
Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Smallville: Season Three: Asylum
Aired: 14 January, 2004
By LUIGI NOVI on Wednesday, January 14, 2004 - 7:21 pm:

Jonathan Taylor Thomas as Ian Randall (The Duplicator)
Shawn Ashmore as Eric Summers (The Power Leech)
Jesse Metcalfe as Van McNulty (The Sniper Killer)
Ian Somerhalder as Adam (Lana’s friend)

Good episode.

Nice way to tidy up Lex’s knowledge of Clark’s secret, while further leading him down the path to his future role as a megalomaniacal villain.

After Ian and Eric killed Van, I thought this episode would be the creators’ way of cleaning out all the past villains who Clark has landed in the asylum. By the end of the episode, I wasn’t sure if this was the case, since Ian was still alive, and whether Eric was still alive was not made clear, but it was still a nice use of continuity to let the audience know that the creators hadn’t forgotten about these characters, and the dubiousness of having all of them lying around knowing Clark’s secret, even if they’re believed insane. Then, again, why do the authorities think they’re insane? All Eric has to do is allow his dupe to split out of his back in front of them, and thus prove that there are some people in Smallville with superhuman abilities, making it that much easier for him to argue that Clark is one of them.

It was also nice to see Pete emerge from the shadows of Secondary Character Limbo, and in a scene where he berates Clark for going to the wall so many times for Lex while he shoulders the burden of Clark’s secret.

In the scene where Adam first meets Lana in physical therapy, the way the scene and Adam’s mannerisms played out, it seemed really obvious that he was going to be a bad guy. Although he appears more sincere and friendly by the later scenes, I’m going to be really disappointed if in fact he turns out to be yet another bad guy that Lana falls four. Let’s hope that this is one love interest of Lana’s who doesn’t turn out to be a cardboard villain character that exists only to be vanquished by Clark.

True to his incompetent, non-thinking form, when Clark rips off Lex’s restraints at the end of Act 2, he THROWS IT against the wall, making a lot of noise, which could alert the guards. Then again, why weren’t the guards alerted? And how were Ian and Eric out and about, and not locked up?

By Mylan on Wednesday, January 14, 2004 - 10:26 pm:

First of all, just to nitpick your post Luigi, you've got Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Shawn Ashmore mixed up.

Then, again, why do the authorities think they’re insane? All Eric has to do is allow his dupe to split out of his back in front of them, and thus prove that there are some people in Smallville with superhuman abilities, making it that much easier for him to argue that Clark is one of them.

If he did that, then he could kiss any chance of freedom he has goodbye. He was probably trying to just play it cool until he was released, so he could resume his old tricks. Then Lex came along and he saw an opportunity to get out sooner.

And how were Ian and Eric out and about, and not locked up?

They're likely considered low risk. Eric is clearly trusted with book cart duties.

By LUIGI NOVI on Wednesday, January 14, 2004 - 11:51 pm:

Great. I include the list to help people having trouble telling them apart, and end up mixing them up myself. Pot, meet kettle. :)

MJ, could you switch the "duplicator" and "power leech" labels? Thanks. :)

By Brian Lombard on Thursday, January 15, 2004 - 6:27 am:

With all the security cameras in that place, they never saw Ian's duplication or the subsequent murder of Van?

At the end of "Dichotic," one of the two Ians was killed. So, is he able to keep cranking out the clones? That being the case, why doesn't he just make 50 of himself to overpower the guards? Or can he only make one at a time?

By Machiko Jenkins (Mjenkins) on Thursday, January 15, 2004 - 4:04 pm:

Mylan, you're all confused too. ;)

Ian had the book duties.

Ian was presumably dead, Eric was definitely alive.

Why did the power generator come back on to let Lex get brain fried? Clark and Eric left a huge gaping hole in it! And why...oh why...oh there a power plant beneath/next to/in easy reach of the asylum?

I always had the impression that Eric wasn't an actual meteor freak, that it was just coincidence that he and Clark can switch powers by getting deep fried. It'd have been a nice touch if Eric was killed during the transfer (after all, how many times can a normal human body handle that electricity?) Why didn't Eric die after the second transfer, when Clark regained his powers?

Clearly, Clark's Kryptoneurons are misfiring. "Lex is having shock therapy. I think I'll turn the power back on!" Hello?

By Machiko Jenkins (Mjenkins) on Thursday, January 15, 2004 - 4:05 pm:

Luigi, done.

By LUIGI NOVI on Thursday, January 15, 2004 - 7:40 pm:

Thanks. :)

By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Friday, January 16, 2004 - 12:04 pm:

Clearly, Clark's Kryptoneurons are misfiring. "Lex is having shock therapy. I think I'll turn the power back on!" Hello?

I don't think Clark realized that Lex was in therapy right at that moment, just that it would happen soon.

In the scene where Adam first meets Lana in physical therapy, the way the scene and Adam’s mannerisms played out, it seemed really obvious that he was going to be a bad guy.

I never got that impression. I thought it was more like an attempt to establish Adam as having a personality that's pretty much the opposite of Clark's (with plenty of success).

Ian was presumably dead

Why? Clark gets knocked around just as bad before he gets his power back and he clings to life just fine.

By Brian Webber on Friday, January 16, 2004 - 2:54 pm:

Blitz: True, but Clark also didn't get flung back as hard either. I think Eric was toying with Clark, but intended to kill Ian. Wether or not he actually succeeded, I doubt we'll ever know. You know how writers can be.

By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Friday, January 16, 2004 - 10:46 pm:

Good point. Then again, I have a feeling that, had they decided to go through the trouble of actually killing the guy, they would have given us the standard "dead guy staring off into nothingness" shot after he hit the ground.

By Brian Webber on Friday, January 16, 2004 - 11:50 pm:

Blitz: Touche.

By Mylan on Saturday, January 17, 2004 - 3:44 am:

Mjenkins: Mylan, you're all confused too. ;)

Doh! Looks like Luigi is contageous :)

Mjenkins: I always had the impression that Eric wasn't an actual meteor freak

I don't think he is either, but he sure gave himself the reputation of one with his public displays of power.

By LUIGI NOVI on Tuesday, January 20, 2004 - 11:31 am:

The hospital is named "Belle Reve," which means “beautiful dreams.” It was used for some time in the DC Universe as the name of a Louisiana-based prison for super-villains. It was also the Headquarters for the title characters the first half of so of John Ostrander's run on Suicide Squad.

When Ian brings the book cart to Lex’s cell, the Daily Planet headline reads "Themiscyran Queen Addresses Vatican", which you can see here. Wow, I wonder who’s the cooler celebrity in that story, Pope John Paul II, or Wonder Woman’s mom?

By ccabe on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 8:27 am:

Probably Wonder Woman's mom.

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