Things we'll remember from "DS9"

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: DS9: DS9 Kitchen Sink: Things we'll remember from "DS9"
By John A. Lang on Monday, March 19, 2001 - 12:24 pm:

Eh...why not? We did it for the others.

By John A. Lang on Monday, March 19, 2001 - 12:30 pm:

1. Nobody is to ever get along.
2. Rotating the station is optional.
3. All entities from the Wormhole are EVIL.
4. You shall defy all orders from the Dominion to stay out of the Wormhole.
5. Gawking & dawdling.....ah, you know the rest.
6. Never kick a bucket....your Chief Security Officer may be in there!
7. You shall inherit a Chief Security Officer from a starship who can't hit the broad side of a barn.

By cstadulis on Monday, March 19, 2001 - 1:18 pm:

8. Female Klingons seem to like Ferangi.
9. Disregard everything you heard about the Trill from Next Gen.
10. Section 31 may be listening.
11. Cardassians make good tailors.
12. The bald look is good for captains (except maybe Janeway!)

By Duke of Earl Grey on Monday, March 19, 2001 - 2:36 pm:

13. Whoever designed Kira's high heels misunderstood the meaning of "liason" officer.
14. Blood screenings and phaser sweeps? Another short-lived fad...
15. It's possible to create a sentient hologram with no desire to kill anybody (even the EMH went through his "Darkling" phase...)
16. If Q had had something interesting to do during his first visit, he might have decided to come back.
17. Lwaxana, unfortunately, found something interesting to do...
18. The reason people join Starfleet is so they don't have to wear those awful civilian clothes.
19. Romulans are quite reasonable when it comes to offering extended loans on cloaking devices without checking up on credit history.
20. Joe Sisko knows his bread pudding.

By Mark Stanley on Monday, March 19, 2001 - 10:21 pm:

21. The moral of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is "never tell the same lie twice."

By Caleb on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 12:55 pm:

22. If someone begins behaving oddly, he/she may be a shapeshifter.
23. Children of former Enterprise personnel age at very different rates.
24. Beautiful women fall in love with unattractive aliens, while very attractive men do not have girlfriends.

By Wannabe Trek Writer on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 1:08 pm:

22. Given the opportunity to say goodbye to *one* person in your life, it should be the woman you've known for only three years rather than your eighteen-year-old son who already lost one parent.
23. Altering the nature of a changeling into a solid will not provide you with any story opportunities.
24. Ferengi-in-drag episodes are not funny.
25. Star Wars bounty hunters are from the Alpha Quadrant.
26. Playing baseball Worf's way would make it more watchable.
27. O'Brien loves Keiko, but likes Julian better.

By The Undesirable Element on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 5:27 pm:

28. Parallel Universes are like time travel and space travel. It's easy to do em all.
29. Vulcans are only emotional when it comes to baseball. (But who isn't emotional about baseball?)
30. Speaking of baseball, I have yet to see someone who hates baseball on DS9. Why did it become so unpopular?
31. Quark was the first person to swindle Harry Kim, but he was certainly not the last.
32. A Trill's spots go ALL the way down.
33. Only high ranking female Bajoran first officers are permitted to change their uniforms every season.
34. Gul Dukat was at his best when he was Sisko's ally.
35. Risa is the root of all evil.
36. "We do not discuss it with outsiders." (Trials and Tribble-ations)
37. Alexander Siddig. Heir to Pierce Brosnan.
38. "First it was the Cardassians, then the Dominion, now it's the Klingons!!" (Way of the Warrior)


By Rene on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 7:31 pm:

23 is 100% wrong.

By Mark Stanley on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 9:48 pm:

39. No matter how bad my life is, at least I'm not being tortured by an implant in my brain.

40. One-eyed Klingons can be surprisingly sexy.

41. If Bashir leaves the station, someone will kidnap him.

42. If O'Brien leaves the station, someone will torture him.

43. Bashir and O'Brien should never leave the station together.

By Palandine on Wednesday, March 21, 2001 - 8:28 am:

44. We all liked alt-Sisko better.
45. Alt-Garak, on the other hand, while sexy, was not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
46. The alternative universe is not kind to Ferengi.

By cstadulis on Wednesday, March 21, 2001 - 10:04 am:

47. Milk baths are needed in the alt-universe to keep commanders really clean.

By Palandine on Wednesday, March 21, 2001 - 10:25 am:

48. If you're Starfleet, the odds are strongly against you having a happy relationship with a significant other.

49. It took a whole lot of young women to play Gul Dukat's daughter Ziyal.

By grammar police on Wednesday, March 21, 2001 - 11:51 am:

>7. You shall inherit a Chief Security Officer from a starship who can't hit the broad side of a barn<

The starship couldn't hit the broad side of a barn??? :)

By John A. Lang on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 12:05 am:


You shall inherit from another Starship a security officer who can't hit the broad side of a barn.
Thanx, grammar police.

50. It's not really necessary to run to a specific point if there's an emergency there.

By Anonymous on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 7:28 am:

51. Planets can "own" wormholes.

By Palandine on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 9:48 am:

52. Vulcans are excellent baseball players.

53. Birth control methods do not improve markedly in the next few centuries (for humans or Cardassians)

By Wannabe Trek Writer on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 10:34 am:

Sorry for provoking, gang, but I have to nitpick...

But, Rene, if the subject is about what we remember from DS9, then how can 23 be wrong? Just because that's not what you remember?

By Rene on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 8:05 pm:

I'm drawing a black on 51.

And 23 is still wrong.

By Mark Stanley on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 8:55 pm:

54. Starfleet uniforms should be accessorised with scarves.

(Rene, just because you disagree with something doesn't mean it's wrong. Especially since this topic is, by definition, subjective.)

By Anonymous on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 9:06 pm:

Rene, re: 51. The Bajoran Wormhole. Perhaps you've heard of it?

By Rene on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 9:13 am:

D'oh on 51. I am such a dork :p

23 is still wrong :p IMO...there. Do those three letters make any difference.

