League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 3, Part XXVII

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions III: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 3, Part XXVII
By Anonymous on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 10:35 am:

I've been to Starbase Z-Alpha, but I've never been to me.

By The FURTHER Continuation of The End/Kiehart and Lopez on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 1:32 pm:

The sick woman watches her son sleep. She's bene letting him sleep in a lot lately. This habit would hvae to change before school started up again in a few months. She hadn't coughed for a few hours, but he skin was begining to wrinkle and shift. She had at most a half week left. She hoped Jason Kiehart would be there when she got to the Spidership.


Kiehart, oblivious to this impending life changing event, sat in the cockpit of his fihgter running the pre-flight check, and waiitng for Rocket Ranger, Wayne, and Kent. Lopez walks up to the ladder connected to the fighter still, and walks up to the open cockpit canopy. "Hey Commander. So, you're sure you won't need the squad for this Space Marshalls thing?" "Nah, we'll be ok. Between me, Ranger and his SnowCrane plus whatever else we're going to get for this classified mission we should be back here before lunch tomorrow." He chuckles. "Unless this situation gets uglier than your divorce." Grant Lopez frowns. "Oh God, I'd been trying to forget about that."

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 2:25 pm:

The Spidermobile drops out of warp at Starbase Z-Alpha. The damage is already apparent. One wing of the base is blasted open, with vapor of some kind trailing into space. Assorted ships hover around the installation like a swarm of gnats, but no enemies can be detected for parsecs.

Milkshake to Z-Alpha, what is your condition?

"SCHRRT...we've sustained heavy damage to Wing A. Casualties unknown, as yet. A group of 5 or so ships dropped out of warp right on top of us, and began blasting the shields. Once they were down, we were scanned, and then they attacked the wing. They left after only one volley, as our defense fighters were dispatched. The situation is pretty chaotic down here, Spidermobile."

Any serious damage to base systems?

"No, and that's the crazy thing. No essential systems are in Wing A. There's only cargo areas, the brig, and equipment bays, almost all of which were destroyed or vented to space."

All right, we'll dispatch repair...

Milkshake pauses a moment

Did you say the brig?


Milkshake looks back at Alex Tacoman.

We transferred West to the base to wait for the Terran authorities, didn't we?

A single nod from Tacoman

By Alex Dupree on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 2:33 pm:

You think his friends took him back, right?

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 2:35 pm:

Or else blew him to bits. Z-Alpha, you didn't detect a transporter beam, did you?

"Negative, Spidermobile."

By Gene Windward on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 4:19 pm:

There was a buzz over the comm systems, and Gene Windward's voice came over the comm system.

There was a transport out of the brig area, but it was masked by the weapons fire. I can assist you in the search for the fleet, if you would give me a ride.

By Odd Presence on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 7:59 pm:

A odd presence appears in a corner of the bridge

"Must have been someone else, because I definitely died. Hmm..."

The ghost of Captain West then disappears

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 8:07 pm:

Milkshake hits the mute button and turns his chair around

Alex, Quantum, what do you think about allowing Mr. Windward to help?

By Quantum Man on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 8:58 pm:

Might as well, sir. Our sensors didn't detect anything, since the weapons fire maked the transporter.

I'll begin a sensor search for warp trails.

By Alex and Jackson Dupree on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 10:28 am:

Alex: I agree with Quantum. If we didn't see anything and Mr. Winward did, then he may be our best hope.
I'll get Tactical sensors to search, too.
Jackson: Let's hope we can find West before he and his group does more damage.

By Commander Rikard on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 11:09 am:

Okay then. Artsy will obviously go to wake this Seeker up. I think that Quito and Observer should accompany her. The rest of us can watch from the shuttlebay's observation and control room above them.

Butrfli, do you think that after Furby's spell that Artsy is well enough for you to be with us up in the control room? Or do you still think that you should stay with her to make sure that nothing happens?

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 1:28 pm:

Milkshake turns his chair around and hits the mute button again

Mr. Windward, permission to come aboard.

By Butrfli on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 1:30 pm:

I suppose it depends on the duration of Furby's spell. If it was a permenant thing, then we have no problem. On the other hand, if it was designed as a temporary fix, then I should stay with her.
I could always give her some more strength by touching her with my staff...

By Gene Windward on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 4:43 pm:

Thank you.

A small ship detached itself from the cloud of ships surrounding the station and docked with the spidership. The ship appeared to be a flying delta shape, with the windows of a small cockpit located at one end.

One the ship landed, a hatch opened just aft of the forward landing leg and Gene climbed down.

Thank you for letting me come aboard. The fleet left on a heading of 147 mark 74.

By Commander Rikard on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 4:46 pm:

Well, scan him and find out. I think that we should be able to figure it out.

By Commander Rikard on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 4:47 pm:

Scan HER, I mean scan HER. I don't think we need to scan the Observer for anything.

By EMH on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 5:13 pm:

I already have. There doesn't seem to be anything seriously wrong with Artsy, nothing that more sleep and a little time won't fix.

By EMH on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 6:54 pm:

The EMH looks up, to see everyone still standing around

So go on already, you three. Butrfli and I will monitor, but I'm not worried about a relapse. Go on, shoo! See your friend. Just make sure you go straight to bed afterwards, Artsy.

Turns and starts tapping data into a PADD

By Commander Adon on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 6:59 pm:

The turbolift opens, and Adon steps out onto the bridge.

My suit suffered some minor damage that I had to take care of, but everything's all right now.

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 7:05 pm:

Good, Adon. Listen...I'd like you to keep a close eye on Mr. Windward while he's onboard. I get a bad feeling when he's around.

