What is the one image that defines a Trek episode?

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: ClassicTrek: The Classic Trek Sink: What is the one image that defines a Trek episode?
By the 74s tm on Friday, July 28, 2006 - 5:17 pm:

for Influx- with my blessings-

2 Kirks in What are Little Girls made of?
1 can eat, the other dont.
2 Kirks in Turnabout Intruder. The only woman to play a starship captain on Tos


2 Kirks in Star Trek6- Shoot him/her!


The Doomsday Machine music copied in Jaws 1 (sounds like it though)


Spock being tested by the Vulcan Computer in Star trek 3- How do you feel? How do you feel?


by the way, wasn't there an old file that was cut off by a moderator one time? just like this thread.

By Butch the Moderator on Friday, July 28, 2006 - 5:20 pm:

Not sure what you mean 74s.

By Torqie, Son of Keplar on Friday, July 28, 2006 - 5:54 pm:

The helmsman of the Enterprise E getting sucked out into space after the bridge was hit by Shinzon... (the redshirt syndrome...)

By Anonymous on Friday, July 28, 2006 - 6:00 pm:

ds9-Take me Out to the Holosuite

the gang try to understand baseball rules

By KAM on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 2:32 am:

I believe that Influx was looking for a single image that he could use to represent an episode.

Images, pictures, still pictures, 74, not music or scenes.


Actually I think the closing credits have done a good job of that already

Green Orion slave girl = The Cage/The Menagerie.

Balok puppet = The Corbomite Manuever

A shot of the ambassadors = Journey To Babel

The Salt Vampire = The Man Trap

Other possible images

Charle (any recognizable shot) = Charlie X

Glowing eyes Mitchell = Where No Man Has Gone Before

Sulu with sword, or frozen bodies at base = The Naked Time

The horned dog = The Enemy Within

The space hookers with or without Mudd = Mudd's Women

Ruk = What Are Little Girls Made Of?

Miri = Miri

Kirk in the chair, probably when he's in agony = Dagger of the Mind

Disfigured Pike = The Menagerie, Part I

Spock wheeling away Pike after the trial = The Menagerie, Part II

Tough one, possibly Karriden performing = The Conscience of the King

Bird of Prey, or Romulans = Balance of Terror

White Rabbit, Alice, Knight, Barrows in princess costume, etc. = Shore Leave

The Galileo Seven in space, or possibly creature bashing shuttlecraft with rock, or shot near end with 'Bunny hop' Mears = The Galileo Seven

Trelane (many shots) = The Squire of Gothos

The Gorn = Arena

Kirk being interrogated = Tomorrow Is Yesterday

Sam 'Not a Clue' Cogley = Court-Martial

The Lawgivers aiming staff = The Return of the Archons

Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn! = Space Seed
(Hey I couldn't resist. ;-)

Not sure. Maybe a shot of people waiting at the disintegrator chambers? = A Taste of Armageddon

Kirk on bridge with plant about to spray him = This Side of Paradise

The Horta, possibly the shot with Kirk & Spock firing = The Devil in the Dark

Kor = Errand of Mercy

Meh. Maybe Lazarus = The Alternative Factor

Edith Keeler, The Guardian (giant space donut), maybe the guy disintegrating himself = The City on the Edge of Forever

One of the fried egg creatures = Operation--Annihilate!

One of the shots from the fight = Amok Time

Hmmm, a good shot of Apollo, possibly Palamas in the greek dress or just go with the green hand = Who Mourns For Adonais?

Nomad = The Changeling

Spock with beard = Mirror, Mirror

Val = The Apple

The Doomsday Machine = The Doomsday Machine

A shot in the dungeon, or a shot with the giant cat or it's shadow = Catspaw

The shot with the 2 Alices standing around the chair = I, Mudd

Hmmm, Cochrane surrounded by the Companion? = Metamorphosis

Hmmm, Capellian in diving outfit? Catwoman? = Friday's Child

Shot of any aged crewmember? = The Deadly Years

Some shot with the creature? = Obsession

Hengist? The dancing girl? = Wolf in the Fold

Kirk buried in Tribbles = The Trouble with Tribbles

A shot of the Triskeliion symbol, possibly with fighting, maybe the shot of the Providers = The Gamesters of Triskelion

