Season of Death

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Farscape: Season Three: Season of Death
"Can you give me a HELL YEAH!!"

We pick up where "Die Me, Dichotomy" left off. Aeryn is (supposedly) dead. Scorpy is still on the ice planet with the chip. Crichton is still yelling gibberish on the surgeon's table. Talyn and Moya are in orbit.

Grelchik (the white-haired barfly guy who works with the Doctor) meets Scorpius in a hallway. He tries to show Scorpy that he's still worth keeping alive. Scorpy agrees but he has that sinister smile.
Rygel comes upon John and the Doctor (who is still alive) and calls Moya. D'Argo, Stark, and Zhann come down to the planet to investigate.
Scorpy wants to leave the planet but he knows that a certain insane Bailar Crais (who has a vendetta against Scorpius) would destroy their transport immediately. Instead, Scorpy uses a handy little device to take control of Grelchik's mind and body. He wants to use our friend to keep Moya's crew from finding him.
Then we go into John's mind. Turns out that Scorpius is still there. Like Zhann says, "The chip is gone, but the evil still remains." BrainScorpy wants John to kill himself so that they can both be at peace.
Zhann unites with John to try to help him, but he does not want help. He wants Zhann to kill him but Stark keeps her from doing it. Stark tells John to fight the BrainScorpy. He tells him that BrainScorpy is powerless. A fight in Crichton's brain (which is a scream) ensues and Scorpy ends up in a dumpster. (You just have to see it)
Meanwhile, Doc prepares for surgery. There are objections to using the semi-dead people as donors. Stark argues that killing them is better than leaving them in a spiritual limbo. Doc proceeds to reconnect John's brain.
Apparently, Doc told the crew that Aeryn was beyond recovery. This was a lie. She's frozen only seconds away from death. She's to be kept for parts as well. Zhann and Stark want to help her. Zhann knocks Stark out cold and uses his power to help her unite with Aeryn. Zhann wants to help her recover but Aeryn says that the consequences are too great. Just after contact is broken, Scorpy's PK cronies show up to kill Zhann and capture Stark. They're about to do their dirty work but then someone shoots the PKs. IT'S AERYN!
(You know, I've had paper cuts that have interfered with my life more than the average death on a sci-fi show)
Doc finds a hidden person. It's a Scarran. The Scarran vaporizes Doc and escapes. This is not good news for Scorpy. Apparently the Scarrans have it in for him. His top pilot offers to fly them to the safety of their command carrier but Scorpy sends Grelchik (after forcing him to do unspeakable things to himself) to divert the Scarran away from him.
Grelchik finds the Scarran and tells him to go after Crichton instead. The Scarran agrees.
D'Argo and Crichton are about to escape when they bump into our Scarran friend. They decide to take the back door out to the ice planet. D'Argo hates the cold but hopes that they Scarran hates it too.
D'Argo and Crichton are trapped. The Scarran is closing in when suddenly Aeryn shows up and kills the Scarran ba$tard.
A transport is leaving the surface. Talyn pursues it. Scorpy's voice warns Crais of the PK carrier ship but Crais blows up the transport anyway. Everyone believes that Scorpius is dead. He isn't. Remember our excitable PK pilot. Yep. He used that brain control device to get the pilot to fill in for him. Scorpy's got plans for his newfound wormhole technology.
The crew returns to Moya along with two frozen people from the hospital.
John and Aeryn share a VERY passionate moment on Moya. Aeryn tells John about Zhann saving her.
Turns out that Zhann sacrificed everything to save Aeryn. We find out she's completely blind; however, we have yet to learn of the full extent of her loss.

New opening, new characters, death, life, explosions. What more could you want?

1. The Scarran has a GIGANTIC head! How would a creature like that evolve?
2. How did the Doc survive? Any contact with germs are supposed to kill him and yet direct contact with Scorpius left him alive.
3. At the end of "Die Me, Dichotomy", Scorpy removes the Doc's helmet and just throws it off into a corner. Instead of retrieving the helmet, the doc wears this funny-looking breating mask.
4. How did Aeryn let herself out of the stasis chamber? Is there an "OPEN" button on the inside? What purpose would this serve?

