Liars, Guns, and Money, Part 3: Plan B

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Farscape: Season Two: Liars, Guns, and Money, Part 3: Plan B
John is in Scorpius's clutches at the depository. He's strapped onto a a giant metal globe awaiting the extraction of the mind chip. Scorpius is having way too much fun gloating about catching John and he's rubbing it in his face.
Back on Moya, they all realize that they have all these people that they had set up to rescue Jothee that they can now use to rescue Chrichton. They will be paid with whatever they steal from the depository. Talyn, who detected his mother's distress call, returns with Crais, but Crais won't let Talyn commit acts of violence. Aeryn offers Crais anything, and she means ANYTHING (insert dirty-minded snicker here), if he will help.
Scorpie goes into John's brain to meet his counterpart. He wants to oh-so-valuable wormhole info. Later, Natira (the ugly Medusa-like woman) goes into John's brain and finds out that Scorpie plans to kill her.
Meanwhile, the plan is set up. (A few eyeballs are lost in the process) The plan is pretty straight forward: Blow up as much stuff as possible. I've never seen so much laser-blaster fire in my life! Crais comes around eventually and joins in on the killing fun.
Despite Chrichton's confused state, they all manage to escape (the main characters of course. I think all of their helpers died). The depository goes BOOM in a major way and we see Scorpius get blowed up with it. (begin sarcasm) I'm sure we'll never see him again. (end sarcasm)

By Callie Sullivan on Monday, December 18, 2000 - 12:56 pm:

Isn't Talyn male? So why did Pilot thank Crais for "allowing Talyn to respond to her mother's distress call" (emphasis mine)? I heard it as 'her', the subtitlers (who I believe work from what they hear rather than a script) heard it as 'her', and I played the tape back several times and it definitely was 'her' that was said. Even the actor who voices Pilot hesitated over the word as if he knew it was wrong.

Any bets on whether Scorpius is really dead this time?!

Next episode TOMORROW!! (UK viewers please note!)

By Callie Sullivan on Monday, December 18, 2000 - 1:17 pm:

Did anyone else think that the whole episode was far too rushed? I felt that the scenes on the planet, especially the battle, could have easily extended over another episode. I could barely keep up at times.

The slo-mo section made little sense to me - it started off really good, and reminding me of the classic Babylon 5 episode "Severed Dreams" but it was so bitty that at the end when Aeryn's infra-red viewer (or whatever it was) finally started working and we could see what she could see (or the lights came on, or something!), I was left totally baffled as to what had really taken place.

Despite the rushed-ness, it was another great episode, and again all credit must go to Ben for some superb acting.

By Lauren Mag on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 10:25 am:

I really don't feel like scorpius is dead (and even though he's a bad guy I hope not! he's such a kewl bad guy!).

He's my thought though, it could be completely wrong, but wouldn't the clone know? I mean it didn't the first time, but it didn't go this physco the first time either.

I really wanna know how they're gonna get that chip out of his head, too.

By Merat on Monday, July 29, 2002 - 2:38 am:

Is it just me, or do the spider lady's lips indicate that she is saying something other than Frell when Moya swooped past.

By Gordon Lawyer on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 6:19 am:

Actually, not all the mercs were killed off. The Tavlek made it to the end.

At some point Aeryn states that if everything ends up totally frelled, she'd put a bullet in Crichton's brain. Pardon? As far as I can tell, they don't have access to any slug throwers.

By BrianA on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 1:53 pm:

In the UT, "little yellow bolts of light" translates as "bullets". Or something. :)

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