Gangsters = A Piece of the Action

The giant space amoeba = The Immunity Syndrome

Mugato = A Private Little War

Meh, Sargon's globe? = Return to Tomorrow

Any shot with Nazis = Patterns of Force

Crew reduced to dodecahedrons = By Any Other Name

Shot of Cloud William? = The Omega Glory

Hmmm, shot of the M-5, or the four Constellation class vessels attacking = The Ultimate Computer

Shot of someone or several people in Roman costume = Bread and Circuses

Close-up of Roberta Gregory = Assignment: Earth

Radio-contolled Spock? = Spock's Brain

Kirk as Romulan, or Romulan Commander = The Enterprise Incident

The obelisk, or Kirk as Indian, possibly Kirk being zapped = The Paradise Syndrome

A number of shots of the kids or the Gorgon = And The Children Shall Lead

Spock with goggles = Is There In Truth No Beauty?

Any shot of someone as a cowboy, possibly a shot from the shootout = Spectre of the Gun

Hmmm, Klingons & Feds fighting with swords? = Day of the Dove

Kirk & Spock being zapped by computer = For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky

Tholian ships creating web = The Tholian Web

The piggyback shot = Plato's Stepchildren

Kirk putting his boots on? = Wink of an Eye

Vians? McCoy being tortured? = The Empath

I don't know, maybe a shot of Elaan? = Elaan of Troyius

Green Batgirl? Two Kirks? = Whom Gods Destroy

A good shot of either Bele or Lokai = Let That Be Your Last Battlefield

Kirk on empty Enterprise? Faces on screen? = The Mark of Gideon

Losira about to kill someone = That Which Survives

Doctor Severin = The Way To Eden

Yarnek = The Savage Curtain

Zarabeth = All Our Yesterdays

By Torque, Son of Keplar on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 8:10 am:

Is this limited to TOS then?

By the 74s tm on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 8:43 am:

Kirk and Spock in Plato Stepchildren, He's Tweedle De he's Tweedle dum 2 spacemen marching towards a drum!


Yarnek the monster from Lost in Space!


Torq- aka Polls voice- Trek for now

By Anonymous on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 10:23 am:

Losira- Iam for you ,Lt.Ryan Connors Thule Leslie of the starship Enterprise- that would've be a good one!


Kam- Vaal. Val is my stepma's name.

By Nove Rockhoomer on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 4:44 pm:

Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn! = Space Seed
(Hey I couldn't resist. ;-)

That was from "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan."

Maybe for Space Seed, have Khan in the sleep unit.

Close-up of Roberta Gregory = Assignment: Earth - KAM

Roberta Lincoln. But I think Gary Seven would be a better choice.

By 500 Alices on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 6:10 pm:

500 Stellas for Harry Mudd- I Mudd

By ScottN on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 6:16 pm:

Any shot with Nazis = Patterns of Force

No. The shot of Kirk and Spock as Nazis.

By MarkN on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 9:04 pm:

The Kirk/Janice Lester consciousness transfer in Turnabout Intruder. I'm surprised that hadn't been mentioned yet.

By Bajoran on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 10:20 pm:

When Kirk sat on the Tribble on the Enterprise Bridge--Trouble with Tribbles

Sulu holding Kirk at swordpoint--The Naked Now

Everybody dropping their phasers when Orgainains pass judgement--(sorry guys just blanked out on the episode name)

Spock playing chess with the computer while Kirk is being Court Martialed--Court Martial Part 2

By the 74s tm on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 10:25 pm:

Bajoran- Errand of Mercy


-Markn; 2 Kirks in Turnabout Intruder.That's me!

By KAM who was picking shots that would ID the episode for me on Sunday, July 30, 2006 - 1:30 am:

Torque - Is this limited to TOS then?
I don't know. I just gave up after listing all those TOS eps.

Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn! = Space Seed
(Hey I couldn't resist. ;-) - KAM

Nove - That was from "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan."
Clearly you missed the joke. Rather than write "Any scene with Khan" I decided to type it like Kirk's scene.

Roberta Lincoln. But I think Gary Seven would be a better choice.
But I remember Terry Garr better than horseface. (Even if I don't remember her character's name.)

