Love and Marriage

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: M*A*S*H: Season Three: Love and Marriage
By D.K. Henderson on Tuesday, February 08, 2000 - 7:28 pm:

Plot A: A Korean enlistee desperately wants to see his pregnant wife, so Hawkeye and Radar go to fetch her.
Plot B. A "clean-cut American" seeks to marry a local call girl so that she can get to the states, and he can collect $1000.

By D.K. Henderson on Saturday, April 29, 2000 - 5:51 am:

On the bus, why did Radar run to the back? I can understand him wanting to get as far away from the proceedings as possible, but going in the back meant that he had a clear view of what was going on.

By constanze on Monday, October 21, 2002 - 3:32 am:

I'm no expert, but doesn't it usually take much longer to give birth? The korean wife started feeling pain, and it was about 3hrs drive to the camp, but when they arrived, the baby was already born. (but that probably goes for most TV shows, to give birth in some dramatic enviroment, because the mother can't make it to the hospital in time).

At first I wondered why Hawk and trapp wanted to prevent the US guy to marry the girl because they knew her to be a prostitute - did they have moral objections (predjudices) against prostitutes, or did they think the girl was conning the boy to get into the states? But the moment when the boy reveals he only wants the money is great, his nice boy-face suddenly turning ugly.

By ScottN on Monday, October 21, 2002 - 9:05 am:

It depends. My wife was a 90 minute labor. Her sister was 20 minutes.

TrekGrrl, on the other hand, 13 hours before an emergency C-section.

By Benn on Monday, December 22, 2003 - 11:47 am:

The scrub sinks are in their normal, side-by-side position in this ep.

Is the Mr. Kwang in this ep meant to be same one who used to be the bartender at the Officers Club? He sure looks different. But I guess that what happens when you're played by a different actor. Incidentally, it is a nice bit of continuity using Mr. Kwang (even if he looks different). Many of the O.R. scenes earlier this season had Mr. Kwang in them.

There's one really brief cut form the poker game. It's a close-up of Radar getting a pickle to eat, followed by a warning from Hawkeye. Pierce warns the Corporal not to get pickle juice on the cards.

Looks to me like some of the poker game has been cut. I think some of the lines of Zale and Radar objecting to the doctors' treatment of McShane and his wanting to get married has been edited.

Interesting. When Frank stops Mr. Kwang from going on leave, he's wearing the Officer of the Day armband. Rarely has that armband been seen since the ep, "Officer of the Day".

Why is Mr. Kwang leaving at night? Surely, he must realize that this will arouse suspicions. Besides, when have we ever seen a character go on leave at night?

The bus Hawkeye and Radar board is obviously shipping patients out. That means it's going away from the front. And that it'll have to double back to the frontline. Seems like an awful lot of trouble to pick up a pregnant woman. Not to mention that if birth is imminent, the bus runs the risk of arriving too late to help her. Is there a reason a jeep couldn't been driven out to her?

Good thing there weren't any casualties while Hawkeye and Radar were gone. The trip from Mr. Kwang's village is a three hour drive. That means it took at least three hours for the bus to get there. That's a total of at least 6 hours that Pierce and O'Reilly are gone from the 4077th.

On the bus, why did Radar run to the back? - D.K. Henderson

Because he was already sitting to the back of the bus. He was at all times closer to the back of the bus. Plus, after Mrs. Kwang was put on a bed, Radar had Hawkeye standing between the front of the bus and the back of the bus. He may have perceived the Captain as an obstacle to his movements. Ultimately, I think he panicked and went to the end of the vehicle he was the closest to.

That baby had an awful lot of hair on it for a newborn, didn't it? It is possible, I suppose. It just seems like all babies born on TV have so much hair on them when they are born.

The last tag has been cut for syndication. It's merely Mr. Kwang with his wife and son in Post-Op. Hawkeye reads the name of the child/ It's "Radar Benjamin Franklin Trapper John Henry Kwang". Why is Hawkeye's real name used and not Trapper's or Radar's? (Radar's because it hasn't been revealed yet.)

The tag ends with the revelation that Radar got top billing billing because he got Mr. Kwang the pass. Henry then wants to see Radar write "Colonel Henry Blake", to see how well the Corporal forges the name. Henry wants Radar to write on the medical sheet for Mrs. Kwang and child. Should that be done? Isn't that kinda an official paper?


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