Mail Call Three

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: M*A*S*H: Season Six: Mail Call Three
By D.K. Henderson on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 2:26 pm:

Plot: After a three week delay, mail finally arrives. Hawkeye receives letters addressed to a different Benjamin Pierce, Peg Hunnicutt reports that a man made a pass at her, Radar's mother has a boyfriend, Margaret has been blackballed from the D.A.R, and Klinger's wife wants a divorce.

By margie on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 11:46 am:

With news like that, too bad the mail wasn't delayed for 3 months!

By Benn on Wednesday, December 05, 2001 - 10:52 pm:

At the end of this ep, Klinger says he wants a banana daquiri. When the Officer Club first opened ("Officers Only"), Henry asked Mr. Quan for a banana daquiri. Blake had to describe the drink to the bartender. Mr. Quan then informed Henry that the bar had no bananas (amongst other ingredients). Does this mean that bananas have since been made a part of the 4077th inventory?

By D.K. Henderson on Thursday, December 06, 2001 - 5:23 am:

Perhaps Henry saw to that!

By Benn on Thursday, December 06, 2001 - 1:16 pm:

Wouldn't surprise me one bit. He did get that barbeque grill.

By D.K. Henderson on Friday, January 07, 2005 - 5:55 am:

One of the cut scenes immediately follows Radar's getting the bag of mail. Klinger follows him into the office and starts sniffing the envelopes, searching for LaVerne's perfume. When Radar protests, Klinger starts tickling him, then finds and grabs his mail while Radar is helpless with laughter.

In the syndicated version, Margaret's blackballing has been reduced to her muttering, "Who needs the DAR?" during the movie. There is a scene when Charles comes into the supply room looking for a special tortishell (sp) pen and finds Margaret in a bad mood. Quite nicely for him, he urges her to talk about her problem, which is Donald's mother. Apparently she has been nagging her son to divorce Margaret, and now--the last straw--she blackballs Margaret from the DAR. Charles, naturally, agrees with Donald's mother about the necessity of keeping such a group exclusive and "pure"--even though Margaret is obviously "good breeding stock". He probably never understood why Margaret shoved him out the door.

In the syndicated version, during the Officer's Club scene, all we usually see (and hear) of the duet between Father Mulcahy and Hawkeye is the last line (paraphrase) "'ll get a pain and ruin your tum-tum!" Uncut, Father Mulcahy calls out to Hawkeye and B.J. (who are discussing Peg's situation) that he needs a baritone for the song "Button up your overcoat." Hawkeye comes over and they sing a full stanza of the song.

Notice than there is never any further mention of Mrs. O'Reilly's boyfriend in any future episodes. I was also rather surprised that there was nothing to show how Margaret dealt with the DAR situation--it was just left hanging with that comment during the movie.

After Klinger returns (wearing a uniform) Potter offers to take him to the Officer's Club for a drink. Either the closing scene was a later meeting, or Klinger paused to change into a dress before going to the bar.

By Benn on Wednesday, April 06, 2005 - 10:04 pm:

In this episode, Margaret complains to Charles that her mother-in-law still addresses the Major by her maiden name. So? Who doesn't? There has yet to be one ep this season where Margaret has been called "Mrs. Penobscott" or "Major Penobscott". This is the first time Hot Lips objects to the use of her of her maiden name.

Watch carefully, when Margaret tells Charles that her mother-in-law blackballed her, the pen in her hand changes position from the previous shot.

Hmm. I never caught this before. When B.J. is trying to get Radar to make a call to Mill Valley, he has Radar's teddy bear in his hands. Frustrated at the news that it'll take a few minutes for the call to go through, Beej manhandles the bear. As Radar cries out, "Hey!", the bear squeaks. I never knew it made a sound. This is the only time in the series that it does. And you'd think that on a few other occasions ("The Novacaine Mutiny" for one) it would.

Great line: "His head's not on too good either!" - Radar speaking to B.J.

When Potter and Father Mulcahy enter the Company Clerk's office at three in the morning, B.J. is on the phone. The fingers on Hunnicutt's right hand are in a different position from the shot where the Colonel and the Father enter the office to the Captain's close-up.

From the various lines in this ep, the other Captain Pierce had at least four women writing him - Susan, Joyce, Gloria and Shiela. Yet when Hawkeye gives Captain Pierce his letters (I will probably never write that sentence or one like it again ), it looks like all Captain Pierce got was one letter. Where was the rest of them?

Wonder if this Captain Pierce was declared dead like Hawkeye was? ("The Late Captain Pierce"). Just wondering.

47 Alert: The plane Max was going to fly to get home in was a C-47.

When telling Colonel Potter about why he didn't go AWOL, the position of Klinger's left arm changes between shots.

Oliver Clark, the actor who played Captain Ben Pierce, was a regular on the first season of The Bob Newhart Show. On that show he played the role of Mr. Herd. Clark had appeared earlier in M*A*S*H as Tippy Brooks, Hawkeye's friend who was the crossword puzzle expert.

"Gentlemen, please. Mozart." (Matter of fact, I'm listening to Mozart's Symphony No. 36 in C major, K. 425, "Linz". )

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