1013 - Danger: Diabolik

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Mystery Science Theater 3000: Season Ten: 1013 - Danger: Diabolik
By Ben Jackson (Bjackson) on Tuesday, February 09, 1999 - 4:19 pm:

Carter! CARTER!!!!!!

By Richie Vest on Wednesday, March 03, 1999 - 5:49 pm:

The last MST3k Ever ::sniff sniff::

By Ben Jackson (Bjackson) on Wednesday, March 03, 1999 - 6:41 pm:

Yeah. BUT, 1003 is going to be the last new one to be shown because of some problem that I heard about on Satellite News so it'll be kinda like a lost episode

By Anonymous on Sunday, August 01, 1999 - 9:06 pm:

does anyone think that another station will buy it?

By Matt Pesti on Monday, August 02, 1999 - 10:08 pm:

Not likely. When the channel that buys garbage then airs it as a "series collection", renewed Sliders a show that has been saved to many times, and produced Mission Genisis, and plays Star trek 5 as Trek Fest, and says your cancelled, you know its over.

By Ben Jackson (Bjackson) on Saturday, August 07, 1999 - 4:19 pm:

It's getting close. I can feel it. It's coming. The end is near! NO! ::sobbing:: It can't be!

By Matt Pesti on Sunday, August 08, 1999 - 9:09 pm:

Last Moment of Series Nit:
When at the end in the apartment, where ther're watching "The Creeping Eye", Is that Cambot relaying those images? does that mean he blinked and flew around their heads?

By Wes Collins on Sunday, August 08, 1999 - 9:17 pm:

It was...beautiful. That final moment. I sobbed uncontrolably. It's over. It's really over. I can't believe it. I...cant't...believe it. I loved them. They've been a part of me for over eight years. Farewell. Farewell Mike. Farewell small robots. May your foreheads grow like the mighty oak.

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Sunday, August 08, 1999 - 9:49 pm:

Wes, I think you could do with a bit of advice here, and I think I have something appropriate.

Remember, it's just a TV show. You really should relax…

By Tom Servo on Sunday, August 08, 1999 - 10:33 pm:

You take everything that's good in life and you rip my heart out.

By Lea Frost on Sunday, August 08, 1999 - 10:52 pm:

*sigh* And that's the end. Hail and farewell, MST3K. *sniffle, sob!* My two favorite shows go off the air in one summer...Man, I'm depressed. I'll need to get some Dizzy Grizzlies for the trauma I'm experiencing. (What on earth are Dizzy Grizzlies, anyway?)

By Ben Jackson (Bjackson) on Monday, August 09, 1999 - 1:53 am:

And that's all she wrote. It seems an appropriate way to end the series. With them watching the same movie featured in the first episode. But, the satellite is gone, the mads are gone, and the show has ended.

By Jason Krietsch on Monday, August 09, 1999 - 7:50 am:

Beautifully done, the only bad thing was that in order to do a show where they got back to Earth was that the series had to end.
It's not just a show, it's an epic!

Each one of their segments were done perfecly.
Brain Guys talking gibberish was hilarious. "Raging Clipart"

By Lea Frost on Monday, August 09, 1999 - 11:43 am:

Yes! "Raging clipart" was great! It reminds me of my high school newspaper adviser, who loved the stuff... :-)

By Todd Pence on Monday, August 09, 1999 - 10:15 pm:

I don't think I've ever seen the original "Crawling Eye" episode. Did Joel also make the same crack about Forrest Tucker's name?

By Matt Pesi on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 - 9:24 am:

It was a KTMA episode, so no one can say for certain. But proberly. But they redid a couple years later.

By Ben Jackson (Bjackson) on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 - 10:14 am:

Matt: Actually, The Crawling Eye is episode 101. If you look in the season 1 section of the board, you'll see it. I got this information directly from the amazing colossal episode guide.

By David Hensley on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 - 11:23 am:

This was some hilarious stuff.

"Is that stud coming?"

"Member FDIC"

"I'm really glad he said 'currency'."

But nothing beats "To Earth", by Michael J. Nelson, written to allay Crow's fears of traffic accidents, wide open spaces, and wild pigs.

Tom Servo
everyone but Servo

Lay it on, Cole Porter!

I know it's hard to leave
This little satellite of ours
We've had some fine adventures
We've danced among the stars.

We did?
And though we're far-out space-nuts
No matter where I roam
There's just no other planet
Like a planet I call home.

No, I was thinkin more along the lines of..

To Earth
The very bithplace of my birth
The thought of Earth fills me with mirth.

Hey maybe we'll meet Colin Firth!
That is
A possibility.

To see
The blossoms on an apple tree.

