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Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: The West Wing: Season Sieben: Here Today
By Hannah F., West Wing/C&J Moderator (Cynicalchick) on Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:35 pm:

Holy ••••.

I didn't expect that I'd actually get all teary. :( And Jed..what a bastard!

Thank you for 7 wonderful years, Mr. Schiff.

By ScottN on Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:46 pm:

And Jed..what a bastard!

He had no choice. Though Oliver did have a point at the end.

By Harvey Kitzman on Monday, October 24, 2005 - 7:05 pm:

Wow! I still say Toby is covering for someone - we know that he is teaching at Columbia in 3 years. I doubt that if he were a felon he would get that job.

By Hannah F., West Wing/C&J Moderator (Cynicalchick) on Monday, October 24, 2005 - 7:22 pm:

I don't think so, Harvey. It's been coming for a while, I think.

By Jesse on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 7:02 am:

Great episode. I loved how (justly) cold Bartlett was with Toby in the end. It's a pretty self-righteous person who would do what Toby did.

I did have a major issue with the directing/cinematography in this ep. I thought that a lot of the camera angles were odd, even distracting.

By Sparrow47 on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 8:11 am:

If Toby's covering up for someone else, I'm going to throw a brick at my TV. It's one thing to pull a "TheleakisCJTheleakisCJTheleakisC-OMG it's Toby!!11!!1!" but to have another surprise lurking under that would be just tacky.

But hey, at least Stockard Channing made an appearance (love the look on the kid's face when Ellie was trying to explain why they might need to have the wedding sooner rather than later), Josh Molina is getting thrown back into the mix, and if this shake-up in the Santos campaign doesn't bring Donna back, well... brick.

By Jesse on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 9:18 am:

I really can't see Toby taking the fall for someone else. It's not like him to do that. But I can TOTALLY see him being the leaker because he thinks he's right and the Administration is wrong.

The other thing is, I don't think that Toby coming clean will save the Santos campaign. Congress can still investigate the leak and subpoena Leo even though Toby has admitted to being the leaker.

By Harvey Kitzman on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 5:23 pm:

Given the fact that it is a Republican Congress, most likely. However, I find it VERY hard to believe that Vinick will win. If he does, I am gone - I don't like watching a real Republican administration, I sure as h e l l won't watch one on TV.

By Hannah F., West Wing/C&J Moderator (Cynicalchick) on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 6:18 pm:

I like Vinick. Very moderate, and he's even pro-choice and an atheist.

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