Speculations, predictions, and things that would simply be cool

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Smallville: The Kitchen Sink of Solitude: Speculations, predictions, and things that would simply be cool
By Mylan on Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - 2:56 pm:

I'll make this board because I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on this topic. First, the obvious: They will slowly unlock clark's powers as the series progresses. They started him off with the strength and the speed, then gave him the xray vision halfway through the first season. After the second season opener, it looks like flight is going to be the next power he'll discover. They haven't even hinted at the heat vision or the strong/cold breath, so those will probably come much later.

Speculation: I think Pete and Chloe will get together. Maybe not soon, be I think they are foreshadowing it with the various scenes between him and her.

Things that would simply be cool: I want to see some future superhero/villian cameos. Granted, Lex is a main character, but I'd like to see, say, a young Bruce Wayne pass through town, or maybe have Lionel Luther make some offhand comment about Wayne Enterprises or something.

One last thing. I'm not a comic book fan, but I do have a good general understanding of them. I don't know when Clark is supposed to learn about Krypton, but I'd like to see him start finding out about his home planet on this show.

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - 5:07 pm:

We should save that until next season at least though. Finding out about Krypton NOW before he's even finished discovering all his powers would border on silly.

As for the Wayne Enterprises references, there have already refs to the home cities of the Flash and Nightwing, and with Brids of prey coming soon, I'm hoping for some Star City (Green Arrow) references.

By Machiko Jenkins (Mjenkins) on Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - 5:36 pm:

After watching the preview for the second season second ep (Heat), one would assume the heat ray vision thing is up next. Part of the preview did include fire on the floor, after all.

By Mylan on Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - 6:11 pm:

Hmm, I didn't see that preview. The two hints at flight they've done are Clark telling his dad about how he thought he was willing himself to move towards Lana in the tornado and when his parents found him floating above his bed. My only reservation about him getting flight is they might not use it very often. I imagine it would be a lot cheaper to film Tom Welling staring at something and add in the heat ray later than it would be to set up flying shots.

By Machiko Jenkins (Mjenkins) on Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - 10:39 pm:

When did his parents find him floating above the bed? In 'Metamorphosis,' Clark found himself having a crash landing when Martha yelled...

I missed the 'Leech' episode, so...

By Mylan on Thursday, September 26, 2002 - 3:09 am:

Well, I can't cite you a specific episode unfortunatly, but I do remember the scene. He was dreaming about flying or something similar, then it shows him floating above his bed. IIRC, his mom or dad walks in and wakes him up, causing him to fall onto the bed. I think they say a few lines about it at the breakfast table in the next scene. My memory isn't perfect, so maybe his parents don't wake him up, but I distinctly remember him floating above the bed and falling when he wakes up.

By Brian Lombard on Thursday, September 26, 2002 - 5:15 am:

Yeah, the floating scene was in "Metamorphosis," but the folks didn't actually see it. They woke him up though, calling him to breakfast. He mentioned it to them, I believe, but it has never been discussed since.

By The Undesirable Element on Friday, September 27, 2002 - 12:01 pm:


1. Batman, the Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, or any other heroes that exist in Superman's universe.

2. A reference to Gotham City.

3. Lois Lane

4. A recurring villain with superpowers.

5. Clark gets glasses.

6. Famous actors who have appeared in previous Superman-related roles: Christopher Reeves, Gene Hackman (Lex's grandfather perhaps?), Dean Cain, etc.

7. The Daily Planet and Perry White.

8. Heat vision and superbreath.

9. Someone figures out Clark's superpowers. (My money's on Chloe)

10. Some kind of role for Pete Ross. The guy doesn't do ANYTHING!!

See ya later

By Mylan on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 1:04 am:

Ah, heat ray it is. Though I wonder if they are going to leave the actual beam invisible. Pretty convenient, since it's another power he can use when people are around and it won't be immediately traced to him.

