Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been?

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Crime and Justice Shows: Without A Trace: Season One: Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been?
By Srussel (Srussel) on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 3:07 pm:

Jack's methods for investigation of child molester could result in the case being kicked out of court. Then on top of that, the Office of Professional Responsibility decides to investigate the team, but their real target is Jack

NOTE: One part of this story line began in the episode 5 "Suspect" the other part of the story line began in episode 9 "In Extremis." Original broadcast was delayed approximately one half hour due to a speech by President Bush (Ugh). This is the first Episode that there was no Missing Person. We learn that Jack and Sam had an affair in "The Source" when we learn what's caused the friction between Jack and his wife.

By Triggins (Triggins) on Wednesday, September 03, 2003 - 10:51 am:

I was bothered by this episode. It disturbed that such a strong show needed to have a clip show during its first season. I felt that was not a good sign. But the episode was not that bad, it would have been better without the clips. Espicially the clip from the previous episode. It was interesting to not have an episode deal with a missing person but on the lives of the characters.

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