1307 – Gamera vs Jiger

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Mystery Science Theater 3000: Season Thirteen: 1307 – Gamera vs Jiger
By Gordon Lawyer (Glawyer) on Monday, August 15, 2022 - 6:00 am:

When this movie was licensed for use on MST3K, it came with the stipulation that it must be shown uncut. On a streaming platform, this isn't the issue it would be if it was on a network and have to work within a specified time slot. However, I suspect there was a more nefarious purpose.

I speak of this one brief scene where they watch a film clip of an elephant that had larvae hatch in its trunk and was being treated for it. It is intensely gross. The MST3K vs Gamera Round 2 fan production must have cut it, because I don't remember seeing it there. Possibly the rights holders were thinking, "We had to suffer through watching this Back in the Day, so you gaijin punks have to as well."

The kaiju battles are fun, with lots of weird cartoony physics. However, the kids are getting shriller in a way that presages much of the unpleasantness of Gamera vs Zigra.

Though I must say that I appreciate how Jonah and the Bots restricted themselves to one crack about Cornjob's unfortunate facial hair.

The Expo Expo host segment is horribly underwhelming and just drags. Things improve considerably with Tom Servo's school for learning how to speak with an indeterminate wandering accent like Susan in the movie. And it all concludes with an Irish wake for Jiger and a rousing memorial song.

Favorite riffs

There's no better playground for a child's imagination than a dilapidated construction site.

"Forgive me. My car got caught in traffic."
Stupid Waze, am I right?

We go now to the Exposition for some exposition about the Exposition.

Okay, if anybody asks, you ate some Tide Pods and I had to take you to the hospital and that's where I've been, okay?

"What are these strange sculptures found on tiny islands in the Pacific?"
And why are they of Marlon Brando?

I remember the opening credits of M*A*S*H differently.

Edward James Olmos as Hunter S. Thompson.

You see, the negative space in this shot is meant to symbolize the emotional distance between Gamera and the people trying to kill Gamera.

"Tell me all that happened. Did anything strange go on during this?"
As your counsel, I advise you not to answer.

Imagine telling your parents you got an acting gig, and it turns out you're just playing the part of Jiger's butt.

A steam-powered dinosaur? I never thought I'd live to see the day.

I could never get those whimsical nutcrackers to work.

You know what would be cool? A Gamera themed combination smoker and barbecue grill. The shell acts as a way to smoke meats. But when you want that extra char, you just stick it in front of his mouth.

"That's the Nankai-Maru."
It was an impossible test, but Kirk cheated.

Welcome back to The Westminster Kaiju Show. The Pembroke Jiger needs to leap over the boat and summersault. Let's see if he can. Oh, the judges are not going to like that.

"Turn on the TV set!"
Let's see if we're screaming on the news!

"Doesn't Gamera know it's here?"
Let's ask Alexa. Alexa?

Gamera flies like a plane/He likes pleasure mixed with pain/Never kink shame Gamera!

You're listening to KEWX Radio. We've got Jiger on the studio right now and... Oh Gawd, we're gonna die! Anyway, here's Lynyrd Skynyrd with "Free Bird".

I'm glad the spirit of the Keystone Kops is alive and well in Japanese cinema.

"Sir, Dr. Williams is calling for help!"
I left him for dead in the Congo! I mean, what?

"On the mountain. It's all right, I know nobody's there."
Well, except for that apartment complex, I guess.

"You must try to get Gamera here."
Shut up, Wesley.

A young Steve Jobs steals another prototype.

Wait! Cornjob didn't finish sealing the windows!

This is the most stressful game of Operation ever played.

"What about your air?"
I don't care. Tommy beefed in here.

Fun fact: To achieve this effect, they filled a Jiger suit with a bunch of angry bees. And when that wasn't enough, they threw in a rabid raccoon. And when that didn't work, they just got a whole new actor to play the part. Mainly because this actor was threatening to sue the production.

For sale. Baby Jiger costume. Worn once.

"If you can build your sound system right away..."
The school dance is saved!

Is our relentless shouting helping, Gamera?

I'm so confused. Was Expo a giant money laundering scheme for these people.

Is there a bomb on the bus somewhere that will explode if they end the movie in a reasonable amount of time?

Personally, I think long suffering deaths are fun in kids' movies.

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