The Trial of Henry Blake

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: M*A*S*H: Season Two: The Trial of Henry Blake
By D.K. Henderson on Tuesday, February 08, 2000 - 6:16 pm:

Plot: Frank and Hot Lip's complaints about the 4077 lead to Henry's trial. Incidents include Klinger's hang-gliding, Radar's shoe selling, but most importantly, giving medical supplies to Nurse Craddie (sp?) who occasionally treats North Koreans.

By D.K. Henderson on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 - 5:51 am:

Lovely line, when Nurse Crattie (I think that's the proper spelling) pulls a heavily pregnant Korean in front of the board and says, "This is a sample of Henry Blake's work."

Henry really could make good decisions when they counted. I liked how he stood up for himself at the end.

By D.K. Henderson on Thursday, May 11, 2000 - 5:29 am:

You can tell Frank really cares for Margaret in this episode. If I'd been Frank, listening to her nagging about my driving, I'd have pitched her right out of the jeep.

By Benn Allen on Saturday, May 13, 2000 - 4:09 pm:

According to the credits, it's "Cratty".

By Benn on Monday, July 29, 2002 - 9:41 pm:

McLean Stevenson wrote this ep.

Is there a reason Radar goes to Regimental Headquarters with Henry for the trial? I mean other than to tell Hawkeye and Trapper about the trial. He does not act as a witness, nor is he Henry’s lawyer. (Not by a long shot.)

I assume “HQ” stands for “Head Quarters”. Strange that the jeep Henry and Radar drive to Regimental has those letters on its right bumper.

This is the first time Kentucky Derby Day is mentioned in the series. It would next be mentioned (and celebrated) in the episode “Potter’s Retirement”.

If Margaret’s and Frank’s comments are accurate, all the men pushing the nurses in the Kentucky Derby Gurney race are doctors. That pushes the 4077th’s complement of surgeons to at least six. At least for this episode.

Klinger isn’t exactly the best choice for Radar to try selling a pair of those Hi-Style Stride Right wing tip shoes to, is he? I mean considering that Max spends most of his time dressed in women’s clothing.

I doubt Klinger’s ever had any experience hang-gliding. With that in mind, his escape is fairly idiotic. How does know he’s made the glider correctly? He could’ve landed in enemy territory, been shot down or any number of catastrophes could have happened to him. He also was not strapped into the glider. If he had lost his grip… And just what in the world possessed Max to wear a blue housecoat and fuzzy pink slippers? That hardly seems practical. (Maybe he really is Section 8.) And is it just me, or does Klinger’s housecoat change colors when he flies past Hawkeye? All of a sudden the housecoat is yellow. (It has to be, I suppose. If it were blue it would have disappeared in the matteing process.)

Igor is definitely in this ep. He’s the soldier painting the rocks in the camp white per Major Burns’ orders. (When Margaret points out that white will make the rocks visible to enemy pilots, Burns orders Igor to paint only the top half of the rocks. Then turn the stones over every night.) This scene has been cut for syndication.

I wonder under what charges Frank placed Hawkeye and Trapper under arrest?

Burns is apparently a second generation American. He says in this ep that his family “came to America in 1927.”

Nurse Kellye can be seen running out to the compound to greet Henry on his return from Regimental.

By kerriem on Sunday, August 04, 2002 - 4:41 pm:

Klinger isn't exactly the best choice for Radar to try selling a pair of those Hi-Style Stride Right wing tip shoes to, is he? I mean considering that Max spends most of his time dressed in women's clothing.

Just a (fairly flimsy) guess, but Radar's likely thinking simply of Max Klinger, clotheshorse who (as a few other eps demonstrate) loves to shop. Also it's possible Radar imagines Klinger wearing the shoes when he finally gets out.

I doubt Klinger's ever had any experience hang-gliding. With that in mind, his escape is fairly idiotic. How does know he's made the glider correctly? He could've landed in enemy territory, been shot down or any number of catastrophes could have happened to him. He also was not strapped into the glider. If he had lost his grip? And just what in the world possessed Max to wear a blue housecoat and fuzzy pink slippers? That hardly seems practical. (Maybe he really is Section 8.)

We-ell, yeah, that's sorta the idea - Klinger's comic desperation leads him to try a really dumb escape (no doubt followed, he hopes, by cries of "Klinger! Get down! OK, I'll give you the Section 8, just don't kill yourself!")
The outfit, now, I have much more trouble explaining. You would think he'd have made an effort to gussy himself up a bit for the occasion.

By Benn on Monday, August 05, 2002 - 4:23 pm:

"We-ell, yeah, that's sorta the idea - Klinger's comic desperation leads him to try a really dumb escape (no doubt followed, he hopes, by cries of 'Klinger! Get down! OK, I'll give you the Section 8, just don't kill yourself!') - kerriem

Oh I'm sure that was the idea, but still. If someone (Henry?) is calling for him to come down, it's possible Klinger wouldn't know how to do it. Quite frankly, given how foolishly risky the hang-gliding was, he probably should have been discharged for it.

You realize that the hang-gliding is probably the most expensive special effect of the series and it's ruined by one thing. It doesn't look like Max Klinger hang-gliding, it looks like what it is - Jamie Farr holding a hang-glider over his head while running in front of a blue screen. I'm sure the leg motion makes it funnier, but it just doesn't give the impression that Max is flying.

By Francois Lacombe (Franc0is) on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 - 4:43 pm:

Although a patent for the type of flexible wing Klinger uses was filed in 1948, I doubt very much that he would have been aware of such a device, or known how to make one. It was only in the early 1960s that the wing, called a Rogallo wing, was adapted to make an actual hang glider.

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