1114 - At the Earth's Core

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Mystery Science Theater 3000: Season Eleven (funded by Kickstarter): 1114 - At the Earth's Core
By Callie Sullivan (Csullivan) on Saturday, May 06, 2017 - 6:40 am:

“Doug McClure? I forgot him, like the land that time did!”

Perry: “Locks on.”
Jonah and the Bots: “Locks off.”

“It’s a charming Victorian-era fracking!”

(The camera perspective wanders wildly around the cabin)
“Fun fact: they strapped a GoPro to a golden retriever for this scene.”

(A giant bird trudges around the scenery)
“H. R. Crush’n’stuff!”

Perry: “But we came in peace!”
(as Sagoth soldier): “Oh, is that why you drove a huge drill through my kids’ middle school?”

“Oh, those Five Commandments you’re gonna love. The burning bush and I were up all night.”

“Being a chivalrous gentleman, David traps his fellow slaves with their captors in a room full of lava.”
(as David): “Ooh, that felt good, abandoning my friends. Whoo!”

“Please let there be a portal to a plot-forwarding device.”

“The cameraman is slowly backing away to a better job on another sound stage.”

Ra: “The Mahars are all-seeing, all-evil.”
(as Ra): “All-rubber.”

“So this is before IMDb, when you could just lie about having special effects experience, huh?”

Ra: “Do you think I’d let you go alone?”
(as Ra): “I’m coming with you to once again watch from a safe distance.”

(The creature waddles into the cave)
“A Roomba has better mobility than this thing!”

(David stabs the creature in the neck and it bleeds)
“Doug! There’s a man in there! Stop it! Can we yell ‘Cut’? Someone yell ‘Cut’!”

(The creatures stumbles away with the spear sticking out of the side of its head)
“The first really bad Q-Tip incident.”

(The Sagoths stand motionless while the slaves are trying to escape nearby)
(as Sagoths) “I think we got our pages mixed up in the script. Shouldn’t we be whipping them?”

David (handing a tomahawk to Perry): “Here, sit down.”
(as Perry): “On that?!”

(David kisses Dia)
(as Dia): “Hmm, you’re no Hasselhoff.”

“Meanwhile, on Godzilla’s Next Top Models ...”

(as Ra): “Lucky for me, the Sagoths are more vulnerable to explosions due to their excessive hairspray in their comb-overs.”

David: “I take Dia to be my bride.”
(Dia cries)
Jonah: “Yeah, that’s the reaction you want to a proposal!”
Dia: “No, David, it’s not to be.”
(as Dia): “I’m a vegan. It would never work.”

(The drill surfaces on the White House lawn. Two police officers just stare at it)
“Luckily at this point in history, the Secret Service was operated by the Keystone Cops.”

[Is Felicia tiny or is Jonah really tall? She looked like a doll standing beside him!

Kinga tells Max, “You killed our test subject! This is no way to end a season.” Word. Even if Joel is convinced there’ll never be another outing for the series, that was a rather bleak way to end it.

Who played all the Observers at the wedding? Were they actors, or high-paying Kickstarter patrons?]

By Gordon Lawyer (Glawyer) on Sunday, May 07, 2017 - 6:16 am:

IIRC Jonah is in the range of 6'4" (or about 1.9 meters). When he appeared at the MST3K Reunion Rifftrax Live Show, he pretty much towered over everyone else. One joke was that the new SoL set probably wouldn't need a puppet trench.

I imagine Jonah's death is meant to be a parody of all those instances in other shows where a prominent character is apparently killed in the season finale, only to ultimately survive to varying degrees of contrivance.

By Callie Sullivan (Csullivan) on Thursday, May 11, 2017 - 4:48 am:

That makes Jonah a foot taller than Felicia, so no wonder she looked so dinky beside him!

By Tim McCree (Tim_m) on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 - 5:42 am:

Another Doug McClure movie, based on Edgar Rice Burroughs.

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