2ACV01- I Second That Emotion

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Futurama: Season Two: 2ACV01- I Second That Emotion

"Futurama is brought to you by....

Glagmar's Human Rinds. It's a buncha muncha cruncha human!"

"Futurama...Made From Meat By-Products"

Leela serves some kibbles'N'snouts to her pet Nibbler. Bender
is attacked by the can opener. Bender gets angry at Nibbler since
the can opener is for him. Nibbler bites Bender's ass, chipping his
tooth. Fry, Leela and Bender take Nibbler to the vet. While
there, they find out that Nibbler is supposedly five. They have
a birthday party. All the attention Nibbler gets makes Bender
jealous. The final straw is when Nibbler eats a cake Bender worked
hard to make. So he flushes Nibbler down the toilet, devistating
Leela. But this does not bother Bender at all. Leela wishes Bender
would know how she feels. The professor makes that possible with
the empathy chip, which transmits Leela's emotions to Bender. But
eventually, the emotions overwhelm Bender. He flushes himself down
the toilet, to search for Nibbler. Leela and Fry follow. There, they
encounter mutants. The mutants are terrorized by El Chupanebre, who
Leela believes to be Nibbler. The mutants, thinking the three sent
El Chupanebre, tie them up to trap the creature. Fortunately, Nibbler
shows up. Unfortunately, El Chupanebre follows. Leela's emotions
cripple Bender, making him unable to save the day. Bender convinces
her to not give a damn. Bender is the able to defeat the monster.
Back at Planet Express, the professor claims the empathy chip
was burned out and Bender's emotions were his own...Oh no...wait...
it was actually working at triple capacity and he still barely
felt a thing. "So long, suckers!"

Written by Rene Charbonneau
October 9, 2003
By G. Hans on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 7:53 pm:


Quite good actually. I liked the mutants and how every store was a dry cleaner store. But what about all the food Nibbler ate...wouldn't that produce a LOT of dark matter?

Reference: Data's Emotion Chip

By ScottN on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 10:08 pm:

Other references:
Toy Story
Beneath the Planet of the Apes

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 10:09 pm:

Ingredient for Bender's cake: Third and a third and a third.

Of course, a Harlem Globetrotters reference with Bender's spinning of his head.

By Mark Morgan on Sunday, November 21, 1999 - 10:26 pm:

The sewer cover had "The PJ's" and a picture of the main character on it.

Nice reversal of the Act Four "now we have all learned our lesson" cliche'. "Goodbye, losers!" During most of the run of Nextgen I used to announce "PLEASE REMAIN SEATED UNTIL THE MORAL OF THE EPISODE HAS COME TO A COMPLETE STOP." For some reason, I am no longer married....

I fully expected Nibbler to eat the monster. I mean, when you can eat anything, what are you afraid of?

I'm an afficianado of Urban Legends, and the end of this episode is a great riff on the whole thing. "Oh, that's just a suburban legend!"

By Murray Leeder on Monday, November 22, 1999 - 8:39 am:

The title comes from a Motown song - I forget which artist.

By estesj on Tuesday, November 23, 1999 - 9:23 pm:

One of the pets in the vet clinic (owned by a robot) was a Rust Monster from Dungeons and Dragons

By Dan R. on Sunday, November 28, 1999 - 8:44 pm:

How come when Bender was picked up by the giant can opener's magnet he didn't start folk singing? :-)

By Butch Brookshier on Saturday, January 15, 2000 - 10:48 am:

Re the Motown artist:It was Smokey Robinson & the Miracles.

By Murray Leeder on Monday, March 13, 2000 - 9:54 am:

I think one of the mutants was the Great Mutato from X-Files.

By Keith Alan Morgan on Monday, March 13, 2000 - 10:01 pm:

I liked the shot in the pet shop of the guy with a pet cat & next to him was catwoman with a pet human.

Bender's oven was an EZ Bake Oven.

The girl mutant sounded like she was doing an old Gilda Radner character from Saturday Night Live, and I believe the mutant he talked to was named Tod which was the name of the character Bill Murray played in those sketches.

If the emotion chip was running at triple strength, and we see Bender completely unable to control himself previously, how was he able to overcome Leela's emotions there at the end to give her her 'pep' talk?

By ScottN on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 8:50 am:

The Gilda Radner character was Lisa Lubner (sp?).

Anyone for a Tang toast?

By Jo-Hanna Goettsche (Jgoettsche) on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 9:12 pm:

Lisa Loopner.

By Chris Thomas on Saturday, April 01, 2000 - 8:05 pm:

For an Australian who has no idea what "The PJs" is... can someone fill me in?

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Sunday, April 02, 2000 - 10:02 am:

It was a tv show on FOX (The network that brought us The Simpsons, Fururama, X-Files, Etc.) It stared Eddie Murphy and was about a group of people in a Housing Project (hence the title PJ-project). The opening of the show showed a sewer cover being removed that was similar to this one on Futurama.

By Rene on Monday, July 28, 2003 - 12:04 pm:

This episode claims Nibbler is 5. We find out later he's over a thousand years old.

By Rene on Monday, July 28, 2003 - 12:24 pm:

I believe, in one shot of the mutants, Lela's parents are standing in the background.

By constanze on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 10:00 am:

Are the dry cleaners a reference to "special unit 2", which hunts monsters, which are some form of mutants, and has its headsquarters in a dry cleaner?

I felt reminded of the X-files ep. "el mundo gira" about the chupacabra.

I wondered, too, why nibbler didn't eat the monster. Maybe the stuff down there made him loose his appetite?

The idea of an underground civ. beneath an underground/ sewer civ was funny, but if New New york was built above new york, plausible.

By Rene on Wednesday, August 20, 2003 - 2:08 pm:

Yup. I saw correctly. On the season 2 DVD, the audio commentary confirms it. "Ding ding ding ding ding" :)

By a1215402281477 on Monday, July 07, 2008 - 5:51 am:

good 1215402281477

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