Rights of the Mentally Ill

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Legal Musings: Rights of the Mentally Ill
By Anonymous on Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - 5:27 pm:

People with Chronic Mental disorders and illness, have EVERY RIGHT to commit suicide without physically hurting anyone else.

Who the heck, what gives the Government or Mental Health Profession the Right to Force the Mentally ill to live Against their will Dependant upon Psychiatric drugs their whole lives.

It is Cruel and Unjust forcing the Mentally ill to live Against their will. It is Tyranny.

By MikeC on Friday, December 19, 2003 - 12:39 pm:

What the heck, why not just kill them ourselves? Saves lots of tax dollars.

I'm sorry, I'm just a tad annoyed. My uncle was mentally ill and tried to kill himself during a bout of depression, but was stopped by the police. Now, his life is back together and he's happy.

By Adam Bomb (Abomb) on Monday, August 14, 2006 - 7:40 am:

I had to deal with that stuff for the better part of four years. My (now ex)-wife once wanted to jump from the top level of Woodbridge Mall back in February, 2000, in an attempt to kill herself. But, IMHO, it's not high enough to kill yourself if you jump, although you would wind up with more than a few broken bones. (I only went there to pick up some pants and a shirt from JC Penney, and wound up that day taking her to Somerset Medical Center, for her second of her five stays there.) She was later sent away to upstate New York for two months, as the hospital was not able to do any more for her. There were a lot more instances of her being in hospitals for treatment of her depression, but just let me say that I didn't want her to come home; she could have stayed there forever, and I would have been happier. Absence in my case did not make the heart grow fonder.