Mad Dogs and Servicemen

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: M*A*S*H: Season Three: Mad Dogs and Servicemen
By D.K. Henderson on Tuesday, February 08, 2000 - 7:14 pm:

Plot: A search goes on for the possibly rabid dog that bit Radar, and Hawkeye defies Frank to deal with a case of hysterical paralysis.

By Benn on Thursday, December 18, 2003 - 11:25 am:

Radar has given dog tags to all his animals? How did he get the tags to manage that little feat?

The clipboard Frank is carrying on the bus looks like Radar's clipboard. (I recognize the scratches on the back of it.) If it is Radar's, why is it being used by Frank? Surely the 4077th has more than one clipboard in camp?

I know Rosie's has been mentioned in several previous episodes, but is this the first time we actually see Rosie? The next time we see her, she'll be played by a different actress and the character will have a better command of the English language.

While he's in the hospital getting his rabies shots, Margaret reads a letter to Radar from a 17 year old Oklahoma girl. In it she mentions that she likes a couple of Bo Diddley songs - "Pretty Thing" and "Diddy Wah Diddy". Both are actual Bo Diddley songs. But in order for this girl to like them, she must be a time traveller. Neither song existed at the time of the Korean War. They were released in 1955, two years after the War.

In case you're wondering, the words on the ScrabbleTM board are as follows:

Across and from the top -


Down and from the top -

TE (Is there such a word?)
TRAPPEE (Not "Trapper" )
VAILNESS (The word Hawkeye had just added and made up)

The words "Clout" and "Heron" sit on top of each other on the board in such a way that the word "CO" is spelled. This, I believe, is an illegal ScrabbleTM word and whoever put it there should have been challenged on it.

After Hawkeye's turn, it's Henry's. Henry passes saying that all he has is "X and a ZIKM", letters he can't do anything with. Actually, looking at the board, he can - as long as they're letting Hawkeye keep "Vailness". If Henry plays his "Eye" and "Ex" off the last "Ess" of "Vailness", he'll have the word "SIX". The letter "Ex" will land on a dark blue tile. That would triple the value of the letter "Ex", making it worth 24 points. Altogether, Blake would get a total of 26 points off the letters he has in his hand.

By the way, I believe that portion of the ScrabbleTM game has been edited out for syndication.

Hawkeye describes himself as being just left of Godzilla in the eyes of Travis, the paralysis patient. How does Hawkeye know about Godzilla? The first movie hasn't even been made yet. It won't be until 1956, three years after the War.

When Henry wakes Radar to ask him about the location of the key to the bottom of the Colonel's liquor cabinet, Radar thinks he's talking to his Father about wrecking the car. Didn't Radar's Dad die when Walter was little?

When Trapper and Henry chase Radar's dog behind the Mess Tent, you can see the pole to the barber shop. So that's where it is.

I wonder if Radar really did keep his promise to not fib or say "hell", "d4mn" or "the big one" and not watch his rabbits fool around?


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