Two Weddings and a Funeral

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Seven Days: Season Two: Two Weddings and a Funeral
Frank and Olga are sparring when he proposes to her. She accepts and the Backstep gang heads off to Vegas to get married. While there, Olga stabs and kills Donovan. Olga also has a hot honeymoon night with Frank, while terrorists blow up the Statute of Liberty. Frank backsteps and must stop the terrorists while preventing Dononvan's death and saving the life of the real Olga, who was switched with her doppleganger, Golina.
By Bob Brehm on Thursday, November 04, 1999 - 3:21 pm:

my favorite line: "not this time." that was Olga finally standing up to Golina. Ihave one nit though: how is it that Frank knows the Russian Translation for "I love you." but not know Golina"s dying words.

By len on Friday, November 05, 1999 - 8:21 am:

Very interesting episode!! Had me going- I thought they were really going to marry them off right up until the really shocking knifing of Donovan! My theory was that they'd really get married, but after Frank backstepped, he'd know about the accident, wouldn't have to save Olga, and hence no marriage. Therefore, I was so surprised by the knifing that I had to rewind to see if I really saw what I saw. wow. Of course I thought back to Galina pretty soon afterwards, but here's a question: is this the FIRST instance of cross episode coninuity?? I'm not sure I can remember another example (which is part of the reason I was so shocked by the knifing!). Or am I just blanking here?

and: Olga was Excellent in this ep!! From her clever way of getting Galina to expose herself to Frank to the way she/Galina exposed herself to Frank on their honeymoon! ;^)

and: Bob- I sort of thought that Frank didn't really know Olga had said "I love you" in Russian- he guessed it- correctly. That could be why he didn't understand Galina's last words. Otherwsie, maybe he learned that specific phrase b/ecause he was thinking of using it on Olga sometime soon? Just as plausible!

By len on Friday, November 05, 1999 - 8:41 am:

By the way, this ep was called "Two Weddings and a Funeral" - and it's ep#5 (if For the Children is 4, is 3, Pinball wizard is 2, and The Football is 1). (does anyone know which season For The Children counts as?)

By ScottN on Friday, November 05, 1999 - 9:26 am:

As soon as she stabbed Donovan, I knew she was Galina (Golina? Evil Olga!).

I didn't particularly like Donovan's mustache. I must be used to seeing him without it from SeaQuest and Season One.

By Anonymous on Saturday, November 20, 1999 - 6:37 am:

Wow! Olgas been hiding quite a secret under her lab coat. What a hottie!

By Electron on Tuesday, October 10, 2000 - 7:59 pm:

Mirror nit: When the baddies are approaching Miss Liberty they put the hoods of their neopren suits on their heads. The mirror image from the helicopter cockpit doesn't show them with the hoods...

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