Best/Worst Guys

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: ClassicTrek: The Classic Trek Sink: Best/Worst Lists: Best/Worst Guys
By juli k on Thursday, July 08, 1999 - 10:16 am:

As much as I love Kirk and his torn shirts, and McCoy's southern charm, I have to say the most intriguing guy in the Star Trek universe is Sarek--or maybe I should say Mark Lenard. He played the parts of Sarek and the Romulan commander from "Balance of Terror" with so much intelligence, passion and dignity. And when he shows up at Kirk's apartment in "Search for Spock" in that cloak and that intense look on his eye--yow! The man is just sexy! I don't know why I didn't "discover" him until recently. I was disappointed to learn Mark Lenard had passed away a few years ago, but I was glad that we got to see Sarek's character developed somewhat in the movies and Next Gen.

By HarleQuiN on Friday, August 20, 1999 - 10:55 am:

Alrighty, time for a man to do what he's gotta do...

Since it's rare for men to compliment eachother on their looks as they do with women, I'll be the first one to take this opportunity.
All it takes is to think for a minute I'm a girl, and imagine what my taste in men would be like. Here goes...

Some of the best looking guys in the series:

Kirk (At least he's trying, hard)
Spock (A walking sex symbol.)
Doctor M'Benga (Pretty handsome guy.)
Khan (Ofcourse! The guy's all charm!)
The Mirror Spock (The goatee does it.)
Zefram Cochrane (He looks pretty cool.)

And this is easier, the wost looking fellas:

Kirk (He keeps trying, does he?)
Cyrano Jones (Too chubby. Not charming.)
Stonn (Plain ugly Vulcan.)
Koloth (Horrible, and ugly for a Klingon.)

That about wraps it up. I'd like to see more posts in this area.

By #1Geordifan on Friday, August 20, 1999 - 1:12 pm:

Kirk can be pretty attractive at times. I think Sulu is also handsome, plus I like his deep voice. Chekov and his accent were adorable =)

By juli k on Monday, September 06, 1999 - 12:53 am:

Okay, here's my list. I can't put these guys in numerical order, since they're all so great in different ways.

I love this topic. Why aren't there more postings?? (I know, I know, the PTB were too busy making sure the male viewers got their eye-candy to pay attention to the needs of their female viewers. What else is new?)

Kirk (Contrary to popular opinion, the guy is actually well-read and intelligent, AND he wears a ripped shirt like no one else!)
McCoy (Passionate and compassionate, and the perfect southern gentleman)
Sulu (Right on, #1 Geordifan! Cute, a great sense of humor, and a brilliant pilot/swordsman, too. I would like to have seen more Sulu moments like in "The Naked Time" and ST III--"Don't call me 'Tiny'")
Sarek (See my previous posting)
Khan (the younger version, please "He has a certain magnetism, almost electric, you felt it")

Worf (Michael Dorn's beautiful face shines through, even under all that makeup! Great voice, too!)
Garak (Suave, entertaining, mysterious)
Sisko (Great smile. But I much prefer his "Dad mode" to his "Overwrought-commander mode")
Picard (I can certainly see why so many people consider him attractive, but for some reason he never did much for me personally.)
Spock (Same as Picard. I guess I prefer to see Spock as a friend or a brother type)
Riker (With beard, please. Very nice eyes. At his best when he finally chilled out a bit in the later shows.)
Scotty (Cute accent, and Scotty was a verra nice looking laddie in his early days)
Richard Daystrom (Attractive man. If only he had been sane . . . . )

Worst Babes
There are too many of them to list.

By Lea Frost on Sunday, September 12, 1999 - 10:15 pm:

OK, let's see now...attractive Trek guys! Well, there's Spock, the original Trek Hunk, Kor, Khan in his younger days, Picard, because of that voice! Data's not bad, though he's annoying with emotions. Juli K is right on about Sisko (who also has a wonderful voice, btw! I have a thing for voices). Dukat and Damar are both pretty hot. And I've always thought Weyoun is awfully cute, in a bizarre sorta way... :-)

By juli k on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 - 8:30 am:

Lea--I have a thing about voices, too. As hard to admit as it is, I have to agree with you about Weyoun. What IS it about him?