To walk all barefoot by the sea.
And slice your heel upon a broken bottle of Lipton Iced Tea™!

C'mon shorty, you're not helping.

The Earth's a big and scary place
With wars and crime and death.

It is?
They listen to Shawn Mullins
And Alanis Morriseth.

Oh no!
This satellite has always been my home
I'll never know another
Where will I love, what will I do
And can i bring my mother?"


Oh no!
Then it's to Earth we'll go to stay!
(unintelligible) nights we'll romp and play.
But what if I get eaten by a dog
Or by a Manta Ray?

Let's go!
But there's so much that we don't know!
It's Gypsy Servo Mike and Crow!
I'm scared of Water Buffalo!
Exotic plants we'll come to know!
We'll all get mugged in Chicago!
We'll bid the Satellite farewell
We'll go to Earth.

Well now I think I'd rather stay.
To Earth!
I wish to Hell you wouldn't say:
To Earth!
To Earth!

That was awesome, every little bit of it - including Crow's mom's puppet.

Bye MST3K, I loved you all!

By Matt Pesti on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 - 8:30 pm:

Oopps Sorry. But Season one episodes aren't shown either by the Brains decree. But still proberly

By Lea Frost on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 12:24 am:

David, thanks for posting the song. It was great!

More good lines:

"If they made love in a pile of pound notes, the sex would be 50% better."
"Driving out to the store! Gonna pick up some bread! Maybe stop at the post office! Meet Dolores for lunch!"
"I know you stabilize our economy, but it's so hard to accept."
"Invest me well."


So. Where can I audition for "MST3K: The Next Generation"? :-)

By Jason Krietsch on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 8:42 am:

Where can I audition for "MST3K: Deep 13?"

By Ben Jackson (Bjackson) on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 6:04 pm:

Where can I audition for "MST3K 2: The Wrath of Forrester"?

By Keith Alan Morgan on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 3:28 am:

Would that lead to MST3K 3: The Search For Joel?

If it's allowed to be serious on an MST3K board. You guys could try going down to a local TV station and seeing if they would be interested in doing an MST3K type show.
You would have to create different characters and a different setting, and I have no idea what kind of legal issues you might have to deal with, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

By Jack Morgan on Saturday, August 14, 1999 - 1:08 pm:

Wow! To me, that would be almost sacreligous. Having an MST3K show WITHOUT Mike and the bots?!?!?! I'd never be that desperate for MST3K! (calms down) Ok, it might be interesting if they can make it work. After all, MST3k did start in a teeny TV station. But it would never be the same as the MST3K we all know and love.

By Keith Alan Morgan no relation to Jack on Saturday, August 14, 1999 - 11:39 pm:

I said an MST3K type show.

Perhaps I should have mentioned you would need a different title as well?

And probably a different reason for why the characters are riffing on the movies in the first place.

Jack: If you think an MST3K show without Mike is sacriligious, does that mean you think the early shows with Joel are a tool of the devil?

By The fictitous Jack Morgan, no relation to Keith on Monday, August 16, 1999 - 4:14 pm:

Yes, I realize that it wouldn't be really MST3K. A new MST3k could be fun, if the creators do a good job. I wonder what would be the new premise, however. Maybe a couple of smart-aleck movie critics at their jobs?

Anyway, I meant MST3K without all the main characters, including Joel. I liked him just as much as I enjoy Mike being on the show.

It will be easy choosing a new name since it's not even my real name in the first place. Coincidence, I assure you. Sorry for the confusion, folks!

By Chris Todaro on Wednesday, September 01, 1999 - 3:26 pm:

I thought the ending was pretty good. It would have been pretty funny if they landed and were forced to take jobs as network pilot screeners.

I can see it now:
Mike: "Sorry, Guys."

Crow(sarcastically): "Oh this is just great."

Servo: "We finally escape watching cheesy movies, and you get us a job watching cheesey TV shows. GOOD ONE, NESLON!"

What do you think, sirs?

By Andy Jackson on Monday, September 06, 1999 - 12:29 am:

Well, it was a great end. BBI went all out with some spectacular riffs and wonderful host segments (and every time Brain Guy pokes himself with the needle I start to giggle uncontrollably). They went out with a bang.

Now, if I can just find that apartment Mike, Crow, and Servo live in...

(I must confess that when the ending credits for this episode rolled, and I heard the "slow" version of the theme, I cried a little to myself)

By bela okmyx on Tuesday, April 03, 2001 - 9:23 am:

Since Diabolik's mask exactly matches the contours of his face, it's not really a disguise, is it?

By Chris Dale on Sunday, October 28, 2001 - 1:13 pm:

What happens to Magic Voice and the Nanites?

