Nelson Zuniga

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Legal Musings: Specific Lawsuits & Legal Cases: Nelson Zuniga
By Adam Bomb on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 11:48 am:

Despicable scumbag killer Nelson Zuniga was sentenced to 70 years to life in prison for the murder of Lynbrook resident Anthony Battaglia. Mr. Battaglia, a married father of two, was walking home from the Lynbrook train station when he was accosted by a pack of thugs, shot and stabbed to death. He was found by his wife Caryn right by their home. All the others involved pleaded guilty, but Zuniga insisted on a trial. (Since some of his accomplices copped pleas to testify against him, did he really think he'd get off?)
This case hits home for me, as my sister, her husband and their three kids live only blocks from the Battaglias, and it could have been my brother-in-law. I hope the judge made the sentence ironclad and appeal-proof, so Zuniga can rot in his cell for the rest of his useless life. More here.

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