I Am Become Death

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Heroes: Volume 3 (Villians): I Am Become Death
By Gelzyme2 on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 1:04 pm:

What the frak are they doing? It looks to me like they are just reinventing season 1 with a few twists. I'm not happy about this season at all so far. Especially disturbing are the ridiculous changes in characterization and soap opera drama. Angela Petrelli essentially murdering an innocent individual just to "feed" her heretofore unknown son, Sylar? Come on!

p.s. I must apologize for having to use Gelzyme2. My Gelzyme account doesn't seem to be working when I try to log in, and I don't have the time to look into it.

By inblackestnight on Friday, October 10, 2008 - 11:56 am:

As The World Turns continues with future Gabriel a seemingly peacful father, future Peter somehow dying by getting shot in the chest, future Nathan becoming president again, and present Mohinder turning into the Thing.

Just because you introduce new characters doesn't mean they should interact with the regular cast so much. Sure the speedster lady is cute but she's presently a thief for hire and she has yet to even meet Matt, which probably wouldn't have happened if he didn't have that vision. That's somewhat believable but the fear guy working with her and Claire? To begin with, people like that typically don't work well with others and if future Claire is still a 'good guy' why is she working with a person like him?

Speaking of the speedster, she had the strength to run from Gabriel's place in CA all the way to Matt's place in NY, assuming he's still there, then dying in Matt's arms with those burns from the explosion? I don't think so. And that explosion, Sylar lost all the abilities he stole earlier, except of course his telekinesis for some reason, so how did he explode as if he still had Ted's ability? Unlike the first season, evidently Peter's absorbtion ability can be blocked, even though he should've had Sylar's from when he 'saved' Claire the first time.

This whole hunger thing with Sylar, and now Peter, is lame. Why would understanding how things work automatically make someone crave more power through death? In the first season Gabriel did that to take abilities away from people whom he felt didn't deserve them, making him more powerful. Survival of the fittest. Ok, its a personality problem(s), that fits fine. Now it's his ability's fault, which is ironic considering his uncanny ability to figure things out and now he can't control himself.

Ali Larter's new character, sorry I don't remember her name, froze that glass Nathan was holding but his fingers didn't stick to it, or freeze to it rather. It appears my guess on the previous chapter's board was quite wrong. Way to Hiro, opening your father's safe and destroying the world! What possible good could Adam do to prevent that? I'm sure he's the one who had it developed but unless there's a counter-agent of some kind Adam won't do a darn thing, except add suspense maybe.

By Terik on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 4:56 pm:

Is it just me,
or is Suresh turning into The Fly?

By Triggins (Triggins) on Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 6:11 pm:

Okay so Peter gets Sylar's ability when he visits the future. Shouldn't Peter already have it from when they were in Texas. Peter gained the super hearing when they fought in Suresh's apartment so he should have already had Sylar's power since season one.

Also would Peter have the Haitian's powers as well? Wouldn't he be shutting off other people's abilities when he walks into a room.

By inblackestnight on Sunday, October 19, 2008 - 1:20 pm:

Triggins: Shouldn't Peter already have it from when they were in Texas... Also would Peter have the Haitian's powers as well?
I don't know about the Haitian's, since you can't use your ability around him, but definately Sylar's. Of course if he did that TPTB couldn't have made up that 'hunger' BS, or him loosing all the other stolen abilities except telekinesis. It sort of reminds me of how some people don't know Wolverine's real ability, and this is the writers we're talking about in Sylar's case.

By Triggins (Triggins) on Sunday, October 19, 2008 - 2:41 pm:

I guess if Peter absorbing ablilty was stronger he could get the Haitians. He would have to be out range of the power but close enough to be able to absorb it.

By Tim on Friday, October 24, 2008 - 5:55 pm:

I assumed future-Peter died because the Haitian was in the background when he was shot, blocking his healing ability. If he was shot while his powers were not functioning, and the Haitian stayed in range until brain death then, presumably, there was no spark to kick-start the healing when the Haitian left - he was already dead.
This is different to when, for instance, Claire got the branch in the back of her head in series 1 and "died". Then her healing ability was fully functioning, protecting her from further damage, and then repaired herself when the branch was removed.

As for Sylar having extra powers. I thought Angela said that the girl she sent in with him had the power to remember the experiences of everyone she had met, or words to that effect. Angela said she was there to feed him, so I took that to mean that Sylar would then "know" all about the powers of the people she had met. Since she worked for the Company she presumably came into contact with lots of people with powers (we don't know that Ted was the only "nuclear man").
Sylar's own power is, I think, to understand how things work and then replicate them - be it watches, or people's brains. When he had his hands in Claire's skull it looked like he was figuring out what part of her brain controlled her power, and then teaching his own to do the same thing. Maybe he was able to absorb enough knowledge when he was 'feeding' to gain some of those powers himself?

By inblackestnight on Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 6:05 pm:

The woman Angela 'fed' to Sylar had the ability to know the history of an object through touch, known as clairsentience; she touches a piece of paper, she could follow it back to which tree it came from, etc. Coming into contact with another 'hero' wouldn't give her knowledge of how their power works. Other than wanting to gain Gabriel's trust by feeding his 'hunger' I could see no other reason Angela did that. TPTB decided to let Sylar keep his telekinesis, probably becuse that's how the general audience defines him, and loosing the other abilities from season one, but he's gained a couple others in this season. Copied from wikipedia: "Sylar's base power, as described by Chandra Suresh, is intuitive aptitude, the ability to understand and manipulate patterns within complex systems." This would make him good at repairing watches, and anything else, because he immediatly knows how things work. Being able to alter your brain functions to get somebody else's ability should be fatal because brain functions are unique, and these abilities should all be occuring in the same area anyway so aside from Peter these people should only be able to have one ability.

Good point about the Haitian, I didn't think of that.

By inblackestnight on Saturday, May 29, 2010 - 11:46 am:

Me: Sylar lost all the abilities he stole earlier [...] so how did he explode as if he still had Ted's ability? [...] Why would understanding how things work automatically make someone crave more power through death?
Considering during this volume there is a formula out that gives people an ability he most likely got it from one of them. Also, if I understand this correctly, the hunger not only involves a need for more power but also for information, which Sylar gets by his methods as well. What I don't really get is why did present-Peter try to kill future-Nathan? He was already reading his mind, and he already had his ability, so why start scalping him? The hunger shouldn't be applicable if you already have what feeds it.

Tim: If he was shot while his powers were not functioning, and the Haitian stayed in range until brain death then, presumably, there was no spark to kick-start the healing when the Haitian left
Rene was around when Peter got shot, in the chest, but he wasn't later when Daphne shows up in the morgue with the other two. Both Peter and Claire had stuff sticking in their heads for some time before the object was removed in the first season/volume, and seemed even less time here. Rene could've been waiting in the hallway or something I suppose but there were many things in this season that didn't make sense or wasn't explained well.

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