KAAM - Any shot with Nazis = Patterns of Force
ScottN - No. The shot of Kirk and Spock as Nazis.
Just seeing Nazis would let me know which ep it was, personally.

Although I did think of mentioning the shot of McCoy just having beamed down trying to get his boot on.

By Butch the Moderator on Sunday, July 30, 2006 - 7:35 am:

Torque, to keep this thread from getting too large and confusing, I'd prefer this one stays just for TOS episodes and movies. I'd recommend starting a companion thread in the appropriate Sink for each series.

By Anonymous on Sunday, July 30, 2006 - 7:40 am:

Bajoran: Naked Time. Picard was in the same fix in Naked Now.


Col.Worf in Star Trek 6

By Bajor on Sunday, July 30, 2006 - 10:02 pm:

That's 74 I just had a brain spasm.

Oops, you're rigtt Anonymous, it must be the 105 degree heat getting to my brain.

By Bajoran on Sunday, July 30, 2006 - 10:03 pm:

Oops, that should be Thanks 74. It's been a long week

By KAM on Monday, July 31, 2006 - 12:55 am:

Torque - Is this limited to TOS then?
After thinking on this a bit more I find myself thinking that TOS may just have more iconic images than later Treks.

I think there may be a couple of reasons for this.

1. The end title sequence. A sequence of eye-grabbing images from a variety of episodes.

2. The Sense of Wonder. This is something that's lacking in a lot of recent TV SF, but TOS really tried to blow away the audience with some good images. While current TV SF has better FX I don't think they try to create a Sense of Wonder.

3. Color TV. "What?" you say, "We have color TV NOW!" Yes, but in the '60s it was new and the people making TV shows were trying to essentially paint rainbows on your screen (& sell those newfangled color TVs). Look at TOS vs. later Treks. Bright vibrant colors vs. downplayed, more subtle (or practically nonexistent) colors. Color used to be a big selling point and they tried to make it work, even on B&W sets. (Spock's original red coloring looked fine in color, but phony on B&W so they switched to a color that looked good on both.) Too quote an old commercial, "My eyes are blue, my hair is blonde & my dress is green. If you're not seeing these colors, you need a new TV."

4. TV in the '60s was just plain weird. Not in a bad way, but it seems like they were trying everything including the Kitchen Sink when they made shows back then & that applies to visuals as much as stories & concepts.

By Influx on Monday, July 31, 2006 - 7:50 am:

I believe that Influx was looking for a single image that he could use to represent an episode.

Yes, KAM hit the intent I was going for. I agree with the end credits sequence having several iconic images, some of which I had used. Sometimes I have a specific image in mind for an ep, but it's difficult to find that exact moment without watching the whole thing at the time. (I haven't time to read the entire thread at the moment, will post more later.)

By the 74s tm on Monday, July 31, 2006 - 9:57 am:

Influx-oh well. I tried-:(


Spock dying in Star Trek2-I have been and always be your friend

By Influx on Monday, July 31, 2006 - 3:13 pm:

Here's what I have so far... (matches are in bold)

The Cage/The Menagerie -- The Talosian.

The Corbomite Manuever -- Balok puppet

Journey To Babel -- A shot of the ambassadors Had to get the Andorian and Sarek in there!

The Man Trap -- missing tape, agreed with Salt Vampire (although it's a "spoiler"!)

Charlie X -- missing tape, agreed, use old big-head Charlie

Where No Man Has Gone Before -- missing tape

The Naked Time -- missing tape

The Enemy Within -- missing tape

Mudd's Women -- missing tape

:( -- (I'll have to replace those somehow -- I love those early episodes)

What Are Little Girls Made Of? -- Ruk

Miri -- missing tape

Dagger of the Mind -- missing tape

The Conscience of the King -- Tough one, possibly Karidian performing I think I had the most trouble with this one.

Balance of Terror -- Romulans

Shore Leave -- Barrows in princess costume with McCoy. I like to have a main player in there, if I can.

The Galileo Seven -- ship crashed.

