as the Spidermobile II, Soyburger Patricia has been casting a spell. When finished she smiles and says)

Patricia: It seems such a shame to let Professor Negative's Artificial Reality generators go to waste. Why should he have all the fun.

(On the Spidermobile II)
Ensign Who,... or What, or... Idontknow: Sir, there seem to be ships popping into existence around Negative's base.

(On the Spidermobile III looking over his earlier counterpart's shoulder)
Ensign Who,... or What, or... Idontknow: Yep. I'm right.

(Spidermobile II)
Ensign Who,... or What, or... Idontknow: There seem to be... several hundred ships now. They're shaped like spiders, crabs, ladybugs... There's even one shaped like Hamburger Pattie!

(Over the subspace radio are a variety of messages)
"This is Captain Obvious of the League of Universal Cosmic Champions, Negative! Surrender or else!"

"bzzz. This is Captain Insector of the Hive of Intergalactic Colony Champions. Surrender."

"This is Archangel Enlightenment of the Legion of Intergalactic Crusading Champions. Here to deliver retribution for your crimes against nature, Negative."

"This is Admiral Brain of the Allied Champion Monsters of Earth. You will pay for trying to conquer the world, Negative!"

"This is Captain Pattie of the Society of Universal Champion Chicks. You're going down, Negative!"

Spidermobile III
Mr. Absurd: Decided to let Negative fight our stunt doubles, eh?

Soyburger Patricia: Let him waste his resources on them. Even shutting off his AR generators won't work. The spell will let them exist for an hour, or so afterwards.

By Somewhere in space and time on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 10:23 am:

The Furby Fighter (overloaded with souvenirs and the content of the everything-you-can-steal treasure chamber of Fartus VII) has arrived at the rendezvous coordinates. Interestingly the Spidership isn't there.

"Now that's funny. I didn't recieve any messages indicating that they are saving the universe somewhere alse right now!"

"Yes, my dear brother. I'll try to get them on the comm immediately."

By Kiehart on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 11:37 am:

The bullet piereces the right control and Kiehart drops. "Man I hate when that happens. Well, I only need to throw a small wrench into the Professor's plans then make like a library and book. So, what can I blow up?"

By Colanator on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 1:02 pm:

Jacob: Doctor, Colanator, can you whip up about a hundred or so devices to allow us to wander about the base and not be affected by the various rifts?

It can be done, but temporal stabilizing technology is new. The risk of temporal narcosis increases with use, and tissue damage is possible from extended exposure to high levels of chronometric radiation. The devices could only be activated for very short intervals. I will get to work on them right away.

By Kiehart on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 1:33 pm:

Kiehart walks around, so far uninterupted. "OK, I just have to do something to stall this baddie for awhile, then get the hell out before any of the LICC people of the past see me. Now, what have we here?" He walks over to a dimly lit panel. "Oxygen control. If I turned this up too high it'd make everyone in here dizzy as hell, and even damage the lungs of a healthy person while helping a damaged lung breathe easier. Cool. I'll try this."

By Professor Negative on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 2:12 pm:

(One of the techs on staff in the Command Center turns to Professor Negative.)

"Professor, an unauthorized person is increasing oxygen flow in the life-support system for Level B-Alpha."

Is this supposed to be one of the League, sabotaging us? Hmm. Are any of our personnel in that corridor?

"No, Professor."

Good. Pipe the contents of Pressure Tanks B and C in the Bio-Toxins Lab into that corridor, then after 10 minutes or so, sterilize the area with the bio-containment-leak radiation emitters and chlorine sprays.

"Yes, Professor."

By Adam Morden, Commander Adon on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 2:20 pm:

The crew was surprised by a clanging sound coming from the door. With a metallic protest, the door was forced open by a fifteen year old kid carrying a short metal pole.

LICC, I'm here to rescue you. Unfortunately, I can't tell you who I am, but please believe that I am here to help.

The boy tapped the force field controls a few times, but nothing happened. So he hit the control with the pole. The field shorted out, freeing the crew.

We can borrow one of Negative's shuttles to escape. We have to be careful, there are time pockets all around the place.

By Bruce Garner on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 3:51 pm:

Kid's Crew

Regina: Wow what?
Bruce: I forgot how that ship looked in space. I crashed her you know, well I will crash her.
Regina: That's something to be proud of. Wait, the Spider 2 gets Crashed?!!!?
Bruce: Garner to Spidership, permission to dock.

By Jacob McGruder, trying to give orders, and Lydia McGurk, detecting something on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 3:56 pm:

Thanks, Colanator. Now, I'm going to take Lydia here up to the bridge and see what's going on.
Jacob and Lydia make their way up to the bridge. Lydia steps out of the turbolift and looks around the area.
I like it. But.. I seem to be sensing...something... almost like somebody was hiding, just out of my visual range...
Jacob: Can you tell who or where they are?
Lydia: The strange thing is that it feels like there's something overlapping the area... But I can feel a concentration right over there...Lydia points to an area right next to where Soyburger Patricia and group are standing
Jacob opens a nearby storage case, pulls out a Tricorder, and scans the area indicated
I'm not reading anything... Ops, I have a question.. just how many ships are currently out there, and can we get them to help us...or am I overstepping my bounds?

By Kiehart on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 4:11 pm:

Kiehart sniffed the gases coming through the vents. "With my luck they'll have the on knock out gas that works on me, not that they ever have before. The most they've ever done is make my eyes and lungs itch, and as uncomfortable as that may be-" he stops. "Jesus you're losing it Jaosn, you're tlaking to yourself." He closes his mouth and stops his breathing, a trick he's known for many years and is thus left unaffected by the gas while he sets the fogged up switch on his gun to fire explosive rounds. He opens a hole in a nearby wall and leaps through, and lands right behind, the Kid's Crew. "Uh, hi guys." They seem marginally happy to see him, but seem surpirsed that he is here in his own body.

