4. Walkabout

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Lost: Season One: 4. Walkabout
Writer: David Fury
Director: Jack Bender

Guest Cast
L. Scott Caldwell: Rose

When food runs low, Kate and Michael join Locke on a hunt for wild boars. As events unfold, Locke's secret is revealed. Meanwhile, Jack proposes burning the wreckage and the bodies in it.

Locke backstory.

-Night 4, Day 5
-Locke was in a wheelchair before the crash. Now he's not.
-Unanswered questions: What did Locke see when he looked at the monster? Why did it spare him? Who's in Sayid's picture? Is Rose right? Who is that man that Jack sees? How was Locke paralyzed?
By Influx on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 8:09 am:

I finally got around to seeing the rerun. Interesting at how plays out considering how I knew what followed.

Plus, my delayed viewing had the pleasure of "getting" an in-joke that I might not have gotten if I'd seen it the first time it was on. Last weekend I watched "Office Space", the Mike Judge riff on office workers. One of the office rats gets constantly hassled by his boss(es) that he forgot to include a TPS report. The first thing that Locke's unctuous boss asks for is his TPS reports.

By constanze on Monday, April 18, 2005 - 1:19 pm:

It takes some time to get used to the concept that things progress so slowly over each ep.: one ep. to collect water and hunt the signal; one ep to hunt for food; ... so future ep.s will be about tracking the energy source; surveying the island will be several eps....

Why is there a big discussion about burning the bodies vs. burying them? Is burning that inacceptable to most people/religions??? I know devout moslems prefer earth burials, and some more fundamentalistic people may be against burning, but the rest... (don't they know about different burial customs in different societies?) Besides, burning is no more or less disrespectful than burying in earth where the worms come and eat them... :O

Locke isn't that disturbed if he doesn't run amok and kill that jerk in his office... :)

So who's this Helen if she says another hour would cost him 49 $ - a telefon hooker ? She sounds pretty nice and understanding for one... Couldn't he call a counseling hotline instead, they're free of charge?

When Sayid and Kate are talking, he says she wants to get away and can't stay in one place for long. Considering they're trapped on this island, many of the survivors will have to get about, first for surveying, and then for the daily tasks of gathering firewood, plants to eat and catch fish (even if they don't go to hunt in the dangerous jungle).

So will Locke tell what he saw? (Later... :))


Wow. What a surprise at the end about Locke. Though I wonder: I guess he didn't tell about the wheelchair because he's in denial. But if he'd gone to a travel agency specialized in handicapped (or just a special travel agency) and told beforehand, surely provisions could've been made? I mean, since a walkabout is a spiritual journey, it's not necessary to walk on your feet, but would also be possible in a wheelchair? (The guy who climbed Mount Everest surely had certain arragnments made for him and didn't keep silent about it!)

By Influx on Monday, April 18, 2005 - 2:17 pm:

It takes some time to get used to the concept that things progress so slowly over each ep.: one ep. to collect water and hunt the signal; one ep to hunt for food; ... so future ep.s will be about tracking the energy source; surveying the island will be several eps....

Precisely what I'd hoped Voyager would be more like -- a struggle for survival -- instead of what it turned out to be.

Why is there a big discussion about burning the bodies vs. burying them?

I believe the concern was about the boars who might dig them up. But they did bury the marshall...

By constanze on Monday, April 18, 2005 - 2:32 pm:

Why is there a big discussion about burning the bodies vs. burying them?

I believe the concern was about the boars who might dig them up. But they did bury the marshall...

I meant, when the doc (Jack?) suggests burning, them, the others - Kate, Sayid etc., react shocked, and say they're people and deserve a proper burial etc. The discussion was as if burning is the worst thing to do a body, and earth burial is the only proper way to deal with them. Which I find hard to accept or even understand what the fuss is about...

Did they really bury the Marshall? Maybe they dug him up again and burned him with the rest?

About the way it slowly develops... it's not the continuing struggle for survival, it's the slowness with which things are adressed that's .. unusual for me. They say in this ep. they've been on the island for 4 days, yet they aren't organized into permanent parties for hunting/fishing , collecting firewood (to keep animals etc away at night and give signals if necessary), to collect water, to survey the island (to work on the signal), organized a daily routine...

Maybe there's a perfect beach resort on the other side of the island, it just doesn't have radio! Maybe there are some native villages nearby?

By Influx on Tuesday, April 19, 2005 - 6:41 am:

About the way it slowly develops...

Remember, at this point they are fully expecting to be rescued so they probably don't feel the need for all that. But I do agree that those things should be done much sooner, just in case.

By constanze on Tuesday, April 19, 2005 - 12:00 pm:

Umm, I don't think they expect to be rescued soon. They learn in the pilot about being 1000 miles off-course, and the brother of the blond b*tch tells her that it may take awhile - I think the blond is the only one who talks about being rescued soon; the others like Jack and Sayid mention several times that their situation isn't hopeful. Together with the fact that at least the people who took the trip and know therefore about the french woman's signal know that in the last 16 years nobody with an emergency radio transceiver came along. That doesn't mean there couldn't be a beach resort - how many resorts would've a radio tuned to the emergency frequency? And there's the puzzle of the power source, too....

By Art Vandelay on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 3:37 am:

Granted we don't know at this point exactly what Locke's condition is but, assuming he's been in a wheelchair for some time (possibly 4 years), wouldn't his leg muscles have atrophied? There's no way he'd be able to go trekking through the forest.

By anonimmortal on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 9:31 am:

Its a kind of magic.

By R on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 8:36 pm:

The not immortal person has a point. His leg muscles had probably atrophied a bit depending on why he was paralyzed and how long he has been in the chair, but if the force of the island (or whatever the cause is) can let him stand and walk they probably have taken care of any atrophy.

Which brings up a point for something else, maybe hurley's weight is being maintained by the island for some reason. Could be interesting.

By Josh M on Tuesday, June 13, 2006 - 7:20 pm:

Art Vandelay: Granted we don't know at this point exactly what Locke's condition is but, assuming he's been in a wheelchair for some time (possibly 4 years), wouldn't his leg muscles have atrophied? There's no way he'd be able to go trekking through the forest.

He's shown using a machine to stimulate the muscles in the scene on the phone. I'm not sure how well that would work, though. Then again, magic island.

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