An idea...

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: Zen Forward (The Kitchen Sink): An idea...
By JD on Tuesday, March 18, 2003 - 9:33 pm:

Hey LICCers (and fellow Nitcentralites),

Lately I've been getting a little enthused with the upcoming movie, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Well, mostly with the idea, that of very famous, Victorian-era literary characters (Tom Sawyer, Captain Nemo, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde) coming together to fight evil.

On the LXG site message board, I found a thread about what characters would be in a MODERN League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Famous names like Buffy, Mulder, The Doctor from Dr. Who?, Number 6 from The Prisoner, Buckaroo Banzai, Keyser Soze, Ian Malcolm, Doc Brown, Indiana Jones, Sarah Connor, Julius from Pulp Fiction, Hannibal Lector, Jack Ryan, etc were thrown around.

Then I thought, wouldn't this make an awesome new story board?

What do y'all think? Any ideas for characters, setting, does it even spark your interest?

By Brian Webber on Tuesday, March 18, 2003 - 10:09 pm:

Keyser Soze? Uh, no! If what was said in that movie was true he blew away his whole family!

Besides, if were ever to do this, the number of people would have to be small and easy to kep trakc of. The LICC has how many members, former members, and unofficial members? You need a ••••••• scorecard to keep up!

My suggestions?

Alex Cross (James Patterson novels)
Jack Ryan (duh)
Patrick McLanahan (Dale Brown novels)
Jack Bauer (24)
Grissom (CSI)
and just for flavor, Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)


Just threw that last one in to see if you were paying attention.

Actually I think it should be limited to literary characters, so Cross, Ryan, McLanahan, and Spenser (Spenser For Hire started as a novel series, and still is, written by Robert B. Parker), maybe Jason Bourne (Robert Ludlum's Bourne trilogy, includign The Borune Identity).

By Josh M on Tuesday, March 18, 2003 - 10:32 pm:

I think that since this is the modern era in modern times, I think that we shouldn't be limited to just literary character, if it were to happen that is.

By Padawan Observer on Wednesday, March 19, 2003 - 11:43 am:

I think this is a brilliant idea. A sort of crossover thing, with order rather than chaos. And it's exactly what LICC could have been like, if you'll remember Phantom Returns was originally made up of pre-existing characters.

It certainly sparks my interest!

By Nawdle on Wednesday, March 19, 2003 - 2:05 pm:

I agree with Josh, it shouldn't be limited to just literary characters.

I have a couple of questions. What if more than one person wants to control the same exact character? What would we do then?

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, March 19, 2003 - 3:57 pm:

Toss a coin?

Anyway, another thought. How could we prevent the inevitable "stepping on other people's plot lines?" Well I have an idea. Unlike the free flowing LICC or the restrcitive Archangel (hey, it's my story, it's my call!), perhaps we could alternate. Here's what I mean.

Episode I: A plot created by Paddy.
Ep 2: Plot by JD
Ep 3: Nawdle
Ep 4: Josh
Ep 5: Me
Ep 6: Paddy
Ep 7: JD

Ad infinitum.

See where I'm going here? It's somewhere in-betwen the styles of LICC and Archangel. The rule being, whoever is in charge of an episode, is in TOTAL charge. I saved myself for last on that just so you wouldn't think I was trying to take over, although we can change that order if you like.

By BF on Wednesday, March 19, 2003 - 8:06 pm:

I'd do:

1. Steve Carella (from Ed McBain's 87th Precinct novels)
2. B.A. Baracus (from the A-Team)
3. Alex Cross (Yes, I actually agree with Webber on one!)
4. Keung (Jackie Chan's character in "Rumble In The Bronx)
5. Either McGyver or Colonel Jack O' Neil from Stargate SG-1
6. Ash (From the "Evil Dead" movies)

I'd also have another woman on the team, but none of the choices that I can think of at the moment would work.....

By Padawan Observer on Thursday, March 20, 2003 - 10:35 am:

But what if I don't want to create any plots? Or at least, if I don't have any ideas when it's my turn?

By JD on Thursday, March 20, 2003 - 10:58 am:

Why can't we just 'dib' a slot for a storyline? And it seems to be that 'total control' over a storyline sounds nebulous and possibly disturbing. Are we going to see something like "JD, delete that!" because something didn't go exactly how the planner planned?

By Brian Webber on Thursday, March 20, 2003 - 12:11 pm:

Well, only if the person in charge of that chapter says so. It'll be kind alike Archangel, except we spread the wealth instead of having control be in just ONE guy's hands (that guy being me). That's why I offered to go last.

By JD on Friday, March 21, 2003 - 11:08 am:

I don't think absolute iron-fist control is a good idea at all. Control is good, with leeway to allow others to bring in developments and ideas. How much leeway is what needs to be decided.

Anyone else with ideas? Characters?

Should we begin to start this thing up?

I do have an idea for a prequel board, containing only (probably long) posts establishing backstory for each character, so that we can become to be familiar with characters whom we know by name only.

By Brian Webber on Friday, March 21, 2003 - 12:18 pm:

Well, come to think of it, does Archangel REALLY have that kind of iron fisted control? Not really. Just take a gander. Either way, I don't think I'll be participating full time, but I wouldn't mind being brought in as a special guest star. I'd like to play John Munch from Law & Order SVU. Just e-mail me anytime you feel you need some comic relief from everyone's favorite liberal conspiracy theorist sex crimes cop. :)

By Brian Webber on Friday, March 21, 2003 - 12:20 pm:

As for my idea of keeping it reasonably sized and not an LICC type Uber-Group, how about a limit of one character at a time? I.e. if Joe Blow wants to play Gil Grissom from CSI and Baldwin Jones from NYPD Blue, he can, but the two characters can't appear in the same storyline together. Just a thought.

Also, we need a good name, and a website. For the latter, I'd like to lend my services. :)

By JD on Sunday, May 04, 2003 - 2:52 pm:

A name, eh?

How about The Aegis Group, named after the shadowy family that hires these extraordinary people?

By Brian Webber on Monday, May 05, 2003 - 2:43 pm:

Hmm. Not bad. Two names I'd considered were The Order of the Eagle and The Order of the Jaguar, both names tkaen from the names of two elite warrior groups in the Aztec empire.

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