Episode 4

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Primeval: Season 5: Episode 4
Giant cockroach invasion at the ARC.


By Callie (Csullivan) on Monday, June 20, 2011 - 8:47 am:

Matt, Abby and Emily go into Connor’s lab and see the anomaly that he has made. Matt orders him to lock it, and then Philip and the Redshirt of the week come through a door. However, it’s not the main door, ’cause that opens inwards, so I’m fairly sure that they’ve just come out of the electrics cupboard that Abby hid in last week. My constantly dirty mind would like to know just what they were doing in there, please. ;-)

Connor’s not stupid enough to say what he does about the anomaly being too small to be a danger. And if he really didn’t think there was any danger, why did he position an anomaly-locker beside it?

Abby’s new sometimes-northern accent shows several times during her argument with Connor. It’s rather adorable.

Talking of creatures that can eat through walls, what did happen to Sid and Nancy?

I would have assumed that the beam which locks the anomaly has to be on permanently, rather than being a single blast, so wouldn’t Matt blowing up Connor’s computer unlock it again?

Why doesn’t Jess tell the others that she’s allergic to insect bites as soon as she realises that there are going to be some in the same room as her?

Why do the bugs dissipate as soon as the Queen goes down rather than attacking her attackers?

How the hell can somewhere as well-equipped as the ARC not have any epi-pens loaded and ready to use? The excuse that the beetles burrowed into and drained all the bottles is a bit lame.

I’m sorry but I was 100% on Philip’s side on the whole “unlock the ARC to save one woman but thousands might die when the beetles get out” argument. He was absolutely in the right and I don’t understand why those inside the ARC were being so selfish.

But why is there an auto-destruct on the ARC? With the obvious rare exception of a prehistoric beetle invasion, just what would ever need to be destroyed so badly that building an auto-destruct into the structure was a no brainer? Has this been installed since the last lock-down didn’t successfully kill Philip and Rex?

How very very convenient that the creatures’ cells are lead-lined – but why are they?

Why are no medical supplies kept in the Panic Room? And again, what is the purpose of the Panic Room? In view of the fact that they aren’t supposed to be opening anomalies in the ARC, how likely is it that a Panic Room is going to be needed? But if you must have one, you really ought to keep it better supplied.

Connor pessimistically says that the odds of he and Matt getting to the Panic Room in time are better than millions to one. Amazingly and oh-so-surprisingly, everyone then spends bloody ages running around searching for Rex, hosing beetles out of the way and generally taking way longer than the three minutes that they have before the gamma burst goes off.

Would a gamma wave really make the building shake? Also, would it blow out the computers while leaving the lights on?

I was kind of hoping that Lester would turn up at the last minute to save the day by aborting the auto-destruct and/or lifting the lockdown.

Why does April feel the need to continue this geeky assistant front? She’s not really that attractive that Connor’s going to have some strong alternate reaction if he sees her without her glasses.

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 - 5:20 am:

Connor says, "This is the first manmade anomaly in history!"
How does he know that? Anomalies have been popping up all over the place & backwards & forwards in time so maybe he was the first, maybe he wasn't.

Connor's holding the Idiot Ball times 100.

Shouldn't the anomaly's magnetic field have fried Connor's computer? I mean they are right next to each other...

How is making an anomaly-creating machine carrying on Nick's work?

Callie - I was kind of hoping that Lester would turn up at the last minute to save the day by aborting the auto-destruct and/or lifting the lockdown.
Or just saying, "I go away for one day..." ;-)

By Callie (Csullivan) on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 - 2:13 am:

How is making an anomaly-creating machine carrying on Nick's work?

Indeed. Nick wanted to understand the anomalies but also wanted to try to stop them; creating new ones - even with the intention of producing endless energy - wasn't on Nick's list of Things That Would Be Nice.

I'm really hoping that, by the end of the series, they'll explain why Helen wanted this. The only explanation I can come up with at present is that she hoped that creating anomalies would rapidly bring about an apocalypse that would wipe out humanity before it did whatever she had seen in the far future.

I was kind of hoping that Lester would turn up at the last minute to save the day

Actually, I was just kind of hoping that Lester would turn up!

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