2. Adrift

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Lost: Season Two: 2. Adrift
Aired 9/28

Writers: Leonard Dick and Steven Maeda
Director: Stephen Williams

Guest Cast
Tamara Taylor: Susan
Henry Ian Cusick: Desmond
Saul Rubinek: Custody Attorney
Jeanetta Arnette: Susan's Attorney

With the raft destroyed, Michael and Sawyer are stranded at sea, clinging to wreckage. Michael, preoccupied with memories of his battle for custody of Walt, has a tough time dealing with Sawyer, something not helped by the arrival of another threat. Meanwhile, Locke manages to find Kate in the compound under the hatch. They're soon taken hostage by Desmond, who wants to know why they're there, and doesn't realize that Jack is on the way.

Michael backstory II

-We learn from Locke that it has been 44 days since the plane crash
-Michael gives young Walt a stuffed polar bear as a gift
-The shark has the logo, found in the hatch and on Desmond's shirt, stamped on its tail.
-Lostaway count: 40 on the island. At least 3 at sea (since we can hear Walt screaming at the beginning)
-Night of Day 44, Morning of Day 45
-Unanswered Questions: Why must the numbers be input into the computer every 108 minutes? Why did the shark have the logo on its fin?

Opinion: Definition of a filler episode. How about moving the plot a bit?
By LUIGI NOVI on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 8:01 pm:

Pretty disappointing. There was nothing in this episode that really revealed anything new, and much of it was redundant. The material in Michael’s flashback sequences was pretty much already covered in Special. The raft scenes with Michael and Sawyer just featured the two of them bickering like an old married couple, which I didn’t care for. The bunker scenes with Desmond, Locke and Kate merely showed us how they got up to the end of the last episode, and I really didn’t really find it very interesting or useful storywise. It’s possible that future episodes will shed light on some of the stuff in this one, but each episode should also be able to stand alone on its own merits, and this one just seemed like filler. The only part that had any value was the last Act.

So did Jin somehow manage to swim under the Others’ boat and snag it or slip onto it unnoticed?

By TomM on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 8:06 pm:

Are we sure it was the Others who hog-tied Jin? (Spoiler)The preview seems to indicate that the people who find Michael and Sawyer are the ones from the tail section.

And was there anyone who did not call out the de-activation code along with Desmond?

By Influx on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 8:35 am:

Yes, this episode didn't move things along much. There were a lot of repeated scenes, especially noticeable since I first saw the premiere episode immediately before this one.

Using the same cliffhanger two weeks in a row is not a good idea. "You!?" They could make the story excruciatingly long by showing everything from different perspectives. I guess it is an effective way to get caught up rather than have the characters just talk about what they were doing when the other things were happening.

Michael gave Walt a white polar bear as a gift.

With the number 108 all over the walls of the bunker, I "did the math", and guess what The Numbers add up to?

The end scene of "the others" approaching reminded me of a scene from Tod Browning's "Freaks", one of the creepiest I've ever seen.

In the premiere episode, Walt appears to have grown an thinned quite a bit -- I wonder if they will address that. Locke says in this one they've only been there 44 days. However, I remember one student I had that grew 5 inches over the course of a summer.

I assume that Desmond thinks (or knows!) there is somekinda radiation poisoning on the island and perhaps the injections are something to combat that. It also appears that his job may be to reset the timer or whatever that was, back to 108.

By LUIGI NOVI on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 8:35 am:

What was that keyboard sequence all about? I didn't even get that.

Hey, Josh? How about adding a "TIME ON THE ISLAND" note in the Announcement section of each ep's board for eps where someone mentions it? :)

As of this episode it's been 44 days, as Locke tells Desmond.

And btw, there is NO WAY IN HELL that Hurley would still look the way he does now after 44 days on the island.

By Influx on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 12:44 pm:

What was that keyboard sequence all about? I didn't even get that.

It was apparently a reset sequence for whatever that countdown was that was occuring. As noted above, those numbers add up to 108, which is what the counter reset to.

By Josh M on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 12:59 pm:

Hey, Josh? How about adding a "TIME ON THE ISLAND" note in the Announcement section of each ep's board for eps where someone mentions it?

Actually, I was going to do just that. I was going to add it in the episode notes, but I forgot to do that.

By LUIGI NOVI on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 2:56 pm:

Great minds think alike, huh? :)

By Dan Gunther on Tuesday, October 04, 2005 - 10:51 am:

And fools seldom differ. :) What? That's not a comment on the two of you, I was just finishing off the cliche! Okay, okay, sorry, geez...


By Rona on Sunday, October 16, 2005 - 2:31 pm:

I finally got around to watching a tape of the second episode. I have to say I was disappointed too. The bickering between Michael and Sawyer was tiresome. It took forever for one of them to say "Where's Jin?". Michael also came off like the world's biggest ingrate; Sawyer did revive him and save his life. The background story about the deadbeat dad was less than moving too.

As for the underground drama, there was little of interest. They even fell back on one of the most tired cliches; Kate escapes by crawling out a air conditioning vent -they're always conveniently big and well illuminated in tv shows (what is this, a bad ep of "The A-Team" ?).

Some tv shows have featured "Lost" spoofs recently. Conan O'Brian ran a stirring sketch called "Misplaced" about a band of survivors stranded on his desk (complete with a flashback story of a man who couldn't get a refund for a mug he bought). Comedy Central keeps running promos for the new season of "Drawn Together" which features a spoof of "Lost". It looks like it might be funny.

By LUIGI NOVI on Monday, February 20, 2006 - 5:35 pm:

According to Larry Baraff, Associate Director of the UCLA Emergency Medicine Center in Los Angeles, referring to the notion Sawyer pulling the bullet out of his own shoulder in the Oct 17, 2005 TV Guide, "A bullet makes an extremely small hole, less than half an inch. You wouldn't be able to get one finger in the wound, let alone two."

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