By Someone Else on Sunday, October 28, 2001 - 9:08 pm:

Magic Voice gets a job as a telephone psychic, the Nanites decide to infect the world's computer systems as a prank and singlehandedly save humanity from the horror known as Microsoft.

By Callie Sullivan on Monday, October 29, 2001 - 2:43 am:

I'll probably never get to see this episode, and the Amazing Colossal Episode Guide doesn't say, so can someone please tell me what happened to Gypsy? Did she move into the apartment with Mike and the boys?

By Someone Else on Monday, October 29, 2001 - 8:42 am:

Nope, she started her own corporation, ConGypsCo, which at the time of the final scene had had its own IPO and was reported to have done very well.

By Todd Pence on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 - 2:23 pm:

No, she just went wandering.

By Someone Else on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 1:19 pm:

Did you see the episode, Todd?


By Kinggodzillak on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 1:24 pm:

I wish this had been a movie that was short enough to normally have had a short added to it but didn't in this case. Then we could have had longer host segments.

By Kinggodzillak on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 1:51 pm:

Its not there? If its heavy it HAS to be there! What do you mean its not there? Its blue!
OK, I'm nude and still trapped in the castle.

By Todd Pence on Monday, November 26, 2001 - 3:48 pm:

See, because she's a wandering gyps . . . oh, never mind. :}

By Kinggodzillak on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 2:01 pm:

Yes! I get to be King of the front of the train!
I also like Crow's riffs on Jenko having his personal security squad of classical musicians :)+

By Kinggodzillak on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 4:53 pm:

Yet more innocent people suffer for Diabolik's whims!
OK Mrs Diabolik!
Oh no, its getting groovy!

Supermarionation Is GO!

By Kinggodzillak on Monday, February 11, 2002 - 2:21 pm:

I love the 3 main musical pieces in this movie:

Main Theme ('deep deep daaaa')
Common things theme (Driving off to the store, gonna pick up some bread)
Crashing truck over cliff nearly killing more innocent people (ba ba ba ba ba baaaaa, ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba ba baaaaaaa..)

By Gordon Lawyer on Thursday, April 04, 2002 - 6:31 am:

Here's something scary I just heard. The director that inflicted Brotherhood of the Wolf on an unsuspecting world is planning to film a remake of Diabolik. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

By markvthomas on Friday, February 14, 2003 - 8:06 pm:

Gordon, You've not yet seen the Cartoon version of Diabolik, made by Saban. I have, & AAAAAARRRGHHH....!

By Gordon Lawyer on Saturday, February 15, 2003 - 5:16 am:

A cartoon version????? I don't think I want to know more.

By Kinggodzillak on Sunday, February 23, 2003 - 3:40 pm:

I saw a few seconds....erm...yes. Quite.
I prefer the film. :)

By JD on Monday, August 25, 2003 - 3:18 pm:

"Mozart, Scarlotti, you're with me."
"I'm a Nazi, but I love color! What can I do!?"
"If he swallows the silver thing, we're sunk."
"Mein fuhrer, I can walk!"
"I'm Mister Wilson!"
"Yeah, take that little thing on the road, pal. You'll be in the grille of an SUV before you can say buon giorno!"
"Mike, I BEG you to get us an infra-red room, NOW."
Largo: "And don't try any funny stuff, huh? I've got a couple of experts here at dealing with women."
Tom: "Dudley Moore and Rick James."
"Two breast emeralds! Ah ha ha!"
"Ow! My own shotgun traps!"
"He's a golden Gumby."

By markvthomas on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 9:54 am:

Someone get a angle grinder, please ?
(There is currently a regionless DVD-R copy of Danger:Diabolik going the rounds at the moment, distrubuted by DVD Mondo in the U.K.(I don't know who's doing it in the U.S, so if you want a copy to practise your delivery on...
Mind you,you could get lynched by SERIOUS Gallio fans (Eeeek...!))

By MikeC on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 5:11 pm:

What a strange film. The basic setup is much like The Pink Panther except the inept inspector isn't funny and the thief is a serial murderer.

Interesting cast--John Philip Law (Kalgon, blow me away!) is Diabolik, Adolfo Celi (the Bond villain in Thunderball) is the mobster, and Terry-Thomas gets to do some goonery in a cameo.

I thought the twist at the end was going to be that the inspector was part of Diabolik's gang, but no, he really is that dumb.

By Mark V Thomas on Thursday, June 29, 2006 - 11:15 am:

Re:Diabolik DVD Update
Universal has now released a Region 1 DVD of the above, with commentry by John Philip Law....
Extras include the Beastie Boy video that homaged/parodied the movie...

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