The Squire of Gothos -- Trelane standing next to the mirror, of course

Arena -- The Gorn

Tomorrow Is Yesterday -- I always loved the shot of the Enterprise in the daytime sky in this one

Court-Martial -- A shot of the entire assembled courtroom

The Return of the Archons -- Kirk & Co walking down the street, giving that odd greeting salute

Space Seed -- Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn! Well, his picture anyway -- that nice haughty profile just before McGivers enters his quarters

A Taste of Armageddon -- missing

This Side of Paradise -- Spock just after his change, smiling at Leila

The Devil in the Dark -- The Horta definitely, spoilers be d***ed!

Errand of Mercy -- Kor

The Alternative Factor -- Lazarus It was either him or a shot of his ridiculous looking "Lost in Space first-season opening title Will and Penny spaceship".

The City on the Edge of Forever -- The Guardian

Operation--Annihilate! -- a shot of Spock on that very 60's living-room looking staircase, with all the creatures stuck all over the place. If you've seen the blooper reel you know it exactly.

Amok Time -- One of the shots from the fight

Who Mourns For Adonais? -- a good shot of Apollo ...just go with the green hand (the hand was green? I'll have to look at it again but perhaps it didn't register as being green because I'm color blind!

The Changeling -- Nomad with Uhura

Mirror, Mirror -- Spock with beard

The Apple -- missing

The Doomsday Machine = The Doomsday Machine How could I not! But I used the full-front shot of the other ship as Kirk rides it into the maw.

Catspaw -- a shot with the giant cat or it's shadow with Kirk and Spock in the foreground

I, Mudd -- The shot with the 2 Alices standing around the chair

Metamorphosis -- Cochrane surrounded by the Companion

Friday's Child -- Capellian in diving outfit

The Deadly Years -- Shot of any aged crewmember Kirk, specifcally. I was tempted to use a current picture of William Shatner but... :)

Obsession -- Kirk & Garrovick carrying the bait. A creature shot was another option but I thought it might be confused with Metamorphosis.

Wolf in the Fold -- The lawman holding the dagger while Scotty looks distraught.

The Trouble with Tribbles -- Kirk buried in Tribbles

The Gamesters of Triskelion -- A shot of the Triskeliion symbol, possibly with fighting

A Piece of the Action -- Gangsters specifically, Spock holding his heater on Oxmyx}

Great calls!! I won't look at the rest because I'd like to make my own choices, but it's amazing at the number of matches.

By the 74s tm on Monday, July 31, 2006 - 5:09 pm:

Conscience of the King- Kirk and Lenore sees the unseen Shuttle Bay

Kor not Recongnizing Baroneer on sight!-Errand of mercy

By Anonymous on Monday, July 31, 2006 - 9:18 pm:

the supernova shot at the end of All 0ur Yesterdays

By KAM on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 - 12:16 am:

Influx - Tomorrow Is Yesterday -- I always loved the shot of the Enterprise in the daytime sky in this one
Oh, yeah, forgot about that.

The Alternative Factor -- Lazarus It was either him or a shot of his ridiculous looking "Lost in Space first-season opening title Will and Penny spaceship".

Operation--Annihilate! -- a shot of Spock on that very 60's living-room looking staircase, with all the creatures stuck all over the place. If you've seen the blooper reel you know it exactly.
Where the creature 'gooses' Spock? ;-)

the hand was green?

The Deadly Years -- Shot of any aged crewmember Kirk, specifcally. I was tempted to use a current picture of William Shatner but... :)

By the 74s tm on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 - 2:47 am:

The Tholien Web-Uhura Will I be like Chekov?


Alternative Factor- the Enterprise fires phasers at the timeship

Kirk driving a Flivver in Piece of the Action


Uhura in Patterns of Force/ Bones beaming down in
Mid booting


Kirk teaching gangster Fizzbin in Piece of the Action


The 4 Starships scene attacking the Enterprise in Ulitmate Computer


title shot showing the wrecked Constellation in Doomsday Machine


The Enterprise-Exeter orbits the Omega 4 in Omega Glory


Bajoran- what was your first Trek you ever saw and how old where you?


say can you put ------------- between the episodes please?

By Bajoran on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 - 10:56 am:

My first Trek was the TNG episode "Naked Now" and I was 10 years old. My father sat down with me and said watch this you'll love it. He was right I've been hooked ever since. I'm 28 years old now and still love it.

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