By Lea Frost, your friendly neigborhood Vortaphile on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 - 5:19 pm:

I don't know! Maybe it's the eyes...or the voice...or the fact that he gets all those great lines...

Or maybe it's because chicks dig aliens with no libido. :-)

In any case, I mentioned this once when my brother was around, and he turns to me with this horrified look on his face and says "Lea, you are sick." :-)

By juli k on Thursday, September 16, 1999 - 5:43 pm:

Well, now that I've already established myself as a certifiable sicko, I might as well say it: I think Quark also has a certain appeal. Quark's not much in the looks department, but the actor does great things with his voice and mannerisms.

Note to the Powers that Be: See what happens to normal women when you to supply them with sufficient beefcake?

Do you know who's really cute, though? In the beginning of ST IV, I think it is, a junior officer comes up to Kirk on the bridge and asks if they're planning a reception when they get to earth, and Kirk says something like "A hero's welcome, Shawn, is that what you want?" Well, I'll give Shawn a hero's welcome anytime, wink wink!

By Meg on Thursday, September 16, 1999 - 6:00 pm:

Lea, Juli K I'm with ya with Weyoun. I think it is his voice, his wit, and his eyes. I just love those pale Vorta eyes!
I always thought Dukat was kinda cute in a wierd sorta way.
I also like Garak. Something aobut a mysterious man just gets to me.
Data also is very nice.
I do have a thing for Odo too. Those melancholy men just get to me too.

By Lea Frost on Thursday, September 16, 1999 - 6:44 pm:

You know, despite all the fuss about eye-candy for men on Trek, I have to say that the women (well, and gay guys too, I guess :-) ) have it better in discussions like this -- on Trek there are so many more interesting male characters as opposed to female characters...

Also, Keevan (the Vorta from "Rocks and Shoals") was pretty sexy, in a creeeeeeepy sort of way. I seem to have a thing for villains. What this signifies I do not know, nor do I want to... :-)

Juli, I'll have to look out for Shawn next time I happen across STIV!

By julie k on Friday, September 17, 1999 - 6:07 am:

Oops, I meant to say "See what happens to normal women when you NEGLECT to supply them with sufficient beefcake?"

Well, I'm glad to see this topic is beginning to rock! It's so fun!

Meg, I agree with you and Lea about Dukat. I like the Cardassians because they are rather intellectual, but villainous (yeah, I dig the villains, too. I really liked Sulu 2 in "Mirror, Mirror"). I think the Cardassians are more true to the TOS Romulans than the post-TOS Romulans have been.

Lea, I live in a foreign country where we are only in the 4th or 5th season of DS9, so I haven't seen Keevan yet, but I will keep a lookout.

#1 Geordifan, if you're still out there, I'm curious to hear what you think about Geordi, as you didn't mention him in your posting above. I think Levar Burton is cute, but the creators really blew it with the VISOR. I like to see people's eyes, and it is simply impossible to believe that they will not be able to do better than the VISOR for blind people in the future world of Star Trek.

You know, I thought the young Spock in ST III was really cute (the one who is lined up with Saavik and David just before David gets killed).

There are a lot of cute guys in the bit parts in the movies.

By Lea Frost on Friday, September 17, 1999 - 5:12 pm:

Lots of stuff here...

*Interesting* observation about the Cardassians! I definitely think they're one of the best-developed species on modern Trek. They may be villainous, but we've also seen our share of sympathetic Cardassians, and even in his more villainous periods Dukat usually seemed like a real, motivated person -- at least, up until season seven. Juli, I don't know how much you've seen on the Net about the last season, but I think Dukat is now a candidate for the most poorly-used character in all of Trek... :-(

(This line of discussion also opens up the fun subtopic of sexy alien races. Besides Cardassians, I also dig the Vorta, as you may have been able to guess! :-) Except for the one played by Iggy Pop...)