By Grammar Police on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 12:14 pm:

Interrogative statements should be followed by a question mark, not a period.

By Palandine on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 12:46 pm:

Are we talking about Caleb's 23 or WTW's 23?

Caleb's does seem to be true, although I would tend to disagree with WTW's.

55. Lavender will become an acceptable uniform color in the future, and the enemy will not giggle.

By Rene on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 1:20 pm:

I'm talking about WTW's 23. Caleb's 23 is right. :)

56. The consequences of "Reassociation" only apply when the writers wanna do a lesbian story.

By Anonymous on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 2:08 pm:

57. Tiny women possess superior strength and fighting skills to huge, well-muscled males of other, vastly stronger species.

By Rene on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 3:09 pm:

57a. Especially since these women have contracts, while the strong males are only extras or guest stars ;)

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 6:00 pm:

58. Trill hosts not only gain the memories of their previous hosts, they get physical abilities too!

59. Jadzia is not equal to Dax is not equal to Curzon is not equal to Ezri, ad nauseum. Except when they are.

60. The "Cardassian Neck Trick."

By norman on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 11:25 pm:

61. Eris is the only Vorta who has "Special Powers." In fact, according to Weyoun Vorta are deficient in sight. :P Eris is one of a kind, to be sure! :P

62. The 9 Lives of Weyoun (Is Harry Kim a Vorta?!)

63."It is a fake!"

By Wannabe Trek Writer on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 12:52 pm:

Since a couple of you have disputed my assertion that they never capitalized on Odo's solidity... What episodes or story lines dealt with his altered life as a solid (aside from the ones that turned him into a solid and later back to a changeling)? I really don't recall any.

By Rene on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 1:04 pm:

Oh gee...Let's see...

"Things Past"
"The Ascent"
"Apocalypse Rising"

Plus, adding in "The Begotten", that makes four out of 12 episodes (the 12 episodes where Odo was a solid.) COnsidering they have 7 regulars and many recurring characters, 25% of the episodes is pretty good.

I guess you would prefer the Voyager method :

Today on DS9, Odo dreams for the first time.

Today on DS9, Odo gets a heartburn.

By Adam Bomb on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 2:24 pm:

64. Your science officer looked fabulous in the old style mini-skirt uniforms.
65. Starfleet finally found the cache of "Spenser for Hire" repeats. Wait until they get a load of "Becker."
66. We still don't know what changed the appearance of the Klingons.
67. Our DS9 friends look ultra cool in 20th Century Vegas-type clothing. (Best single scene in the series.)

By Wannabe Trek Writer on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 5:28 pm:


Maybe it's been too long since I've seen these...

But I don't recall Odo's solidity becoming an issue in "Apocalypse Rising." Sure, it was mentioned. But as I recall, they never really explored the fact that a changeling, whose very nature is to be something else, had difficulty impersonating another being.

As for "The Ascent..." what, other than his leg breaking, was an exploration of Odo's life as a solid?

"The Begotten" didn't really deal with his life as a solid, either (except to transform him at the end). It was about making sure that the infant changeling didn't suffer the way he did.

And I don't remember "Things Past" at all. So I really can't comment on that one.

Anyhow, though I appreciate your opinion and information, was the sarcastic tone really necessary? It's negative and breeds hostility. Let's keep it civil, please.

By Wannabe Trek Writer on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 5:31 pm:

OK... was "Things Past" the one where we discover Odo was involved in the execution of some Bajorans during the Occupation? If so, I would like to know how that episode dealt with his life as a solid.

By Anonymous on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 10:03 pm:

Rene, learn to do math. 4 out of 12 is 33%, not 25%.

By Duke of Earl Grey on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 11:02 pm:

"Apocalypse Rising" dealt quite a bit with Odo's solidity, as I see it. I'm not just talking about the scene where he's staring at the fizzy drink in his hand and commenting on the experience of eating and drinking, either, though that alone would qualify, I think. I thought an important point of the episode was Odo's feelings of inadequacy, which he blamed on his change of being. At the end of the episode, Odo is able to flush out the changling even without his shapeshifting powers, and he saves the mission. This helps restore his confidence. That sounds like an issue. It would have been nice to see more issues like this arise more frequently, I admit. Can we get back to the numbers now?

68. Quark can commit all kinds of illegal acts ("The Emperor's New Cloak" stands out...) and no one gives it a second thought.
69. Garak can compromise Federation security ("Broken Link") and walks away with a paltry six-month sentence.
70. Maquis members are hunted down like dogs.

By Rene on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 6:29 am:

33%. Even better. :p

I made a minor mistake.

By Duke of Earl Grey on Wednesday, April 04, 2001 - 5:26 pm:

71. Eddington's lost a lot of hair since "Krull".
72. Bloodwine is the preferred Klingon beverage. War nog must be a seasonal thing.
73. Speaking of Nog, a recurring character can become a regular character by displacing a regular character (Jake) and consigning him to recurring status.
74. It just hasn't been Worf's decade for long-term relationships.

By Duke Schnookums on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 3:58 am:

