2ACV02- Brannigan Begin Again

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Futurama: Season Two: 2ACV02- Brannigan Begin Again
Fry and Bender complain about Leela making them work too much. They ship a pair of ceremonial scissors to the DOOP (similar to the Federation of Planets) headquarters. There, Captain Zapp Brannigan suspects them of neutral activities. He arrests them, confiscates the scissors, and cuts the ceremonial ribbon with a laser. He ends up destroying the DOOP headquarters. As a result, he and his first officer Kif are stripped of rank and discharge. They fall upon hard times and end up asking for a job at Planet Express.

On their delivery to a high gravity planet, Brannigan convinces Bender and Fry to stage a mutiny. Leela is relieved of her post, taken prisoner and put in the laundry room. Fry and Bender are happy to have Brannigan as their new captain because they can goof off. However, they realize Brannigan’s plans to destroy the Neutral War Machine will mean their deaths. They release Leela and put her back in command. Thinking quickly, she saves their lives. At a hearing at the old DOOP headquarters, Zapp testifies that Leela had some “female trouble” and that he saved the day. Leela confirms Brannigan’s testimony. This result in Brannigan being reinstated, much to Leela’s relief.

By Dan R. on Sunday, November 28, 1999 - 8:40 pm:

Good episode.
One of the Robot Elders from Chapek 9 was in the jury.
Anyone else get the feeling the court scene with Zap defending himself was a small tribute to Phil Hartman and Lionel Hutz? He defended himself just like Hutz would.
So DOOP is just like the Federation? :-) Well us nitpickers always thought so. :-)

By ScottN on Sunday, November 28, 1999 - 11:23 pm:

The scene at the end was reminiscent of STIV.

By Jo-Hanna Goettsche (Jgoettsche) on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 12:43 am:

"Soon, we will look back on this and laugh...HA HA HA!"

Bender to Leela after locking her in the laundry room.

By Keith Alan Morgan on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 6:31 am:

The title gag said, Not Y3K Compliant. Well, since they passed Y3K during the pilot episode, they seem to be holding up very well.

So why didn't the laser damage the dome when Zapp fired the laser?

DOOP has an interesting legal system. Apparently the judge & jury were also victims of Brannigan's ribbon cutting. (All of them were injured & the judge looked like the DOOP head alien.)

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 9:14 am:

So why didn't the laser damage the dome when Zapp fired the laser?

The dome was clear, therefore light could pass through it without harming the window.

By Jason on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 1:03 pm:

Why wasn't Leela effected by the high gravity when she left the ship after the hovercart broke?

By MikeC on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 1:36 pm:

Good episode--few queries:

(1) Was the "Midnight Cowboy" reference just a little bit too obvious for "Futurama"? That seemed more like "Simpsons" territory.

(2) Is Zapp Brannigan being used a little bit too much? The character is usually funny (just like Lionel Hutz on "Simpsons" was usually funny), but I worry about overuse.

(3) "If I don't survive, tell my wife I said Hi."

By Amos on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 1:38 pm:

Hilarious Episode.

I loved seeing Zapp and Kif as civilans. I thought this was an even better outing for Zapp than the Single Female Laywer outing a few weeks ago.


By ScottN on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 3:28 pm:

"My gut tells me... maybe"

By ScottN on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 3:29 pm:

Didn't the Neutrals also sound a beige alert?

By G. Hans on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 6:15 pm:

Mmhm. And the Neutral people talked in monotones.

I liked Leela's reaction to Kif's incessant talking about shaving Zapp's armpits...but I used to like Kif, it made a little less sympathetic to him.

"Am I to understand that you have had sex with someone in this courtroom?"
"Please point to him."
*points to Zapp*
"And his name?"
"Zapp Brannigan."

I also liked the hill-billy chicken lawyer and "I'm going to allow this!"


By Keith Alan Morgan on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 10:05 pm:

Ccabe: When light passes through clear glass doesn't it heat up the glass? Since a laser is focused light wouldn't it heat up, & possibly melt, the clear dome?

I don't remember seeing Amy in this episode, but weren't she and Kif an item at the end of A Flight To Remember?

I think they made Kif a weaker character here than he was in Love's Labors Lost In Space.

By MikeC on Tuesday, November 30, 1999 - 1:19 pm:

Was the hillbilly lawyer based on someone? I'm thinking maybe "Inherit the Wind", but I'm not sure.

By ScottN on Tuesday, November 30, 1999 - 2:50 pm:

I think it was "Matlock" - Andy Griffith's character.

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Wednesday, December 01, 1999 - 9:18 am:

It sounded a little like "Unfrozen Cave Man Lawyer" from Saturday Night Live. (Also played by Phil Hartman.)

By ron on Thursday, December 02, 1999 - 3:15 pm:

Why wasn't Leela effected by the high gravity when she left the ship after the hovercart broke?

actually bender did make a comment about leela having a wonderbra or some type of special bra which kept her up. and if you listen carefully during the scene there is also a sound effect (the sound indicates that gravity is effecting the characters) which precedes bender's comment. also i think her breasts sag a little once she steps on the planet.

By Dan R. on Thursday, December 02, 1999 - 7:47 pm:

Also Leela's hair drops a bit. It points straight down and she also walks kinda slower.

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Sunday, April 30, 2000 - 8:44 pm:

Kif's spacesuit has a zipper. Wouldn't his oxygen leak out?

By Butch Brookshier on Monday, May 08, 2000 - 10:22 pm:

Yes, the hillbilly lawyer is based on the character played by Fredric March in "Inherit the Wind" (Sorry it took so long to answer but, I missed this episode the first time around.)

By Richard Davies on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 12:47 pm:

The DOOP logo is similar to the one used by the mid 1990s dance act of the same name.

By ScottN on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 2:26 pm:

The courtroom scenes are reminiscent of "Heavy Metal"... STERNN!

By SP on Sunday, July 29, 2001 - 2:25 pm:

I thought the last setting on the laser was funny:




By Teral on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 7:44 pm:

The last sentence in the show is Fry saying "Let's mutiny!" Amazingly he does it without moving his lips.

Zapp Branigan: "One day a man has everything. The next day he blows up a 400000000$ spacestation. And the next day he is nothing. Makes you think."

Kiff Kroker: "No it doesn't!!"

Did the destruction of DOOP headquarters remind anybody else about the destruction of Spaceball I? (I'm refering to the flying head of Megamaid)

By constanze on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 11:29 am:

I thought it strange how, despite all his complaining, and also despite the fact he looks intelligent enough, Kif seems quite attached to Brannigan. When Brannigan is fired, kif sticks with him, instead of getting a job of his own (he even has sex with ugly old ladies!). Then, during the trip, leela tries to talk with him, but kiff can't talk about anything else. He doesn't try to stop brannigans mutiny. If he had acted a little bit more independet, leela probably would have kept him instead of stuffing him into the space suit to go with brannigan. and yes, I felt sorry for him and liked him, too.

By Brian A on Monday, August 15, 2005 - 8:14 pm:

'The last sentence in the show is Fry saying "Let's mutiny!" Amazingly he does it without moving his lips.'

Actually, Leela said that.

By a1215402278629 on Monday, July 07, 2008 - 5:51 am:

good 1215402278629

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