By Commander Adon on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 8:17 pm:

Ok. I'll keep an eye on him.

Adon leaves the bridge. He steps out of the Turbolift and meets with Gene Windward.

Mr Windward, I'm Commander Adon. Would you please hand over your weapons? It's a security thing.

Gene drew his gun and thumbed the switch. The gun broke open and six shells popped out. Gene caught and pocketed them. He then handed over the empty gun.

All of your weapons, please.

Gene crouched down and drew a knife out of his boot. He handed that over as well.

Is that everything?

Gene nodded.

Ok, Lets go.

The turbolift opened, and they stepped in.

By Artsy-Fartsy on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 12:03 am:

Artsy ducks her head to hide a grin at the EMH's little rant. Then she tucks her hand through Observer's arm and leads him out of the room....

By The Observer on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 12:28 am:

(A little later, the trio reaches the emergency shuttle bay, where two technicians are scanning the red ship with curious expressions on their faces. Observer looks closely at it as they approach.)

Is your friend still inside?

By Enesku, who also came to the shuttlebay on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 8:07 am:

Oooo, Obsy, do you have a rival? I bet you can't wait to see the hunk o'man which awaits in that ship and give him a piece of your mind!

(turns to Artsy)

Is he hot? Does he dazzle you? Or did you just fall for him cuz he's got such a fancy ship? I wanna meet this Seeker of yours!

By Grant Lopez, and a potential plot twist? on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 1:07 pm:

Lopez reads the reports about the attack on the space station. He sees Captain West mentioned several times. He'd also heared the name stated several times over the last few days. And during that time, something was nagging at the back of the pilot's mind. Of course the LAST name sounded familiar. It was his ex-wife's maiden name. And certianly CAPTAIN West's arrogance and stupidity was certianly in the family style. "But Mr. West had all the technological skills of a stoned test rabbit. He and Captain West CAN'T be the same guy," he muttered to himself as he read the report. He saw Wayne, Kent, and Rocket Ranger enter the fighter bay. He decided to let them know that Mr. Kiehart had gone to Zen Forward to pick up some snakc for the trip.

By The Observer on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 1:48 pm:

(Observer gives Enesku a slightly amused, slightly perplexed, sidelong glance)

By Artsy-Fartsy and Seeker on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 5:35 pm:

For a second Artsy stares at Enesku, then she starts laughing and walks over to the red ship. "Not exactly, Enesku. He doesn't have a fancy ship; this is Seeker." Quito, who got to the shuttle bay before them, is already standing next to the ship, looking a bit puzzled.

Artsy reaches out a hand and slides it gently across the ship's hull; a flicker of light dances over the surface and the red shade warms from rust to ruby. For a few moments, Artsy's mouth moves silently, and then she seems to remember that others are present.

"Seeker," she says aloud, "these are my friends. Quito is the small one who speaks with you. The tall man is Observer, and the woman is Enesku."

There is a faint telepathic stir, echoing with alien overtones. It focuses on the visitors. Even Enesku can hear it in her mind. GREET YOU. SHE HAS THOUGHT MUCH OF YOU, SMALL SPEAKER. Quito grins up at Artsy.


The only echo sent Enesku's way is a high level of amusement, like an older person ruffling a kid's hair.

By The Observer on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 6:30 pm:

(Observer smiles, closes his eyes, and concentrates fiercely. After a moment, his 'voice' can be heard.)

//Once I could. Difficult now.//

(Observer stops, and begins to speak normally.)

Greetings, Seeker. I must convey our deepest appreciation to you for helping Artsy.

By Commander Rikard on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 11:33 pm:

Rikard stares in awe down from the shuttelbay's observation and control room. The ensign sitting at the console seems is uninterested.
Wow, fascinating. You ever seen anything like that Sanz?
Ens. Sanz: No sir.
Rikard continues to stare at the ship.

By Butrfli, attempting communication on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 6:32 am:

Butrfli, also in the control room has a similar look of awe on her face
That is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen! Maybe I could attempt contact...
Butrfli quietly chants for a few moments, and when she finishes, she clears her mind and says

By Alex Dupree on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 6:34 am:

Commander, Quantum and I have scanned the coordinates that Mr. Windward indicated, and we've discovered a faint warp trail.

By Commander Rikard on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 1:22 pm:

I'm not so sure if that is a great idea. Artsy didn't want to startle Seeker.

Maybe I should report this to Commander Milkshake.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 1:39 pm:

Helm, follow that trail, maximum warp.

Quantum, keep watching those sensors.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 3:32 pm:

A short time later...

The Spidermobile is stopped right near a debris field. The amount of debris corresponds perfectly with 5 ships of the type recorded in the attack on Z-Alpha. The radiation around indicates warp drive breaches. And strangely...there are no traces of organic material left from any crews.

Milkshake stares grimly at the screen

Let me guess. No warp fields away from here?

By Quantum Man on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 3:50 pm:

Scanning, sir.

No, there are no warp trails immediately evident, but there is a large [INSERT TECHNOBABBLE PARTICLE HERE] field indicating that a cloaked ship was present.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 5:10 pm:

Will wonders never cease. All right, try...

The bridge loudspeakers begin to buzz

"Bwooop...DoS Station 6 to U.S.S. Spidermobile. DoS Station 6 to U.S.S. Spidermobile."

This is Spidermobile, go ahead, Station 6.

"You are hereby ordered to make an immediate patrol deviation to Sector 1203. The Terran science ship Collins stationed there has made an unusual discovery, and your presence is necessary in case defense is required. You will be contacted by the Collins once you close to subspace range. The exact coordinates are being provided to your navicomputer now."

