207 - The Wild Rebels

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Mystery Science Theater 3000: Season Two: 207 - The Wild Rebels
By Tame Beatnik on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 11:55 pm:

Take a bunch of rednecks, add motorcycles and race cars, and a whole lot of whackiness, and this movie still is terrible!

Steve A-Lame-O really needed a pistol whipping.

Quote of the flick:

"This square bugs me...he really bugs me!!"

By Citrusville on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 2:42 pm:

Two bowels for Banjo!!

Steve Alaimo sings (rather poorly) serenading while at the same time terrifying lusty Linda.

Wild Rebels cereal sketch is an all-time favorite of mine.

By A Word From Your Sponsor on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 10:24 pm:

Wiiiiiilllld Rebels . . .

They're Wiiild Wiiilds Rebels . . .

Pouring milk on them's like shooting off a gun!

By Merat on Monday, May 26, 2008 - 9:27 pm:

Favorite exchange:

A bunch of bikers are outside a bar with skull and crossbones on their jackets.

Joel: "Hey, those guys are marked clearly as poison. Don't eat 'em!"
Tom: "If you take these bikers internally, do not induce vomiting."
Crow: "No, the movie'll do that for you."

By Gordon Lawyer (Glawyer) on Saturday, January 22, 2022 - 9:32 am:

Fun Fact: Jeff Gillen (who portrays Fats in this movie) would later go on to appear in A Christmas Story as the Santa Claus who famously responds to Ralphie asking for an air rifle with, "You'll shoot yer eye out, kid."

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