Natural Election

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Farscape: Season Four: Natural Election
“If this goes bad, please die first so my last moment can be joyous.”
Rygel to Scorpius

The crew are taking it in turns to act as captain before holding an election for permanent captain. Moya is attacked by a space plant which oozes a metal-melting sap and then eats the liquid metal. D’Argo tries to shoot it off with Lo’La, but attacking it only makes it eat faster. The only thing that can stop it is the fluid in Scorpius’ coolant rods!
Aeryn admits to being pregnant but reveals one big difference between a Sebacean/Peacekeeper pregnancy and a human one.
Pilot announces the results of the election: there was one vote each for Rygel, Aeryn, Scorpius (!) and ‘The Divine Eternal’; and there were four votes for D’Argo.
Synopsis by Callie Sullivan.
By The Undesirable Element on Saturday, July 20, 2002 - 5:43 pm:

^%$^%$#@%$ NEW VCR DIDN'T RECORD THIS EPISODE!! %$#@!#@^#@Q%$#@Q%#@!%@!%$#@!!!!!!


NEXT WEEK: Virtual Crichton

See ya next week,

By cstadulis on Sunday, July 21, 2002 - 6:16 pm:

Ah, I know the pain.....

By cstadulis on Monday, July 29, 2002 - 1:14 pm:

Ok, finally saw the episode. Pretty good.

Of course, I knew the instant Aeryn told Chiana about her pregnancy that the rest of the crew would know by the end of the episode.

About Aeryn's pregnancy, I would think having an embryo in stasis for up to seven years would really complicate things for female Peacekeepers. Do they really have to wait seven years to learn if they are pregnant or not? Can't they at least take a test to find out? I mean, that's quite a bit of time to figure out if there were any repercussions from a one night stand.

Also, wouldn't it at least show up during a regular physical on the command carrier? I would think the Peacekeepers would at least want to know if a female was pregnant, so they can plan ahead. And if the pregnancy did show up, wouldn't Aeryn know that she hadn't been pregnant when she left the Peacekeepers three years ago?

I don't know, the whole thing sounds too convulted for me. Like TPTB just want to keep us agonizing all season long about who the father is.

Who are the other father candidates, anyway?

By cstadulis on Monday, July 29, 2002 - 1:15 pm:

Oh yes, one more thing.....

Scorpy is out of cooling rod stuff now, isn't he? I thought the whole batch went down the drain, so how is he going to survive now?

By Anonymous on Monday, July 29, 2002 - 2:44 pm:

> Do they really have to wait seven years to learn if
> they are pregnant or not? Can't they at least take
> a test to find out?

I thought she said she found out she was pregnant when they were guests on the command carrier. She needed a doctor to release the stasis, and that's why she left Moya.

By Callie on Tuesday, November 05, 2002 - 3:08 am:

Is there some kind of Farscape video jinx?! I was happily watching this episode last night while taping it at the same time. We got to the climax of the episode, the plant was killed off, the all-important epilogue was just about to begin ... and my video stopped recording!! No good reason that I can find – there was plenty of tape left, and although I pressed the Record button over and over again for the next minute and nothing happened, when I pressed it again after the episode it worked just fine! So I wasn’t concentrating properly on the explanation of why and how Sebaceans can be pregnant for up to seven years cos I was too busy staring at the video slot and demanding, “Why won’t you work?! Why did you stop?!”

Once again we suffer occasional translator microbe failure. I can just about accept us being able to hear John count down in a language other than English, but hearing Noranti struggle to find the word for ‘plant’ just didn’t work for me – we can hear her speak English all the rest of the time, so we should have heard her say, “Plant ... plant ... plant!”

Is this the first time we’ve heard Pilot use the name ‘Aeryn’? I don’t recall him calling her anything but ‘Officer Sun’ before.

I thought it was a shame that it was Chiana who gossiped about Aeryn’s pregnancy. Chi seems to be much more sensitive and sympathetic than she used to be and I actually expected her to faithfully keep the secret. I’d have much rather that Rygel or D’Argo had overheard her conversation with Aeryn.

Will John go into a major depression knowing that not a single one of his crewmates voted for him as captain?!

Who the frell voted for Rygel?! I’d have suggested that he’d voted for himself if he hadn’t been so down on himself earlier in the day. But it must have been Noranti who voted for herself! It’s a shame we didn’t get to see her day as acting Captain – if she had one.

Pilot refers to Noranti as “The Divine Eternal” – why? Is this another bit of plot development we’ve not been told about yet?

I’m beginning to get really annoyed with this pregnancy thing. I still think that months must have passed since Dog with Two Bones, but John has never asked why Aeryn isn’t showing yet, nor whether she’s already had the baby. I did try to explain it away by suggesting to myself that – maybe at mealtimes etc – the crew have had conversations about each other’s cultures and just might have discussed how long each race’s females are pregnant for, yet if Aeryn had ever willingly spoken about Sebacean gestation periods, it doesn’t make sense that John didn’t know until now that Sebaceans can carry an embryo for up to seven years.

This seven year business is fairly ridiculous anyway. The Peacekeepers have very futuristic technology (from a human POV): they’ve got honking great ships and guns and Aurora chairs and the like, but they haven’t invented a simple contraceptive?!! Aeryn says that it wouldn’t be good if even a fraction of a PK force was pregnant and so Peacekeeper females born on a ship have this ability to hold an embryo in stasis. As she emphasises that it’s only those born on a ship who can do this, some kind of genetic tampering must presumably be done with these females – so why haven’t the PKs got the ability to temporarily sterilise their troops? With all the casual recreating that goes on, I would imagine that at the end of any long tour pretty much all the females would go home pregnant.

Or maybe that’s the way the Peacekeepers keep their numbers up? Send their troops out on tour, then round up all the females on their return and pack them off to a brood farm?

By Callie on Thursday, November 07, 2002 - 3:23 am:

Having read other websites’ synopses of this episode, it looks like most people believe that Noranti voted for ‘The Divine Eternal’ rather than was voted for as ‘The Divine Eternal’. Presumably this is her being her usual barking mad self ... or is it?! Had the series run any longer than the end of Season 4, I wonder if in due course this could have been major foreshadowing.

By Josh M on Monday, August 25, 2003 - 11:53 am:

Who are the other father candidates, anyway?
The guy from The Way We Weren't is one.

Is this the first time we’ve heard Pilot use the name ‘Aeryn’? I don’t recall him calling her anything but ‘Officer Sun’ before.
I believe he calls her Aeryn in the season 1 finale. When he's asking her to name Moya's baby (or they're talking about it at least.)

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