Looks like we're in for some new developments this season with Zhann's losses and the alien love triangle.

I just hope they don't lose the action and humor part of the show.

By cstadulis on Tuesday, March 13, 2001 - 12:28 pm:

******* SPOILER ALERT *******

This just in... I work at a newspaper and a story about "Season of Death" and the new season just ran on the wire.
For those who want a preview of the upcoming episode, read on:

Aeryn is dead, but the creators "believe in the existence of souls." (quote from the article)
"The episode features some of the best acting yet by Virginia Hey."
"All of the main characters are featured, including former enemy Crais."
"Fans absolutely must see this episode..."

For glimpses of the season, the article states:
"In a year of transition and growth, the third season promises shocking personal revelations..."
"For John Crichton, the upcoming episodes are marked by his determination to reach an elusive goal, an obsessive goal, a self-destructive goal..."
"And this year, it all falls apart."

Don't you just love those creators?

By cstadulis on Friday, March 16, 2001 - 8:02 pm:

Wowee!!!!! What a great episode! Just awesome. Wow.
Sorry to all you Brits if you haven't seen the ep yet, because it is wonderful.

By cstadulis on Friday, March 16, 2001 - 8:14 pm:

O.K., one more post for the evening. I do want to make some comments about the ep, so if you haven't seen it, don't read on (unless, of course, you want to know what happens).

I knew she wouldn't stay dead! I actually had a flash at the end of last season that she would come back to save the day. Unfortunately, that slime Scorpius had to live on. ••••, I'd really hoped he was dead. Also, I think the next ep will be quite interesting regarding the whole Jothee/Chiana/Dargo thing.

No real nits to speak of at this point (for I am a nitpicker at heart), but I may stay up to catch it again at midnight (Eastern Time).
All in all, what a great way to start the season! O.K., that's it for me. Can't wait for the next ep!

By The Male Demographic, 18 to dead on Saturday, March 17, 2001 - 1:24 pm:

Was it just me, or did Aeryn look REALLY hot in this episode?

By Beafsteak on Sunday, March 18, 2001 - 3:33 am:

While the episode was cool, Scorpius is beginning to annoy me. He was very cool in Season 2, but now that he's a regular cast member, he's becoming a bit too, well, regular :-).
Having Crais as a regular is ok, though, since he speaks Pilot and thus must be available for each episode, anyway.

Oh, and the magical resurrection of both Aeryn and the Doc were a bit cheesy, IMO.

By The Undesirable Element on Sunday, March 18, 2001 - 11:24 am:

Scorpius was getting a bit annoying in this episode, but now that he's got the wormhole goods, I'm interested to see where they're going with him.


By Matt Nelson on Sunday, March 18, 2001 - 7:34 pm:

Scorpius is driving me crazy.

That John Crichton/Scorpy "wrestling match" (I'm a non-wrestling fan, but I have to admit, the Stone Cold Steve Austin tagline busted me up) was obviously for us Scorpy-hater fans out there.

See, the problem is, Scorpius is succeeding a little too well at being a villain we hate. He's completely, totally EVIL. He's hard to look at, nigh-impossible to laugh at, and (I'd hope, anyway) pretty darn impossible to sympathize with.

Usually, a villain has to at least be charismatic in some manner, attractive in this way. Alfred Hitchcock often said this was true, otherwise the villain wouldn't be able to get close to any of his victims. (Granted, we're talking about aliens who could look like goo, but I think you see where I'm going with this.)

On the plus side, though, it's a villain who makes it VERY easy to root for the good guys. I can't tell you the number of times I've NOT CARED if the Voyager team won against a villain because THEY WERE BORING. A non-threatening villain is like an annoying cousin; you just wish they'd go away so something interesting would come along.

Hopefully, however, they won't wear out his welcome. Perhaps they'll finally kill him off, only to introduce a new villain fourth season; (dare we dream?) after all, that's basically what they did with Crais.