By Marissa on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 4:48 pm:

Wait! I am in charge of the Kid's Crew!

Stephen, make them suffer if I don't get to be boss!

By Timmy McGurk, surprised on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 7:32 pm:

Kiehart, how did you get here??

Ensign Yellowshirt points at the hole in the bridge bulkhead.

"Look sir, that looks like Negative's base!"

Kiehart, somehow you opened a portal straight from the Asteroid Base to the Spidermobile II's bridge. This could be dangerous, and yet, advantageous. Can we infiltrate the base through that?

By Kiehart, making his exit on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 8:12 pm:

Kiehart shrugs. "I honestly don't know. I didn't open a portal, or at least I didn't try to. I blew a hole in the wall after negative tried to gas me, and I jumped. I guess that would explain why the gas didn't follow me. I think gases can't pass thorugh these portals. Well, how I got here, I unfortuneately can't say. But I won't be going back right away. To get here I had to play the favor game, so it may be awhile before I'm back on the ship with you guys. Anyway, Neggie nad his cronies are probably running around like rats in a maze trying to clean up my mess." He laughed. "Well, I'm gonna get out of here before one of the pre-me crew members sees me. Good luck."

By Jacob McGruder on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 8:33 pm:

McGruder to Colanator, how are the devices coming?
Ok.. As soon as we get the devices, we take ourselves and a few of the Fans through the hole and rescue ourselves.

By Kiehart on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 9:14 pm:

Kiehart steps out of another portal onto the Spidership III. "Hey Quincy!" he shouts. Ranger turns to look at him and says...

By Frankmobile on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 4:49 am:

This is Captain Frank of the League of Intergalactic Fighting Franks. Frankly, Negative, you haven't got a chance. You're outnumbered, outgunned & outfranked. Surrender and throw yourself on the franky of the courts.

By Soyburger Patricia on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 5:00 am:

(Patricia fades into view as she matches the phase of the Spidermobile II and is facing Lydia.)

Have you ever heard the phrase 'Loose lips sink ships'?

Negative had this ship filled with bugs. Fortunately I teleported them all to the set where they film the LICC series. One can only hope that he mistakes the flubbed lines, missed cues and actor temper tantrums as being part of the usual goings on here.

By Lydia McGurk, apologetic on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 6:25 am:

Hey Patricia!
I apologize for pointing you out, but I thought that something was unusual, and, as a good crew member, I thought I should report it to the captain.
Again, I apologize. I probably should have whispered it to Jacob.

By Soyburger Patricia on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 7:42 am:

Hopefully Negative didn't have any other listening devices planted so he shouldn't know about my presence.

(For that same reason Patricia is not saying anything about the Spidermobile III's presence.)

By Author trying to make it a little more clearer on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 7:47 am:

(That is Patricia is not saying anything about the Spidermobile III just in case there is a listening device that Rocket Ranger missed.

Always have a surprise waiting.)

By alt-Furby on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 8:57 am:

Nobody is answering my calls. That's very strange.

By Furby on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 8:58 am:

Mist. Initiate search pattern Omega, full sensor scan!

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 11:44 am:

...Where the heck have you been?!

By Kiehart on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 1:54 pm:

"Pouring sugar in Prof Negative's gas tank. The Conclave gave me the temporary power to travel through time to help. Of course in exchange I had to promise to do something for them. I can't tell what it is, just wanted to let you know I'd be taking off, and make sure the Banshees are taken care of." He holds out his hand to shake with Ranger. "Well, don't let Wayne and kent go about trying to rebuild the entire squad while I'm gone OK?"

By Furby on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 7:53 pm:

Hours later.

Nothing yet. Not even a single tachyon. That's strange! Let's map the area where all those interesting particles are missing!

By Jacob McGruder, making plans on Thursday, November 29, 2001 - 6:39 am:

Jacob to Moira, we have a link to Negative's Base. Start bringing the Fans to the bridge to start the mission.
Ok.. as soon as they start arriving, give them a temporal device. Then, we split them into teams and each of us take a team into Negative's base. We then spread out, using the element of suprise to our advantage. Most of the teams will head towards the cell block where the LICC is being held. One or two teams will try and find a way to stop Negative and his doings for about six months.

By Moira Garf on Thursday, November 29, 2001 - 10:05 am:

Okay, Jacob, I'm sending over everybody who's not already in the reserves. They're beaming over in groups of 5.

By alt-Furby on Thursday, November 29, 2001 - 10:17 am:

Hey, it seems that we are either in a parallel universe or that our one has changed significantly. Hm, there is a 0.0000001% shift in the chroniton background radiation...

By Furby on Thursday, November 29, 2001 - 10:25 am:

Yeah. Oh boy, I'm getting the newest sensor readings. It seems that we have our own universe now! Under different circumstances it would be the best thing that could happen but now...ugh. Around our ship is the normal space-time continuum but a few lightyears it simply ends and becomes virtual!

How the heck is this possible?

Huh, were we ever involved in a big temporal paradox other than the ones recorded in the archive? I don't recall anything but maybe it happened while we were on vacation?

By alt-Furby on Thursday, November 29, 2001 - 10:27 am:

Well, from what I'm reading here on the LICC site, there was some temporal trouble at the end of LICC 1. Maybe a paradox strikes back?