Station 6, we are currently investigating an attack on...

"Your orders stand, Spidermobile. We have patrol ships en route now to continue the investigation. The Sector 1203 mission, as well as the investigation into the base and colony attacks, are now considered Level Blue Classified. Assume the proper precautions. Further communications are to be sent only on secure channels. DoS Station 6, out."

Milkshake sits back

All right. Helm, set a course to Sector 1203. Warp 8. Engage.

By La Femme Superbe on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 5:18 pm:

Aye, Commander.

(Delevoix enters the proper commands.)

By Gene Windward on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 5:22 pm:

The turbolift opened, and Gene and Adon steped out.

What's the word on the attacking fleet?

Commander Milkshake informed him of the fleet's status.

••••. I guess I had better update Captain West's status from "Wanted" to "Deceased." I guess that I should get out of your hair then. Thank you for your hospitality.

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 5:25 pm:

Adon read the ship's orders off of the tactical display.

He can't leave. His ship won't be able to leave the ship at these speeds, and we aren't allowed to make any stops until we arrive in Sector 1203. We could leave him in one of the empty quarters, and keep him under guard until we can let him leave. That's my recommendation, anyway.

By Artsy-Fartsy and Seeker on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 5:51 pm:


Artsy blushes a bright hot pink and slaps Seeker's hull lightly.

The living ship's sending to Butrfli is a little wary. GREET YOU, WINGED ONE. YOU SPEAK STRANGELY.

Piggybacked on Seeker's sending is another voice, tinged with amusement, that sounds vaguely like Artsy's. I think you have a magical accent, Butrfli.

By Butrfli on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 6:16 pm:

Butrfli sends the mental equivalent of a amused raised eyebrow at Artsy and thinks
Well, I did use a spell to enhance my telepathy and also tried to use Seeker's general style of speech.
She then turns her thoughts back towards Seeker and thinks

By Kiehart on Thursday, July 18, 2002 - 2:04 pm:

Kiehart frowned when the fighter bay doors were locked down. "We must be going at high warp. I better let Ranger know before he gets frustrated." He turns around, then remembers the Rnager is already in the SnowCrane. "Right, duh." Kiehart syas, slapping his forehead. He turns around agian and walks forward, towards the Crane.

By Other Stuff Going On on Thursday, July 18, 2002 - 2:15 pm:

Deep in an equipment bay just off Engineering, a young female lieutenant sits crosslegged amidst a gaggle of parts and equipment which are strewn all about the floor, covering worktables, and hanging in nets. With a pair of maglenses on her head, she seems to be working on a boxy piece of machinery with a miniscule electron burner. After several minutes, she sets down the burner, gropes around for a power cable, and plugs it into the metallic box. After a few seconds, scratchy chirps and tones emanate from the box, followed by...

"Re-r-r. Generator on. Downloading personality matrix..."

The lieutenant pulls the maglenses off her head, wipes her forehead with a dirty hand, and sighs in relief.

By Confused K-NIT Viewer on Thursday, July 18, 2002 - 5:35 pm:


By The Observer on Thursday, July 18, 2002 - 6:45 pm:

(Observer walks right up to Seeker)

You are quite fascinating. A sentient spacecraft...I know there are space-going species, but are you a shapeshifter, or an electronic intelligence? Although that would preclude the use of telepathy...

By Jackson and Butrfli on Thursday, July 18, 2002 - 8:48 pm:

Butrfli speaks into the shuttlebay COMM system
I must admit, Seeker is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in a long time.
Just then, Jackson enters the control room and hugs Butrfli
Hi beautiful. What's going on down there?
Butrfli: That's the ship that was at Z-Alpha. It's called Seeker, and is sentient. It was also taking care of Artsy in some way or another.
Jackson, into the COMM system: Hi Artsy. Welcome back. Beautiful ship you've got there.

By More Other Stuff on Friday, July 19, 2002 - 11:54 am:

Eventually the metal box stops squeaking and clicking, and an amber light on top begins to glow. After a minute, it begins to flash. The lieutenant smiles.

Hello there.

The box clicks a few more times, then speaks.

"It appears the operation was a success. All diagnostics complete. This is a limited mobile housing, however. Audio sensors only."

Oh right! Well, I just wanted to see if I could do it. The brain was the hard part. The body should be much easier.

"It will not include all the abilities of the old, will it?"

Don't complain! Just be glad you can move around again. Well, if someone carries you. Now be good while I get to work on the body.

The female lieutenant clears a space on a worktable and places the box on it. Then, walking over to a assembly bay, she replicates a large durasteel support frame inside it.

Ready. Now how did that song go? 'The thigh actuator's connected to the foot servo, the foot servo's connected to the neural net...'

By Nervous K-NIT Viewer on Friday, July 19, 2002 - 4:32 pm:

Uh-oh, that box guy talks in bold lettering! Oh no!

By Artsy-Fartsy and Seeker on Friday, July 19, 2002 - 4:55 pm:

Artsy waves up at the control room. "Captain! Good to see you!"


It moved well enough to find me, Artsy commented. {Well enough to find my home again.}

By Jackson Dupree on Saturday, July 20, 2002 - 9:15 am:

Just call me Jackson now, Artsy. Commander Milkshake is now the leader of the LICC.
Butrfli, I'm going down there to get a better look at Seeker and also to see Artsy.
Butrfli: Ok.
Jackson makes his way down to the shuttlebay and goes up to the little group.
Greet you, Seeker. I am Jackson Dupree, the former leader of the LICC.
It looks like you've been busy, Artsy. How are you feeling?

