A Hole in the World

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Angel: Season Five: A Hole in the World
By Quinn on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 4:18 pm:

Okay, so did that thing coming out of wall remind anyone else of an Alien pod? And the argument between Spike and Angel...Caveman vs. Astronauts?...Also, Fred and her new hair...Interesting, but she's still cute

By Keith Alan Morgan on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 1:47 am:

I wondered if the astronauts would be wearing their helmets. That would certainly protect them from blows to the head.

So did Eve paint those little symbols on her torso so the Senior Partners couldn't find her or are they just letting her wait & worry?

Gee, a female member of the cast gets taken over by an ancient demon... rerun time already? While a potentially interesting idea the similarities to Cordelia's possesion last year make it look like they've run out of new ideas.

What is it about Angel? Buffy was usually pretty good at having consistent year-long storylines, but Angel seems to change directions every couple of months.

By Mark Morgan on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 11:30 am:


So did Eve paint those little symbols on her torso so the Senior Partners couldn't find her or are they just letting her wait & worry?

I don't know how she got out of Wolfram & Hart unscathed, but Lindsey's protection symbols are all over the walls of his apartment.


What is it about Angel? Buffy was usually pretty good at having consistent year-long storylines, but Angel seems to change directions every couple of months.

The WB asked them to stop doing story arcs as part of agreeing to renew the show. Irony? Meet Angel. Angel, this is my friend, irony.

By MythicFox on Wednesday, March 03, 2004 - 11:57 pm:

I always figured it's a thematic difference between Angel and Buffy that Angel doesn't have clear-cut Big Bads every season. The RPG books, in bits talking about the two series, really make sure to point out the thematic differences between the shows, and let's face it-- just as everything isn't clear-cut black and white in LA, Angel and his friends' problems shouldn't easily be summed up in a 'final boss fight,' to use video game jargon.

By KAM on Thursday, March 04, 2004 - 12:27 am:

I didn't realize that Disjointed qualified as a Theme.


By MythicFox on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 2:14 am:

I just meant that given their current position in the world of the supernatural, it just doesn't make that much sense for them to be able to take out one particular bad guy and solve everything.

By KAM on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 3:29 am:

If they solved everything then it would be the end of the series. ;-)

Still Buffy would have various 'distractions' from the overall storyline. Usually as I recall it the Big Bad would be introduced with some plan that required gathering or accumulating power that just happened to coincide with the end of the season.
Really no different than a bad guy in a novel starting off with a grand idea then accumulating power & finally being defeated by the end of the book. It only seems artificial because TV shows usually start & end at set times of the year.

By MarkN on Monday, February 28, 2005 - 1:33 am:

Since this season was aired only once without any repeats and I'd missed this episode back then (and I think maybe one other that I can't recall) I had to wait an entire whole year to finally see it on the Season Five DVD set, but it was worth it. I still don't like that they killed Fred but hell, Amy's pretty sexy in that leather outfit. I wonder if they let her keep it.

By Taoiseach on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 7:42 pm:

Is it me, or was the brief scene of Spike in Rome back in the 60s an inside reference to British comedian Eddie Izzard?


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