By Furby on Thursday, November 29, 2001 - 10:29 am:

Yesss. Set course to the place where Negative's old base would have been in the real universe. And scan for other reality pockets!

By Pizzamobile. on Thursday, November 29, 2001 - 11:23 pm:

This is Captain Judy Alison Frangelica Artsy Angelina Contessa Louisa Jennifer Ansh Kathleen Francesca Bannana Fanna Bo Banna Rikard the third. From the Legion of Intergalactic Descendant Superheroes. You'll never get away Negative!

By Artsy/Tabitha on Friday, November 30, 2001 - 2:54 am:

Tabitha, who has been hanging out with some artistically-minded fans, is helping Moira get the fans in order for the transports. Even without her super-speed, she keeps appearing in the most unexpected places just in time to keep everything moving smoothly.

"This way! Next group please. And do remember to be careful. We can't afford too many more paradoxes, okay?"

She is in her element now, barely able to wait to create beautiful havoc on Negative's base. Her only problem is those blue glasses which keep sliding down her nose....

By Jacob McGruder on Friday, November 30, 2001 - 7:15 am:

Meanwhile, on the Bridge, the members of the KId's Crew are receiving their temporal devices
Ok... Let's get in there, cause a little havoc, and rescue ourselves. I'm getting data from Moira about where she transported the fans, so onec you get in, find them and lead them to victory. When you do find them, give them a temporal device. Some of the already transported may have wandered into temporal pockets, causing who knows what conquences.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, November 30, 2001 - 7:17 am:

Asteroid Base, in the cell block
Tacoman looks at Adam and says
Thanks, kid. How did you know we were in here?
Ok people, let's get out of here!
By the way, kid, think you could help us find our uniforms and various other clothing?

By Female fans on Friday, November 30, 2001 - 9:45 am:

A large body of young female fans charge the cell block, in hopes of seeing Tacoman without his uniform and other clothing.

By Adam Morden, Commander Adon on Friday, November 30, 2001 - 9:50 am:

Adam seems to blank out for a moment.

I'm sorry, but I have no idea where your equipment is being stored. As for how I found you, I seem to be in contact with your Commander Adon, who is currently trapped outside of time. I'm going to rescue him next.

As they turned the corner, a number of security-bots blocked their way. Behind the bots, was the base's hanger bay, complete with a number of shuttles.

Adam drew the metal pole much like Adon drew his sword, and he adopted a defensive stance, much like the one Adon used.

I'll distract them. You try and get to the bay and escape. The Spidership was on a heading of 047 mark 2 a little while ago. That will probably be the best way to go.

And with that, Adam charged the bots.

By Lt. Commander Rikard/Bruce Garner on Friday, November 30, 2001 - 2:55 pm:

Asteroid Base

Rikard rubs the back of his neck, where Negative's device was.
I'm glad to have that thing off. If Adon is still being held, I don't think we should leave until he's freed. I say we head for the shuttles after that. But that's just my opinion. What do you think Captain? Should we help him fight off the robots. Even without our weapons, it would probably help that kid not get killed.

Spidership II

Bruce walks through the corridor, heading for Rikard's quarters, Regina following.
Reg: Where are we going? Shouldn't we be jumping over to the base.
Bruce: We will, but we have to get some things first.
Bruce and Reg come to Rikard's door. They enter and Bruce walks over to a small nightstand and opens the drawer. He pulls out two phaser pistols and a belt with two holsters.
Bruce: Whenever Rikard couldn't use his lightsaber, he always had a gun and a couple backups too. You ever shoot one of these?
Reg shook her head.
Bruce: Okay, well, in that case, I guess I'll be the one with the guns. Let's go over to Negative's, shall we?
The duo heads for the bridge.

By Captain Tacoman/Jacob McGruder on Friday, November 30, 2001 - 3:16 pm:

Asteroid Base
Tacoman, who has been watching the kid fight, looks up.
What? Oh.. I was just watching him fight.. he fights a lot like Adom, for some reason.. must be the psychic connection.
Ok.. Find something to fight with and let's help that kid! And then, we'll see where Adon is.

Kid's Crew
Jacob and company proceed through the hole, in a location near where Moira is transporting Fans. At the same time, the klaxons start blaring. Jacob checks his tricorder.
Well, it looks like the LICC is free.. But Adon is still a prisoner, and Adam is fighting robots. I want a a team to try and find where Adon is being held, a team to temporally disable the base, and the rest of us will go help Adam.
Lydia: I can help disable the base. I don't think the guards will be expecting magic.
Jacob: Good.

By Kiehart, taking a hiatus. on Friday, November 30, 2001 - 3:53 pm:

Kiehart opens a portal and prepares to leave. "Remember Qunicy, tell Wayne and Kent that I want to find the banshee's EXACTLY as I left them." He elaves before Rnager can reply.

By Ensign Qunicy Rnager on Saturday, December 01, 2001 - 4:34 am:

The redshirt turns
Yes, sir... Oh, he must have elaved already.

I wonder why he told me to tell Wayne & Kent instead of Rocket Ranger?

At that point an exploding spellchecker kills Qunicy Rnager

By A Qunicy Rnager fan & friend watching K-NIT 47 on Saturday, December 01, 2001 - 5:05 am:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! They killed Qunicy! How could they do that? After all they showed us of him and his life, his sister on Azuria, his brother in the Space Marines, his father's life-saving operation. Remember how nervous he was when he wanted to ask Artsy out on a date, and how excited he was when she accepted? Now he's dead, before the big date ever even happened. *sob*

Dude, they never showed us that. I think you're thinking of that fanfic you're working on.

