Doppleganger, Part I

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Seven Days: Season One: Doppleganger, Part I
The Chinese launch nuclear weapons at Taiwan and the world goes to the brink of World War III. A terrorist in the U.S. launches a nuclear device at White Sands and also threatens to blow up a Federal Building. Parker travels back after some adjustments are made to the Backstep machine. When he arrives, he finds that there are two Parkers. They work together for a little while, trying to make itout of the wilderness. One of the Franks knocks out and apparently kills the other one. This one is wild and when he gets to the base he tells everyone that the Backstep he just made was for scientific purposes, although not everyone trusts him. He makes wild claims that are un-Parker like. He meets with a general who wants to become a "king" of the U.S.A. and leads him to backstep, where his men comandeer the base. Events proceed unchanged and the U.S.A. goes to Defcon 4. The other Frank is not dead, wakes up and realizes he has to go stop the other Parker...

This is Part I.... next week is something about Armageddeon.

The above synopsis is by Lee Jamilkowski (see? I fixed it!), but thanks to everyone who responded!

By K.N.D. on Saturday, November 07, 1998 - 8:52 am:

Matt: Wish I could, since I finally watched it, but my email isn't working! Is it ok to
post a synopsis instead? Post 'yes, K.N.D.' if it is, since evidently no one else has
emailed yo

By Matthew Patterson on Saturday, November 07, 1998 - 4:23 pm:

Actually, I have been emailed, but I haven't posted it yet 'cause I've been busy with band contests. It should be up shortly.

By Waiting Eagerly on Sunday, November 08, 1998 - 7:08 am:


By K.N.D. on Sunday, November 08, 1998 - 8:52 am:

It's up! :-) Okay, here we go... and bear in mind that I've never seen this before.
1. Did anyone see the 'CZN' broadcast? That was cute. This must be a parallel
universe, so this doesn't count as a nit.
2. Once again, as in the X-Files movie, we have the display on the bomb where it
shouldn't be, counting down the minutes. This, at least, should have clued the bomb
squad in that it was a fake, intended only to (what else?) terrorise them, although I
realize they couldn't take that chance.
3. Parker's comment about, "Well, it worked for Einstein," as he was looking at his
clothes, no doubt refers to the well known t/f? legend about Einstein only wearing
two colors of clothing, gray and black, so that he wouldn't waste any time in the
morning choosing clothes or be scolded on his appearance. I thought that was cute.
4. My mother was in the Army's Special Forces, and she says that the bomb expert cut
the wrong wires. She says that you always leave red, blue and white (Ameri-centric?)
:-) and cut the others. Of course, the terrorists *could* have wired it backwards, but
how would the guy know that?
5. Is Dr. Meitner's name a tribute to Lise Meitner, one of the people instrumental to
the discover of the atom?
6. What country is the pretty lady from? I didn't catch her name, but she has a
beautiful accent.
7. Is it just me, or did they reuse the old ST:TOS concept of good and evil versions of
the same person? From what I saw of Parker #1, he wouldn't have acted the way that
Parker #2 did. And speaking of reusing, it must be easy to keep the budget down for
the show--every time they backstep they get to use the same footage over again!
8. 2 smuggisms, please forgive: I knew before it said that Starker was John Wayne...
and ah got me witnesses to prove it! (As we say out here in uncivilization.) And I
knew Parker was still alive when he buried him. I was watching it with my mom and I
turned to her and said, as he was piling leaves over him, " He must still be alive, or he
would be buried more deeply." (K.N.D.'s mom: She did.) Ick, what a way to wake up!
9. was What's His Face, the dude with a southern accent who didn't like Parker #1, a
traitor to the project? I don't think so, 'cause Starker was so shocked about the
Backstep project. Besides, when Parker #2 agreed with his politics, he made an
about-face and started trusting him.
10. Okay, here are the two doosies, and they were probably explained in the four eps
that I missed. :-( A. Is this show run on multi-universe theory, or single-universe
theory? If it is run on single-universe theory, this ep is impossible, because Parker #2
changed the past. (Especially if you're into chaos theory.) If it is run on multiverse
theory, this show makes no sense, because they are just traveling into other people's
universe to change them, presumably for the better, and, frankly, I can't see
Congress funding something that purely benevolent and unprofitable. (For us,
anyway.) Either way, there is still a problem. *When Parker #2 Goes To The
Backstepping Installation, He Does Not Have A Slightly Younger Double!!* Although
it is, I suppose, possible for the backstepping project to exist without Parker, they
knew who he was. TLGMH! B. Why can they only backstep seven days? There's no limit
that I can think of. And why did they want to backstep as quickly as possible?
Waait... I get it. They wanted to backstep quickly so that they could tell the news as
quickly as possibly, so that knowing what happened seven days in the future will
actually matter. This is all assuming a single-universe setup. If it's a multiverse,
then they are to be commended on wanting to stop the deaths, at least in a
mirror-universe, as quickly as possible.
Well that's it for the nits. I like the show so far, but I'm reserving judgement 'til the
end of the season. I hope this doesn't end up like Fox's The Visitor, which was a good
concept, but lost attractivenes