75) Some people will buy from their bartender things they won't buy from their doctor. (Especially biomimetic gel, kemocite, holosuite programs... OK, so doctors also have the latter of those!)
76) "Computer, show me the morning." (Babel)
77) Nog will never grow old, even in the future. :)
78) Avery Brooks can act, if he doesn't try so hard.
79) "Kick his butt." (Rivals)
80) Life on DS9 is so much better than on the Enterprise. Just ask O'Brien.
81) All together now: "And did those feet, in ancient times...." (Explorers)
82) "Julius Caesar" by Shakespeare is actually highly amusing.
83) Martok really is a changeling. He can do fallen Vulcan captains too, and escape from the Borg unharmed.
84) Listen hard on Qo'noS and you'll still hear songs of the Great Tribble Hunt.
85) Never be afraid to speak out at an injustice, even though your protestations will fall on deaf ears no matter how hard you overact.
86) Gabriel Bell bears a remarkable resemblance to Captain Sisko.
87) In our past, the Western World is ruled by Australians. (Little Green Men) Sorry, "Americans" it should have said.
88) There's nothing like a great revelation about your childhood past to really screw up your day. (Doctor Bashir, I Presume)
89) Ferengi know a lot about Earth culture of the 20th Centruy. Baseball. Root beer. Atom bombs.
90) "Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum."
91) "I hate Ferengi..."
92) Vorta have the capability of recreating long-dead 20th Century Earth punk rock stars here in the 24th Century, in their own image. (The Magnificent Ferengi)
93) Alexander Siddig was a brilliant replacement for Siddig El Fadil on the show. :)
94) "Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the h*ll out of your enemies."
95) Bashir shaves his face every day. (Past Tense)
96) "Redshirt" crewmembers actually have meaningful lives in this series. (The Ship)
97) Unlike TNG, no-one is 100% invincible. Just look at the Defiant, for instance. (Spoiler?)
98) "I am Tosk!"
99) "If you talk, and eat, at the same time, you'll end up doing neither very well."
100) Allamaraine!!!!!

Re #12: I think Janeway would look even nicer if she was bald. Look at Persis Khambatta, for instance.

By Duke Schnookums on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 4:07 am:

101) Marauder Mo(TM) action figures would be worth a lot more if you don't remove them from their packaging.
102) Self-sealing stem bolts. Is there anything they can't do?
103) Yamok sauce - livens up food instantly.
104) Root beer - it's vile! It's so bubbly, and cloy, and happy. but if you drink enough of it, you'll eventually like it. It's insidious. Just like the Federation.
105) Slug-o-Cola(R). "The slimiest drink in the Galaxy"(TM)
106) "Come to Quark's / Quark's is fun / Come right now / Don't walk! Run!" I really love the bit when the sign flips round...

By Rene on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 12:42 pm:

I totally agree with 93 :)

By Mark Stanley on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 2:54 pm:

I always liked Siddig El Fadil better. ;0)

By Mike on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 4:09 pm:

I don't know about a bald Janeway... remember bald-Borg-Janeway? Euch.

By Miserable Old Gt on Sunday, April 08, 2001 - 8:10 am:

Remember when Siddig El Fadil directed an episode which starred Alexander Siddig? (if it did happen at all - can anyone remember which ep it was?)
You never see them in the same room twice... unless one of the is a changel( - Spoiler Moderator)

btw, does #85 apply in "Rapture"? The Feds and Bajorans still went with the Emissary's wishes, even though he later pleaded overacting.

Which reminds me...

107 - The new Federation law: Innocent until proven changeling.

By Sven of Nine on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 1:23 am:

107 should have read "Changeling until proven innocent" - see "The Adversary", "Paradise Lost" etc. Perhaps you were confused.

108 - Remember the Alamo. It'll confuse your fans who see into the episodes too much.
109 - Remember your Alamo model figures - don't lose them!
110 - Remember the Alaimo. :)

By Sven of Nine on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 1:35 am:

111 - ... Change is the ultimate solution! (Emissary)

By John A. Lang on Saturday, April 14, 2001 - 9:19 pm:

112. Your female crew members look better in high heels.
113. Dax looked yummy in the micro-miniskirt from TOS.
114. Sisko SHOULD HAVE asked Kirk, "How did you 'score' with all those women?"
115. Religion is STILL a touchy subject...anywhere in the station.
116. Without the Defiant, Sisko life would be duller than dishwater.
117. Don't expect your second Trill crew mate to be as good as your first.
118. The Trill symbiont doesn't really care whose body they incorporate...just as long as the individual has opposable thumbs.

By Sven of Nine on Sunday, April 15, 2001 - 2:03 am:

Totally agree with 112-118!

On the subject of #110...

119) If Gul Dukat approaches you disguised as a Bajoran, don't be surprised - he does this thing all the time. Past disguises include: a Romulan, an old Human, another Cardassian, an Antican...

By Duke of Earl Grey on Saturday, April 21, 2001 - 2:14 pm:

120. Those same two guys hang out watching the public monitor on Cardassia Prime day after day after day...

By D.K. Henderson on Tuesday, April 24, 2001 - 5:27 am:

121. "I am not submissive! Am I?" (If Wishes Were Horses.)

By ScottN on Sunday, May 20, 2001 - 3:32 pm:

122. "How does that poem end?" "You don't want to know." (Sacrifice of Angels)

By Duke of Earl Grey on Saturday, June 02, 2001 - 5:09 pm:

123. You want to survive this mission? Better take the Rio Grande...

By Rene on Saturday, June 02, 2001 - 8:06 pm:

Did it survive until the end of the series?

By Dan R. on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 6:01 am:

Rene, i think it did...not 100% sure but about 75%...

124. That holographic communaction device! Remember how it appeared briefly as the new form of communication and then we never see it again?

125. Moogie (i actually heard someone call another person was their actual name!)

126. Garak is claustrophobic.

127. The Borg make only 1 appearance the ENTIRE series! (the only series in this time frame for that to happen)

128. Despite the fact the station was over run with tribble we never find out what happened to them (Great Tribble Hunt part 2)

By Mark Stanley on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 3:24 pm:

Maybe Garak made some sweaters...

By Merat on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 3:24 pm:

yes, the Rio Grande did, indeed survive the series.

By Rene on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 4:09 pm:

Have any idea what the last episode we saw it in was?

By The Chronicler on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 3:51 am:

129. It's not a spider OR a dog! It's a delicacy!

By ScottN on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 9:47 am:

130. "So, I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover up the crimes of other men. I'm an accessory to murder. And the most damining thing of all is: I think I can live with it. And if I had it to do over again, I would."

By ScottN on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 9:48 am:

130a. Juxtapose 130 with this from Past Tense I: Bashir: "It makes you wonder... doesn't it? Are humans really any different than Cardassians... or Romulans?... If push comes to shove... If something disastrous happens to the Federation... If we are frightened enough... or desperate enough... How would we react? Would we stay true to our ideals, or would we just stay here, right back where we started?"

