Other Crew Members

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: ClassicTrek: The Characters: Other Crew Members
By Bela Okmyx on Saturday, December 04, 1999 - 1:47 pm:

What about this guy Vincent DeSalle? First he's an Assistant Chief Engineer, then he's a biologist. And what's up with the way he snaps at Chekhov in "Who Mourns for Adonais"? Not to mention when he tries to sneak up behind Trelane - while Trelane watches him in the mirror! Not the brightest bulb on the circuit, I'd say.

By Will S. on Monday, December 06, 1999 - 10:24 am:

Then there's the helsmman/navigator named Lieutenant Hadley. You know the guy; that skinny guy that rarely cracks a smile through the 3 years he's there. Probably annoyed that he didn't get any lines.

By Slinky Frog on Monday, December 06, 1999 - 5:01 pm:

I can't believe you guys forgot about Lt. O'Reilly! I forgot his first name. He may have been in only two episodes, but he left a mark, didn't he? For bad singing, and for being poisoned. I think it was the bad singing that was the mostly the memorable part of him.

By Nick Angeloni (Nangeloni) on Monday, December 06, 1999 - 9:02 pm:

Lieutenant O'Reilly? Do you mean Lt. Kevin Riley?

By juli k on Tuesday, December 07, 1999 - 1:01 am:

Didn't Riley say "Never fear, O'Reilley's here, and one Irishman is worth 10,000 of you--" in "The Naked Time," when he was under the influence of the space disease? It could get confusing.

By Nick Angeloni (Nangeloni) on Tuesday, December 07, 1999 - 8:20 pm:

D'oh! That's right.

By juli k on Tuesday, December 07, 1999 - 9:30 pm:

Don't feel bad, Nangeloni, I just saw that episode yesterday.

By Will S. on Wednesday, December 08, 1999 - 11:43 am:

What about Lieutenant Johnny Farrel? Two episodes; in Mudd's Women he could barely bring himself down to reality for his bridge shift, muttering, "You can feel them with your eyes when they look at you", and couldn't believe that (duplicate) Kirk would abandon the rescue mission with Sulu on the surface in The Enemy Within. Not many lines, but if Riley's in, Farrell should be, too.
And what about Lieutenant Galloway? He manned the transporter in The Galieleo Seven, then what part of security in A Taste Of Armageddon, and The Omega Glory, where Captain Tracey killed him.
Any other multiple-episode crewmember out there?

By Todd Pence on Wednesday, December 08, 1999 - 1:44 pm:

What was the deal with the navigator position during the first season? A lot of turnover there, wasn't anyone competent enough to hang onto the job? Bailey performed so poorly in the Corbomite Manuever that they gave him away to the alien vessel. Apparently Farrell and Riley were both transferred from the post to communications, as we see Farrell at the com post in "Miri" and in "Conscience" we learn that Riley was in communications before Kirk transfers him to engineering in an attempt to keep him from being assisinated. For the rest of the season, it's a revolving door, until Chekov takes over the post steadily in season two.

By Todd Pence on Wednesday, December 08, 1999 - 1:46 pm:

Multiple episode crewmember: Don't forget Dr. M'Benga who fills in for McCoy in "Private Little War" and "That Which Survives" and Lt. Palmer who runs communications in both "Doomsday Machine" and "Way to Eden".

By Will S. on Thursday, December 09, 1999 - 3:17 pm:

I KNEW there were more! I also remember a navigator that relieves Stiles in Balance Of Terror prior to the briefing room scene that looks somewhat American Indian, who I'm sure walked through another scene in another episode. No name, just a face.

By Christer Nyberg on Friday, December 10, 1999 - 1:33 am:

That's Ron Veto's Harrison, go follow our discussion of him over at the Who's that Extra board.

By Padawan Nitpicker on Friday, March 24, 2000 - 1:02 pm:

His name was Lieutenant Kevin Thomas Riley. He called himself O`Rielly presumably to make his name sound more Irish.

Hadley does speak near the beginning of Elaan Of Troyius, but it looks like he`s silently mouthing the words. Can he speak? BTW, he`s also in the novel Pawns And Symbols, where he gets a line, "Aye, sir" IIRC.

There`s the famous Leslie, who gets a board to himself, there`s also Frank daVinci, who is the original "Who`s that Extra" extra. He is Brent as a blueshirt or goldshirt and Vinci (or "Osborne") as a redshirt. I highly recommend the "Who`s that Extra board", it`s mainly a conversation between me and Christer Nyberg, but you`re welcome to join in.

By Derf on Thursday, August 10, 2000 - 9:27 pm:

The only other regular on TOS I can think of is the computer voice. I have no idea who's voice that was or how they made it sound so automaton-like.

By John A. Lang on Friday, August 11, 2000 - 10:34 am:

The TOS computer voice was Majel Barrett.

By Todd Pence on Tuesday, July 24, 2001 - 7:09 am:

Farrell was actually in three episodes, not two. In addition to "Mudd's Women" and "Enemy Within", he was in "Miri" - in which he had apparently switched to being a communications officer instead of a navigator. He was also originally slated to play DeSalle's role in "Catspaw".

By Peter Stoller on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 8:29 pm:

Doesn't anyody think Dr. Carol Marcus should've stayed on as a recurring guest through the movies? She was never mentioned again after her one appearance in The Wrath of Khan. They replaced her part in the Genesis demo video with William Shatner so they would't have to pay her again.

By Kinggodzillak on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 - 1:52 pm:

If you watch the start of the Man from U.N.C.L.E episode The Her Master's Voice Affair, William Blackburn (Hadley) can be seen walking beside Robert Vaughan.

