
Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Smallville: Season Three: Whisper
Aired: 21 January, 2004

By LUIGI NOVI on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 8:30 pm:

Not bad.

Kind of a return to the Meteor Freak of the Week shtick, but I liked the fact that even though we could presume that the Reset Button would be used by the end of the episode with Clark’s blindness, the story forced me to focus instead on Clark’s feelings of helplessness, and the position it placed him in with respect to his ongoing story relationships with Lex and Chloe, which was the episode’s real strength. Trouble inadvertently occurs once again as a result of Clark using his powers, resulting in Lex thinking Chloe and her father are gossipy leaks, Chloe losing her Daily Planet column, and her dad getting fired. It also provided a catalyst for the development of his one remaining as-yet undeveloped power, his super hearing, which up until now I hadn’t even noticed.

Between a main character using super hearing to compensate for blindness, and a villain with a “sonic scream,” you’d think this was a Marvel Comics-based series instead of DC. :)

Clark shopping around for his mom’s birthday present got me thinking: Where does he get money from? He has no job except for The Torch. Does his dad, who mentions in this episode can barely make ends meet, give him an allowance?

Interesting that Pete shows up heavily in an episode largely because Clark now needs a guide to keep him from bumping into stuff.

Isn’t it convenient that out of all the people in the school, when Clark’s super hearing first kicks in, the conversation he just happens to focus in on is between Chloe and Lionel?

So the judge handling Masterson’s case just so happens to be the mother of the best friend of someone injured at the crime scene? Pretty convenient, but has the Kansas Bar has never heard of “conflict of interest”?

When Masterson’s Meteor Freak accomplice kidnaps Pete, his disables him with his “sonic scream,” and drags Pete into his truck, but Pete seems to willingly climb into it.

Clark with glasses. Cute touch.

By The Undesirable Element on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 10:15 pm:

It also provided a catalyst for the development of his one remaining as-yet undeveloped power, his super hearing, which up until now I hadn’t even noticed." -- Luigi Novi

I wouldn't be doing my job as a nitpicker if I didn't point out that he does not have his super breath or flying abilities yet.


Wow. Smallville and Enterprise both had high quality episodes. What a treat. Usually it's one or the other.

I hope Clark keeps the glasses. It's a wonderful addition.

"Your silence is deafening." Ohhhhh groan!!!! I know they throw cornball lines like this around on Smallville sometimes but this one just stuck out like a sore thumb. It was so bad.

Clark confronts both Chloe and Lana with legitimate issues but somehow they both end up turning things against him. This guy just can't catch a break.

"You both think you're a pair of supermen." Yeah, imagine that.

Couldn't Clark obtain some sort of earpiece that would allow him to control the sound he hears. The guy who was robbing the jewelery store had one to protect him against the super voice guy.

Clark goes to his locker to grab his books. What, pray tell, is he planning to do with those?
Is Pete going to read to him every night?

Lionel Luthor is the most sadistic, manipulative, evil, slimy son of a gun that ever graced the television screen. I love him.

Where did the voice guy get his powers?

Why did the voice guy just flash the torch in Clark's eyes? Why not just try to kill him with it? The voice guy doesn't know it won't work.

This is a television/movie cliche, but why didn't the voice guy try to get out of the way before the cars toppled onto him.

Overall, I agree with Luigi. Not bad. A-


By Brian Lombard on Thursday, January 22, 2004 - 6:40 am:

Nice to see Jennifer Sisko again.

By LUIGI NOVI on Thursday, January 22, 2004 - 10:12 am:

THAT'S who it was! Damnn, I was trying to figure it out. The hair threw me off.

Thanks for pointing out the breath, TUE, but didn't he use his flying, at leat a bit, in Vortex?

By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Thursday, January 22, 2004 - 11:34 am:

Well, I don't think that it really counts as "developed" untell Clark figures out how to use it on a regular basis.

"Your silence is deafening." Ohhhhh groan!!!! I know they throw cornball lines like this around on Smallville sometimes but this one just stuck out like a sore thumb. It was so bad.

I hear you (joke?). When I heard that line, and the bit about being blind but seeing much more clearly, I wondered if Clark had also developed some Luther like dialouge powerd to compensate for his blindness. Not a fair trade, if you ask me.

By Machiko Jenkins (Mjenkins) on Thursday, January 22, 2004 - 7:20 pm:

That's just because Clark Kent cannot compare to the Luthors, Blitz.

I'm getting a lot more convinced that Lex DOES remember Clark's secret, because of what he said about how this time, he didn't have to involve Clark. And moreover, HOW he said it.

So is Clark still going to have to wear glasses? Because I can't figure out if his sight and eyelasers are back to normal and he was just examining the difference of "2nd set of eyeballs vs without" in the mirror. Or if he was squinting to see IF his sight had improved.

Upon viewing the trailer for next week, both Mark and I agree that the producers have mixed Chloe and Lana up.

By Obi-Juan on Friday, January 23, 2004 - 8:51 pm:

Clark shopping around for his mom’s birthday present got me thinking: Where does he get money from? He has no job except for The Torch. Does his dad, who mentions in this episode can barely make ends meet, give him an allowance? -Luigi
You don't think he kept some of the cash he stole in Metropolis over the summer, do you??

Lionel Luthor is the most sadistic, manipulative, evil, slimy son of a gun that ever graced the television screen. I love him. - TUE
Amen. Truly a great villain of the small screen. Sometimes the writers fumble the teen relationship dialouge (yeah, your silence is deafening), but they've really nailed Lionel Luthor.

Upon viewing the trailer for next week, both Mark and I agree that the producers have mixed Chloe and Lana up. - Mjenkins
I'm really up for another episode featuring a love interest for Lana who isn't the nice guy he seems on the surface, prompting Clark to reveal suspicions to Lana, who angrily rejects Clark's words of caution, only to find that Clark was right to be worried, which puts Lana in great danger, resulting in Clark saving Lana, and Lana wondering why all the men in her life are meteor freaks.

By LUIGI NOVI on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 6:32 pm:

Two other unseen powers: Super-cool breath, and Telescopic vision. Totally forgot about that. The latter was pointed out at peter david's blog. I've also heard that Superman has a super IQ, but I'm not sure about that, as I'm not as big an aficionado of that character.

By Art Vandelay on Tuesday, March 09, 2004 - 1:38 am:

He seems to have the telescopic vision when using his x-ray vision at the moment although it's never been commented on. He also has microscopic vision in the comics, would have thought it is the linked with his telescopic vision but they mention them separately as his powers in some issue.

There was no mention of a super IQ when listing his powers.

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