Operation Noselift

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: M*A*S*H: Season Two: Operation Noselift
By D.K. Henderson on Tuesday, February 08, 2000 - 6:31 pm:

Plot: Hawkeye and Trapper arrange for a much needed nose job for a soldier. Stuart Margolin switches from psychiatrist to plastic surgeon.

By D.K. Henderson on Friday, April 14, 2000 - 12:51 pm:

Finally got to see this episode again; it's been a long time. I'd forgotten Father Mulcahy's great line, after Hawkeye apologized for saying something off-color: "I just translate things like that into Latin. Makes them sound noble."

The actor with the nose (or the nose with the actor?) was, I believe, one of the voices heard over the PA system. Sal Viscuso was another one, and there was one more.

Stuart Margolin's character really had an overactive libido, didn't he? "It's been hours. I'm getting a headache."

I don't really understand the fuss about elective surgery. I mean, as long as it didn't interfere with the combat surgery (which it didn't) what was the problem?

I'm not certain, but I seem to recall that surgery of that sort would, like a broken nose, result in bruising around the eyes. If that's the case, then the mass nose bandages around camp didn't really hide anything, although it made for a lovely scene.

By Benn Allen on Sunday, April 30, 2000 - 4:38 am:

Wouldn't matter anyway. When the bandages come off, even Frank should be able to tell who had the nose job.

By D.K. Henderson on Thursday, May 11, 2000 - 5:58 am:

During the credits, you see a shot of Margaret and Trapper in an embrace. This was, of course, a syndication cut. After Hawkeye rescued Margaret from his friend's lustful advances, and hauled him off to perform the operation, Margaret was still badly rattled by the incident. Trapper remained to "comfort" her.

By Anonymous on Wednesday, July 18, 2001 - 5:39 pm:

Hawkeye and Trapper tell the soldier that their not plastic surgeons and so they can't operate on his nose, plus it's against regulations. However in a prior episode where Hawkeye needed new boots and was negotiating for Klinger's hairdryer he offered Klinger a nose job(along with 75$).

By Benn on Thursday, July 19, 2001 - 12:45 pm:

That doesn't necessarily mean they were going to perform the operation. Maybe they were going to arrange for Dr. Robinson to give Klinger a nose job. Plastic surgery is a specialty.

By Benn on Saturday, August 03, 2002 - 10:23 pm:

At the start of the ep there is an establishing shot showing Henry’s tent. However, the first scene of the ep takes place in Henry’s office.

Surely after discussing Kentucky Derby Day with General Mitchell in “The Trial of Henry Blake”, there should be no need for Henry to have to explain the 4077th’s Mardi Gras celebration. Then again, as sending reports to General Mitchell (or Hammond or Barker or Clayton) never seem to get any results, you have to wonder Majors Burns and Houlihan keep filing those reports.

Henry mentions the movies The Thing and The Blob. The Thing (From Another World) was released in 1951, so maybe it could've been shown at the 4077th, but The Blob was not released until 1958. So it's impossible for that film to have been shown at the camp.

Once again there’s a guitar on Frank’s side of the tent.

Poor Henry, first the arms of his desk doll get broken, then in this ep Trapper breaks the head on it.

Hawkeye says, “As soon as (Major Robbins) finds out who (‘The Barracuda’) is, we’ll know.” Actually, no they won’t. As far as can be determined, they never learn her identity.

Given that Stanley Robbins won’t reveal which movie stars he’s operated on, how can Henry be a fan of Robbins’ work? Has he ever seen it?

Baker is driven by jeep to allegedly take a few days worth of R&R. The idea is make Majors Burns and Houlihan think he’s leaving camp. The jeep stops to let Baker out. Problem, the camp is clearly visible in the background. That means that anyone could see Baker get out of the jeep and start heading back to camp. That would tend to defeat the purpose of the jeep ride, wouldn’t it?

If Radar’s nose is broken, shouldn’t there be blood? No wonder Burns and Houlihan are suspicious.

The scrub sinks in this ep sit side by side. For most of this season, the sinks have sat facing each other.

By constanze on Wednesday, September 04, 2002 - 2:36 am:

During the scene when the private with the nose talks with the father, you can clearly see that the nose is added to make it bigger (different colours).

I wonder how Dr. Robinson can be director of a hospital with that kind of behaviour - running after every woman in sight, not caring about patients...

By Benn on Wednesday, September 04, 2002 - 3:02 pm:

Actually, I've started just how good of friends Hawkeye was with Stanley Robinson. Am I the only one to find the idea that those two were friends unbelievable? Beyond chasing women (and medicine - to a degree) they have nothing in common. Robinson seems to be genuinely annoyed with Hawkeye. He seems to insult or ignore Pierce at every opportunity. Tommy Gillis from "Sometimes You Hear the Bullet" was more believable.

By Todd Pence on Wednesday, April 30, 2003 - 7:13 pm:

The problem with this episode is that the soilder's nose really isn't that big. It does appear slightly misshapen, as if it has been broken once in the past, but in size it looks to be completely normal.

Radar did a good Marcia Brady in this episode.

By Justin ODonnell on Sunday, July 06, 2003 - 2:46 pm:

This is one of the few episodes where a laugh track was used in the OR scenes.

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