By Commander Rikard on Saturday, July 20, 2002 - 1:01 pm:

Well, so much for the small group.

By Ansh on Saturday, July 20, 2002 - 1:54 pm:

Just then Ansh comes into the shuttlebay. On the way there she had been met by her sister who was trying to find Scott Free and she couldn't get away from her at first

Sorry I'm late. So where is this Seeker? Is he in the ship?

By Lt PD Insane on Saturday, July 20, 2002 - 2:10 pm:

(taps Commander Milkshake on his metal-plated shoulder)

Commander, has there been any news about Vice-President Absurd's disappearance? He's always been a personal hero of mine.

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, July 20, 2002 - 2:18 pm:

Not much since the original bulletin, Pete. You can check the computer for any archived news, I guess.

By Alex Dupree on Saturday, July 20, 2002 - 2:50 pm:

Commander, according to the Dimensional sensors, Vice-President Absurd's building has been seen in a variety ot universes. Should I bring up the list?
Sir, Long range sensors show that we're approaching sector 1203.

By Incoming Call on Saturday, July 20, 2002 - 5:35 pm:

"...Spidermobile, USS Spidermobile, this is USS Collins, come in."

Milkshake sets down a PADD with the latest Absurd news and answers.

This is Spidermobile.

"Glad to have you around, Commander Milkshake. Captain Randall Aest here."

Pleased to meet you, Captain Aest. What's the situation?

"We're currently in orbit around a Class M planet, the coordinates of which we're sending now. A survey probe landed here about a year ago, and transmitted the most amazing findings before it suddenly stopped working. We were assigned to study the planet, but under highly secretive conditions. We're cloaked and emissions-shielded right now."

Why the secrecy? A pre-warp world?

"You could say that. Actually, no sense beating around the bush. We're in orbit around Earth. Another Earth. Nearly identical to ours. And the inhabitants are about a thousand years behind us right now."

By Lt PD Insane on Sunday, July 21, 2002 - 2:21 am:

(looking up from the ops station)
Let me guess... they live for hundreds of years due to a nuclear war? Or maybe they were introduced to Nazi-ism? No, let me guess... they're Romans with network television!

By USS Collins on Sunday, July 21, 2002 - 10:00 am:

"No, no nuclear war, no Nazi-ism, far as we can tell, no Romans. They're simply Earth, as though the clock was turned back around a thousand years."

By Kiehart on Sunday, July 21, 2002 - 11:36 am:

"Oh great," Kiehart murmurs, overhearing this on the launch bay's tie-in with the bridge communicaions system. "A planet full of self-centered, oil addicted, bad music listening, crappy movie making, dumb skulled, politically ignorant dipsticks." Lopez elbows him. "Not cool man." "Oh shut up, I killed the sound on our side, they can't hear us." Suddenly Kiehart decides to double check, knowing full well the Gods of "Let's make this guy look stoopid' could easily ruin this for him. "Yep, I killed the sound. We're OK."

By Some Hornet Squadron Pilot on Sunday, July 21, 2002 - 1:37 pm:

Um, sir, now that we're out of warp, shouldn't you be going now on your urgent mission with Rocket Ranger?

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 12:12 pm:

Milkshake looks at the overhead speaker, skeptically.

You're talking about a parallel world? Captain, such things are the domain of philosophers, uchrononauts and bad writers.

"Nevertheless, Captain, it is there, and our orders are to study it."

All right, our ETA to...

"We call it Alt-Terra."

...Alt-Terra is just under 5 hours.

"Remember, stealth is essential, Spidermobile."

Affirm. Spidermobile out.

Milkshake sits back heavily

A duplicate Earth. This is an extremely delicate situation.

By alt-Furby on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 12:21 pm:

I wonder if there is an Alt-Furby on Alt-Terra...

By Jackson Dupree on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 1:26 pm:

Jackson, who has returned to the shuttbay control area, has been keeping up on recent events.
Jackson Dupree to Commander Milkshake, if their probe has recorded images, maybe we should look at them. We might learn what that world is like...

By A Pointless Kiehart Moment on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 1:43 pm:

Kiehart turns to the pilot. "I will, soon as Quince gives the go ahead. Why the hell else do you think I'm sitting here reading Faulkner?" He holds up his copy of Light in August then pretends to threaten the pilot with hitting him with the book. The pilot, being one of the smarter memebrs of Hornet sqaud, get sthe hint that Kiehart and Lopez don't want to be bothered, so he decides to go to the pilot's lounge to play Trivial Pursuit with his fellow flight memebrs.

By Lt PD Insane on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 2:25 pm:

(gets up from ops and goes over to Alex's station)
OK, Alex... show me the dimensions Absurd's been seen in.

By Alex Dupree on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 3:12 pm:

Alex presses a few buttons, and a moment later, the list comes up.
As you can see, he's been all over the place...
Hey, he's even been to my home dimension!

By Commander Adon on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 5:52 pm:

Commander Milkshake's communicator beeped.

Adon to Commander Milkshake.

I have secured our guest in the empty quarters on deck 7, section 4. Should I personally guard him, or leave a few security people to watch him and return to the bridge?

By Artsy-Fartsy and Seeker on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 6:28 pm:

NOT "IN" THE SHIP. I AM SEEKER. His amusement is still profound, and Ansh jumps at the sudden sending. GREET YOU, LOYAL ONE. ANOTHER OFTEN THOUGHT ON.

Quito bounces over to Ansh and drags her towards the ship, performing a rather elegant telepathic introduction.

Artsy turns to Jackson, her thoughts once again piggybacked into Seeker's telepathy. Captain...sorry...Jackson? I'm feeling well enough. She blushes light pink, and speaks aloud instead. "It...might take me a while to get used to normal speech again."