Oh. That's right. hehe. *gulp*

By Cadet Qunicy Rnager on Saturday, December 01, 2001 - 7:27 am:

Kid's Crew
Talking to Tabitha

Wow! This is something. My brother in the space Marines pulled some strings to get me into a special program so that when I graduate in six months I will be assigned to the Spidermobile. And here I am helping out the LICC while I'm still a space cadet!
Isn't it funny the way life works?

By Waiting fan, with an idea and a pun on Saturday, December 01, 2001 - 3:24 pm:

Meanwhile, in the borrowed shuttle, only a few fans remaine with Moira. One of the fans raises his hand and speaks up.
I have a question... Would it be possible to make a clone of this Professor Negative?
Moira gives a look and says,
Fan: Well, because you would then have a double Negative, and in some languages, in that case, the Negatives cancel each other out...

By Jacob McGruder and Lydia McGurk, hopefully saving the day on Saturday, December 01, 2001 - 3:42 pm:

The Kid's Crew splits up into several groups, with Lydia heading for Enviromental controls and Jacob's group going to help the battling LICC.

Jacob's Group
With weapons blazing, Jacob and his group start fighting the robot guards along with the LICC and Adam
Hey Adam! You're doing great!
Tacoman: So how do YOU know Adam, and how did YOU know to rescue us?
Jacob: Well, Adam is a member of my fan club, and when he and your Adon connected, we knew we had to rescue you.
Tacoman: Sounds plausable. But I seem to sense there's something you're not telling me...
Jacob: Maybe I'll tell you later. Right now, we're in the middle of a battle...

Lydia's group
Lydia's group arrives at Enviromental controls not long after Jacob begins helping the LICC. The groups fights off a small number of guards and gets inside. Lydia and the rest of the group spend a few minutes examening the various equipment and objects in the room. Lydia then stands in the middle of the room and begins to chant. After another number of minutes, she opens her eyes and says
Come here people, I have an idea.
The group huddles and a minute or two of frantic whispering occurs. The more enterprising members of the group start building something while Lydia picks up a stun grenade left by a robot and begins chanting. The grenade makes a odd sound and makes an effort to look cold and menacing. Once the device is finished and connected to the main controls, Lydia attaches the grenade and timer to the thing.
Lydia to Jacob, I've managed to connect a freeze grenade to the main Enviromental Controls. Just say the word, and we can set the timer for five minutes. When the grenade goes off, it will freeze along a pipe we connected to the controls and then the controls themselves, hopefully causing the base and the big temporal device to freeze for your required six months.
Jacob: Lydia, I could kiss you! Let's hope it works.

By Ensign Who, or What, or Idontknow on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 2:46 am:

Spidermobile III
The really sad thing is that this was Qunicy's last day as a redshirt.

By Jadlad/Shirley Wolfe on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 4:00 am:

Jadlad's group
After fighting off several guards and giving Egads a couple of pizza slices to the face, they make their way into Negative's file room, begin destroying both the physical and computer files and then Iris sends a virus that Jadlad/Shirley created at Timmy's house throughout Negatives information network. Letting the virus do it's work, Jadlad/Shirley and his/her group place several plasma bombs all over the room.

Iris (Looking at the readout): It's all green!

Jadlad/Shirley: That means it's working. Lets do this quickly people.

No Izumi! Not that close together! We don't want to blow a hole in the side of this thing. Just destroy his information gathering equipment in here.

Izumi: Sorry Shirley. :(

Jadlad/Shirley: That's ok. :) And stop calling me Shirley!

She moves them farther apart.

That's better. Set them for 20 seconds! Lets get out of here people. Move! Move! Move!



They feel the explosion all the way to where they are. Jadlad does a head count and everyone's accounted for. After making a visual conformation, Jadlad/Shirley takes the camera from Iris and turns it on himself/herself.

Well, what we did just slowed down Negative a bit. It won't stop him. Not by a long shot. But it will be a major pain in his backside to recover his information from his hard copies at other places. But for now all he will be able to get to actually come up on his information equipment elsewhere will be taco and pizza recipes! :O

Jadlad hands the camera back to Iris and contacts Moira.
=/\=Jad...to heck with it. Shirley to Moira. Objective A accomplished. I got the virus I made into Negatives' information network. And destroyed his information gathering equipment here. Unfortunately, he will be able to recover the info....Eventually. :) =/\=

By Jacob McGruder and Lydia McGurk, bidding their time on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 6:41 am:

Jacob's group
Even with the distruction of dozens of robot guards, Jacob, his group, and the LICC are still fighting.
Jacob: Captain, should we send a group to find your various uniforms? And if we did, where would we find them?
Tacoman: Yeah, that would be good. It would beat fighting in my long underwear! As for where they are, I presume that they're in Negative's armory! I also presume that there's a group looking for Adom's whereabouts....
Jacob: I hope so. I really hope so.

Lydia's group
Lydia: Ok people.. when we get the word, we set the timer, get out of here, and seal the doors. Then, from out here, we start the detonator, find our way out, and get the heck out of here!
Lydia, who has a camera of her own, has one of the fans hold it and turn it towards her
Ok.. that's what can happen when you use a little teamwork. By the way, after seeing this and you decide to use the spells I've been using, forget it. My mind and spirit is magically charged, so I can do this sort of thing. I don't want you trying the same things and getting in trouble.

By Reed Martin on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 7:48 am:

On his cell phone
Jacob? Jacob? Oh, come on, man, pick up the phone!

Nuts. And Timmy's not picking up either.

