Mad as hell over pixels

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: PC Games: The Damp Basement: Mad as hell over pixels
By Rydell Mooner on Tuesday, August 01, 2000 - 11:57 pm:

All right, I've had it up to here (mental image of me waving my hand in front of my eyes while looking angered) with people who whine if they see a single pixel in a game. People, videogames are an interactive form of entertainment that are played for the sake of resolving conflicts. If you want entertainment based solely on appearence and not plot, go watch The Mummy again.

Given the choice, I'd rather play the original WarCraft or SpaceQuest V than half of the pretty-looking krap on the market today. These people who buy a game just because it gives their 3D card a coronary aren't gamers, they're techies, which is a totally different thing. With me, I buy a game for play value, not pretty lights. If a game has both (Wheel of Time), well then I am a happy gamer.

Thank you for allowing me to rant and rave. The little alien dwelling in my head has ceased jackhammering my cerebllum for the time being.

By MarkN on Wednesday, August 02, 2000 - 4:40 am:

I like Nocturne's graphics (though the playing takes a little getting used to), but as I play it I wonder why more games can't have similar graphics, especially FPS ones like Rainbow Six? I don't really know anything about graphics or how they're done and whatnot, but Rainbow Six's graphics seem to me to be hardly more than Dire Straits' Money For Nothing video, which is 15,16 years old now! If computers are evolving so quickly, then so should game graphics. I only wish I could afford a 3D accelerator, or are they really worth all the hype?

By Brian Webber on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 - 10:31 pm:

I agree wholeheartedly with Rydell. While many of the latest Star Wars games out there have superior graphics, they can't top the gameplay that makes TIE Fighter one of my all time favorites.

By Jason on Wednesday, August 30, 2000 - 10:25 am:

I also agree with Rydell. I would rather have a good game that looks somewhat cheesy as apposed to a game that looks totaly realistic but has no plot.

By Andrea V on Sunday, February 24, 2002 - 3:41 pm:

In terms of graphics, I like the Myst series the best, but the most _challenging_ game (logic game, that is)I have encountered is a tiny Windows game that involved extricating blocks from a tightly packed "room", can't remember what it's called. Its game window was the size of a saltine.

By Influx on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 11:28 am:

I had that one, too. Just tried to find out what it was called but I guess I have deleted it from my computer (out of frustration, no doubt). It ticked me off when I had one move to make to solve the puzzle and it wouldn't let me.