What Do You Think Of The Board?

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Farscape: The Clam Shell - aka the Sink: What Do You Think Of The Board?
By Plantman on Sunday, October 08, 2000 - 9:31 am:

Any suggestions, comments, or complaints??

By SpottedKitty on Sunday, October 08, 2000 - 4:49 pm:

Ohhss....was wondering when someone was going to start a Farscape board. I like this program alot..got all the DVDs so far and I am also currently watching Season 2 on the BBC in the UK. :) I'll have to admit to not looking for nits through it tho ...

By notv on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 7:08 am:

Yayyyyyy! a farscape board at last! I have
gotten really addicted to this show and I've
been waiting and waiting for a nitpick board.
SpottedKitty, you have no ideal of the extent of
my envy for someone who can get the DVD's.
Here in the states the plans to release them in
region 1 encoding are sketchy at best.

By SpottedKitty on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 3:02 pm:

*ummss*...Well I don't know what its like over there in the US but over here we do get Multi-Rgion DVD players that usually allow you to view at least region 1 and region 2 DVDs....Is there anything like that over there? Then you could buy the Region 2 DVDs :)

By ScottN on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 5:03 pm:

Region encoding is one of the most evil things that the DVE-CSS coalition has done.

By ScottN on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 5:05 pm:

Whoops! That's DVD-CSS, not DVE-CSS. Of course, exerting pressure on the US gov't to have the Norwegian government arrest Jon Johanssen ranks up there too, since the kid broke no Norwegian laws at all. For those who don't know, Jon Johanssen is the teenager who wrote DeCSS, which breaks the coding on DVDs, which a US judge has actually banned from the net in certain cases (1st amendment, anyone?).

By Benjamin Daniel Cohen (Bcohen) on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 8:27 pm:

Did anyone see the TechTv commercial where the DeCSS code was flashed across the screen? It was pretty funny. I wonder why the DVD makers didn't come down hard on them.

By SpottedKitty on Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 2:46 pm:

All this region encoding is farcial anyway. I'll bet this new kind of encoding they have will of been cracked within five minutes of it hitting the street, it'll just take time to spread as the people who did it won't want to be caught. The only thing they have done by bringing a court case against Jon is that they've driven it underground rather than allowing them to keep an eye on it.
As for my reasonsing, well if they would release the exact dame DVD with the exact same features then I might be a bit more sympathetic to their plight, but us region2 people sometimes get a raw deal when it comes to features and such.

By Douglas Nicol on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 11:53 am:

No kidding. When I got my Starship Troopers DVD there was absolutely no extras on it. Compare this to something like the Austin Powers 2 or Aliens disk.

By Lauren Mag on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 5:10 pm:

I tried to post at scifi.com but you can't post unless your regestered, and you can't register if you have a web based email addy:(
Ahh well, now that I've found this place, Life is good!

By Callie Sullivan on Tuesday, October 02, 2001 - 3:29 am:

Hey TUE! I was going to email you with this but your address isn't up anywhere obvious. Could you put it on the front page, please, so that people can find it easily in future?

What I was going to email you about was the list of 'airing times' on the front page. The UK's broadcasts are (usually) at 6.45, not 6.25. Only minor, I know, but then I'm a nitpicker!

By The Undesirable Element on Tuesday, October 02, 2001 - 7:26 pm:

Thanks. I don't have time right now but I'll fix it ASAP. I got the list from "farscape.com" so I slyly point the finger at them! :^)

BTW, it's:

See ya later

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