Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Andromeda: Season Two: "THE TUNNEL AT THE END OF THE LIGHT"

By Triggins (Triggins) on Saturday, May 04, 2002 - 4:19 pm:

An attack by aliens from an alternate universe may cause Dylan to change his mind about restoring the Commonwealth.

By Brian on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 - 5:46 am:

When Dylan and Rommie were escorting the old lady for her own protection after one attempt had been made to seize her, the angle switched to the distorted alien view, from up near the ceiling, as they walked down the corridor. As they passed the alien's point of view, Rommie distinctly looked up, right at the camera. It didn't play into the plot, so I can only assume that Lexa Doig made a mistake that made it to print.

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Sunday, October 06, 2002 - 8:45 am:

47 alert. It was said at one point that 47 politicians were left.

NNAN. In Oroborous a future Trance & Beka appeared on Andromeda giving me the impression that future Trance & 'scary Beka' had been on a future Andromeda as all the other tesseracts seemed to involve Andromeda in the future or past. However, here it is revealed that Andromeda was destroyed & that Beka & Trance mostly survived on the Maru. So did future Trance & scary Beka tesseract from the future Maru to the present Maru then go onto the Andromeda proper so Trance can do her switcheroo or what?

Also weren't there supposed to be some future attacks revealed in Oroborous? Were they consistent with Andromeda being destroyed here? (Or did the Tesseracts interact with all possible future timelines as well?)

The big question is, why would the other dimensional beings go to all the trouble & expense of building a generator to cross dimensions & why did they create so many ships just to wipe out the commonwealth in our dimension?

Other dimensional creatures attacking sounds a little like CrossGen Comics' Negation.

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