By Nove Rockhoomer on Saturday, May 24, 2003 - 10:29 pm:

Bill Blackburn (Hadley) was in at least 50 episodes. I always used to watch for him. He was at various positions, like Leslie (helm, navigation, security, lab).

I didn't see him speaking at the beginning of "Elaan of Troyius," but I did see him move his mouth in "The Corbomite Maneuver" (his first appearance). His last appearance was in "The Savage Curtain."

One of his big parts was getting attacked by Larry Marvick after Marvick goes insane in "Is There In Truth No Beauty?" Scotty gave him an order in "The Naked Time" but instead of replying, he simply bowed and left. He may be the guy in the blooper reel that's getting makeup taken off and somebody's saying "You wanted show business, you got it."

I think Blackburn may be one of the background people at McKinley Rocket Base in "Assignment: Earth."

He also played the White Rabbit in "Shore Leave." Maybe his voice really sounds like that. It would explain why he never got any lines.

By Kinggodzillak on Sunday, July 20, 2003 - 3:37 pm:

ITV in the UK ran 'Star Trek: After They were Famous' last night, with interviews with Shatner, Nimoy, Takei, Koenig, Doohan, Nichols, and Blackburn. Turns out he took a load of behind the scenes videos on his camera at the time they were shooting the series. He had a lot to say, seeing as how he had to make up for 3 years of silence on the Enterprise. :)

His clips from This Side of Paradise, Errand of Mercy, The Paradise Syndrome and a few others (on the Enterprise, so I can't be sure) were shown, with all the cast messing around for him.

By roger on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 1:51 pm:

There was a ST comic book series with Leonard James Akaar. Does anybody here know anything about it? What was his story? Thanks.

By Adam Bomb on Wednesday, September 15, 2004 - 9:57 pm:

Turns out he took a load of behind the scenes videos on his camera at the time they were shooting the series...
That would be a real treat on the DVD sets, wouldn't it? Doubt they could put it on, though

By Bob L on Wednesday, June 28, 2006 - 10:39 pm:

Another two-episode (or so) character would be Kellowitz. He had one appearance in 'The Galileo Seven', as a member of the search party for the shuttlecraft. He reported to Kirk (in a somewhat rare use of a side monitor on the bridge) about the creatures "ten...maybe twelve feet in height".

In 'Arena', he's the one who helped Kirk aim that grenade-launcher thing during the fight on the planet. Whoever he was, or wherever he went, Kirk seemed to have a lot of faith in him. At least the actor actually got a small bite of meat in his parts, instead of just "Aye, sirs" and being a generic victim of diseases and such.

By Todd Pence on Thursday, June 29, 2006 - 9:28 am:

Kellowitz was in "This Side of Paradise" as well.

By Bob L on Thursday, June 29, 2006 - 6:02 pm:

Ah! Right you are!

By Luigi_novi (Luigi_novi) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 8:48 am:

The 26 Hottest Star Trek Babes.

I'm not sure if these are in no particular order, or if they're intended to be in ascending order of hotness. If so, I'm surprised that Troi is only #11 (Try not to be too hard on 'em, John Lang. It appears to have been compiled from a Trekker who grew up on TOS.) I'm also perplexed that Nerys only got an honorable mention.


By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 2:55 pm:

#11? Let me at 'em!

By Luigi_novi (Luigi_novi) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 3:22 pm:

LOL! Nice to know that some things are easy to predict. :-)

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 7:22 pm:

If I didn't say something, you'd probably thought I was ill.

I left my comment on that board.


By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Thursday, October 09, 2008 - 2:23 am:

BTW...on 10/6/08, was the 1 yr. anniversary that I saw (and touched) Marina Sirtis.

By Adam Bomb (Abomb) on Thursday, October 09, 2008 - 10:57 am:

Turns out he (Bill Blackburn) took a load of behind the scenes videos on his camera at the time they were shooting the series...
That would be a real treat on the DVD sets, wouldn't it? Doubt they could put it on, though.

Turns out I was wrong. Bill Blackburn's on-the-set "home movies" are on the re-mastered DVD sets.

By Padawan on Monday, July 06, 2009 - 1:44 am:

This site is an interesting look at some of the changes made in the Original Series episodes, even up to the last minute. And they include plenty of stuff about the minor characters:

In "The Corbomite Maneuver" Dave Bailey was the communications offcier and Ken Easton the navigator. Their lines were combined into one character (The navigator Dave Bailey) except for the few lines that were given to Uhura.

Kevin Riley in "The Conscience of the King" was originally named Robert Daiken, but most people already know that...

The helmsmen in "The Conscience of the King" (Leslie) and "The Menagerie" (Hansen) were originally both Sulu, but curiously the helmsman from "The Alternative Factor" (Leslie) was originally Hansen.

Kelowitz (who first appeared in "The Galileo Seven") was originally named "Molton" in "Arena" and "Dimont" in "This Side of Paradise, before they cast Grant Woods who had already played Kelowitz in "The Galileo Seven".

For similar reasons, DeSalle in "This Side of Paradise" was originally "Lt Timothy Fletcher" and DePaul in "A Taste of Armageddon" was "Cheffski" (hmmm. A Russian-sounding name with a Che- at the beginning. Sounds like foreshadowing!)

By Tim McCree (Tim_m) on Thursday, February 28, 2019 - 5:10 am:

Some of these characters turned up in the James Blish adaptations.

Of course, he was adapting from scripts in the early stages.

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