By Teral on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 3:07 pm:

131. The saving of the Alpha Quadrant in exchange for the life of 1 romulan senator, 1 criminal and the selfrespect of 1 starfleet officer is a great bargain. At least according to Garak.

By NarkS on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 9:39 am:

132. Shooting a Cardassian in his underwear will make you a war hero.

By Groucho on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 2:00 pm:

But how I got in his underwear, I'll never know.

By Teral on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 2:22 pm:

133. When the going gets though and the chips are down the ferengi really are a bunch of cowards and fools.

By Rene on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 2:43 pm:

Well...anyone know which was the last episode to feauture the Rio Grande.

By Merat on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 4:02 pm:

I'm looking, I'm looking! :)

By Rene on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 7:45 pm:

Okay Okay! :)

By Duke of Earl Grey on Wednesday, June 13, 2001 - 4:07 pm:

134. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can startle a carriage horse in New Orleans. They won't even flinch!

135. Flat root beer truly is vile and insidious.

136. "Nuttin' doin'! With those dice Captain Sisko can't make a pass to save his soul!"
"What did you say?"
"I said, with honest dice Captain Sisko cannot make a pass to save his soul."
"Well maybe I can make a pass to save his soul...and yours...and yours...and yours!"
Oh wait...
I got "Badda bang badda bing" confused with "Guys and Dolls" again...

Hmmm...while I'm thinking along those lines... :)

137. Sisko: "Today is mine and Kassidy's 14th anniversery."
Nicely Nicely O'Brien: "No kiddin'!"
Sisko: "Yeah...we been engaged 14 years today!"

By Sven of Nine on Thursday, June 14, 2001 - 2:25 pm:

138. Ferengi make the best cross-dressers (twice) - only the wiliest can spot the join. :)

By Sophie Hawksworth on Monday, June 18, 2001 - 4:30 pm:

139. Major Comeonanov (sp?) (Our Man Bashir)

140. Vic Fontaine gets blasted, yeah!
(I mean no disrespect to those of you like Vic, but this is my choice.)

141. The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination (Garak)

142. Galaxy class starships just don't cut it in the Gamma quadrant

By Ghel on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 - 9:15 am:

143? Possibly mentioned, but the true lesson from "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." Never tell the same lie twice. -Garak

By Mark Stanley on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 - 12:04 pm:

Sorry, Ghel, I got to that one already... :0) It's number 21.

By Rene - Digimon Board Moderator (Rcharbonneau) on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 11:56 am:

So I guess no one found out when the Rio Grande was last seen.

By Duke of Earl Grey on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 5:38 pm:

144. I suppose Worf needs the "extra large" size of prune juice because of all those duplicated Klingon organs, assuming the stomach and intestines are also duplicated, of course.
145. The way Gowron's eyes looked when he said, "Glory to you...and your house."
146. Maybe the met'leth has its advantages, but give me the intimidating size and resultant inflation of self-esteem of the bat'leth any day.
147. After all these years of hearing the Klingon language, I still don't presume to know how to spell anything.
148. This is my own personal memory, but since I must have had Beatles on the brain the first time I watched "Soldiers of the Empire", I always imagine that the Klingon song they're singing is really just "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Since this batch has been entirely Klingon related, I add for the sake of variety:

149. I wonder how Bashir's relationship with Leeta fit in with the concept of the perfect woman he always wanted that he was musing upon during "Chrysalis"...

By Teral on Friday, July 06, 2001 - 8:22 pm:

150. The universe is heading for it's destruction and we only have 60 billion years to save it. 70 at the most

151. In the good old days when spacecrafts was handmade they didn't need fancy Structural Integrity Fields and Inertial Dampers.

By John A. Lang on Sunday, July 15, 2001 - 5:57 am:

152. Lwaxana Troi wears a wig.
153. Quark's ship resided in Hanger 18 at one time.
154. Stealing a Trill symbiont from someone else's body is legal.
155. Sisko hates reciting childish poems & playing childish games.
156. Bald is beautiful.

By LUIGI NOVI on Monday, July 16, 2001 - 1:49 am:

157. When a racist mob of mostly Bajorans harass a Changeling Station Chief of Security because they think he murdered his own clone, a Changeling who grew up around Bajorans and Cardassians, mind you, they will courteously scrawl "Shifter" on a wall in his office in English, so that any English-speaking people watching it on TV 400 years earlier will understand it.

158. A virus that makes people talk funny and incoherently before killing them is better than a virus that just kills them.

159. When someone tries to extradite you Trill science officer, a bar is a better place to hold the extradition hearing than a wardroom.

160. Not only can a human teenager easily teach a Ferengi teenager how to read, despite the fact that they speak different languages, but four years later, after moving in together, the Ferengi will surpass the human to the point where the Ferengi can correct the human’s spelling.

161. If you’re a shapeshifter, with no discernable organs, whose true form is a gelatinous liquid, and you can perceive objects and people even in that form, then no one should be able to sneak up on you, except for Bajoran racists trying to kill former Cardassian file clerks.

162. It doesn’t matter where in the galaxy, or in history you live. Sooner or later, someone looking like Tim Russ will show up and interact with you.

163. Zabo meat sucks. (Cardassians)

164. The Bajoran policy on immigration, even concerning a couple of million expert farmers who want to help Bajor’s food shortage by settling in an uninhabited part of Bajor, was written by Pat Buchanan.

165. "Luck," and "probability fields," is an actual, measurable phenomena known to science.

166. Always make sure, that if a human doctor is visiting your planet, trying, quite generously and courteously on his part, to destroy your deadly harvester weapons, always make sure the assassins you send to murder him are patient enough to wait until AFTER he’s destroyed all of them.

