Episode 4

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Primeval: Season 3: Episode 4
“Now there’s something you don’t see every day” – Giganosaurus (late Cretaceous era) at Top Gear’s airfield.
[Not really, but the episode was shot at the same airfield where Top Gear is filmed, although obviously it wasn’t intended to be the same place here]


By Callie (Csullivan) on Saturday, April 18, 2009 - 3:03 pm:

It half sounds like Wilder tells Christine that the ARC staff said that Heather Cutter had the artefact.

Surely the Home Office – and Christine in particular – know what happened to Leek when he tried to control the predators? You’d think they’d be taking a lot more precautions, but they don’t even have any armed guards in the room with the medical staff.

Jason Flemyng’s name appearing first in the opening credits is Just Not Right (*sobs for Nick*).

The ARC seems surprisingly undamaged. While stuff inside has clearly been broken, there’s no smoke damage to the walls or the glass.

The hand-held anomaly detectors don’t make the warbling sound that they used to.

Once again I must comment that it’s amazing that none of the items that get sucked through anomalies, like the huge metal crates – and the helicopter!! – have never been dug up millions of years later.

Where did the newspaper editor round up an anthropologist at such short notice?

Why doesn’t Jenny try to get more information from Mick (other than “really big”) before choosing what strength tranquilliser to use?

How convenient that a much larger than usual anomaly opens so that the G-rex can fit through it.

The crew unloads lots of stuff to set up Connor’s anomaly-closer. Some of the containers and items inside look metal, but nothing gets pulled through the anomaly.

Hasn’t the “car won’t start” thing been done to death?

How did Jenny (or Becker, who handed her the radio) know what frequency Danny would be on in the chopper?

Why did Danny need to ditch the chopper? Did the properties of the anomaly make it crash?

What happened to the anomaly after it was locked the second time? Did it close behind the lock?

Jenny’s got a nerve telling Danny to get flying lessons after his spectacular – and totally unbelievable – display after just two lessons!

When (and why) did Abby and Connor move? Was the warehouse apartment no longer available for filming in?

All the time Abby and Connor have lived together, Abby’s never mentioned that she has a brother called Jack?

How did Abby and Connor smuggle the diictodons out of the ARC? Surely Lester never gave them permission to keep them?

By Callie (Csullivan) on Saturday, April 18, 2009 - 3:47 pm:

Actually, maybe that's why Connor and Abby moved. Seeing as the diictodons can eat their way through walls, maybe they've had to move to somewhere with metal walls. ;-)

By Callie (Csullivan) on Monday, April 20, 2009 - 9:09 am:

Clunky editing: I know this is a family show but it wasn't even made vaguely clear how the editor and Mick met their ends. Did the G-rex eat them, or step on them, or drop-kick them through the anomaly, or what? Whichever, nobody seems very distressed about their loss and while that's hardly surprising considering what a nuisance they were, there still ought to be a little regret - not to mention that there's going to have to be an enormous amount of covering up to explain the loss of them, the anthropologist and various other cronies who bought it during the episode.

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - 1:20 am:

NAN, but when Abby & Connor are racing toward the plane & the dino has it's tail in the air I thought, "How good are you with a tranquilizer dart gun?" because you'd think the skin in that area would be very easy for a dart to penetrate. Not to mention the possibility of the animal knocking itself out when it smacks its head against the underside of the plane in shock/surprise. ;-)

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