Moira? It's Reed. I've found Negative's Armory, now what should I do? ... Yeah, but he didn't pick up the phone. ... How should I know? Maybe he turned it off. ... Granted, okay, that's not likely. ... Epic battle? Come on. Aren't there another few possibilities that-- hello? Hello?

By Moira on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 7:58 am:

Hangs up on Reed

Okay, team, Jacob's group seems to be in the middle of an epic battle, so now's our time to show what we can do! Everybody move!!!

About thirty assorted fans waving Cybertek weaponry and roaring materialize directly behind the robot guards and charge them.

Jacob-- Tacoman! Howza boys?

By Reed Martin on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 8:06 am:

The phone at Timmy's house rings.

Oh, brother. I sure hope that's not...

Hi, Mrs. McGurk! ... No, this is Reed. Reed Martin? Lydia's friend? ... She's in the shower, can I take a message? ... Timmy? He's over at a friend's. ... Oh, that's a drag. You can't fly anywhere these days without getting @#$%*ed by some stupi airline. ... I beg your pardon, Ma'am! Didn't mean to offend. ... You're stuck in Miami for another day? ... Oh sure, I'll tell him. And I'll keep an eye on him and Lydia 'till your back.

Whew. That's a godsend. I honestly don't know how they were planning to save the world and get back all in 24 hours.

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the Charbroiled Avenger! on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 8:25 am:

Spidership III

Lord of the Hamburgers is in Holodeck 2, playing Ping-Pong with a 4-armed Rigellian Throatknocker. He slams the ball past the beast, and the beast freezes.

Lord of the Hamburger wins, 20-17.

Well, that was a good game. Think I'll head up to the bridge to see what's going on....computer, end simulation.

The Throatnocker, table, ball, and paddles disappear. LotH leaves the Holodeck.

By Adam Morden, Commander Adon on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 12:54 pm:

Adam turned and threw the pole at Captain Tacoman. It missed his head by inches. Tacoman was about to protest, but then he saw the security bot that was about to grab him. The pole was sticking out of it as it twitched a few times on the floor.

I thought I told you guys to get to the shuttles. You're too important.

Jacob, can you make sure the crew make it out of here all right? I'm going to find Adon. If our hunch is right, the best place to get him would be the mining corridor where Egads trapped him.

Adam ran past Tacoman, grabbed the pole, and continued on his way, following the dust cloud.

By Moira Garf on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 3:02 pm:

Watches with grim satisfaction as the fans make hash out of the guard bots Behold, the power of geeks.

Adam! Are you crazy? You can't go alone!
Moira dashes after Adam.

By Jacob McGruder and friends, in the middle of battle on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 4:27 pm:

Jacob: Right!
And then, in the same tone, Tacoman and Jacob both exclaim...
I need a vacation!
Shocked, Tacoman looks at Jacob with new interest
Ok... get us to that shuttle, and then explain what's going on!
Jacob: Of course. Jacob to Lydia, get ready to start the timer!
Lydia: Sure thing. Ok people, let's get out of here.
Lydia and her group rush out of Enviromental Controls, and the doors shut after them. The group fire at the controls and then seal the doors. Lydia chants a spell that makes sure that nobody can transport into the room. All that's left to do is to remote-activate the timer. In the middle of this, more robots start approaching.

By Moira Garf on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 6:33 pm:

Oh, jeez! I forgot!
whip out her cell phone as she runs
Jacob! Reed sent me the coordinates of the armory! I'm sending them to you now!

By Timmy McGurk/Commander Milkshake on Sunday, December 02, 2001 - 10:34 pm:

As the roboguards approach Jacob's team, a short, stout figure and a very tall, armored figure pound down a corridor toward the mixed heroes.

Timmy and Milkshake: Jacob/Taco, we managed to blast a couple of big power conduits leading to Negative's big machine!

The roboguards attack, and the air is filled with energy bolts and weapon discharges. The heroes' return fire withers the attacking forces, and very few casualties are sustained. A spent gamma cartridge arcs out of nowhere and clanks Timmy in the head. The short child falls to the ground, stunned. Milkshake offers Timmy a hand up, but a roboguard leaps into the midst of the group, kicking Milkshake into a wall. It grabs Timmy with one hand and aims its shoulder-mounted cannon straight at the 8 year-old. Timmy's eyes are wide with fear, and before any of the heroes can react, a flash of light envelops the child in the roboguard's clutches.

Nothing is left of Timmy. Milkshake shouts in fury and fires three plasma bolts. The shots disintegrate the guard.

By Mr. Insensitive on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 3:11 am:

Here's a trick my cousin told me about.

(He throws magnets at several of the approaching robots, and when they make contact the robots begin dancing and singing folk songs)

By The Attacking Robots Barbershop Quartet on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 3:20 am:

Hello my lady, hello my baby, hello my ragtime gal
Send me a kiss by wire
By wire
Honey my hearts on fire
On fire...

By Captain Tacoman and Jacob McGruder, mouring the appearent death of Timmy McGurk on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 7:01 am:

Jacob picks the two largest guns he can find and begins firing them at any approaching robot
This is for the mind of Commander Milkshake, you little BLEEPS!
That's right! Timmy was holding the mind of a future Commander Milkshake, while I am holding the mind of Captain Tacoman!
Soon there are no robots in the immediate area and Jacob briefly explains the situation
Tacoman: My god... no wonder I felt a connection when I first saw you...Do you know what will happen to the Commander's mind now that Timmy has been killed?
Jacob: I have no idea. Hopefully, the Q will intervene somehow...
Suddenly, a beeping comes from his cell phone. Jacob answers it
Gentlemen, I just got some good news.. Moira has located the armory! Let's get your uniforms back!
Tacoman: Sounds like a plan. I suggest we pick the shortest way there and then get out of here!
Jacob: My thoughts exactally. One thing, though... how am I, or Jacob himself, going to explain this to Timmy's parents?