By Commander Rikard on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 10:44 am:

Up in the control room, Rikard activates his communicator and speaks.
Rikard to Artsy, do you think it would be okay for Butrfli and I to come meet Seeker now?

By Report on Alt-Terra on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 11:10 am:

The computer beeps as a full sensor report on Alt-Terra has finished downloading from the Collins. The geography of the world is essentially unchanged from Earth. Nations, technology, and governments are nearly completely duplicate to Earth's, as it was during the late 1950's. The only large difference is that extremely few individuals match their prior counterparts. The alternate Earth almost could have been plucked across space and time, except that it is populated with completely different people. Nevertheless, very few historical discrepancies exist...

By The Observer on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 2:30 pm:

(Meanwhile, Observer is curiously examining Seeker, asking it a question every now and again. He appears delighted to meet such a being, and Seeker's projected amusement grows.)

By Artsy-Fartsy on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 3:42 pm:

Artsy smiles up at the control booth. Sure. It seems like he's getting used to all you guys. Come on down.

By Jackson Dupree and Butrfli on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 4:19 pm:

Butrfli is the first to get to the shuttlebay itself and stands besides Jackson.
Seeker is even more beautiful down here. May I touch him?
Butrfli whispers something in Jackson's ear, and Jackson nods.
Artsy, before we left the Z-Alpha, Butrfli and I bought ourselves a family spaceship. We would like you to decorate the inside when you get a chance.

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 9:11 pm:

=/\=Kiehart, if you're ready to get out of here, lets go. Klysturn VII isn't that far away, so we should be there in no time!=/\=

By Kiehart on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 10:59 pm:

Ranger impatinetly waits for Kiehart's reply. He starts to reach for his communciator to hail him aghain, but Kiehart hails him first. "Sorry, had to save my place and my bookmark fell off the console. I'll be right there."

By Artsy-Fartsy on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 12:05 am:

Artsy stands still for a moment, flabbergasted. "Um....thank you...for the honor. I'd love to decorate your ship." She is careful to use spoken speech this time, and anyone sensitive enough feels her withdraw sharply from Seeker's sending. Observer and Quito both turn to her, surprised. The artist's color flickers between a high-toned blue and various shades of red. "If I could have a few days...?"

By Commander Rikard on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 1:48 am:

Rikard doesn't notice what it happening around him as he stares at Seeker up close, the awe still in his eyes.
Wow, amazing, he says before speaking up.
Seeker, I am Commander Jo-, um, he pauses for a second, thinking, John? Yes, that's it. I am Commander John Rikard. As executive officer of the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions and Earth System Government Spidership I offer greetings. Welcome aboard.

By Enesku on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 2:20 am:

I thought your name was Josh.

By Jackson Dupree on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 6:45 am:

Of course, Artsy.
Jackson looks over at Rikard
John? When did this happen?
So Artsy, how and where did you meet Seeker?

By The Observer on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 9:45 am:

(As Jackson turns to speak to Rikard, Observer comes up to Artsy, with a very concerned expression. In a very low tone, he says)

Are you all right?

By Commander Rikard on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 11:28 am:

Oh, it happened at the awards show. I had a nice discussion with my author and he decided to change my name to avoid confusion. He picked the name, not me.

By Lt PD Insane on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 1:41 pm:

(looking at the list)
Wow, Phantom Returns, Bizarro-World... what the heck is Poor Richard? And what do STU and SWU stand for?

By Alex Dupree on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 2:58 pm:

Unfortunatly, the computer does't have that much information about the Poor Richard Universe... STU means Star Trek Universe, and SWU means Star Wars Universe.

By Jackson Dupree on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 3:13 pm:

Meanwhile, in Seeker's shuttlebay, Jackson's communicator beeps. He answers it.
Jackson: Yes?
Voice: This is the Yellowshirt movers. Your things have been transfered to your spaceship, and you may leave when ready.
Jackson: Thanks. Jackson out.
Jackson addresses the small group
Well folks, this is it. Butrfli and I are going to take the kids and go on an extended honeymoon and see the universe. We just have to say our various good-byes, and then we're off.

By Artsy-Fartsy on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 4:22 pm:

Artsy shrugs slightly, not looking at Observer. "Yes, I'm fine," she whispers quickly. Then she turns to Jackson. "You're leaving soon? When would you like me to decorate your ship? Before you leave or some other time?"


Seeker's sending is appropriately courteous. THANKS TO YOU, JOHN RIKARD. ON BEHALF OF MYSELF, I ACCEPT YOUR WELCOME. YOU ARE... A PILOT?

By Jackson Dupree on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 6:01 pm:

Do it before we leave. As I said, we still have to say our various good-byes.

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 6:27 pm:

Adon jumpted to the side, avoiding Gene Windward's bullets. Adon unleashed an energy blast, but Gene somehow managed to dodge it. Gene reloaded the gun with supprising speed and returned fire. The first shot knocked Adon's sword out of his hand, and the second one hit him in the left arm, breaking it.

Adon landed and went down on one knee, holding his wounded arm. He glared up at Gene's triumphant smile.

Gene Windward: "Game over."

The box-like structure along to top of the gun unfolded and revealed a black sphere suspended between two metal objects. Purple energy flashed between the metal and the sphere. Gene's right sleve shredded itself right up to the shoulder as his arm turned grey, with a spiderweb of purple lines over it. The purple was the exact same shade as the energy sparking on the gun.

