13. There's No Place Like Home, Part 2

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Lost: Season Four: 13. There's No Place Like Home, Part 2
Aired May 29

Writers: Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse
Director: Jack Bender

Guest Cast
Anthony Azizi: Omar
L. Scott Caldwell: Rose Nadler
Nestor Carbonell: Richard Alpert
Alan Dale: Charles Widmore
Starletta DuPois: Michael's mother
Kevin Durand: Martin Keamy
Jeff Fahey: Frank Lapidus
Malcolm David Kelley: Walt
John Terry: Christian Shephard
Sonya Walger: Penelope Widmore
William Blanchette: Aaron
Achilles Gacis: Guy in car
Damon Juan: Indonesian boy
Alex Petrovitch: Henrik
François Chau: Dr. Edgar Halliwax

Locke and Ben try to move the island while Keamy's team is ambushed by the Others. On the freighter, Michael tries to stop the bomb from exploding while Desmond and Jin try to evacuate the ship. A few years into the future, the Oceanic Six are all being visited by a mysterious man named Jeremy Bentham and must decide if they really should return to the island.

Two hour season finale.

Oceanic Six episode (Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and Aaron)

-Malcolm David Kelly reprises Walt in another finale, visiting Hurley in the future.
-Charlotte was apparently born on the island.
-Michael dies in the boat explosion. Jin is presumed dead.
-Ben succeeds in moving the island. It's possible that doing so somehow transports him to the scene shown at the beginning of The Shape of Things to Come since he was wearing his Orchid parka there. He also told John that the Island would send him away when he moved it.
-Locke becomes the leader of the Others at the end of the episode.
-Apparently, after the moves, things don't go well for those left behind. Locke believes it's due to the departure of those who left and assumes the name of Jeremy Bentham to travel off and bring the Oceanic Six back.
-Locke is revealed to be the man in the coffin.
-Dr. Candle/Wickmund also hosts the Orchid's orientation vidoe, identifying himself as "Dr. Edgar Haliwax".
-The Orchid is able to use the island's special properties to enable time travel.
-Sun seems to make a deal with Charles Widmore.
-Kate has a dream where Claire insists she not take Aaron back to the Island.

Unanswered Questions:
-Was Charlotte born on the island? Was she a DHARMA kid? An Other? Why did she leave? What does Sawyer tell Kate? Is Jin dead? What happened to the people who just had life vests on the boat? What happened to Faraday's boat? What happened on the island after the Oceanic Six left? Where did Sayid take Hurley? How did Locke really die? How did Miles know that Charlotte had been to the island before? Where did the island go? Who put the frozen wheel on the island? Why does the Orchid tape rewind itself? Who is on the phone in Kate's dream?
By ScottN on Friday, May 30, 2008 - 12:31 am:

So we finally find out who the body in the casket in "Through the Looking Glass" is.

How is Jack going to get Kate and Aaron back, as well as Jin (who seems to be attached to Widmore).

Why did they feel a need to make up the two dead survivors? Frank and Desmond went with Penny.

Casimir effect wormhole theory and exotic matter didn't really come about until 1988 (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect#cite_note-15). Dharma should not have known about it.

By Influx on Friday, May 30, 2008 - 8:32 am:

Sun, not Jin.

By ScottN on Friday, May 30, 2008 - 8:56 am:

Brain fart. Thanks, Influx.

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