Different Destinations

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Farscape: Season Three: Different Destinations
"I'm not a hero. Heroes always get killed."
-- Sub Officer Dacon just before getting killed.

Crichton, Aeryn, D'Argo, Stark, and Jool are visiting an alien memorial. It uses a time rift to allow people to actually view the real incident if you put on these masks. Crichton sticks the mask on Stark. Stark sees violence and his light thing goes off. Suddenly they're all 500 cycles in the past at the point of a major battle. Peacekeepers (actually doing what they're name entails for once) are defending a group of nurses from the onslaught of the Venek Horde.
Stark manages to reopen the time rift and they send Jool through first (I would have gotten rid of her first, too). But she goes into a future where the Veneks gained control of the planet after a bloody war instead of a truce. As our heroes continue to stay in the past. The future keeps changing.
According to history, General Grynes (the Venek General) signed a truce with the PKs after Sub Officer Dacon is heroically killed. Crichton's interference results in the death of General Grynes. This angers the Veneks and Dacon is killed like any other guy. He doesn't die a hero.
Meanwhile, D'Argo, Crichton, and Aeryn get pretty close to these nurses. D'Argo meets a nurse child while Crichton talks to her mother.
Our heroes help the nurses fight off a Venek attack using their pulse rifles (a big no-no since these people shouldn't have them). They manage to defeat the Veneks and escape into the future.
Once there, everything is back to normal; however, something is disturbing our heroes. We get a glimpse into one of the masks and we see what happened after they left. Instead of signing a truce, the Veneks wanted to know where this Crichton was who had the pulse rifles. The nurses don't know since they have no idea about the time travelling. In anger, the Veneks slaughter the remaining nurses.

>> We're finally back to the real kind of Farscape.
>> Virginia Hey's not in the opening credits.
>> Neither is Tammy MacIntosh (Jool). Thank God.
>> The end of this episode was wonderfully portrayed. So much can be said without words.
>> It's nice that Zhann has not been forgotten as Kes or Yar had been on Star Trek.
>> I liked how they didn't try to explain the time travel. It just happened.
>> I didn't like that Stark is always so miserable. He's a real downer. He seemed so insanely cheerful back in "Nerve".
>> This episode was a cross between Voyager's "Memorial" and Andromeda's "Angel Dark, Demon Bright".

>> How would this battle result in the complete nonexistance of this planet? As far as we know, neither the PK's nor the Veneks have/had the technology to completely destroy a planet.
>> What was Crichton thinking putting that mask on Stark? He's got a glowing mess of soup for a right eye. Not the guy I'd want to have messing with a time vortex.

Great episode.
Still hate Jool.
By cstadulis on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 5:52 am:

Hey Mr. Moderator (or Ms.),

I saw this ep listed on another site as Self-Inflicted Wounds Part 3: Different Destinations. Do you know which title is right? (Cause I sure don't. Not that I want to start a whole debate of Workforce Part 1 or Part 2, like on the VOY board.)

By The Undesirable Element on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 4:14 pm:

What is listed is correct. I get my titles from the official Farscape page (scifi.com/farscape) and they listed it without the Self-Inflicted Wounds before it.


By cstadulis on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 12:10 pm:

O.K. Sounds good to me.

By cstadulis on Saturday, April 14, 2001 - 2:19 pm:

Personally, this episdoe really depressed me. It seemed that no matter what they did, everything kept turning out bad (I guess I'm just a naturally cheerful person). And the end, seeing how all the nurses got slaughtered like that, ugh. Very, very depressing.

Still, good acting and a good storyline. And I'm also glad that they didn't try to explain the whole time travel thing. Sometimes VOY just really annoys me with trying to explain everything (sometimes •••• happens!)

By Lauren Mag on Sunday, April 15, 2001 - 10:05 am:

The fact that there wasn't a happy ending was kind of refreshing. I guess I'm kinda used to that big reset button that makes everything better if all else fails and it was nice that for once someone screwed up and had to live with it.

Though I felt bad about the little girl:(

By Beafsteak on Sunday, April 15, 2001 - 3:22 pm:

Does anybody know the reason for Virginia Hey's departure? Did she want to quit or did the writers boot her?

By cstadulis on Monday, April 16, 2001 - 4:23 pm:

According to her newsletter the official Virginia Hey web-site (yes, she writes a newsletter that's posted every few months or so,) she is here for the long-run. Her advice was to allow the creators to take the viewers on a ride and to trust. So, hopefully she will be back.

By Matt Nelson on Tuesday, April 17, 2001 - 8:14 pm:

I'm still very worried that Scorpius's continued presence in John's head is going to dilute the real character. But I may digress.

On that topic, though, do the rest of the crew still know he's talking to Scorpy? Do they even know he's still *in* there? If I were Aeryn and I knew, I'd sleep light.

I don't know about the rest of you, maybe I've just been watching too much Star Trek, but I was actually quite shocked at the ending of this episode. Not that it was bad in any way, though, far from it! Quite powerful and well-written; bravo to the creators.

M@ Nelson

By Mr. Luxury Yacht on Wednesday, April 18, 2001 - 8:48 am:

Matt Nelson--

Aeryn knows (I think they all do, but Aeryn definitely knows). I reference Aeryn's line in this episode that queried if Dargo was jealous that she and he were the only ones *not* hearing voices in their heads.

By Callie Sullivan on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 5:14 pm:

A great episode. It's so refreshing not to have the Big Reset Button hit at the end of each episode, and to not always have a happy or upbeat ending.

While I laughed out loud at Scorpy playing the harmonica, I wonder how long before it gets dull that Scorpius - of all characters - is the light relief.

By Callie on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 6:57 am:

Immediately after Harvey’s harmonica solo, there’s a scripting error – either that or Ben fluffed his lines and the director didn’t notice. John and Aeryn are talking about young Dacon: Aeryn is implying that he doesn’t have to die while John disagrees, believing that he must die in order to restore the time line, but he says, “If Grines dies, he’s a hero who averts a war.” He should have said, “If Dacon dies …” Grines was the Horde leader who died earlier after being shot by one of the nurses when John was helping him escape.

By Merat on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 9:28 am:

Did anyone else notice that Harvey's boot had "Andy" written on the bottom? Toy Story? :)

By Gordon Lawyer on Monday, December 22, 2003 - 7:10 am:

I understand that that was Ben Browder's idea (Andy being written on the cowboy boots, that is).

By Chris Marks on Friday, January 09, 2004 - 6:37 am:

Does anybody know the reason for Virginia Hey's departure? Did she want to quit or did the writers boot her?
According to her biog on the IMDB, Virginia Hey left partly because of having to constantly shave her head and eyebrows, but also because the blue body make up was making her ill (kidney problems!).

Can't really say I blame her.

By Spottedkitty on Friday, January 09, 2004 - 4:45 pm:

Everything I read about herdeparture basically boiled down to her being tired of being bald n blue all the time. :)
They apparently tried a skull cap during the intial trials but it never looked right so she just shaved her head.

By Josh M on Monday, February 09, 2004 - 3:39 pm:

Just saw this one last night for the first time. It was a good one. I really liked it. Time travel and timeline messing is a big thing in sci-fi, but Farscape did it well and in its own way.

It really was a sad ending. I was pretty moved when D'Argo found the girl's name carved in the wall.

I can now see how so many Jool haters popped up. Wow, she is really annoying in this ep. The pee scene was funny, but she screams like three times. And they're extended screams. That was not enjoyable. I may not have liked Jool nearly as much as I do if I'd seen this episode originally.

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