I think you'll really like "Rocks and Shoals," btw -- after all, just about everyone does! :-)

Actually, we've seen that there is better technology then the VISOR -- witness Geordi's new eyes in "First Contact"! (The reason for this is that you can see right through the VISOR on the big screen....)

Speaking of cute guys in minor roles, Muniz, the ensign who gets killed in "The Ship," was pretty cute too...

By juli k on Friday, September 17, 1999 - 8:35 pm:

For sexy alien races, I like the Vulcans and Romulans. The combination of intellect and pointed ears . . . .

Klingons can also be sexy. Worf looks GREAT with his hair down. (Otherwise, they do such awful things with his hair--the bob, the ponytail, yuck . . . .)

By juli k on Friday, September 17, 1999 - 8:39 pm:

Lea, you're right, Geordi's eyes in "First Contact" were a vast improvement on the VISOR, but I still don't understand why they can't show us his real eyes in the 24th(?) century. (I know, BILC.)

Which show was "The Ship" from?

By Lea Frost on Saturday, September 18, 1999 - 3:18 pm:

"The Ship" is early 5th-season DS9 -- Sisko and company find a crashed Jem'Hadar warship, and run into trouble from another platoon of Jems, whose Vorta really wants it back. Good episode...

As for Klingons -- Worf never did much for me, actually. (It's primarily because of his stodginess, which reminds me of my dad. :-) ) General Martok isn't too bad, though. Neither is Worf's brother Kurn.

By juli k on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 6:13 pm:

Worf is stodgy, isn't he? But he looks good...

I'm mainly a TOS Trekker. Which Klingon is General Martok?

By Lea Frost on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 11:47 pm:

As you can doubtless tell from my posts, I'm primarily a DS9er. Martok's the one who was replaced by a Changeling. The real one shows up in the middle of DS9's fifth season, and that's who I'm talking about -- the Martok Changeling just doesn't have a very appealing personality. :-)

The other thing about Worf, though, is that when he's doing emotionally intense scenes, his eyes start crossing... :-)

By juli k on Tuesday, September 21, 1999 - 7:51 am:

Okay, I have seen Martok, I guess. I'm afraid I don't remember exactly what he looks like...

I thought when Worf gets intense his eyes flare rather than cross, but that's me. : )

In response to one of your earlier posts, that's an interesting point about we women having more interesting characters to discuss. I definitely agree. But I doubt it's due to any conscious effort on the part of the writers!

By Lea Frost on Wednesday, September 22, 1999 - 9:47 pm:

Oh, of course it's not intentional! But it's a marvelous side benefit... :-)

By juli k on Thursday, September 23, 1999 - 9:11 am:


By Meg on Thursday, September 23, 1999 - 2:12 pm:

I also think Bashir is a really cute Human.
Keevan, I can't believe I forgot aobut him.

Hey you are not alone. I have a woerd thing for villians too. I had a dream that I kissed Weyoun. And I had another Dream where I kissed Dukat.

Yeah, I need help.

By Lea Frost on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 4:12 pm:

Oh, and I also thought that guy Kelly in VOY's "One Small Step" was pretty studly... :-)

By rachgd on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 8:12 pm:

Top TOS guest-starring guys:

Apollo: Sure, he was a whiny exiled god from Mount Olympus, but gosh he was hot! As long as you can forgive him the hair...

Richard Daystrom: Okay, he was a thundering looney, and a take-over-the-world computer geek of the Bill Gates ouvre, but he was still pretty darn lunchable.

Charlie X: Yes, he was a teenager, and he wore way too much make-up... plus he, you know, killed people... but he was still kinda cute. Okay, that's embarrassing.

Kang: In fact, all the early Klingons had a certain dangerous, rugged, manly charm. Even that gold singlet did nothing to detract from the sheer animal magnetism of the species.

The Romulan Commander: Not to be confused with that minidressed, go-go boot wearing other Romulan Commander With No Name, this guy from "Balance of Terror" was so dignified and honorable it was almost too much to bear.

Sarek: Well, he did look pretty stylin' in that robe...

Cyrano Jones: I kid. I joke. I jest.

I was gonna tell all of you Vorta/Damar lovers to go seek out some help, but then I looked at my list and I thought... I really need it more.

