Hell Bound

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Angel: Season Five: Hell Bound
By Scott McClenny on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 12:00 pm:

Great Spike line:"You like Barry Manilow"
after Angel confesses that he rather liked Spike's

So the Conduits can take any form they like?
Since Angel is the new boss of the L.A. branch of
Wolfram & Hart how come the new Conduit didn't take the form of Buffy?I think since it's supposed to be Evil that taking the form of Buffy would be a rather good way of rattling Angel's cage a bit.(I thought this as I was watching the scene where Gunn introduces Angel to the new Conduit.)Of course I realize they would have to have paid Sarah Michelle Gellar a lot of extra money to just do a cameo like that;but still I love the thought of Angel getting a bit rattled
by seeing something that would remind him of Buffy.

Actually aside from the scene in the opener where
Spike comes across the ghost slicing his fingers with the knife there wasn't anything that was
too graphic about this episode,that is out of normal for Angel.Also the scene with Spike naked
was pretty similiar to how they played it when
Angel was sent back naked from Hell on Buffy.

Has anyone else noticed that they seem to be pairing off James Marsters with either David
Boreanaz or Amy Acker in most of his scenes?

By Josh M on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 4:00 pm:

I know that he's done this since the second episode but how come Spike can sit? Did he really really want to?

I loved Angel's "I hate that word." remark about "champion." Don't we all.

So, will Spike eventually work his way to corporeality?

Next week: Angel and Eve. I bet that made a bunch of Angel fans scream.

By Hammer on Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 6:47 pm:

Good episode, I think Spike will eventually become corporeal, after all the ghost angle won't work for long. It only funny for so long having someone hover there and make fun of everyone. I think the best thing to do with Spike is make him human because James Marsters is starting to show is age somewhat.

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