Thanks for Sharing

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Farscape: Season Three: Thanks for Sharing
"Oh, come on, crack a smile, will you? At least he is out of your nose."
"Yes, that's what I meant, at least he is out of your nose hair."
--D'Argo and Crichton

Our intrepid crew is in orbit over the planet Kanvia with Talyn. Crais is in the medical bay under the care of Jool (I know the crew isn't fond of Crais, but I didn't know they hated him THAT much). Our two Crichtons don't like each other too much. They're bickering like they're married.
Anyway, down on the planet, Rygel, Chiana, and D'Argo are after some stuff called Cromextin. This will heal Talyn. Of course they manage to get into a fight (D'Argo: "EVERY FRELLING PLANET!") with the security advisor (let's call him Prince Hemmorhoid) so their purchase is not approved. They look for other places to get Cromextin.
Back on Moya, Crais awakens. He says that they were attacked by a Peacekeeper Vigilante Ship armed with an immobilizer pulse. The PKs want Talyn back.
Crais also brings a chip for Aeryn. It retells the events that Aeryn described back in "Family Ties" (I think). It shows Aeryn's mother telling her that she loves Aeryn and that she was born out of love.
Well guess who's commanding the PK Vigilante Ship? You guessed it. Aeryn's mom.
Prince Hemmorhoid starts blasting at the two leviathans. Crichton performs a little Corbomite Maneuver and trains the gigantic gun right at King Respirator's front door. They agree to talk.
I'm not even going to try to keep the Crichtons straight. Crichton goes down to the planet to talk to King Respirator. Seems our intrepid crew has quite the reputation as a band of theives (I wonder where they got THAT reputation). Crichton claims that they are no threat. King Repirator slaps a lobster onto John's head. It works as a lie detector. Truth = Life. Lie = stab in the head. Crichton passes. The transaction is approved.
However, Princess Cockroach has a secret meeting with Crichton informing him of deciet on her brother's part. But then a bomb goes off in an attempt to frame Crichton. Crichton gets away. A civilian sees him being carried away severely injured.
King Respirator thinks John is responsible for the bombing because of the eyewitness. Imagine his surprise when a completely uninjured Crichton (a convenient doppleganger) comes in and passes the head-lobster lie detector. Crichton is exonerated. The cromextin is given to Moya.
IT'S POISONED! (Of course it is.) Crichton goes back down to the planet. Doesn't take a genius to figure out who he thinks did it. He slaps our lobster friend onto Prince Hemmorhoid. Turns out he didn't do it. But then Crichton asks him if he's loyal to King Respirator. He says he is. He's dead. Fun stuff.
Our intrepid crew runs the Cromextin through a filter on Moya and applies it to Talyn's wounds. They are both able to starburst away just in time.
But then Princess Cockroach starts to bug out. She turns into this big cockroach looking creature. Then a shadowy figure approaches. It's Xhalax Sun. Aeryn's mama. She's not as nice as we were led to believe.
Oh yeah, and our crews are split in half here.
TALYN: Crais, Aeryn, One Crichton, Rygel, and Stark
MOYA: Pilot, Jool, Another Crichton, and D'Argo
I don't know where Chiana is. I think she's on Moya.

A quality episode. Good stuff. Nice to get through an episode without a major character dying or being resurrected.

Things seemed more lighthearted this time. Not so dang serious. This is what Farscape's all about.

>> How many times does our crew need to do this before they'll learn. DON'T SEND CHIANA AND RYGEL DOWN TO GET SUPPLIES! It never works.
>> Why would this video be in the PK database? Seems a little unusual to keep something like that in there.
>> How were these PK ships able to catch Talyn in the first place? Isn't Talyn supposed to be really fast?
>> What purpose does it serve to have one's life sustaining tube jutting right out of your chest where any power hungary child can rip it out?
>> Was Princess Cockroach always like that or was the creature just a replacement after an untimely demise.
By Beafsteak on Monday, June 18, 2001 - 10:02 am:

I think it was clear that the Princess was replaced right after the bombing. In fact, it was shown that this red cockroach-lobster-like creature was responsible for the explosion, and did something to the Princess's body right after she died.

By cstadulis on Monday, June 18, 2001 - 1:31 pm:

I agree, Princess Cockroach died and that bug thing took over her form.

Finally, Jool shows that she's worth something. It was nice to see her do something worthwhile, rather than just screaming and freaking out. I don't hate her quite as much anymore, though she still needs a new outfit.

A good episode. I'm very interested to see what happens when Aeryn and her mom meet up.

One nit/observance: Was it always raining on that planet? Is that because of the atmosphere or whatever was hiding Moya and Talyn? Wouldn't the whole planet be covered with water because it rains all the time?

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