By Timmy McGurk/Commander Milkshake on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 9:04 am:


Timmy appears in the exact same space he was when being held by the roboguard. He drops to the ground, again.

Wow...I was being held by the guard, then suddenly I was in another place...and it was beautiful. But I wanted to leave, because I knew I needed to be here, and suddenly I'm here. What happened?

At the same time, a booming voice resounds in Jacob's mind.


The world shimmers and skews crazily around the heroes. When it stabilizes again, a frightened Timmy is being held by the roboguard. The guard attempts to fire its shouder cannon, but a loud clicking noise indicates that it is out of ammunition. Milkshake jumps off the ground and fires a plasma bolt, knocking the guard's head from its shoulders. The machine slumps down, and Timmy quickly frees himself from its grasp.

Thanks, Commander!

The booming voice appears once again, just to Jacob


The voice falls silent

By Captain Tacoman and Jacob McGruder on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 10:59 am:

Tacoman: Good job, Commander!
Suddenly, Jacob's cell phone rings. Jacob answers it
It would seem that Moira has discovered the armory... Let's get your uniforms!
Tacoman: Sounds good to me.
Following the instructions on the phone, Jacob leads the group to the armory. Along the way, they fight off more robot guards. Then, they are before the armory doors. Tacoman and Milkshake fire their weapons at the door, making a large hole in it, and then the LICC rushes in, gathers their stuff, puts it on, and exits again.
Tacoman: Well, that was fairly easy... Everybody check your stuff for traps and such...
Tacoman presses a button on his wrist gauntlet, and his suit begins to glow. When it finishes glowing, a small screen pops up and gives a readout.
There were a couple bugging devices on my suit, but it's clean now.
Jacob: Come on, there's not much time left! Let's get to the shuttle!

By Adam Morden, Commander Adon on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 11:47 am:

Adam runs down the hall and eventually arrives in the Hazmatite mining area where Adon was last seen.

I'm at the spot where you disappeared. Are you ready to go?

"Yes. Attempting to break out now."

Adam heard Adon unleash an energy bolt at the barrier in his head. He saw a tiny point of light appear in mid air. Little cracks of light spread out from the point, but they weren't big enough to bring Adon through.

Can you give any more? You're breaking though!

"I... can't... See... if... there's... anything... on... your... side... that... can... help!"

There is one thing that I can do. I just hope that Adam's body can stand it.

Adam took the pole and powered up. His hair and his shirt fluttered in the rippling energies surrounding his body. And then, something strange happened.

The metal pole began to twist and melt in Adam's hands. It molded itself into a new shape, a smaller version of Adon's sword. With a yell, Adam thrust the sword into the point of light and fired energy into it. The two swords touched tips inside the hole, and time shattered.

By Commander Adon on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 11:52 am:

Adon woke up in the corridor. There was a young boy passed out in the corridor, holding a metal pole. Adon reached out his hand and felt the boy's forehead.

Poor boy. So you were the one I was talking with. I am in your debt. Come on, lets get you out of here.

Adon gently picked the boy up. He groaned, as if in pain at Adon's touch. Adon wondered why the boy, a normal human boy, was suffering the symptoms of a burnout. Where your body can't handle the energies that the person summons.

He began making his way towards where the boy had left the Combat-Suit.

By Furby on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 12:11 pm:

Hello? Spidership III?

By Moira Garf on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 12:19 pm:

From down the hall Adon! Look out!

By Jacob McGruder and Lydia McGurk, reporting in on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 2:11 pm:

Jacob McGruder to all teams, what's your various statuses?
My team has left the armory and are headed for the sbuttle bay. We should be there fairly soon.

Lydia McGurk to Jacob, my team is ready and waiting to start Operation Freezer. Like the name? I just came up with it...

By Enesku/Kate on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 2:56 pm:

A bot approaches Adon menacingly. Before the tired Adon can act, the bot falls to the floor. Enesku, in the body of Kate, stands holding a mace.

Hi, Adon. And Adon.

Adon looks startled. Enesku realises she's slipped up

I mean... Hello, Adon. And, Adon, I'm glad to see you. *looks round at Moira* I got that right, Fran... cesca?

By Commander Adon on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 4:57 pm:

Thank you for the help. We really should get to the shuttle and get out of here.

Adon hands the unconscience Adam over to Kate and Moira.

Here, take him with you. My ride is in a different place, and it only seats one.

By Jadlad/Shirley Wolfe on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 5:29 pm:

Jadlad/Shirley reports to Jacob.

=/\=Jacob. My groups two objectives have been accomplished. We destroyed all of Negatives info and lab specimens that were here. No one in my group got hurt. We are on our way to the shuttlebay now.=/\=

Jadlad's group meets up with the others.

They start getting aboard the shuttle. Jadlad turns to Moira.

I don't know why. But I have an odd feeling we're overlooking something.

By Jacob McGruder and Lydia McGurk on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 6:10 pm:

Jacob to Lydia, time to detonate!
Lydia: Right.
With that, Lydia presses a button on a device she holds. Inside the room, the timer activates, giving everybody five minutes before the grenade explodes
Ok people, let's get out of here! Head for the shuttlebay!
With Lydia in the lead, her group rushes towards the shuttlebay, fighting the occasional robot along the way. Soon, they reach the shuttle and begin climbing aboard.
Jacob: How much time left?
Lydia: About 2 minutes to freezer time.
Jacob: Ok.. is everybody aboard? If we are, let's get out of here!