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 4:32 pm:

I like the effect for the heat rqays in this show better than on other Superman shows, what with that •••••• red beam that apparently no one sees whenver Clark uses it out of costume.

By Mylan on Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 3:21 am:

I want to see an appearance by Bizzaro. Continuity be damned (I know, to say that here, of all places). I wonder if they could make Tom Welling into a convincing representation.

By TomM on Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 4:58 am:

Actually, according to the original (pre-Crisis) continuity, the first Bizzaro was created while Clark was still in Smallville

By username on Sunday, December 01, 2002 - 9:05 am:

10 Things I Definately Do NOT Need To See:

1. Batman, or any other superhero. NO spandex and latex in this show. Just look at Birds of Prey if you think that stuff works.

2. Reference to Gotham City. It's ridiculous enough that Metropolis can be seen from Smallville, which puts it in Kansas, rather than the east coast. Skip the geography references.

3. Lois Lane. They hinted at this, Lois is Chloe's cousin or something. Why bring a high school age Lois into this show? Give us the real story of what happened to Lana instead. Did they have a love child or not?

4. Recurring super-villian. But which one? Mr. Myxlplik? Solomon Grundy? Braniac? Who would benefit the most by conquering... Smallville?

5. Clark with glasses. Yeah, I can see how a teenage kid who is struggling to find himself, can't play sports, and can't score with the love of his life would welcome a chance to wear fake glasses.

6. Some famous actor involved in a previous Superman-based project. Gerard Christopher and Stacy Haiduk, the Clark and Lana from the last Superboy TV show, are available. At least, I think they still act. Wouldn't that be great? C'mon, using the "Dukes of Hazard" theme while Jonathan "Bo Duke" Kent was driving his truck was all I can take.

7. Daily Planet and Perry White. Well, they're coming, so we'll just have to see what they do with it. Clark is at least 5 years from getting his job there.

8. We got heat vision, but super-breath? I can see how a strong gust of wind would be real easy to hide from everyone. Clark, thank goodness that strong gust of burrito-smelling wind came up, and blew that bad guy clear across the field!

9. Someone figures out Clark's powers. You'd figure that, since at least 4 people, including 2 bad guys, can figure it out, Chloe and Lana could? My money is on Lex. See what direction the story goes if Lex figures it out...

10. A real part for Pete Ross. Well, he knows all about Clark now. And he still doesn't do anything. He's like the red-shirt from Star Trek, he'll get killed off in a season finale.

By Matt Pesti on Friday, February 21, 2003 - 9:54 pm:

Wasn't Metropolis originally (1940's) a great Midwestren city like Cleveland or Chicago, but more likely Cleveland?

By LUIGI NOVI on Friday, February 21, 2003 - 11:48 pm:

A real part for Pete Ross? What, becoming Vice President when he grows up isn't enough for the guy? :)

By Obi-Juan on Saturday, February 22, 2003 - 3:03 pm:

I thought that Metropolis was a "DC stand-in" for Washington, Gotham City for New York, and Coast City for Los Angeles. Somewhere down the line, DC did start to separate real cities from their cities, so Gotham co-existed somewhere with New York, but they never really say where.

I seem to recall the Christopher Reeve "Superman" movie put Metropolis on the East Coast, but I haven't seen it in a long time.

Marvel always kept it simpler by using real cities.

By Duke of Earl Grey on Saturday, February 22, 2003 - 7:52 pm:

In Superman IV at least, and probably I & II, Metropolis is adjacent to the Statue of Liberty, so I guess that makes it a stand in for New York.

By ScottN on Saturday, February 22, 2003 - 8:29 pm:

In the 1979 movie, Metropolis was the "Big Apricot". Make of that what you will...

By Howard Durdle on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 12:45 pm:

If Clark does decide to start wearing glasses at some point, he'll need to find some round bits of the "plexiglass" shield from the rocket that brought him to Earth. Normal glass would melt when he uses his heat ray.