M@ Nelson
(anyone who thinks Farscape is the best sci-fi on tv GIMME A ... Well, you know.)

By Lauren Mag on Monday, March 19, 2001 - 6:38 pm:


::"And this year, it all falls apart."::

Isn't that what just happened? I was really relieved that everything was starting to go slightly back to normal (aside from the Jothee-Chiana-Dargo thing, oh and Zhaan saying she's going to die isn't normal, but you get the point).

I was just relieved to see Claudia Black in the opening sequence, though the X Files has changed their opening sequence about 20 times in one season so I guess it didn't mean all that much, but at least I knew she'd be in this episode.

I LOVE THIS SHOW! I dig the new music too!

I just watched it on tape for the first time 20 min. ago and thats why I'm so excited:)

By Lauren Mag on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 10:32 pm:

Oh and I fogot to mention that i never think I've said "ew" over and over again as many times as I did when I watched Grelchik eat his own finger. Actually maybe when I was watching Scary Movie I might have...

By cstadulis on Wednesday, March 21, 2001 - 6:01 am:

Actually, I was quite "ewwed" over the finger thing and Scorpy eating that bit of John's brain... YUCK YUCK YUCK! BLECH!

By Callie Sullivan on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 5:14 pm:

I'm not mad about the new theme tune - much preferred the old one, but maybe the new one will grow on me.

Like others said above, the revival of the doctor in particular and of Aeryn were a bit corny.

Now that Aeryn has told John that she won't get involved with him despite her love for him, it'll be interesting to see how their relationship continues from here on.

I'm wondering whether the episode was edited in Britain, being shown at 6.45. What time's it shown in the States? For instance, did you see anything more than Chianna and Jothee about to kiss before it cut away? There was another scene that seemed to cut short, but I can't remember which one it was now.

Unfortunately, after the revival of two dead people in this episode, I found it hard to have any emotional reaction to Zhaan's announcement that she's dying and there's nothing can be done, which was a shame.

It's been a long time since I saw the last episode of the previous season, but wasn't Moya really ill? Is she really well enough to starburst?

By SpottedKitty on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 2:03 am:

Not too sure I like the new theme myself. Might be a grower but I'm not overly convinced. Much preferred the old one. Had more Ompfh to it. :)

Interesting to see Pilot act the way he did at the beginning. He acted exactly like I probably would have done with the crew pestering him like that.

I was kinda hoping they'd find another way out of getting John back together as well. Its not like Farscape to take the "easy" way out of things like this. Guess they'd just written themselves into a corner.

Callie my dear...Its the Beeb, of course its edited. :) Just be grateful it isn't on Channel4.

I wondered about Zaahn's announcement as well. I think it might of had something to do with the fact she didn't /look/ as though she were dying. If she'd maybe looked a little weaker (or in her case, wilted) then it might of had a more emotional impact but as it is she just looked as if she and Stark were having a bit of time together.

Your right, she was. If you take a close look at the background during the scene above you can see that the chamber looks completely charred after the fire. Guess Moya is just a fast healer.

There was more…I’m going to have to watch it again tonight. My brain melted after watching 3 ½ hours of kids TV. :)

By Mike on Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 9:18 pm:

Where do you get the idea she was blinded?

By SpottedKitty on Tuesday, April 02, 2002 - 7:21 am:

Something I don't think we saw the first time in the UK and one of the best lines of the episode
D'Argo to Stark - "Don't make me tounge you!"

By Josh M on Monday, June 30, 2003 - 12:47 pm:

How did Aeryn let herself out of the stasis chamber? Is there an "OPEN" button on the inside? What purpose would this serve?
Grelchik was able to get himself out after hiding from the Peacekeepers. At least, I assume he was or would have been able to had he not been discovered.

Only one dead person was revived in this episode. The doctor did not die. I would imagine that the fact that he managed to fall into the area under his little sterile device helped him to survive.

It's been a long time since I saw the last episode of the previous season, but wasn't Moya really ill? Is she really well enough to starburst?
Stark and D'Argo sprayed a few coats of a chemical that healed her (and made Pilot high).

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