By Bruce Garner/Rikard on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 8:34 pm:

In a dark room at a small computer terminal.

Regina: Come on! You heard him, they're getting out of here. We've got two minutes!
Bruce: Hold on. This is interesting. It seems that Negative detected the grenade. . I guess this base has a dark matter cloak, like his battlesuit did. Looks like he set it to activate a couple of seconds before the grenade goes off. Smart guy. I guess he realizes that there's no way to stop it. If the computer is right, the base will only be suspended for two to three months, which is about how long he was gone, I think. Okay, let's get out of-

Suddenly, Bruce feels a blaster bolt hit the back of his leg. He falls to the ground. He and Reggie look back to see one of Negative's surviving guards. The robot speaks in a one-tone mechanical voice.

Guard: Freeze.
Reg: I'd say we only have a minute forty-five before we do.
Bruce: See you in three months. And, um, sorry for dragging you into this.

Bruce lies back, the back of his leg burning, not seeing the silver lightsaber blade go through the robot's chest. The pieces of the former guard fall to the ground and Josh Rikard and Peter Insane step into the room.

Rikard: Come on! We've got to get out of here now!
This whole place is gonna freeze.

At hearing his own voice Bruce's eyes shoot open, although he never realized they were closed.

Reg: Wait, he's hurt, he can't walk.
Rikard: I'll get him, Pete take her and get out of here.
Insane: But-
Rikard: I'll be right behind you.

As Regina and Insane run out of the room, Rikard bends down and picks up Bruce, who grimaces in pain.

Rikard: Sorry kid, but we gotta go. Get ready for the run of your life. Rikard to shuttle, I think we've got everyone. Power up if you haven't already. We're coming.

They exit the room and Rikard begins to run. Bruce watches the walls fly by. Soon, the walls of the landing bay are present in his sight. He sees the shuttle and feels himself going up the ramp. They're on. Rikard puts the kid down and checks the chronometer. 42 seconds to go...

By Adam Morden, Commander Adon on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 9:29 pm:

Adam's eyes fluttered open.

Adon... is he out? I can't hear him anymore.

Several passengers assure him that Adon made it out of the temporal prison all right. At the same time, Adon's Combat Suit is seen in front of the shuttle, ready to escort it away from the base.

It worked... Good. I hope Adam can forgive me for what I did. The body will be alright, as long as he doesn't do anything like that for awhile.

By Enesku/Kate on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 12:43 am:

Back in the shuttle, Enesku spots Insane, with Regina. It need not be pointed out that Insane is still dressed as Cutthroat Jimlad.

Hey look, a pirate. I don't remember you.

Insane: Arr, I be Cutthroat Jimlad, the scurviest cur to sail the forty-seven seas and live to tell the tale!

*rolling eyes* I really don't speak your language.

Just then Descartes the ship's parrot flies up.

Descartes: *raaawk* energize! Fire the polymorph rifle!

So, are we ready to fly this shuttle outta here, or what?

By Lydia McGurk, saving the day on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 6:19 am:

Lydia jumps to the shuttle controls and prepares to leave.
Looks like we've got everybody!
Lydia touches the shuittle controls, and the shuttle rises and leaves the bay, accompanied by the Combat Suit.
To the Spidership, right?
As the heros head for the ship, the timer on the grenade counts down... It's down to 10 seconds.

By Prof Negative, 10 seconds to go... on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 9:12 am:

(Negative turns to his technicians in the Command Center.)

Hourly report, gentlemen. Have we destroyed all the heroes?

"Well, sir..."


By Moira Garf on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 9:49 am:

Sheez! What are we going to tell these kids' parents??
grabs a first aid kit and starts fussing over Adam

Fred! Somebody! Find another first-aid kit! Where's Butrfli when you need her?

Thankfully, besides Bruce's burns, Adam's concussion, and Timmy's state of shock, injuries to children are few. Several of the older fans have burns and bashes from fighting the battlebots, but they seem to be taking their pains in stride and are all sitting around bragging about how much bot-@$$ they kicked and how close they came to certain death.

By Jacob McGruder and company, a job well done on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 10:33 am:

Shirley, take over!
Shirley takes over the shuttle controls as Lydia rushes to help the injured. In the cockpit area, she picks up a spare first-aide kit.
Sorry about that.. I was trying to get the shuttle away from the base before it froze. Look out the window.
Moira and several others glance out the window and are greeted by the sight of Professor Negative's asteroid base encased in ice, and then disappearing with a dark flash.
Jacob: Well folks, it looks like we did it.. rescued the heros AND stopped Professor Negative for a while.
Tacoman: Thanks, Jacob. How can we thank you?
Jacob: Well, perhaps you can visit our fan club in a year or so... Here's our address. We might even let you watch the various videos of this adventure that we made.
Jacob presses an ID card to Tacoman's gauntlet, which records the information. Meanwhile, Lydia is helping the injured while the shuttle rapidly approaches the Spidership

By Ensign PD Insane on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 11:24 am:

The shuttle docks and the heroes (both the contemporary LICC and those in the forms of the fans) disembark. Insane removes his fake beard and bandana.

Let's head back to Earth and take a vacation! I need some time to make my new lightsaber.

Enesku recognises him.

Enesku: Hey, you're...

Peter Dionysus Insane of the L.I.C.C. You've heard of me?

Enesku: Uh, yeah... I just didn't think that was you in the pirate costume.

I must be a master of disguise...