By juli k on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 9:27 pm:

---Kang: In fact, all the early Klingons had a certain dangerous, rugged, manly charm....---

Rach, I couln't agree more. What happened to the "manly" men, anyway? I don't remember seeing many since TOS. It kind of goes along with my rants on the "Trek in Historical Context" thread, if yall would like to join us over there.

I am glad to see this Best/Worst Guys thread has been revived somewhat. A worthy topic, I must say!

By Lea Frost on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 10:13 pm:

Rach, I'm told to seek help on pretty much a daily basis, for a variety of reasons. I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't something to it... ;-)

And I think I'm the only person who actually mentioned Damar. (Although when it comes to Damar fixations, my sister is much worse. I'm more of a Vortaphile, myself. I know, I know, seek help...)

Hadn't thought of Mark Lenard the Romulan Commander, btw. (Would it have been that much trouble to give him a name?) Good call!

Juli, I'd say Dukat definitely counts as a Manly Man. Until he got himself a pair of red contact lenses, anyway, after which his sex appeal basically went down the toilet.

I'm also glad this topic has been revived, 'cause why should the guys have all the fun? :-)

By juli k on Monday, November 22, 1999 - 5:56 am:

I'm telling you, Mark Lenard is the MAN! What kind of accent is that he has (please don't ruin it and tell me New Jersey--not that there is anything *wrong* with New Jersey, put those blow torches down, please!)?

I love it when he says those lines like, "Not too soon for me to see the stars of home" "Behold, a marvel in the darkness" "He's a sorcerer, that one, he reads the thoughts in my brain"....Maybe we all really do need help, come to think of it!

Any other "hot" lines you can think of? My best friend and I used to dissolve into fits of giggles in junior high school rewinding "Mirror, Mirror" over and over again to hear Sulu 2 growl to Uhura, "Any time's a good time."

By D.K. Henderson on Tuesday, November 23, 1999 - 5:22 am:

Not a hot line, but a lovely moment at the end of "Journey to Babel." Spock has asked his father why he married Amanda and Sarek replied, "At the time, it seemed the logical thing to do." Amanda gapes at him. At this point, a human would have probably shrugged and grinned and said, "Just kidding, honey." Sarek simply holds up his two fingers. Amanda reaches out her two fingers and they share a look.

Apparently I'm not the only one who liked this moment. The author of THE VULCAN ACADEMY MURDERS made reference to it. In the story, Amanda is gravely ill with a usually fatal disease, and is being treated in a stasis chamber. Someone--Kirk or McCoy, I can't remember which--is contemplating Amanda and Sarek's relationship, leading up to his wish that he could see them "touch fingers, shut out the whole world, and share that look once more."

O.K, so I'm mushy and sentimental. So what?

By Mark Stanley on Tuesday, November 23, 1999 - 9:29 am:

My list o' babes:

TOS: I'm not alone, I see, in my opinion of Sarek!

TNG: Picard. I also loved Patrick Stewart as the flaming interior designer in 'Jeffery'.

DS9: Garak first, followed closely by Bashir. Garak is the most charming, mysterious, rich and interesting character in all of recent Trek. Especially in the first 4 or 5 seasons.

Bashir is a wonderful counterpart, an match for Garak in both intellect and stubbornness, and a beautiful and intelligent young thing in his own right.

(I don't watch enough Voyager to have any opinion at all about the men on this series.)

By juli k on Tuesday, November 23, 1999 - 10:14 pm:

D.K., a very nice Sarek moment!

Mark, Patrick Stewart was fantastic in Jeffrey, wasn't he.

Lea, I may never get to see Dukat in those red contact lenses, as they canceled DS9 in mid-fourth or fifth season and replaced it with Voyager, go figure. It's probably a good thing.

I haven't watched much Voyager yet, but I certainly don't see many appealing men there. Chakotay is good looking, as is Harry Kim, but their personalities haven't impressed me yet. Tom Paris and Neelix--ick! Tuvok, boring.

What do you say we give the male Romulan Commander a name? My suggestions are:




Am I bad?