Then, the arm and gun grew together. The metal (flesh) grew over the sphere, obscuring it, and Gene's forearm split into four thin strips of metal (flesh) surrounding a much larger version of the sphere complete with purple energy. The end of the gun-arm opened up into a barrel, with purple hellfire glowing within.

Adon fired a blast of his own with his good arm just as a beam of purple energy came out of the end of the gun-arm. The blasts impacted, and Adon's was completely absorbed. Adon's eyes opened wide in supprise right up until the energy blast hit him and....

Gene snapped awake in his temporary quarters on the Spidership. He was panting and sweat ran down his face. He was standing in front of the door looking the room with his back to the door. He looked at his right arm, and it looked perfectly normal. The glove and sleeve was intact, and besides, the gun was locked away elsewhere on the ship.

Gene Windward: "What just happened to me?"

By The Observer on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 11:28 pm:

(Observer shakes Jackson Tacoman's hand)

We'll miss you, Captain. Have a safe and happy journey.

By Jackson Dupree on Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 7:56 am:

Thanks, Observer. We'll miss the crew, too.
Artsy, would you like Butrfli to take you to our ship?

By Commander Rikard on Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 2:18 pm:

Rikard is surprised.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I am a pilot. I was this ship's helm officer before I was promoted and I have a fighter in the fighter bay. In fact, Artsy and I were planning flying lessons before she... Wait a second, how did you know I was a pilot?

By The Bloodening kids on Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 2:30 pm:

We know all your secrets.

By Seeker on Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 2:42 pm:


By Furby on Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 4:51 pm:

The Furby arrives in the shuttlebay, continuously drinking Manna Milk from a large bottle.

Nice ship. Yours, Artsy?

By Artsy-Fartsy and Seeker, fed up with all this on Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 6:16 pm:

"Oh, Light. How many times are we going to have to explain this?" Artsy rolls her eyes and looks pleadingly at Seeker, who thinks his equivelant of an EVIL CHUCKLE at her, and proceeds to fill Furby in on who he really is....

Meanwhile, Artsy turns to Butrfli. "Where is your ship docked? I need to gather supplies, but I could go ahead with your request as soon as I do that, I think."

By Jackson Dupree and Butrfli, making their good-byes on Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 8:07 pm:

Butrfli: It's docked in the main shuttlebay. Should I meet you there, or do you want me to join you while you gather supplies?
Jackson: While you two do that, I'm going to head up to the bridge.
Jackson does just that while Butrfli is chatting with Artsy.
Steve, Butrfli and I are going to get going. We're going on our honeymoon and also exploring the universe.

By The Tacomen on Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 8:09 pm:

Alex: Congratulations, you two. Have fun and be safe.
Jackson: Thanks. It's been an honor and a privilage to meet you.
Alex: Right back at ya. Suddenly, his console beeps, which Alex checks out.
Sir, I'm detecting transmissions on all bands from all over the planet... Television, radio...

By Artsy-Fartsy on Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 10:28 pm:

"I'll just meet you there, Butrfli, if that's all right with you...." Artsy tells Butrfli. "Ansh, could you look after Quito for a while? I have this gift to make for Jackson and Butrfli...."

By Commander Rikard on Thursday, July 25, 2002 - 11:17 pm:

Well Butrfli, it's just not going to be the same without you, Jackson, and the kids. Have fun and good luck. We will really miss all of you.

By The Observer on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 12:50 am:

(Observer politely bids farewell to Seeker and rejoins the group around Jackson and Butrfli.)

I'll help if you like, Artsy. Carrying the supplies and whatnot.

By Lt PD Insane on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 10:38 am:

Well, so long as we're still in this dimention, I'd say the best place to find answers would be the Garden of Unresolved Storylines. I'll call TGE and see what he can do.

(PD Insane moves over to the communications station and contacts Earth)

Hello. Oh, I'm looking for The Great Emancipator. Oh, right. OK. Bye. Um, tell him it's PD Insane, from the... oh, I'll wait. You will? Great. Bye.

He's away offworld but when he gets back to Earth he'll contact us.

By Butrfli on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 12:19 pm:

Sure, I can do that. I have a thing or two to do, and then I'll go to the shuttlebay.
With that, Butrfli leaves, her first stop sickbay.
Doctor, I don't know if you've heard yet or not, but Jackson and I are leaving the ship for our honeymoon and to explore in general. Which means that you might be short a medical assistant.
Butrfli spots her staff in a pile of various medical equipment and picks it up.
I was wondering where that thing was. I guess it proved to be a good medical tool after all.

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 2:38 pm:

All right, people, here's where the stealth part starts.

Helm, take us out of warp 4 AU's from Alt-Terra. We'll proceed in on impulse. Ops, the second we drop out of warp, engage cloak and emission-shield. Communications, only sidespace radio for the duration of this mission. We don't want to take the chance that the planet might detect us.

Science, set up constant scans on the largest radio and video broadcasts from the planet. Archive everything into the main computer for analysis. The Collins undoubtedly has a good picture of what's going on in the alternate Earth, but we'd better keep a close watch on defenses. See if you can detect planet-based weapons that could pose a threat to us or them. Anything nuclear would certainly fall under this category.

By Artsy-Fartsy, telling her story on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 3:09 pm:

Artsy turns to Observer. "Thank you. Let's go, I know Butrfli wants to get out of here as soon as possible." She waves to the rest of the group and she and Observer turn to walk out of the shuttlebay. Seeker is still attempting to talk to Furby....


Practically the second they are out of earshot of the rest of the group, Observer leans towards Artsy. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

Artsy gives him a long look. He seems the same as when she left, while she knows her clothes are filthy and still blood-stained, her hair short and ragged, her speech altered by so much time spent using Seeker’s telepathy. She turns to continue walking. “Why do you ask?”

