1308 – The Batwoman

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Mystery Science Theater 3000: Season Thirteen: 1308 – The Batwoman
By Tim McCree (Tim_m) on Monday, June 20, 2022 - 5:23 am:

Not to be confused with the recently cancelled CW series.

By Gordon Lawyer (Glawyer) on Tuesday, June 21, 2022 - 11:12 am:

For one thing, the costume for the Mexican version has a greater cheesecake factor.

By Gordon Lawyer (Glawyer) on Friday, September 02, 2022 - 6:01 am:

Curiously enough, the IMDB profile lists Bill Finger and Bob Kane as character creators, implying that this is kind of sort of legit. Probably because whoever wrote those in figured that DC would have otherwise come down hard on the flagrant use of the cowl. Personally, I'm not so sure.

Though considering how much underwater action there was, perhaps they should have called in Aquaman. The production really was determined to get their money's worth out of that underwater camera.

Of the host segments, the weakest one is the Billionaire Vigilante Gala. But this is more than offset by the Batwoman franchise sketch as well as Tom and Crow scheming to turn Emily into a human/animal hybrid, once they settle on what kind of animal and which of them is the assistant.

Favorite riffs

Wow, Gotham got hit hard by the recession.

You know, because she's part bat, she's naturally comfortable underwater.
No, that's a bass woman.

Is it true the Snyder Cut of Batwoman has 25% more spear fishing?

Meanwhile, in an Ed Wood movie.

"Quick Igor, there's a leakage!"
Olestra strikes again.

Now how do I tell Mario I want to see other secret agents?

When Jacques Cousteau loans you five francs, you better pay up, mon frere.

At least he got a good deal on the boat, so he didn't have to pay full price to get murdered.

"Now make it move to to the left."
Put your hands on your hips.

It's nice to see the Batwoman back in her natural habitat, the sea.

Batwoman. The movie that dares to say, "We rented an underwater camera and we're going to get every last peso out of it!"

Join us next week when Batwoman and Divorced Mom battle to determine who suffers more from slimy pickup lines. Same Batwoman Time, same Divorced Mom Channel.

But ultimately the evil thugs discover Batwoman's kryptonite, shallow potholes.

This abomination will make bathtime fun!

Come along with the Snorks... OH GAWD!!!!!

Guests of Batwoman stay at the Fiesta Plaza Suite.

No one would suspect that the glamorous Batwoman would hide out in a Best Western.

That's me, Mickey Little Gun! The go-to guy for small jobs.

We found her, boss, and she still won't buy a lottery ticket.

You're not going to like the way you look. I guarantee it. MAWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

And thus, the original Dr. Pepper formula was lost forever.

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