167. Extracting a molar from someone requires only a gentle tug,
without any painkillers.

168. Extracting a molar from someone is the best means of identification, even better than DNA sampling.

169. Respect the territory of all sovereign planets and multi-planetary empires, except, for some reason, the Dominion’s, even after they make a kamikaze run on a Galaxy-class starship that was retreating.

170. If an alien captain comes by and tries to sell you a bunch of worthless junk, but which secretly includes a Jem’Hadar baby, the proper thing for a greedy Ferengi to do is buy it, without even knowing what it is.

171. A 20 year-old gambling hostess with a fantastic set of jugs sticking out of her work uniform is the ideal girlfriend for your 16 year-old son, so long as she studies entomology, and your son takes up writing and dom-jot.

172. Cardassian Legates like to give their daughters Russian names.

173. There are two totally diffferent symbiotically-joined races called Trill in the galaxy. One has enlarged crania, the other spots on the sides and backs of their bodies. One is vulnerable to transporters, the other is not. One is a symbiotic species. The other only has some of its citizens symbiotically joined. One was almost unknown to the Federation as of The Host(TNG). The other had one of its members judging a gymnastics competition on earth when Leonard McCoy was in medical school. The symbionts are in total control in one. In the other, the humanoid host and symbiont form a merged personality. The host in the one can freely continue romantic relationship started by a previous host. The host in the other is forbidden to do so. Humans can act as hosts to the symbiont in the one. Only Trill may do so in the other, and even then, only a small percentage of them.

174. Members from just about every race with telepathic powers at one time or another will suffer from a disease that causes those around them to act either irrationally angry or horny.

175. If you don’t like California, and specifically San Francisco, never use most forms of time travel.

176. If you want someone to invite you to breakfast, torture him. It actually works.

177. Wood is the ideal building materials for interstellar ships.

178. Said starship can be built single-handedly in fewer than three weeks.

179. If you’re gonna send your Bajoran First Officer on a mission, make sure you pair her up with the former Cardassian Prefect of Bajor, who is responsible for the murder of millions of Bajorans.

180. If you’re gonna cast Susanna Thompson in a guest role, make sure it’s one where she kisses another beautiful female character, and NOT as the Borg Queen.

182. If you find an ancient Klingon artifact of unimaginable archaeological and cultural value, don’t bring it back to the society that originated it. Just throw the damnn thing back into space.

183. Episodes using a James Bond motif: Good. Episodes using a 50’s schlock sci-fi TV motif: Bad.

184. Remember those alarms on the Enterprise-A that went off when an unauthorized phaser was fired? Yeah, Bajoran space stations don’t need any of those.

185. A ragtag group of rebels in a Mirror Universe, with what should be little or no resources, facing a vast empire, should easily be able to take over one of said Empire’s space stations, can indefinitely maintain said space station, and even build a starship that in a parallel universe, represents the cutting edge of warship technology.

186. If you, your fellow Starfleet crewmen, and a group of Jem’Hadar are in the middle of a hand-to-hand brawl against a group of rebel Jem’Hadar trying to hold on to an Iconian gateway, and you don’t have an opponent, just stab thin air. (See nits for To the Death.)

187. If you find an alien dying of a disease engineered by the Dominion, just stick him or her with any old human medicine, without checking what his or her body chemistry’s like.

188. If you’re a Changeling impersonating the second most powerful person in the Klingon Empire, and you’re wrestling with the former Changeling security chief of a space station in front of a horde of armed Klingon warriors who’ve been drinking, and said security chief is yelling to everyone that you’re really a Changeling, you really shouldn’t continue the act and just tell them that he’s lying, that he’s just trying to sow dissent, and order them to kill him. Instead, the best thing to do is to reveal to said horde of ARMED DRUNK FIERCE WARRIORS that you are, indeed, a Changeling, by morphing your arm into a tendril and grabbing the security chief’s throat, so that said horde of Klingon warriors can blast your ass into a protoplasmic puddle with their disruptors.

189. Given the fact that phasers set on level 3.1 can hurt Changelings enough to force them from their assumed form, as seen in Homefront, that one shot from a Varon-T, Romulan or Bajoran disruptor on kill has always been able to kill a person, as seen in The Most Toys, The Mind’s Eye(TNG) and Shattered Mirror, and that the Martok Changeling took LOADS of Klingon disruptor shots before exploding, we can surmise that Klingon disruptors really $UCK.

190. Agencies that monitor time travel use only seem to do so when the plot calls for cute reference to a fellow science fiction program, but not in any other episode featuring time travel.

191. The Cardassians were courteous enough to have lots of smoke and cool lighting on Terok Nor, just in case anyone wanted to make a couple of film-noir style flashback stories set during the Occupation.

192. Klingons are required by custom to kill themselves if captured, unless they’re not.

193. All electronic systems in a prison asteroid, including the very mundane, right down to an old abandoned life support system, should be made to be easily convertible into a transporter.

194. A vehicle belonging to a prisoner should be parked right outside the prison, just in case said prisoner wants to try and escape, without so much as The Club on it.

195. Molly O’Brien had a curse placed on her at birth, ensuring that no one would EVER get her age right. (1. Keiko tells Molly in A Man Alone that she could come to school with her in about a year or two, even though the children in Keiko’s classroom were of grammar school and early high school age, and Molly was only one year old at that point. 2. Sisko mentioned to O’Brien in Act 1 of The Nagus that Molly was 3, even though, again, she was one (two at most). 3. O’Brien told Kotran Pa’Dar in Act 4 of Cardassians that she was 4, even though she was two. 4. Bashir told the mirror universe O’Brien in Act 2 of Crossover that his universe’s O’Brien had a five-year old daughter, even though she was only two going on three. 5. O’Brien also told Kira that she was four in the teaser of Looking for Par’Mach in All the Wrong Places, even though that was three seasons later, and Molly was in fact five. 6. One year later in Time’s Orphan, Keiko in Act 1 said she was—get this—eight, even though she was six, and 7. later in Act 2 of the same episode, Kira also said she was eight.