By Lea Frost on Tuesday, November 23, 1999 - 10:52 pm:

Yes. But we all are. :-) (I sorta like "Bodacius," myself.)

And it's NOT a good thing that they cancelled DS9 in mid-season 4 or 5! For one thing, it means you'll miss the Dominion War arc, with Dukat and Weyoun at their viciously entertaining best...

Now, if they cancelled it after season 6, that would be a different story. Although parts of the finale arc were good. And I'm rather fond of "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River," because we get a double dose of Weyoun... :-)

And I never found any of the Voyager guys all that appealing, either (though all have rather vocal female followings, actually, with the exception of Neelix. If he has a following anywhere, I don't want to know). Tom Paris looks too much like Mike Nelson to ever be taken seriously as a hunk.

By rachgd on Wednesday, November 24, 1999 - 4:03 am:

I'm tellin' ya, Garrett Wang is luscious! Luscious! The boy's adorable, cannot be beaten, and I don't want to hear another word about it.

And I think Tom is quite the hottie. He has that whole swashbucklin', arrogant, I'm-so-cool thing happening, and it really works for me. And now that he and B'Elanna are together (bearing in mind that I haven't seen the latest eps, so I don't know if they are still together or not) he's all the sweeter. Plus, that "Yes, ma'am. His Army of Evil" line in "Bride of Chaotica!"! That was perfect, and he was pretty much the babe (in a total geeker way) in his Captain Proton outfit.

Okay, I know not many of you watch Voyager, but I'll tell ya, you missed an absolute honey. Kashyk, in "Counterpoint," was sex on legs, and I kid you not. He and Janeway had all these moments together and I just kept thinking: go for it, Kathryn! Go for it! Geez, I woulda, Starfleet directive against unsanctioned liasons de damned. (See "The Disease" -- and what was up with that?!?)

Other Voyager guys of note:

Geran: Young Bajoran studly from "Learning Curve." Hmm... I have so much to teach.

Lon Suder: It's the eyes! The Betazoid eyes! I know he was creepy in a way X-Files way, but there was something strangely appealing about him. The eyes! It must be in the eyes! (I say this 'cause I had a thing for Tam Elbrun too.)

Mr. Hansen: I've forgotten his first name, but Seven's Dad was quite the honey. I mean, sure, freaky obsessed Borg-hunting guy with no regard for his only child's safety -- but hey, good hair.

I think Flotter is fiiine.

Oh, and speaking of holo-guys, the Mr. Rochester clone from Janeway's first season holonovel was it and a bit.

I told ya I need help. :D

By D.K. Henderson on Wednesday, November 24, 1999 - 5:10 am:

Patrick Stewart was once voted Most Bodacious Man on Television. He's going to be performing in a new version of "A Christmas Carol" very soon. I can't wait!

By mak on Wednesday, November 24, 1999 - 7:00 am:

How about Mr. Homm? There's something to be said for the strong, silent type!

By Lea Frost on Wednesday, November 24, 1999 - 10:54 am:

Well, none of the Voyager regulars do anything for me. But they have had some nice guest stars. Kashyk, for one. And Kelly in "One Small Step." Lessing (from the Equinox) wasn't bad, either. (I've been watching Voyager more frequently lately, since it's pretty much all that's on, except for late-night TNG reruns. *sniff* I miss DS9!)

I get the feeling, though, that since LotR casting was announced, I'll always think of Grima Wormtongue when seeing any Suder episode. If that doesn't shoot down a guy's sex appeal, I don't know what will. :-)

I think Annika's dad was named Magnus. Hmmmm...

And yes, Tom and B'Elanna are still dating.

Oh, and Flotter?!? OK, you can no longer make fun of my Vortaphilia... :-)

By juli k on Wednesday, November 24, 1999 - 11:25 pm:

One interesting guy I forgot about is Q. Of course, seeing the actor as the evil gynecologist in "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle" kind of ruined things for me....

By juli k on Sunday, November 28, 1999 - 5:36 am:

Kevin Riley was very cute.