“Contrary to what you seem to think, people do worry about you occasionally.”

It's good to hear his voice again, Artsy thinks. It makes those intervening weeks fade
into the background. “You mean YOU worry.”

“Yes.” The intensity in that single word makes her turn and look at him again.

It would be easy to not say anything else, to insist that she will be all right, that he does
not need to worry. But it may not be true, and if anyone on this ship has a right to know her fear, surely it is Observer.

“I don’t want to lose everything again, now that I’m back.” Observer gives her an odd look, and she quickly amends the sentence by asking him a question. “You remember my ring?”

“Yes.” Observer reaches down to take her hand, running his thumb over her first finger, where the crystalline thing should rest. “You no longer have it. What happened?”

“I lost it fighting that Mary Worth creature.” Artsy takes her hand back quickly, lacing its
fingers through those of her other hand. “Just before the mirror shattered. I couldn’t get
back after that. And because I lost my ring...I don’t remember much. It’s a blur.”

“I remember,” Observer encourages her. “Without it you aren’t capable of focusing outside your gift.”

Artsy nods quickly; better to just get this over with. “There was a lot of fighting. Fire--that’s how I lost my hair.”

“This too?” Observer lightly traces the scar across Artsy’s temple, running in a perpetually white streak back into her hair.

“That too.” Artsy runs a hand through the crop that is all that is left of her once-long mane. “I don’t remember how long the fighting went on. She would leave for a while, then come back to...play.” She shudders, then goes on. “I remember how much it hurt, but I don’t remember much more till Seeker arrived.”

Observer is silent, so she continues. “Mary Worth had come back again. I think she was getting tired of me being there, so this time she was going to kill me outright. I might have just given up, I don’t know...but suddenly something else was there, beating Mary Worth away from me, calling to me. I didn’t realize it was telepathy, I just knew it had woken me up. I understood enough to run to it, to find an open hatch and climb inside.

“We spent a long time running in that dimension. I learned that Seeker was on one of his first interdimensional journeys and that he’d gotten into this one by accident. He kept speaking to me until I was able to answer him, help him avoid Mary, help him look for a way out.

“We went through a long maze of interconnected dimensions. Somewhere along the way, we lost Mary Worth, but it still took us a long time to reach anywhere I could find a sense of the Spidership. Of Quito, of you....” Artsy breaks off, drawing in a long, deep breath. “But we did. And we got through. But I’m still not sure I should.... use my gift.”

Observer touched her shoulder gently, stopping their walk. “Because even Seeker’s presence might not be able to keep you sane if you let your mind go there?”

She nods quickly, blinking back tears from eyes suddenly dark silver.

“I think it will,” Observer says after a moment. “At least you should try. He called you
back once. He would be able to do it again.”

After a moment, Artsy nods again, and gives Observer a wry smile.

By Artsy-Fartsy, with a parting present for Tacoman, Butrfli, Fran & Logan on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 3:22 pm:

After picking up supplies in Artsy's old quarters (which for some reason, probably Ansh and Quito's idea, had not yet been cleared out), Artsy and Observer head for Tacoman and Butrfli's ship.

After giving the family crusier a good look, Artsy moves tentatively into the various rooms, a brandnew satchel over her right arm, colors flickering between apprehensive light blue and a fascinated orange-yellow. After a few moments a slow smile creeps over her face, and she darts into motion, speed past sight, leaving pictures and color behind her faint blur.


When the artist finally comes to rest, the interior of the Tacoman's ship looks much more attractive. The corridors are a gentle shade of yellow, trimmed in a sharper gold, while the main quarters are covered in an apparently floral pattern that also looks like an abstract spill of colors, or if you look at it right, a collage of pastel tacos.... The twin's playroom is the best, with murals from fairy tales on one wall, a family portrait on another, and a graceful, stylized figure like a guardian angel on the third, shadowy-light wings stretched out protectively. The angel's face looks surprisingly like Frangelica's.

Artsy dusts her hands off in statisfaction. It's all right, she thinks, and feels Seeker pick it up with relief. I think it'll be okay--I hope they like it.

By Brian Webber on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 3:34 pm:

Kiehart, in his fighter, does a few pointless show-offish spins and turns around the SnowCrane. "Will you knock that off?" Rocket Ranger shouts into the communicator. Kiehart just laughs. "Oh c'mon Quince. My neck hairs are 'telling' me we're gonna be saving the unvierse, again, today. Why not have fun while doing it?"

By The Observer on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 3:38 pm:

(Observer examines Artsy's handiwork with enthusiasm.)

"It's beautiful, Artsy."

(Artsy glows a warm golden-peach and sits down heavily on a couch, rubbing her eyes. The brown-cloaked man looks around just a bit longer before regretfully breaking away to gather up Artsy's pigments and materials. In a little while, they set out from the docking bay. Artsy and Observer walk down the quiet corridor to Artsy's quarters. As they pass by some transparisteel viewports, Observer can't help but turn to stare at the beautiful and familiar blue planet below. Artsy notices, and remarks,)

"You do come from a lovely planet, Observer."

Observer nods, faintly smiling. "I suppose I have more of an attachment for it than most beings. I've seen it in so many periods, through so many changes. It will be interesting to find out exactly how this duplicate world came about. I might just ask..."

(He breaks off, and looks back at Artsy. Once again, his face displays that torn look, and he instantly looks away, staring straight ahead for the remainder of the trip. Outside Artsy's door, he waits for her to enter. Artsy starts toward the door, then turns back to the brown-cloaked man.)

"Please. Tell me what's wrong."

(Observer hesitates a bit, then shakes his head.)