196. If you’re going to make references to Les Miserables, it is best to do so with all the subtlety of a lead pipe.

197. IN 400 years, everyone in the galaxy will like 20th century Earth baseball trading cards, including space station commanders, wacko scientists looking for immortality, and even members of the Bajoran clergy.

198. Destroying the Dominion shipyards should have a huge effect on a war with them, but then it won’t.

199. Destroying a ketrecel white asteroid facility should have a huge effect on a war with them, but then it won’t.

200. Having the Prophets eliminate a Dominion armada going through the wormhole, thereby making the Dominion skittish about sending reinforcements through the wormhole should have a huge effect on a war with them, but then it won’t.

201. Mutants are funny.

202. Sooner or later every science fiction show, by law, must do a show where at least some of its characters are shrunk down to near-microscopic size.

203. Conflict of interest, shmonflict of interest. If you’re going to send an operative on a very important, very dangerous mission, send his wife with him.

204. Time travel should be used only for matters of the utmost importance, like restoring a damaged or sabotaged timeline, saving the whales and the entire planet Earth, saving the lives of countless innocent people, or finding out if your mom slept with some slimeball.

205. The best counselor on one’s love life isn’t an actual counselor, best friend, or expert on the subject, but a fictional holographic Sinatra wannabe from an alien culture’s mid-20th century.

206. If aliens who have knowledge of the future, who have always proven to have been on your side by giving you good, solid advice on the future, advice that has helped you in the past, and they tell you something important, like not going to some place called Chin’toka,---just ignore them.

207. If you’re in the middle of a bloody war, the best thing to do is go off and play a holographic baseball game with your entire senior staff, and the senior staff of another ship.

208. It is law that one Ferengi character must die in each visit to the Mirror Universe.

209. The Breen language is the one Trek language which the universal translator can translate for the other characters, but not for the home audience.

210. The election of a new Klingon Chancellor is determined by whoever Worf feels like murdering in a given episode.

211. Many alien worlds and cities such as Bajor, Cardassia and the Trill Homeworld, won’t have names in the future, and will simply be referred to as "the capital," or "the Trill Homeworld."

212. Apparently, if you’re the former Cardassian prefect of Bajor, who murdered millions of innocent people and are now disguised as a Bajoran who just seduced the Kai and were blinded trying to learn the secrets of the pah-wraiths, and banished to the streets of Bajor by the Kai to beg for charity, you can just waltz right into the Kai’s quarters later with nary a word from any security personnel.

213. Apparently, if you’re the spiritual leader of Bajor, you can go off for a jaunt to the fire caves without telling anyone where you’re going, or having them know you’re gone.

214. Apparently, the robes of a kai are the best-suited outfit for hiking through caves.

By George Nathaniel Curzon on Monday, July 16, 2001 - 3:25 am:

215. Old Trill men are named after WWI-era British Lords.

By Teral on Monday, July 16, 2001 - 4:06 pm:

216. If your prisonmate dies, everything is up for grabs.

217. If your superiors and political leaders decides to back your allies in their actions and you know that these actions is wrong, you can do whatever you want to disrupt said actions.

218. If you act against your superiors, political leaders and allies, there won't be any consequences for you.

219. If your actions results in the cancelation of an important military alliance there won't be any consequences for you.

220. If your actions result in a bloody conflict with thousands of dead and dozens of destroyed starships that still wont result in any consequences for you.

221. Kiss the girl, get the key. Words to live by for all secret agents.

222. Poisening an entire planet and endangering its civilian population really isn't a punishable crime in the Starfleet rulebook.

By Duke of Earl Grey on Thursday, July 19, 2001 - 11:05 am:

223. Given the ease with which Dominion ships tear through Federation ships like toilet paper, it's odd that the senior staff is always so relieved to hear that a fleet of, say, half a dozen ships is on it's way to bolster DS9's defences.

By Jayson Spears on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 7:52 pm:

224. Its ok to spend money that you dont have at Quarks rather than eating at the replimat for free.

225. O'brien orders his coffee "double strong, Double sweet". Would that not cancel each of them out?

226. The Senior staff never had a potluck

227. Everyone assumed Jadzia wanted to go to Stovokor, instead of the devine treasury.

228. You only get a slap on the wrist for accusing the Kai of burglury and kidnapping! (In the cards)

229. The stone tablet in "the reconing" probably did say "Go to Quarks, its happy hour". Thats why Sisko threw it against the wall shattering it.

230. Cardassian Trials are short.

231. Damar really liked Kannar

232. The Jem-Haddar only do suicide runs against other ships--never against a space station.

I WAS LMAO at #157,158,169,179, and 210!!!

By ScottN, the coffee addict on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 8:21 pm:

225. O'brien orders his coffee "double strong, Double sweet". Would that not cancel each of them out?

Nope. That's extra caffeine (and/or coffee grounds) and extra sugar.

By Eight of Nine on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 10:05 am:

233. If your Ferengi drops litter on the Promenade, nail him to the wall.

234. Who would have thought that so much money can be made from Andorian glass beads?

By LUIGI NOVI on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 9:23 pm:

Jayson Spears: I WAS LMAO at #157, 158, 169, 179, and 210!!!
Luigi Novi: Anytime, buddy. :)

By Stone Cold Steven Of None on Saturday, November 23, 2002 - 11:43 am:

235) Getting next to Nana Visitor, knocking her up, getting her pregnancy written into the show, and finally marrying her - D@MN, but it's good to be The Actor Formerly Known As Siddig El Fadil!
236) When Cardassian women get mad at you, sometimes it means they're mad ABOUT you.
237) Bajoran vedeks get the hottest babes.
238) A bloody war is going on between the Klingons and the Cardassians, and Worf and Dax can take time off to play Baywatch on Risa with Vanessa L.(The Undressa:-)!)Williams.
239) Dukat is a war criminal; but Gowron isn't. What's wrong with this picture?
240) Camille Saviola is _really_ short, much shorter than she looked on the show; I saw her guest starring on an NYPD Blue ep - we're talking _fireplug_ here.
241) Kai Winn, in her golden robes, reminded me of an Emmy - which, unfortunately, is about as close as the show came to one.
242) "That's not a's a flux coupler!"