At least that's how I remember the explanation! :)

By Marc Lechowicz on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 - 10:27 am:

If Clark does decide to start wearing glasses at some point, he'll need to find some round bits of the "plexiglass" shield from the rocket that brought him to Earth. Normal glass would melt when he uses his heat ray.

At least that's how I remember the explanation!

Or he could do what they did in Lois & Clark: have him lower his glasses every time he uses heat vision. Which does bring up an interesting question: I accept the need to lower the glasses for the heat vision-as Howard points out, the normal glass would melt. But why did he need to lower it for x-ray vision? I remember one or two times Clark (in Lois & Clark, but also in Smallville, I think) x-raying through a window with no problem, so why not through his glasses?

Next problem: Why get glasses in the first place? It's a nit for Lois & Clark as well (hey, someone should really set up a board for that. I'd volunteer, but I'm leaving in four weeks). In the series opener-before he even dreams up the idea of Superman, they've got Clark wearing glasses. Why? His vision is better than 20/20, and there's no need to hide his identity. The same thing applies in Smallville. There's no need for Clark to start wearing glasses before he comes up with the Superman identity.

The only thing I can think of is that at some point before Clark becomes Superman, people in Smallville begin noticing weird things happening (like defeating the endless supply of super-villains). They also notice Clark near most, if not all of these events. To put them off his scent, he starts wearing glasses. After all, who'd expect someone who wears glasses to be super strong, fast, etc.

The other possibility is to have Clark Kent go back in time and mention to younger Clark that he might want to start wearing glasses now, because they'll come in handy later on in life.


By Brian Webber on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 - 12:55 pm:


By Marc Lechowicz on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 - 1:41 pm:

NO! NO TIME TRAVEL! NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!-Brian Webber

Down, boy. It was just a speculation, not a suggestion :)


By Jor-El on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 - 1:43 pm:

It is forbidden to interfere with human history.

By Marlon Brando on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 12:23 pm:

There is no human history. I ate it.

By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 2:11 pm:

:) Bravo!

By LUIGI NOVI on Friday, January 23, 2004 - 7:24 pm:

Christopher Reeve returns!!! Reeve will reprise his role of Dr. Swann in the series finale!


By Duke of Earl Grey on Saturday, January 24, 2004 - 12:18 am:

Do you mean the series finale, or the season finale?

By LUIGI NOVI on Saturday, January 24, 2004 - 6:47 am:

Arrgh! SEASON finale! Geez, what is it with me and all these typos and badly written posts this week?

Thanks, Duke.

By Duke of Earl Grey on Thursday, March 04, 2004 - 3:32 am:

My roommate and I have speculated on what the series finale (not season...) could be like if Christopher Reeve were to guest star. Well, I guess it's not a speculation, more of a thing "that would simply be cool". No, sorry, then again, it's more a "Things we'll never see on Smallville" kind of idea. Anyway:

Dr. Swan: "The time has come Clark. I've been saving something for you." [He holds up, probably with some robotic arm attached to his wheelchair since he can't use his actual arms, a pair of bright red boots] "I think you know what to do with these, Clark."

[A hilarious musical montage ensues, in which Clark goes back and forth in and out of a changing room. Each time the Superman outfit comes closer to realization as Dr. Swan gives approving nods or disapproving shakes of the head to Clark's various states of dress. Finally the whole costume has taken shape, with one exception...]

Dr. Swan: "Why haven't you put on that red underwear, Clark?"
Clark: "But I'm already wearing..."
Dr. Swan: "No, Clark. Those go on the outside..."

By Duke of Earl Grey on Thursday, April 29, 2004 - 3:00 pm:

With the appearances of Christopher Reeve working out successfully, now I'd really love to see some guest appearances by Gene Hackman.

By John A. Lang on Thursday, April 29, 2004 - 8:43 pm:

And Margot Kidder

By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Saturday, December 04, 2004 - 1:19 pm:

*months later*

Good call, man!

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