By Lea Frost on Friday, December 03, 1999 - 11:32 pm:

Actually, Rach, I just caught a rerun of "Basics II," and maybe you do have a point about Suder. What is it about me and unsettling guys, anyway?

By Lea Frost on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 4:55 pm:

Some nifty trivia! Juli, you know that guy Shawn that you mentioned -- the one who asks about a hero's welcome? He was played by Phil Morris, whom I mentioned earlier for his guest role on Voyager. I see what you mean! :-) (He's done quite a bit of Trek stuff -- he also played a Jem'Hadar on DS9. He didn't look overly sexy in the makeup, but he *did* play one of the only three-dimensional Jem'Hadar we saw on the show...)

By a19er on Thursday, December 16, 1999 - 10:06 am:

What about Jake's disarming grin? And doesn't Nog have the cutest little "backside"?

By juli k on Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 7:28 pm:

What guys do you think have the best bodies in Trek?

I cast my votes for:

Khan (extra points for keeping in shape for "Wrath of Khan" 14 years later--those pecs are real, gals!)

Kirk (in the first and part of the second seasons in TOS)


By juli k on Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 7:58 am:

How about the communications officer on the ill-fated USS Grissom, in "Search for Spock"? Huh? Huh? Anyone out there?

By John A. Lang on Saturday, March 18, 2000 - 10:53 am:

Capt. John Harriman....a total ditz when it comes to command.

Hamminia hammina alert!

By juli k on Friday, April 07, 2000 - 10:24 am:

Okay, I say it's time to perform a little CPR on this great topic. How about looking at it from a different angle? How do you think the various male characters would measure up as boyfriends/lovers/husbands? I doubt even the most ardent Vortaphile here would consider *marrying* Weyoun! But how far would you go with him? I'm all ears....

Just to get started: Kirk, let's face it, is a one-night-stand. Even in middle age, the man just never settled down. Did anyone read those Shatner novels, "The Return," "The Ashes of Eden," etc.? Kirk finally finds the woman of his dreams and becomes domesticated (sort of). Uh, right. Nobody knows Kirk better than Shatner, but to me at least, Kirk's relationship with Teilani simply did not ring true. (If Kirk ever did settle down, most of his appeal would go right down the toilet anyway!)

McCoy, I would date. But I don't know how long it would last. I think he's a little too mellow for me, and he seems to put women on a pedestal. On the other hand, I can see him in a May/December romance. He would be very gentle and protective of a younger woman. I forget--are McCoy's divorce and daughter canon, or are they something we learned about in one of the novels?

Spock. Those ears do have a certain appeal. But Once. Every. Seven. Years?? I don't think so! Along with the repressed emotions thing, a relationship with a Vulcan would have to be hard on a human female. Which, unfortunately, also eliminates the delectable Sarek. I mean, Sarek and Amanda shared some nice moments, but Amanda, as strong as she is, must feel frustrated a great deal of the time. On the other hand, maybe if one spent long enough on Vulcan it would become possible to read the slightest gesture or facial expression that would go unnoticed by the rest of us. Perhaps the mind link also makes up for a lot. Sarek also seems to be an unusually affectionate Vulcan. I wonder whether he was always that way, or if it's mainly due to Amanda's human influence. (Probably both?) Interestingly, Sarek would probably make a better husband for a human woman than would the half-human Spock, because he is confident in his Vulcan-ness, whereas Spock feels he must *prove* he is a Vulcan (especially to Sarek, ironically), and he seems to overcompensate by repressing his emotions ruthlessly.

On the other hand, there's Bodacius, the Romulan commander (you knew I would get to him sooner or later, didn't you!). I think I will save him for later. I'd like to hear from you other ladies and gay/bi guys first!

Let the pajama party (Part II) begin!

By mf on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 12:28 pm:

McCoy's divorce and daughter were in the TOS writer's guide. His daughter was supposed to be one of the space-hippies, but the writers then changed it to an old girlfriend of Chekov's.

By juli k on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 9:49 pm:

So we never actually hear about them on the show or in the movies?

By mf on Thursday, April 13, 2000 - 1:08 pm:

I think that's right.