By Rene on Saturday, November 23, 2002 - 11:55 am:

Correction to 235 : They're not married anymore.

By Rene on Saturday, November 23, 2002 - 11:55 am:

Correction to 235 : They're not married anymore.

By Josh M on Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 3:19 pm:

239: Which war is he a criminal in? The Federation/Klingon "conflict" from seasons 4 and 5? If it's that one, why would the Federation try to try him? It ended when they allied again. They didn't win. On the other hand, the Cardassians might try him but they didn't win either.

By Sven of Nine in Paul Merton mode on Monday, November 25, 2002 - 9:16 am:

242) Vedek Winn's hat looks like it's got Sydney Opera House sitting on it. (In fact, I'll bet she's probably got a collection of them at home but probably didn't want to wear her Eiffel Tower or Nelson's Column hats in case she started looking like a pretty angry-looking Teletubby.)

By Sven of Nine times out of ten on Monday, November 25, 2002 - 9:17 am:

Make that 243.

By Josh M on Tuesday, December 10, 2002 - 10:05 pm:

Luigi Novi: The election of a new Klingon Chancellor is determined by whoever Worf feels like murdering in a given episode.
Is this on the TNG board too?

By Josh M on Tuesday, December 10, 2002 - 10:16 pm:

244. Even after being stabbed, freedom fighter Kira Nerys can knock out a member of one of the greatest warrior races known. Pretty good. (Way of the Warrior)
245. Yet she gets knocked around by a former orphan that's taken over the station (Invasive Procedure
246. Some tailors fight well.
247. Marritza
248. The new advanced Bajoran fighters are little match for the amazing phasers of their old, broken, rundown ships. (The Siege)
249. It's easier to defeat Jem'Hadar in large groups (The Search) rather than one on one (Hippocratic Oath, Blaze of Glory)
250. Everybody loves Raktajino
251. Just because a wise Bajoran spirtual woman says that your paths will cross again, doesn't mean that it will happen within six years.
252. For an entire year, Starfleet let one badly armed station with one warship defend the door of one of the Federation's greatest threats. Good idea.

Re 211: Wasn't Trill the name of the world?

By Josh Gould-DS9 Moderator (Jgould) on Thursday, December 12, 2002 - 7:04 pm:

253. Never tell the same lie twice.

(maybe that one's been said)

By Sparrow47 on Thursday, December 12, 2002 - 8:28 pm:

254. Everyone's guilty, it's just a matter of figuring out who is guilty of what.

By Sparrow47 on Thursday, December 12, 2002 - 8:32 pm:

Sorry, Josh, but you must've missed #21! :)

Also, some clarification on #3... How are the Prophets evil?

By Stone Cold Steven Of None on Monday, December 30, 2002 - 8:59 am:

"Correction to 235: They're not married anymore."

Oops - my bad. I guess Trek castmember marriages last about as long as Trek castmember affairs; still, their marriage probably lasted longer than all of Milla Jovovich's combined.

255) The butler did it. ("The Darkness And The Light".)

By Luigis Nemesis on Tuesday, December 31, 2002 - 2:34 pm:

190. Agencies that monitor time travel use only seem to do so when the plot calls for cute reference to a fellow science fiction program, but not in any other episode featuring time travel.

Um...just because we didn't see them, doesn't mean they didn't show up.

By roger on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 12:15 pm:

82) "Julius Caesar" by Shakespeare is actually highly amusing.

Which episode was that?? Thanks.

A 20 year-old gambling an ideal girlfriend.

Well, they sure don't show any girls Jake's age around the station. Who else is there?

177. Wood is the ideal building materials for interstellar ships.

I don't think they said it was ideal, it may have been genetically engineered. And maybe it wasn't actual wood, it might have been some organic alloy which resembled wood. Larry Niven had a similar idea in his "Known Space" series, but I couldn't find a reference to it anywhere. Here's a web site, if you wanna go look...

By Josh Gould-DS9 Moderator (Jgould) on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 12:38 pm:

82) "Julius Caesar" by Shakespeare is actually highly amusing.

Which episode was that?? Thanks.

Hmm, it is, of course, from one of Bashir and Garak's conversations over lunch. My guess is its from Profit and Loss, Improbable Cause, The Wire, or Cardassians.

"I knew Caesar was going to be killed in the first act, but Caesar didn't figure it out until the knife was in his back!"

I believe it's the same episode where Bashir is talking about his reaction to The Neverending Sacrifice.

By maximus Svenius Nonius on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 12:54 pm:

It was behind door no. 2 - "Improbable Cause". The title to part 2 ("The Die is Cast") is a quote by Julius Caesar himself (the man, not the play) - Alea iacta est.

By Duke of Earl Grey on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 5:39 pm:

Forgive my ignorance, but I've always wondered whether the "die" in question was a printing die, or the singular form of "dice". Either could be cast. Does someone know?

By LUIGI NOVI on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 8:33 pm:

It refers to the gambling device. (The coloring substance is spelled dye.)

Julius Caesar said the Latin words "jacta alea est!" ("the die is cast!") when he crossed the small river Rubicon, which marked the boundary between ancient Italy and the province of Cisalpine Gaul in republican days. Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon to invade Italy against the orders of the Senate of Rome in 49 B.C. marked the opening of the civil war with Pompey. His words meant that in crossing the river, "the die" had now been thrown or rolled, and there was no turning back. This gave rise to the phrase "to cross the Rubicon" to mean making a decision which commits one to a given course of action.

Too bad the runabout Odo and Garak used wasn’t the Rubicon, because that would’ve been a nice touch. That runabout, however, didn’t appear until two episodes later, in Family Business.

