
Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Smallville: Season Two: Suspect
Aired: 28 January, 2002
By LUIGI NOVI on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - 8:05 pm:

Not bad. Pretty good "Smallville does Rashomon" episode. I figured someone bought off the bartender, and that he either slipped Jonathan a mickey himself, or allowed access to the one who did. I was close, but not on target. I didn't even suspect the Sheriff, but I should've. He didn't find the bullet, we took his report about Jonathan's BAC at face value, etc. Pretty good.

By Lee Jamilkowski (Ljamilkowski) on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - 9:49 pm:

I saw this mentioned on the Kryptonsite boards and had thought about it myself when it aired. Worth mentioning here: Anyone else smirk or laugh when Pete's car ran off the road? I guess as long as they didn't name the vehicle the General Lee...

By Duke of Earl Grey on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - 11:48 pm:

Glaring nit: The sheriff said he tested Jonathan's blood alcohol level himself, and it was 2.0. I assume he meant to say .20, or otherwise I would expect Mr. Kent to be quite dead.

By Machiko Jenkins (Mjenkins) on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 5:54 am:

I was wondering what happened to Pete's old boat of a car.

And then I realised it wouldn't fly through the air nearly as well as the hot rod.

By Brian Lombard on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 6:28 am:

Cliche alert: It was a dark and stormy night. Man, just once I'd like to see someone get shot on a clear night.

Too bad Boss Hogg isn't with us anymore, cause they finally got one of dem Duke Boys in jail!

I figured it was the sheriff the second the bartender mentioned he had gone to H.S. with Johnathan. The sheriff had said the exact same thing earlier, and it seemed a neat coincidence. Then I took into account Smallville's history of taking established background characters and doing things we don't expect (killing off Principal Kwan after a full season of shows), and Ethan seemed the likley suspect.

By ScottN on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 9:35 am:

Man, just once I'd like to see someone get shot on a clear night.

Let's see...:O


It was a clear and starry night. Suddenly a shot rang out!

Nope. Doesn't have the same impact. :O

By The Undesirable Element on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 5:14 pm:

Dominic (to Clark): “Face it—In your heart, you've always known what he [Lex] is capable of.”

I was a little disappointed by the mystery. Don't get me wrong. I thought it would be Dominic. I'm glad it was a character that we were familiar with in past episodes. But I'm disappointed that there wasn't a twist to it like Lex was behind the scenes coordinating the whole thing.

How did the sherriff get into Lex's mansion? In the first episode, Lex expresses surprise that Clark got through the gate and security.

When Clark and Pete get forced off the road and the car gets blown up, why didn't Clark dash off to try and find the guy who shot him? He was driving a giant truck. As most people know, trucks like that aren't really known for their speed.

In the last episode, Lionel tells Lex that he'll be moving out. In this episode, Lex insists that Lionel move out as if Lex is forcing him to do so.

Clark seems to handle things pretty well when he finds out that the police have a search warrant for his house. Considering how much stuff they have hidden around the place (spaceship in the storm cellar, the octagon in the flour) I'd be a little nervous.

Wouldn't it have been better for the sherriff to have tried to frame Lex instead of Jonathan? The Sherriff didn't know about Jonathan's fight with Lionel until Lana told him after the murder occurred. Until that point, Jonathan wouldn't have had a motive. Lex would have had more than enough motive.

I thought the ending (with how they expose the killer) was way too close to how they exposed the killer in "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" for it to be a coincidence.

So Henry Small has been disturbed for years by what happened several years ago at a trial, but a few words from Lana suddenly changes his entire perspective?

When Lana brings up Henry's past trial to Henry, Henry tells her to stop prying into his personal life. Isn't a trial supposed to be public knowledge? It isn't really a secret.

After what Henry's wife told Lana last week about Henry losing interest in things very quickly, would it really be such a good idea to have this guy representing someone in a murder trial that could go on for awhile?

Why does Clark hold it against Lex that he's shot someone before? Hasn't Clark been responsible for the demise of others on several occasions?

Still a good episode despite the problems.


By The Undesirable Element on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 5:20 pm:

Not relevant to this episode specifically, but I just thought of it.

Remember back in "Ryan" where the boy asks Martha why she hasn't told Clark or Jonathan her secret and she says she will at the right time.

Has this secret been revealed already (something to do with Lionel) or have we not been told yet?


By Brian Lombard on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 5:47 pm:

Still haven't been told. Still waiting though.

Good point about the spaceship. I meant to mention that as well. I would think a search warrant would include the cellar!

By Obi-Juan on Friday, January 31, 2003 - 7:26 pm:

Amen to that. After losing the spaceship once, why don't they bury it in the field or under the barn? It's not like Clark couldn't dig the hole in 2 minutes.

The 18-wheeler was a little weird. I'm assuming the bartender called the Sheriff, and the Sheriff drove the truck. How did he intercept Clark and Pete so quick? Did he happen to be trucking in the neighborhood when the bartender called?

That was one helluva shot the truck driver/Sheriff pulled off, to make a gas tank explode. Through the deck lid, floor pan, and whatever Pete kept in the trunk. Through the big cloud of dust kicked up after the car slammed into the ground. Yep, one helluva shot. Lee Harvey Oswald would have been impressed with that shot.

By ron on Saturday, February 08, 2003 - 11:03 am:

a delayed post but it needed to be said

if i was pete i would limit my time with clark. in the episode where the guy goes crazy in the daylight, pete was toss thru a car window (i think it was car or shed) and broke his arm. and during whitney (tina greer) return he was thrown head first into a locker (ouch!!! that hurt) and in this issue his car was destroyed and he nearly died in the explosion. i would sure distance myself from clark.

remembering voyager: pete has the harry kim syndrome (hks). if something bad happens it will happen to him

By Machiko Jenkins (Mjenkins) on Saturday, February 08, 2003 - 1:27 pm:

But Pete's been hit in the head so many times, he's lost all reasoning ability, and doesn't see the connection.


By Marc Lechowicz on Tuesday, April 22, 2003 - 12:00 pm:

>>How did the sherriff get into Lex's mansion? In the first episode, Lex expresses surprise that Clark got through the gate and security. <<

He's the sherriff. All he has to do is go up to the gate, show his badge, and threaten to run the guy in if he tells Lex.

Of course, given Clark and Lex's friendship, it does make one wonder why Lex would think Clark'd have trouble getting in...


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