My Smallville Memory

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Smallville: The Kitchen Sink of Solitude: My Smallville Memory
By The Undesirable Element on Wednesday, November 24, 2004 - 11:55 pm:

I seem to have a fantastic memory of all five Star Trek series, but with Smallville, I have a really hard time remembering what happens from week to week. Maybe it's because all of the episodes have the same location with the same sort of situations.

But the other day I was watching an old episode of Smallville on ABC Family and I was just amazed at how much I had forgotten.

The episode was about Lex's brother Lucas coming back to Smallville and all the problems they face, and as I watched, I knew I'd seen it before. But the episode does not end with Lucas's death or anything, and I really don't remember now what happened to him in any subsequent episodes. Is he still alive? Could he return? Can anyone help me out here?

Then other things start to jumble together. Like I know Lex got stranded on that island and it messed him up in the head, but I also know that he remembered that he killed his brother Julian. But I don't remember which one was the reason for him going to a mental institution. I have all kinds of similar things that I can't remember exactly.

Does anyone else have trouble remembering the finer details of this series? I mean, I've seen every episode of Enterprise and Voyager only once, but I could probably give a reasonable synopsis of any episode. I don't think Smallville's plots are that complicated, but I don't think I could do the same for this series.

Am I just an idiot? Does anyone else have this problem?

Makes finding nits a bit difficult.


By Machiko Jenkins (Mjenkins) on Thursday, November 25, 2004 - 4:27 am:

I, too, am having problems with this series, though on a totally different scale.

There are just some episodes that I cannot/will not watch. It started with that Smallville hippie episode (Uhhh...the 1961 ep, I think it was), and then has started to swell. I believe it was about four episodes last season I couldn't bear to watch, based on previews. This season, I watched everything up until Transference. I missed that episode (we recorded it, but the reception was horrid), and since then, I've refused to watch any.

For me, it's like this is morphing from Smallville to Langville. It's probably my intense dislike of Lana Lang, but I just cannot bring myself to reasonably care about Smallville anymore (and in fact, one of my extracurricular activities got switched from Tuesdays to Wednesdays, and I didn't care!).

And even before the Langville hostile takeover, though, all of the episodes started to blur together. FotW menaced Clark's One True Love (initials of LL, take your pick), Clark saved his One True Love (LL), then would whine to Lana that no one understood him, and she would whine back that he wouldn't open up to her, and he would whine back that he just couldn't, and she would whine back that how could she trust him, her parents were turned into meteor pancakes, blah blah blah. that I've digressed (ranted?)...I think that part of the issue might be that it's the same old formula, just recycled a lot. Or it is for me, anyway.

By Josh M on Thursday, November 25, 2004 - 10:56 pm:

Machiko, if you can catch Transference, I'd recommend watching it. It was actually a good episode, maybe the best of this season. It hasn't had much competition though.

By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Saturday, December 04, 2004 - 1:17 pm:

It also doesn't help that Smallville really does have a habit of just forgetting about previous plots and never doing anything with 'em again. It's hard to remember questions that don't have satisfying answers to them.

By Triggins (Triggins) on Friday, January 16, 2009 - 6:26 pm:

The writers have seemed to have forgotten about Lucas. Clark knows of his existence but when he is talking to Lionel he will refer to Lex as Lionel's only son. Or that when Lex was warning Grant that Lionel could be a threat to him he did not tell him of how Lionel tried to kill Lucas.

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