By juli k on Saturday, April 29, 2000 - 8:16 am:

Khan's sidekick Joachim was pretty foxy--both versions of him, I mean. I can't believe I forgot about him! But the dark-haired TOS version was cuter, I think.

By RevdKathy on Saturday, September 01, 2001 - 1:33 pm:

Hmmm just found this thread on Trek Beefcake. My favourite subject!

TOS... well, the regular hottie there has to be Spock. I don't believe the once every seven years stuff... Dorothy Fontana herself said it was only compulsory every seven years, and optional in between. My One Big Gripe with TOS is that with Kirk falling/being wrenched out of his clothes every other week, Spock only managed to come adrift from his shirt once in 79 episodes and 6 movies. That's just not good enough!

Visiting beefcake there was a-plenty - Sarek has been well commented on here, along with the Romulan commander and Apollo. A fair feast for the eyes.

TNG: I reckon this wasn't short on eye candy either. Picard always rather worked for me, in a very authoratative way. Data was seriously cute (until he got emotions, after which he was just annoying). Geordie was always so unlucky with girls, Riker gave the impression that he knew how to give a girl a good time, and I'd love to hear Work reading klingon love poetry! I don't remember many visiting beefs (maybe too much already one screen) apart from that one bloke Deanna had a thing for who turned out to be betazoid and using his gifts against the Federation in negotiations. Can't remember the title... but I do remember the guy!

DS9: I've tried and tried and I can't seem to get into DS9. I must have watched about 40-50 episodes in total over several attempts to get hooked. Just not my poison, I fear. Oddly, I can't spot any beefcake there for me, either... could this be some Uncanny Co-incidence? I think not :)

VOY: Again, plenty. My personal choice is Tom Paris (before he got too bonny, and before B'Elanna). But I can see what the girls go for in Chakotay, Kim and even Tuvok. And I have to say that having met Ethan Philips, Neelix may be an annoying little person, but Ethan himself has cornered the market in cute and cuddly. I would happily have brought him home as a con souvenir!

ENT????? Well, waiting to see, but Bakula's got to be in the running.... :)

And one nobody ever noticed... from the photos I've seen, I wouldn't have resisted being dressed (or undressed) by Mr Theiss himself!!!

By tloftf on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 6:04 pm:

Hmmm...cutest guys? That's easy:

When I was young, I used to have a MAJOR crush on Scotty.

The worst looking guys?
Anything Klingon.

By Central_Command on Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 1:50 am:

I'm totally new here, but great topic. I'm an avid DS9er, and totally love the idea of Bashir and Garak being together, because they are just like the perfect couple. I wish that Weyoun 6 had made it back to DS9 with Odo. I'm another Vortaphile and proud of it. There is just something about Weyoun, his mannerisms, his lilac eyes - everything seems to serve to make him drop dead gorgeous.

By LUIGI NOVI on Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 5:04 pm:

Welcome to Nitcentral, CC! :)

By Anne Stockwell on Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 11:28 am:

When I was about 13 I saw that episode where some Entity is causing everyone to behave badly (what else is new) and Chekov corners some woman, pants "You are ... werry... beautiful" and tears her shirt, at which point she is rescued (by Kirk? Is this the original Khan episode?) I already had the hots for Chekov and that just about did me in.
Kirk was pretty sexy too...Shatner had some serious bedroom eyes...
More recently, Riker's a cutie, and Picard's got the Voice, but I've developed a real thing for Colm Meaney, especially after seeing him in a number of other roles. He's just such a Guy. Other Guys (capitalization intentional): Worf (also a Voice, so he gets double points) and, more recent yet, Trip. Trip had that silly grin that was just killer. I liked that episode where they cloned Trip for medical reasons and T'Pal slept with the clone. Speaking of which...
Ok. T'Pal. I think I'd switch camps for he occasion.

By ScottN on Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 12:50 pm:

Anne, that episode was Day of the Dove(TOS).

By the 74s tm on Friday, October 13, 2006 - 12:37 pm:

Central Command-Mind me asking where you at? And what was your first Trek you ever saw? and how old? Mine was old Brain and brain in69.

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