By K.N.D. on Sunday, November 08, 1998 - 8:55 am:

Sorry for the overlong message. Correction: Lise Meitner assisted in the discovery of
DNA, not the atom. I think. :-o

By Claude Zimmerman on Sunday, November 08, 1998 - 8:34 pm:

KND, I've caught all the eps so far and love the show, but I'm glad you brought up the time travel issues. I posted this before, but I didn't get any response, so, anyone w/ a theory, please put my simple mind at ease :)
I'm an amateur when it comes to temporal mechanics,etc, but if Parker is always correcting the problems, thus erasing the reason for the backstep(ie, there is no explosion, thus on "day 7" no need to backstep)wouldn't it be true that the team has yet to actually perform a backstep. I know Parker has, but would they have? They refered to the advances in the program, but...if they've never completed a backstep, they couldn't possibly make modifications based on their observations and data. Parker would be the only one w/ knowledge of how the "soccer ball" performed once he's changed history. My wife pointed out that the secretary(?) shouldn't keep being surprised when he tells her "Conundrum" but maybe that's the most accurate response.

By Scott N on Monday, November 09, 1998 - 2:50 pm:

Lise Meitner was the first to split Uranium (along with Otto Hahn).

The temporal mechanics are confusing, but they work on a pseudo-many-worlds thing. They addressed this fact in the first episode by invoking the Butterfly Effect (chaos theory).

My biggest nit is what happens if parker runs into himself (not like this episode) by going to the wrong place at the wrong (right?) time...

The secretary didn't seem surprised this time around

By Scott N on Monday, November 09, 1998 - 2:50 pm:

P.S. Watson and Crick discovered DNA

By K.N.D. on Monday, November 09, 1998 - 6:21 pm:

Yes, Scott, I know about Watson & Crick, it's just my poor addled brain spit up the
thought that she was their assistant. Shame on me: I'm in the middle of The Making
Of The Atomic Bomb, by Richard Rhodes. And I wanted to be a scientist (actually, an
astrophysist) too. Ah well, nothing for it but to join the FBI. Hey, worked for Dana.

P.S. (Yes, she has a degree in physics too

By Scott N on Tuesday, November 10, 1998 - 11:10 am:

Have they put titles on the episodes, as far as anyone knows? Does UPN have a website for 7Days?

By Matthew Patterson on Tuesday, November 10, 1998 - 3:25 pm:

I have no idea, but I'll certainly check!

By D. Stuart on Thursday, April 01, 1999 - 1:07 pm:

The website for Seven Days is

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Wednesday, August 18, 1999 - 6:36 pm:

If there were anyone as incompetent as Ramsey working at a project as important as Backstep, don't you think he'd have been fired long ago?

In the scenes where the two Parkers are walking through the wilderness, one Parker looks much paler than the other.

By Len on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 8:58 am:

are there any other decent 7 days sites aside from the annoting official one (that is all over the place!) It's a tough title to search for because it gets lots of nonrelevant sites relating to the common phrase "seven days"

also: does anyone know the summer rerun schedule past the next 2 eps? I missed the second to last ep (the EBE one) and the pilot and was wondering if either is due to be show soon.

By Mike Deeds on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 11:40 am:

Len, check this out:

The below link is a nitpicker's guide to Seven Days:

By len on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 11:56 am:

thanks Mike..I'll check 'em out.

By D. Stuart on Saturday, August 28, 1999 - 9:12 am:

My "nit-picks" are as numerically proceeds:
1) Dr. Isaac Mentnor's unlegible notes, which I thought were established as only being capably translated by Dr. Isaac Mentnor himself, are deciphered onto a computer chip? Talk about lack of plot consistency.
2) The good Lt. Frank Parker briefly blinks his eyes as the bad Lt. Frank Parker buries him.
3) The guard greeting the bad Lt. Frank Parker after he and others arrive in a helicopter is acknowledged by the bad Lt. Frank Parker via a salute, but the guard never conspicuously saluted the bad Lt. Frank Parker.

By Sven Days on Tuesday, June 12, 2001 - 2:43 pm:

I'm sorry, but the clearly blatant product placement (D**t C*k*) twice in this episode did not do it for me.

That said, I did enjoy the episode.

By ScottN, having some fun on Tuesday, June 12, 2001 - 10:39 pm:

(D**t C*k*)

Dirt Cake?

By Torque, Son of Keplar; Running out of intelligent things to post... on Thursday, October 26, 2006 - 10:06 pm:

(D**t C*k*)

No, no, it's that Klingon curse: D'ght C'kr

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