The Alternate League I: New Mexico Territory, 1878

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions IV: The Archives: The Alternate League I: New Mexico Territory, 1878
By The Beginning on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 3:43 pm:

The evening was cool, but it promised to be a hot summer in the little town of Araña, Lincoln County, New Mexico.

The seething opposition between the rich and powerful cattlemen of Lincoln County threatened to explode into violence.

The brutal and merciless bandit Romero Tacon de Atoré had been spotted near Santé Fe in early June, and at last report was headed toward Lincoln County with most of his band, intentions unknown.

In the last week of June, several strangers drifted into town within days of each other. The townsfolk, already nervous about the armed riders making most ranch rail fences into drawn battle lines, were immediately suspicious. The strangers, for the most part, seemed to be formidable, and it was unknown whether they would take sides or keep to themselves.

And on June 27th, word began to spread that there was a price placed on the head of John G. Milshack, one of the wealthiest ranchers in the county.

And so it is on that night that our story begins, in the Three Stars Saloon...

By A Pair of Sign Painters on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 4:37 pm:

"You idiot! That sign should read "Santa Fe," not "Santé Fe"!

"Oh [word in Spanish that would draw censor dots if it was in English]!"

By Altie on Thursday, March 27, 2003 - 1:44 pm:

Alternate Spelling!

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