By Moira Garf on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 12:17 pm:

I hate to break things up, but Timmy's parents will be home in a few hours, and the rest of our host bodies probably don't have perfect alibis either. We should get home before we cause these poor kids any more trouble than we already have. The Q can return us to the future at any point, whether we're on the Spidership or not.

By The New Almighty Moderator (Jdominguez) on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 1:05 pm:

Once everyone is safely onboard the Spidermobile, a glowing presence appears on the bridge.

Greetings, my children. It is time for this phase of your adventures to come to an end. Now that you have completed this assignment, you will be returned to your proper bodies and everything shall be put right here. Your hosts will recieve adequate reward for their service, and know that you have my thanks as well. Now, on toward your new home!

The erstwhile members of the League begin to glow in blue light...and their minds are carried away...

By Narrator on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 2:26 pm:

(Zoroaster's talk'n again begins to play)

By Moira Garf-- the real Moira Garf on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 4:38 pm:

Aaaaaaack!!! What just happened? Where are we?

The crew of the Spidermobile II explains to the twelve very confused civillians just what happened. Since these young people are... well... the Arcola fan chapter, they are positively thrilled to have helped save their television heroes. So thrilled, in fact, that it takes the frantic subspace "honking" of the other fans on the shuttle to remind them that they actually have homes and lives awaiting them back on Earth. This reminder is not welcome, but the fans are convinced to go home and return to Life As They Know It with the promise of gratuitary kisses from good-looking members of the League. Enesku dispenses smooches to the gentlemen, Commander Milkshake and Adon salute the ladies, and somewhere in the conversation, Tacoman calls Butrfli "The mother of my children and my current flame" again and mortally offends Moira.

The twelve erstwhile heroes board Honest Fred's shuttle amidst cheers from their fellow fans. The microvideo recordings of their adventure are played for them on the way home and, if truth be told, more or less ceaselessly ever after.

By The Arcola Chapter on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 5:01 pm:

Dear Heroes of the L.I.C.C.,

Hi!!!! It's us!!!!!!! Remember us? We helped save the world. We just thought you'd like to know What Happened To Us Afterward.

Timmy and Lydia did get back to the McGurk's before Timmy's parents came home. Timmy has since gotten contact lenses and beaten up the neighborhood bully. We think that watching himself defeat an army of battle bots may have had a positive effect on him.

Jacob McGruder was grounded for a month when his parents saw what his "friends" had done to the garage and how many long-distance minutes they had racked up on his cell phone. But he reports that Commander Milkshake and Scott Free have made so many cool changes to his computer that it will take him two months to catalog them all.

Adam Morden took a lot of that CyberTek equipment you left here and sold it on eBay for a huge profit. He's donated some of the money to our chapter and we're buying an ultraspofonic big screen holographic TV for our meetings. Adam also says to tell you that he's feeling fine and the Wanderer-burnout hasn't left him with any ill effects. He's told his parents that he was hit by a car and spent two days lying unconscious in a ditch. We're not sure they believe him, but he hasn't been grounded. Oh, and he's taken up fencing.

Kate McRonald was grounded for two weeks but reports that, "It was worth it, baby!!!!" She has terminated her therapy and reports that she is now "Fat and Proud."

Moira Garf has cut her hair and picked up a new pair of MiB shades in honor of Frangelica.

Flora MacDougal was grounded for three weeks and has stopped coming to meetings. You guys shuoldn't feel bad, though-- she was really exasperating brat.

Bruce Garner says that the burns on his leg have enabled him to bail out of gym for this quarter, which is not a bad thing. Regina says that Bruce is a God and she never knew how sexy he looked under fire until now.

Fred Dreiburger sold the shuttle that took the fans to the Asteroid Base to KNIT-TV and received a substantial kickback.

Shirley Wolfe has passed her pilot's liscensing exam.

Reed Martin's wife demanded to know where in @#$% he had been for two days and an ugly scene ensued, but they have since made up.

Also, the National Consortium of L.I.C.C. fans has dubbed us "The Coolest Fans of 3000." We're selling copies of our microvideo to the other fans who weren't with us on the mission and we're going to donate the money to wiping out injustice.

Your Loyal Fans From Arcola

P.S. Enclosed are 56 color glossies of y'all. Please autograph them and return them. Thanx!!!!

By Dude on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 5:15 pm:


By The Queue on Wednesday, December 05, 2001 - 3:31 am:


Excuse us, but we believe there are still a few things to be wrapped up first.

(pulls out a list) Let's see.

Just before the base froze Vice-President Absurd beamed several sax's into the Artificial Generators kamshafts making them inoperable so that the broadcast from the Negative Zone was disrupted and the LICC Universe reverted back to something resembling normality.

But they're not happy, so watch out.

Mr. Insensitive recieved some minor injuries, but returned home tactless as ever.

Cadet Qunicy Rnager later graduated was posted to the Spidermobile became an Ensign and was eventually killed by an exploding spellchecker.

Is that everything?

I think so.

Wasn't there something the Timelords wanted us to say?

If the Timelords want to say anything they can make their own post.

You're right. Let's go. It's Happy Hour.




(they disappear in a cloud of confetti)

By Future Plot Point on Wednesday, December 05, 2001 - 7:05 am:

Eternity, before the Space/Time Continuum reasserts itself

A figure claws it's way out of the prison that held it

Free! Free to reek my revenge on the League Of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions!!!


To be continued on the League Of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 3 boards

cue music from the end of Best Of Both Worlds Part 1

By Cmdr. Riker on Wednesday, December 05, 2001 - 7:59 am: