Episode 3

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Primeval: Season 4: Episode 3
Emily and Ethan arrive through an anomaly, pursued by arboreal raptors.


By Callie (Csullivan) on Sunday, January 09, 2011 - 9:03 am:

Have TPTB forgotten that metal gets sucked through anomalies? I find it hard to believe that there was nothing loose and metal in the backstage area of a theatre. Emily and the others should have been bombarded with stuff flying through to the other side – and later, Ethan should have struggled to hold that metal pole which ought to have been pulling itself towards the anomaly.

So it sounds like Gideon’s impending death has been caused by someone at the ARC. Is he from another time, or is someone going to go back in time and infect him somehow?

Connor claims that he isn’t overpaid. He needs to re-negotiate his contract, then, if Jess’ apartment is anything to go by!

In the hospital, Emily jumps at the sound of Matt’s phone, as if this is the first time she has been to her future, but she seems to cope admirably once she’s out in the street and isn’t boggled by the modern buildings and traffic.

Considering Becker’s rules about not going through anomalies because he has lost too many people, he never seems all that bothered when any of his men die on this side. Last week they all barely noticed when one of the soldiers was killed; this week the news of a man down provokes nothing more than a brief moment of tetchiness.

Why does everyone else at the ARC appear to be making the effort to evacuate during the lockdown but Jess just sits there as if she hasn’t a clue? And why hasn’t Connor (and Abby) been re-trained on evacuation procedures? And just what sort of lame security system cuts off contact with the outside world and doesn’t have a sensible over-ride? Are they afraid that a particularly determined pterosaur is going to take the staff hostage and demand the secret password?! And why oh why oh why can only senior staff use the retinal scan? Surely there was always the possibility that this very scenario – the senior staff being somewhere away from the scanner – would happen?

I see that the military’s competence hasn’t improved since last season. There’s probably a creature in the theatre somewhere, yet Emily can just walk in through an unguarded and unlocked door.

I realise that we need such situations to get us used to the new characters (and to introduce the concept of New Dawn), but I can’t help thinking that it would have been far more dramatic and angst-inducing if it had been Lester suffocating in the lab with Rex. As it was, I really wasn’t all that bothered.

As the raptor stalks Becker, Abby tells him to dive on a count of three. Personally I’m not sure she would have had time for a three-count and, anyway, a simple “Now!” would have sufficed.

Great lines:
Phillip: “No disrespect to the lizard, but I think we should be worrying about me.”
Connor: “Clearly you’ve not seen Abby in a bad mood.”

People in Dublin London are really unobservant. A mini-Godzilla is bouncing about all over the buildings and screeching, while a bloke’s running around waving a honking great pistol, and not a single person notices or reports it to the police. I’m beginning to wonder why Claudia and Jenny were ever needed.

(The series, while apparently based in London, is actually filmed in Dublin.)

Shouldn’t Connor have got the oxygen pipe cut into the box before putting the box over Rex and depriving him of what little air was available?

Matt should have known that the raptor wouldn’t understand the concept of glass and would still take a flying leap at him but still he stands there like an idiot and seems surprised when it attacks him.

The double lasso was the best idea anyone’s had in this series so far, though for a moment I feared that they would accidentally decapitate the raptor .. or it would decapitate itself in its attempts to escape.

We don’t know Emily’s back story yet or what era her fifteen companions came from, but she speaks rather modern English for someone born in 1840.

The radio headsets seem to suffer from Stargate Atlantis syndrome and are very selective in what they transmit. Both Matt and Abby have conversations with Emily without anyone else hearing, even though they’re all patched into each other and don’t seem to need to activate anything to talk to each other.

Is Matt living in ARC accommodation? It looks like the same building that Abby and Connor stayed in when they first got back. Or is he another person who’s getting paid far too much?!

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 3:14 am:

Callie - Are they afraid that a particularly determined pterosaur is going to take the staff hostage and demand the secret password?!
Sauron from the X-Men comics? ;-)

And why oh why oh why can only senior staff use the retinal scan?
Actually, it was only Philip who could do that, which indicates that he's Up To No GoodOMT. Still, the smart thing would be to have a second way to override it... just in case.

Also building the system on top of Conner's system... *snicker*
Back at the end of October Wowio, which now owns Drunk Duck, tried putting a new system over the existing system... which did not go well. The old saying, "Too many chefs spoil the soup." comes to mind.

People in Dublin London are really unobservant. A mini-Godzilla is bouncing about all over the buildings and screeching, while a bloke’s running around waving a honking great pistol, and not a single person notices or reports it to the police. I’m beginning to wonder why Claudia and Jenny were ever needed.
Perhaps the anomalies create a Someone Else's Problem field like from the Hitchhiker's Guide books? ;-)

The double lasso was the best idea anyone’s had in this series so far, though for a moment I feared that they would accidentally decapitate the raptor .. or it would decapitate itself in its attempts to escape.
I'm amazed the lassoes around it's neck didn't asphyxiate it given the the lassoes should have pressed tightly against it's windpipe.

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