Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Andromeda: Season Three: "DEEP MIDNIGHT'S VOICE"
The crew enters a first contact situation in order to retrieve a pre-fall probe that has a rumored map of the slipstream.
By Stone Cold Steven Of None on Saturday, June 28, 2003 - 1:32 pm:

This ep had plot holes big enough for the Magog (Remember them?) to drive their worldship through.

I couldn't believe that three centuries had gone by without the spaceship crash site being found by the colonists. Or that the ship didn't just end up making a big old crater. Or that the Magic Doohickey could still be on line and just waiting to be picked up just like _that_.

As for those colonists: The Perseids supposedly settled their ancestors there over a thousand years earlier; presumably this was after the Perseids made first contact with Earth, which was presumably some time _after_ Captain Metis and the crew of the Bellerophon had taken off for parts unknown, which was around 2161, I think.

So how come the colony has all this antique tech?
Clumsy reel-to-reel computer banks in the observatory; and when the security guy sics the troops on our heroes he uses, not one of those cool Matrix cell phones, but one of those mid-'60s Western Electric jobs.

Also, if you found Captain Valentine's conduct with the End Credited Male Babe Of The Week kind of disgusting, gimme a hell yeah! Someone get her a _scratching post_!

I did like this ep, though, if only for Tyr.

By Anonymous on Sunday, June 29, 2003 - 3:19 pm:

Actually it was Ten thousand years.

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