By Duke of Earl Grey on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 2:45 am:

Thanks for the info, Luigi. It was interesting. I really should brush up on my ancient history. I was referring, however to a "die" as in "any of various tools or devices for imparting a desired shape, form, or finish to a material or for impressing an object or material", as Webster says, and not dye. Dye can't be cast, but a die can. I'll take your word for it that it's the gambling die, though. I always preferred that imagery, anyway.

As for the runabout, I suppose it was probably that episode that inspired the production crew to have the new runabout named Rubicon, which is why that runabout appeared shortly afterwards. Maybe they wouldn't have thought of that name otherwise.

By TomM on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 3:58 am:


It definitely refers to tossing the gambling device. Although I am sure that there were predecessors to which the word can be applied, the "printing die" was not to be invented for almost 1500 years at that point. (Guttenberg and the movable type printing press),

And "casting" metal in molds (as opposed to "forging") was still in its infancy and used mainly in bronze for statues.

Besides, it is only in English that the two pairs words are the same. There is no confusion in the original Latin: "Iacta alea est!"

By Duke of Earl Grey on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 4:07 am:

OK, I'm sold on it, and glad to know the Latin. Thanks Tom, and again thanks Luigi.

By LUIGI NOVI on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 2:29 pm:

Any time, buddy. Happy New Year. :)

By ChrisW on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 12:28 am:

Since nobody else answered it:

The Rio Grande's last episode was "What You Leave Behind...". IIRC, it's the runabout Sisko took to Bajor.

By John A. Lang on Friday, September 19, 2003 - 7:52 am:

256. "Uncle Bill" was a Bajoran! (Progress)

By John A. Lang on Wednesday, October 01, 2003 - 7:55 am:

257. If you can't reason with people in a nice way to evacuate a planet, burn their house down. (Progress)

258. Lwaxana Troi wears a wig. (The Forsaken)

259. Whenever you need to get everyone's attention in Quark's, bang a cup on the table. (Any episode)

260. You can own a "Piece of the Grand Nagus"
(The Nagus)

By John A. Lang on Wednesday, October 01, 2003 - 7:59 am:

whoops...I already did "Lwaxana wears a wig."

258. (Revised) O'Brien...the man who almost saved an entire planet from destruction. (The Storyteller)

carry on starting with 261.

By John A. Lang on Monday, December 08, 2003 - 7:55 am:

261. It pays to be on the Senior Staff--get in trouble.....get a slap on the wrist. (Blood Oath, Honor Among Thieves, etc)

By John A. Lang on Monday, December 08, 2003 - 12:23 pm:

262. Willie Mays was a Klingon! (Far Beyond The Stars)
263. NEVER allow a husband & a wife to go together on a dangerous Away Mission. (Change of Heart)
264. Bajorans have lousy Russian accents (Our Man Bashir)
265. If you're having problems getting a woman to like you, consult a Holoprogram. (His Way)
266. Section 31? What's that? (Inquisition)
267. Erasing Personal Logs is permitted by Starfleet. (In The Pale Moonlight)
268. Nobody in Starfleet seems to understand the meaning of "Stay out our territory" (any episode in which they go into the Gamma Quadrant)
269. Tribbles were once extinct..until someone brought one back from Space Station K-7 (Trials & Tribble-ations)
270. "Victory is Life" (any episode with the Jem Haddar)

By BARA on Tuesday, December 09, 2003 - 2:18 am:

"Erasing Personal Logs is permitted by Starfleet."

Why the hell wouldn't it be? It's a PERSONAL log! I have every right to tear a page out of my personal diary if I feel like it, it wouldn't be any of my boss' business (who has no right to read it anyway, and might not even KNOW I have a personal diary in the first place).

By John A. Lang on Tuesday, December 09, 2003 - 7:36 am:

Point well taken. Let me do that one over....

267: Kai Winn-bag

Resuming now....

271: Teen Molly acts like Tarzan (Time's Orphan)

By John A. Lang on Saturday, December 20, 2003 - 10:28 am:

272. Irish wakes are very simular to Klingon wakes. (The Sound of Her Voice)

273. There is nothing worse than an insane Gul Dukat. (Waltz)

By Thande on Saturday, March 06, 2004 - 7:18 am:

274. You must be an outcast from your society to stay on the station for more than four years. If you aren't an outcast from your society at the end of that period, someone comes along and makes you one (Quark in Body Parts, Bashir in Doctor Bashir, I Presume, Dax in Rejoined, Worf in The Way of the Warrior, [SPOILER] Kira in the sequel novel series, etc...

By The Newbie on Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 2:37 pm:

275) Everybody in the 24th Century is able to cite Shakespeare or Cicero (Inter arma enim silent leges) but almost nobody knows how to cook properly.

276) If you're genetically enhanced, insane and locked up, you can still get out and get yourself a starfleet admiral's uniform and take a ship to a deep space station in the middle of a war

277) Singing makes it all better

By Kinggodzillak on Friday, October 21, 2005 - 3:32 pm:

278) Sisko doesn't like it any more than you do.

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Friday, February 01, 2008 - 8:28 pm:

279: Helping Vic is more important than making battle plans or fighting a war with the Dominion.

By He's dead Jim! on Saturday, February 02, 2008 - 5:33 pm:

280. The tribble episode.500 tribbles dropping on Kirk!

By He's dead Jim on Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 1:39 am:

263- there was an episode where an entity took over Kieko's bod.
Kirk didnt get defeated by Kor, the Orgainians did!,but Kor got the credit!

It would have been Glorious!

By ! on Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 1:44 am:

282.The real Dr. Zimmerman invented his holographic image, and ends up being asteriod miners..(Dr. Brashier I presume,Voyager 's Author, Author).

By Andre Reichenbacher (Amr) on Monday, December 07, 2009 - 8:46 pm:

283. We never found out if the Wadi were members of, or another Gamma Quadrant race subjugated by, the Dominion.

Or is "Move Along Home" an example of I.N.H. (It Never Happened)?

I think the writers and producers, later on, wish it hadn't ever happened!

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