"It...doesn't matter. I'm just glad you're back, safe and sound."

(With a sigh, Artsy keys open her door. She watches with an unreadable expression as Observer sets her art supplies down on the table just inside, and walks back. He nods resignedly to her.)

Goodnight, Arts-"

(As he speaks, he turns to leave, but feels a firm hand on his arm. Artsy is no doubt tired, but also set with determination.)

"Tell me, Observer. I'm worried about you."

(Observer pauses for a moment, appearing very vulnerable, and looks back at Artsy. He has no trace of his normal quiet confidence and wisdom. He very much appears as a child, faced with something faintly frightening and unknown, and the effect is unnerving.)

"They told me...that you were dead for good."

(Artsy is puzzled.)


"They...my Superiors, who I told you about. They.."

(Observer takes a deep breath.)

"After your disappearance, I was basically...distraught. I tried to carry on normally, since I had a sense that you would return, but that was small comfort. Remember meeting our future selves in Emerald Falls? I took comfort from that, since it was good evidence that all would be well. However, the nature of the future is always chaotic. Time flows and changes, and even the past is never set in stone. I couldn't be sure, I really felt....*sigh* I needed to know for sure what had happened to you. I contacted my Superiors, who keep a constant watch on the timeline through the Great Temporal Nexus. They were understandably suspicious, but I didn't give them any reason for my query. They came back...and told me in all probability that you were dead."

(Artsy listens, with conflicting emotions readily apparent in her appearance.)

"Did I somehow beat the odds?"

"I can't see how. When the Great Temporal Nexus is involved, when something 'in all probability' will happen, it never goes the other way. The Nexus is rarely this certain about things."

(Artsy ponders this a bit, then asks,)

"You said they were suspicious. Why?"

(Observer looks embarrassed.)

"I'm sorry, Artsy, I've never mentioned this to you. When I became an Observer, many years ago, they set down certain rules I must follow. One was that I must never become...attached to another being. Romantically attached."

"Observer...are you saying--"

"Please, Artsy...before I asked you to go with me to Emerald Falls, I had made a decision. I looked back over my long service, my abnormally long life, and despite all I had seen and done, there was one thing I had never really experienced. I didn't know if I ever would. But when I first met you I felt this...'attachment'...very different than anything I've ever felt before. Almost as if we..."

(Observer laughs, a bit anxiously. He speaks hesitantly, as if trying to express something difficult.)

"I feel so foolish saying this. I've been around long enough to recognize what it could be, but I can't bring myself to say it. I'm just afraid I could be wrong. By any means, I knew I had to pursue this attachment, because...I've done many things I've regretted, but somehow I felt if I ignored this..."

(Artsy draws Observer into a half-embrace, trying to reassure him.)

"I know...I understand. But you're risking so much."

(Observer bows his head.)

"I know. I just feel...and I may just be completely selfish...I feel like I deserve the chance, after all this time. I don't know what they'll do when they are certain what's happening, but I'm not afraid to stand up to them. I just want to warn you, they may just do away with me."

(Artsy is taken aback...her clothes and hair turning a pale blue with slight silver tones.)

"You mean, kill you?"

"Perhaps. Likely if they did take action, they would force me away from here and prevent me from returning. I would probably also lose most of the privileges and trust they've invested in me. But Artsy..."

(Observer takes her hand, a sort of determination once again apparent in his speech.)

"I'm sure about this now. I'm willing to take the chance...if you will allow me."

By Artsy and Observer on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 3:57 pm:

Artsy stares into Observer's face for a moment, breath coming a little faster from shock. "I--I don't want to put you in danger. I...." But the brilliant golden-red flooding her clothes, hair, eyes, belies her concerned voice. She cannot keep the growing smile off her face, and reaches up to slide her arms around him. "If you're sure...."

Observer returns her smile and embrace, then bends his face to Artsy's as she draws him into a gentle, cautious kiss....

By Enesku on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 4:10 pm:

Artsy, act like a grown woman in a real relationship, not like a pre-teen getting her first kiss.

By The Masked Enigma on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 4:15 pm:

The Masked Enigma had been on the bridge when he found out about Alt-Terra, and he spoke to Commander Milkshake.

If you want me to acquire any first-haund information on this Alt-Terra, I could go down there disgusied as one of its inhabitants.

By Colanator on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 4:24 pm:

A deep voice resonates through Enesku's quarters

Personal use of the internal sensors is prohibited.

To Enesku's dismay, the screen goes blank.

By Quantum Man on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 4:25 pm:

Captain, I might also be useful if it's really equivalent to our early 21st century. Remember, that's where I'm from.

By Jackson Dupree and Butrfli, ready to leave on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 6:11 pm:

Having said their various good-byes to their friends, Jackson and Butrfli pick up Fran and Logan from the Yellowshirt who has been watching them and make their way to their ship.
Jackson: Well, let's see what Artsy did.
They enter the ship, which has a vaguely beetle-like look and shape and wander around, looking at the work Artsy did.
Jackson and Butrfli together: WOW!
Jackson Dupree Tacoman to Artsy Fartsy, thanks. We really love the work. Butrfli especially loves the kids room.
Steve, we're ready to depart. It's been an honor and a pleasure serving with you.

By Furby on Friday, July 26, 2002 - 7:36 pm:

Uh, telepathy, Seeker? That's probably a little bit complicated with me but maybe, with some help from my spellbook...

Gets the book and casts a psionic spell on himself.

Does it work better now or should we fall back to EM or subspace communication?

Note to myself: Steal, err, borrow a psi transmitter asap! The magical approach is sometimes rather clumsy.